OSC-DL is an advanced Python 3 command line utility for obtaining homebrew from the Open Shop Channel repository, and scraping it's contents.
Soon, it will be available as a PIP package for use in other projects that require obtaining homebrew applications.
Currently, the following features are implemented:
- Listing all apps on the remote repository.
- Obtaining and parsing metadata.
- Downloading individual apps or the entire repository.
I recommend using the latest release build, as it's a onefile variation of the program useful for avoiding dependency hell.
Make sure Python 3 is installed and used.
git clone https://github.com/dhtdht020/osc-dl.git
cd osc-dl
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 osc-dl.py
You can download homebrew from the Open Shop Channel by using osc-dl get
Example usage: osc-dl get -n wiixplorer
The following arguments can be used
-n / --name
Required. Name of homebrew app to download-c / --noconfirm
Disable download confirmation message after application metadata displays.-o / --output
Output file name.
You can obtain visual metadata or metadata items about homebrew applications in the Open Shop Channel by using osc-dl meta
Example usage: osc-dl meta -n wiixplorer
Example output:
=========== Application Metadata ===========
Application: WiiXplorer
Developer: Dimok
Version: r259
Description: Wii File Browser
Example usage: osc-dl meta -n wiixplorer -t version
Example output:
The following arguments can be used
-n / --name
Required. Name of homebrew app to obtain metadata for.-t / --type
Type of metadata to obtain (display_name, developer, version, short_description, long_description, release_date, contributors)-o / --output
Output file name.
You can list the names of all homebrew on the Open Shop Channel repository by using osc-dl list
Example usage: osc-dl list
Currently, there are no arguments, although a way to filter the results or save to a file is planned.
You can search homebrew available on the Open Shop Channel by using osc-dl query
Example usage: osc-dl query -n wiixplorer
This command is unfinished, and can currently only check for exact matches.
The following arguments can be used
-n / --name
Required. Name of homebrew app to query.-v / --verify
Caused query to return "True" if the app is present and "False" if it isn't.
This command was intended for debugging, and we don't recommend using it, as it might have an unexpected behaviour.
Example usage: osc-dl get-all
This command is not maintained nor supported, and although specified in help, setting output directory is not possible at the time.