Bugfix release
- Fix formatting of some JsonParseException errors, such as "Unexpected character ... instead of array value"
- Properly handles escape sequences and unicode code points
- Fixes issue where if a string ended with an escaped double-quote, a failure would be encountered
Bugfix release
- Change format of error-trace message
- Failing to parse root constant should throw JsonParseException, not NullPointerException
- Ignore all input after root element
Bugfix release
- Empty strings will no longer break parsing
Performance release
- Now will handle arrays faster, as it delimits their current "propertyName" as
instead of"[]"
Performance and array-index-trace release
- Array index is now shown in JSON traces. [0] is the first element, [1] is the second, and so on
- Can now parse strings, numbers and constants as the root element. It doesn't have to be an array or object anymore
- More internal consistency in the way root objects are handled
- Performance increased by at least 25% (only one stack is used for managing state)
are now static methods. Building an object is no longer necessary
Performance release
- Refactored object
and value typesSTRING
to use forward look-aheads (my term) to increase speed
Performance release
- Detecting constants (whitespace, numbers) is now faster
- Improves avoidance of processing for end-of-block (e.g. object or array), when no end-of-block is occurring
- Don't include Junit in compile scope. Instead, it should only be available for testing
Performance release
- Don't check if non-string value is null/true/false up front, just attempt to parse it upon value termination
- Add
to see version changes
Initial release
- Convert json string to array/map.
- Show json stack trace on error