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A Zig wrapper for Segger RTT library


A Zig wrapper for the Segger RTT library ( Allows usage of the RTT protocol in Zig projects with a Zig like interface using std.fmt just like the standard library IO functions. Please note this project is in no way affliated with Segger.

Getting Started


Using with a Zig application

In your main build.zig file import as a dependency and specify any library options such as the number of up/down channels and their associated buffer sizes.

const zig_rtt_dep = b.dependency("zig_rtt", .{
    .target = target,
    .optimize = optimize,
    .up_channels = @as(u32, 1),
    .down_channels = @as(u32, 1),
    .up_buffer_size = @as(u32, 2048),
    .down_buffer_size = @as(u32, 64),
exe.root_module.addImport("zig_rtt", zig_rtt_dep.module("zig_rtt"));

Add the following to your build.zig.zon file.

.dependencies = .{
    .gatz = .{
        .url = "git+",
        .hash = "122079adf4c3bf1082b907ea8438096c50c193fa3224ea590dd0c7d3eff1d405c3de",
    .zig_rtt = .{
        .url = "",
        .hash = "1220628faea28be1953c5bbe29c2882467a5dc1ac62ffdc6d30d255478b1b6d6a08e",

If you are working with a local copy then use .path instead of .url/.hash

.dependencies = .{
    .gatz = .{
        .url = "git+",
        .hash = "122079adf4c3bf1082b907ea8438096c50c193fa3224ea590dd0c7d3eff1d405c3de",
    .zig_rtt = .{
        .path = "src/lib/zig-rtt",

Example usage to provide std.log interface

const std = @import("std");
const zrtt = @import("zig_rtt");

const rtt = zrtt.Rtt().init();

// The default log level is based on build mode.
pub const default_level: std.log.Level = switch (std.builtin.mode) {
    .Debug => .debug,
    .ReleaseSafe => .info,
    .ReleaseFast, .ReleaseSmall => .err,

pub const std_options = .{
    .logFn = myLogFn,

pub fn myLogFn(
    comptime level: std.log.Level,
    comptime scope: @TypeOf(.EnumLiteral),
    comptime format: []const u8,
    args: anytype,
) void {
    const level_prefix = "[" ++ switch (level) {
        .debug => rtt.ctrl().TEXT_BLUE,
        .warn => rtt.ctrl().TEXT_YELLOW,
        .err => rtt.ctrl().TEXT_RED,
        .info => rtt.ctrl().TEXT_GREEN,
    } ++ comptime level.asText() ++ rtt.ctrl().RESET ++ "] ";

    const scope_prefix = switch (scope) {
        std.log.default_log_scope => "",
        else => "(" ++ @tagName(scope) ++ ") ",

    rtt.print(level_prefix ++ scope_prefix ++ format, args);

Accessing channels other than the default channel 0

If you need to access a channel other than the default they can be accesssed using the upChannel and downChannel functions. It is a compile time error to try and access a channel above what you have configured at build time.

rtt.upChannel(1).print("hello\n", .{});

Accessing or

You can access standard library compatible Reader/Writer interfaces using the methods on the appropriate upChannel (Writer) or downChannel (Reader)

const writer = rtt.upChannel(0).writer();
const reader = rtt.downChannel(0).reader();


  • This project is licensed under MIT (
  • All source code from Segger RTT library is subject to it's own license see src/segger_rtt/


Contributors names and contact info

  1. Matt Ihnen [email protected] [email protected]

Version History

  • 0.0.1
    • Initial Release