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Releases: microsoft/appcenter-sdk-dotnet


12 Jul 01:49
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Async APIs and Android strict mode

This release focuses on fixing Android strict mode issues (including Android 8 ones).

Since strict mode checks if you spend time reading storage on U.I. thread we had to make the following APIs asynchronous and is thus a breaking change on PCL and all targets:

  • {AnyClass}.Enabled is now split into GetEnabledAsync() and SetEnabledAsync(bool)
  • MobileCenter.InstallId is now MobileCenter.GetInstallIdAsync()
  • Crashes.HasCrashedInLastSession is now Crashes.HasCrashedInLastSessionAsync()

Other changes



  • Fix null argument exceptions when passing null arguments to most APIs, an error is logged instead now.
  • This release also includes changes from underlying iOS SDK:
  • Xamarin SDK calls MSCrashes.disableMachExceptionHandler() automatically as it's not suitable in Xamarin environment.


  • Fix various race conditions.
  • Fix screen size reporting.
  • Fix a bug where U.I. could be blocked for a long time when initializing push.
  • Fix null reference exception when calling SetCustomProperties before Start, now logs an error.


26 Jun 21:51
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Roll back version 0.13.0 .NET standard change for portable libraries due to reported issues with it.

Also, version 0.13.0 was adding unnecessary packages to Android and iOS projects, and they can now be safely uninstalled. You will find a list of these unnecessary packages in the packages.config file attached to this release.

If your portable project is using .NET standard, you can still use our nugets by adding this to your project.json file:

  "frameworks": {
    "netstandard1.{DotNETStandardVersion}": {
        "imports": "portable-net45+win8+wpa81"

After the dependencies section.


  "dependencies": {
    "Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Analytics": "0.13.1",
    "Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Crashes": "0.13.1",
    "Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Distribute": "0.13.1",
    "Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Push": "0.13.1",
    "NETStandard.Library": "1.6.1"
  "frameworks": {
    "netstandard1.0": {
        "imports": "portable-net45+win8+wpa81"


20 Jun 19:35
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  • Add MobileCenter.SetCustomProperties method to enable audience segmentation with push notifications.
  • Fix a bug in UWP where logs would be mishandled on a network outage.
  • Move initialization of HttpClient class to a background thread in UWP.
  • Fix bug in UWP SDK where starting MobileCenter from another place than OnLaunched sometimes crashed. Also removed the error log, now you can init the SDK in constructor too if you prefer.
  • Fix various race conditions in UWP.
  • Fix a bug where 2 sessions could be reported at once when resuming from background (UWP and Android).
  • Add a new Android specific method Push.CheckLaunchedFromNotification to use in OnNewIntent if launchMode of the activity is not standard to fix push listener when clicking on background push and recycling the activity.
  • Switch from PCL to .NET Standard for the portable projects.
  • This release also includes changes from underlying Android and iOS SDKs of the following versions:


19 May 22:09
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11 May 22:53
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11 May 21:49
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  • Add Push service to UWP to enable sending push notifications to your apps from the Mobile Center portal.


28 Apr 23:36
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  • Fix ReleaseAvailable callback in iOS to be able to customize the update dialog on iOS too.
  • Fix showing default update dialog after resetting ReleaseAvailable callback to null.


28 Apr 02:50
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This version contains bug fixes, improvements and new features.


  • Add method to manually set the country code in UWP apps: MobileCenter.SetCountryCode(string).
  • Fix a bug where installing the Mobile Center NuGet packages can cause Mobile Center types not to appear in Intellisense.
  • Use another sqlite package dependency in UWP.
  • Add xamarin runtime version in logs sent to backend.


Events have some validation and you will see the following in logs:

  • An error if the event name is null, empty or longer than 256 characters (event is not sent in that case).

  • A warning for invalid event properties (the event is sent but without invalid properties):

    • More than 5 properties per event (in that case we send only 5 of them and log warnings).
    • Property key null, empty or longer than 64 characters.
    • Property value null or longer than 64 characters.


  • Improve reporting and rendering of some Java ClassNotFoundException caught from .NET side.


  • New distribute callback to provide an ability of in-app update customization (on Android only for now).
  • New default update dialog with release notes view.


Include changes from


Include changes from


13 Apr 20:19
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This release introduces the following features:

  • Distribute module for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android.
  • Analytics module support for UWP platform.

Those 2 features works also when using PCL and Xamarin Forms.

This release also includes changes from underlying Android and iOS SDKs of the following versions:


03 Mar 21:48
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