Kotlin Multiplaform http networking abstraction.
- Default Http request implementation for each platform
- Http header management and Error management
- Connectivity (Reachability) management
- Deserialization of results using kotlinx.serialization
- Abstract network in Kotlin Multiplatform making sure every bit of network code is testable.
- Implement Reactive Streams pattern
Request builder is a simple class that provides information about the request to send. See RequestBuilder.kt for fields documentation.
To send http requests
- Create a child class of HttpRequestPublisher
- Provide a RequestBuilder by overriding builder var
- Override processResponse to transform HttpResponse into expected result type.
val request = object: HttpRequestPublisher<String>() {
override val builder = RequestBuilder().also {
it.baseUrl = "http://www.site.com/path/to/request"
override fun processResponse(response: HttpResponse): String = response.bodyString ?: ""
To deserialize a JSON payload:
- Create a kotlix.serializable class
- Create a DeserializableHttpRequestPublisher with the serializer in parameter.
If there is no need to parse the body of the response, use this publisher instead. Only errors will be handled.
If you want the raw HttpResponse object, use this publisher.
data class Foo(val bar: String)
val request = DeserializableHttpRequestPublisher<Foo>(
RequestBuilder().also { it.path = "/getFoo" }
and DeserializableHttpRequestPublisher
both haves an optional httpHeaderProvider
constructor parameter to provide additionnal request header (Authorization token per example).
See HttpHeaderProvider.kt for complete documentation.
When swift-extensions or android-ktx are configured (See below), you can access the ConnectivityState using the following sample:
HttpConfiguration.connectibityPublisher.subscribe(cancelableManager) {
if it == NONE {
print("No connection")
} else {
print("We have connection")
Values are WIFI
dependencies {
maven { url("https://s3.amazonaws.com/mirego-maven/public") }
ios() {
binaries {
framework {
export "com.mirego.trikot:http:$trikot_version"
sourceSets {
commonMain {
dependencies {
implementation "com.mirego.trikot:http:$trikot_version"