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New Syntax for Abstract Refinements

Ghost Parameters

A n -> B (n + 1)

-- becomes
{ p n => q (n + 1)}. A<p> -> B<q>

-- i.e.
{ p n => v = n + 1 => q v}. A<p> -> B<q>

which means, I suppose that

A n -> B (op n)

-- becomes
{ p n => q (op n) }. A<p> -> B<q>

-- i.e.

{ p n => v = op n => q v }. A<p> -> B<q>

(a -> Count b <

>) -> xs:List a -> (Count (List b) <>)

A n -> B m -> C (n + m)

-- becomes
{ p n => q m => r (n + m) }. A<p> -> B<q> -> C<r>

-- i.e.
{ p n => q m => v = n + m => r v }. A<p> -> B<q> -> C<r>

{ n::Int

|- {v:Int | v = n+1} <: Int }

{-@ bump1 :: forall <p::Int -> Bool, q::Int -> Bool>.
               { n::Int<p> |- {v:Int | v = n + 1} <: Int<q> }
               (Int -> Int<p>) -> Int<q>
bump1 :: (Int -> Int) -> Int
bump1 f = f 0 + 1

{-@ bumps :: forall <p::[Int] -> Bool, q::Int -> Bool>.
               { xs :: [Int]<p> |- {v:Int | v = len xs} <: Int<q> }
               (Int -> [Int]<p>) -> Int<q>

bumps :: (Int -> ListN Int n) -> IntN n
bumps f = size (f 0)

{-@ bump2 :: forall <p::Int -> Bool, q::Int -> Bool, r::Int -> Bool>.
               { n::Int<p>, m::Int<q> |- {v:Int | v = n + m} <: Int<r> }
               (Int -> Int<p>) -> (Int -> Int<q>) -> Int<r>
bump2 :: (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int) -> Int
bump2 f g = f 0 + g 0

{-@ flerb :: ({v:Int | v = 6}, {v:Int | v = 10}) @-}
flerb = (a, b)   
    a = bump  zong
    b = bump2 zong zong
    zong :: Int -> Int
    zong n = 5

{-@ type IntN N = {v:Int | v == N} @-}
bump1 :: Ghost n. (Int -> IntN n) -> IntN (n+1)
bump2 :: Ghost n m. (Int -> IntN n) -> (Int -> IntN m) -> IntN (n+m)

New Proposal

NOTE: I believe this is a purely syntactic change: it should not affect how absref is actually implemented, but it more precisely describes the implementation than the current -> Bool formulation.

Step 1: Abstract Refinement is "Type with Shape"

Key idea is to think of an abstract refinement as a (function returning a) refinement type.

That is, the abstract refinement:

  T1 -> T2 -> T3 -> ... -> S -> Bool

now just becomes

  T1 -> T2 -> T3 -> ... -> {S}

Here, {S} denotes a refinement type with shape S

Key Payoff: This means that we don't need an explicit application form, that is

  foo :: forall <p :: Int -> Bool>. [Int<p>] -> Int<p>

can just be written as

  foo :: forall <p :: {Int}>. [p] -> p

where we need not write Int<p>, its enough to just write p.

Step 2: An explicit "Meet" Operator

However, sometimes you need to write things like:

  List <p> a <<p>>

where p :: List a -> Bool i.e. p :: {List a} and which denotes

  • a list-of-a that is recursively indexed by p, AND
  • where the top-level list is constrained by p.

That is, more generally, where you want to

  • additionally, index the type with other abstract refinements, AND
  • "apply" an abstract refinement to the "top-level" type.

For this, I think we should have an explicit meet operator Note that, earlier Int<p> was an implicit meet operator, where we were conjoining Int and p. Viewing p as just being a refined Int allows us to SEPARATE "meet" to only those places where its really needed.

So we can write the funny List <p> a <<p>> as:

  p /\ List <p> a

See below for many other examples:

Example: Value Dependencies


  foo :: forall <p :: Int -> Int -> Bool>. x:Int -> [Int<p x>] -> Int<p x>


  foo :: forall <p :: Int -> {Int}>. x:Int -> [p x] -> p x

Example: Dependent Pairs


  data Pair a b <p :: a -> b -> Bool>
    = Pair { pairX :: a
           , pairB :: b<p pairX>

  type OrdPair a = Pair <{\px py -> px < py}> a a


  data Pair a b <p :: a -> {b}>
    = Pair { pairX :: a
           , pairY :: p pairX

  type OrdPair a = Pair a a <\px ->  {py:a | px < py}>

Example: Binary Search Maps


  data Map k a <l :: root:k -> k -> Bool, r :: root:k -> k -> Bool>
      = Tip
      | Bin { mSz    :: Size
            , mKey   :: k
            , mValue :: a
            , mLeft  :: Map <l, r> (k <l mKey>) a
            , mRight :: Map <l, r> (k <r mKey>) a }

  type OMap k a = Map <{\root v -> v < root }, {\root v -> v > root}> k a


  data Map k a <l :: root:k -> {k}, r :: root:k -> {k}>
      = Tip
      | Bin { mSz    :: Size
            , mKey   :: k
            , mValue :: a
            , mLeft  :: Map (l mKey) a <l, r>
            , mRight :: Map (r mKey) a <l, r> }

  type OMap k a = Map k a <\root -> {v:k | v < root }, \root -> {v:k | root < v}>

Example: Ordered Lists


  data List a <p :: a -> a -> Bool>
    = Emp
    | Cons { lHd :: a
           , lTl :: List <p> (a<p lHd>)

  type OList a = List <{\x v -> x <= v}> a


  data List a <p :: a -> {a}>
    = Emp
    | Cons { lHd :: a
           , lTl :: List (p lHd) <p>

  type OList a = List a <\x -> {v:a | x <= v}>

Example: Infinite Streams


  data List a <p :: List a -> Prop>
    = N
    | C { x  :: a
        , xs :: List <p> a <<p>>

  type Stream a = {xs: List <{\v -> isCons v}> a | isCons xs}


  data List a <p :: {List a}>
    = N
    | C { x  :: a
        , xs :: p /\ List a <p>

  type Stream a = {xs: List a <{v | isCons v}> | isCons xs}

Old Proposal

Current Syntax Future Syntax
Abstract Refinements List <{\x v -> v >= x}> Int List Int (\x v -> v >= x)
[a<p>]<{\x v -> v >= x}> [a p] (\x v -> v >= x) (??)
Int<p> Int p
Int<\x -> x >=0> Int (\x -> x >= 0)

| | Maybe <<p>> (a<q>) (?) | Maybe (a q) p | | | Map <l, r> <<p>> k v (?) | Maybe k v l r p |

| Type Arguments | ListN a {len xs + len ys} | ListN a (len xs + len ys) |

Q: How do I distinguish Int p with ListN a n? (p is a abstract refinement and n is an Integer)

A: From the context! Use simple kinds, i.e. ListN :: * -> Int -> * Int :: ?AR -> *