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unit Engine3D_Weather;interfaceuses types, quickdraw, Dream3Display_Tipi, Engine3D_Globals;type WeatherResource = record FrameTicks : integer; FrameN : integer; FrameCIconId : packed array [0..0] of integer; end; WeatherResourcePtr = ^WeatherResource; WeatherResourceHandle = ^WeatherResourcePtr;procedure WeatherResource2Weather ( TheWeatherResource : WeatherResourceHandle);function GetWeather ( Id : integer) : WeatherResourceHandle;procedure ShowWeather;procedure DisposeWeather;procedure Scape_Init;procedure Scape_Rflx1 ( Where : point);implementationuses fixmath, toolutils, windows, qdoffscreen, resources, icons, palettes, AppleEvents, AERegistry, segload, memory, cilindro, dreamtypes, lowlevel, Dream3Display_Tools, Engine3D_CIconArray, Engine3D_Roofs, Engine3D_DrawXLine, Engine3D_Rotate;const MaxWeatherFrames = 10; WeatherResType = 'Weat'; type Weather = record FrameTicks : integer; LastTick : longint; FrameN : integer; CurrentFrame : integer; Frame : array [0..MaxWeatherFrames - 1] of ptr; end; WeatherPtr = ^Weather; WeatherHandle = ^WeatherPtr; ScapeRecord = record ScapePalette : ByteColorArray; Rflx1Array : array [0..50] of integer; end; ScapeRecordPtr = ^ScapeRecord; var EnvironmentWeather : Weather; ScapeGlobals : ScapeRecordPtr; {$S Engine3D_WeatherTools}function GetWeather ( Id : integer) : WeatherResourceHandle;var Tmp : handle;begin Tmp := mygetresource (WeatherResType, Id, false, false); if Tmp = nil then deathalert (errmissingscenres, 0); GetWeather := WeatherResourceHandle (Tmp);end;{$S Engine3D_WeatherTools}{$PUSH} {$R-}procedure WeatherResource2Weather ( TheWeatherResource : WeatherResourceHandle);var I : integer; TheWeatherPtr : WeatherResourcePtr; dummy : boolean; begin hlock (handle (TheWeatherResource)); TheWeatherPtr := TheWeatherResource^; with TheWeatherPtr^ do begin EnvironmentWeather.FrameTicks := FrameTicks; EnvironmentWeather.FrameN := FrameN; EnvironmentWeather.LastTick := 0; EnvironmentWeather.CurrentFrame := 0; for I := 0 to FrameN do EnvironmentWeather.Frame [I] := GetCIconOnPtr (FrameCIconId [I], true, dummy); end; releaseresource (handle (TheWeatherResource));end;{$POP}{$S Engine3D}procedure ShowWeather;var I, J : integer; ThePtr : ptr; TheRect : rect; {$R-}begin with EnvironmentWeather do begin if TheTick > LastTick + FrameTicks then begin LastTick := TheTick; CurrentFrame := CurrentFrame + 1; if CurrentFrame = FrameN + 1 then CurrentFrame := 0; end; ThePtr := Frame [CurrentFrame]; for I := 4 downto 0 do for J := 3 downto 0 do begin with TheRect do begin top := bsl (J, 6); left := bsl (I, 6); bottom := bsl (J + 1, 6); right := bsl (I + 1, 6); end; FastPlotHCicon (ThePtr, TheRect); end; end;end;{$S Engine3D_WeatherTools}procedure DisposeWeather;var I : integer; begin with EnvironmentWeather do begin for I := FrameN downto 0 do disposeptr (Frame [I]); end;end;procedure Scape_Init;procedure InitRflx1;var I : integer; begin ScapeGlobals^.ScapePalette := Array66^; for I := 0 to 25 do ScapeGlobals^.Rflx1Array [I] := round (25 * cos (I * 3.1415926 / 50)); for I := 26 to 50 do ScapeGlobals^.Rflx1Array [I] := round (25 * cos ((50 - I) * 3.1415926 / 50));end;begin ScapeGlobals := ScapeRecordPtr (newptr (sizeof (ScapeRecord))); if ScapeGlobals = nil then; InitRflx1;end;procedure Scape_Rflx1 ( Where : point);type byteptr = ^byte; var I, J : longint; TheAddr : byteptr; TheBaseAddr : ptr; LocalRow : longint; LocalArray : ByteColorArray; LocalI : integer;begin LocalRow := DstRow; TheBaseAddr := ptr (longint (OffScreenAddr) + Where.h + Where.v * LocalRow); LocalArray := ScapeGlobals^.ScapePalette; for I := 0 to 50 do begin LocalI := ScapeGlobals^.Rflx1Array [I]; TheAddr := byteptr (longint (TheBaseAddr) + LocalI); for J := LocalI to 50 - LocalI do begin TheAddr^ := LocalArray [TheAddr^]; TheAddr := byteptr (longint (TheAddr) + 1); end; TheBaseAddr := ptr (longint (TheBaseAddr) + LocalRow); end;end;end.