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0.}, { + 0., 1.2828873028183188`}}, {-8.702521921403617, \ +-2.012105908138385}}}], + GeometricTransformationBox[ + GraphicsGroupBox[{ + Thickness[0.0149], + GraphicsGroupBox[{{ + FaceForm[ + RGBColor[0.584, 0.51, 0.8390000000000001]], + + FilledCurveBox[{{{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}}, {{{ + 30.5, 30.5}, {37.5, 30.5}, {37.5, 23.5}, {30.5, + 23.5}}}]}, { + FaceForm[ + RGBColor[0.4, 0.396, 0.659]], + + FilledCurveBox[{{{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}, {{0, 2, + 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}}, {{{38., 31.}, {30., 31.}, { + 30., 23.}, {38., 23.}}, {{37., 24.}, {31., 24.}, {31., + 30.}, {37., 30.}}}]}}]}], {{{{1.5182866155506958`, 0.}, { + 0., 1.2065857650683098`}}, {-11.402865979580374`, \ +-6.527851836053724}}}]}, PlotRange -> All, AspectRatio -> 1, PlotRangePadding -> + 0, ImagePadding -> 0, ImageSize -> 15, ImageMargins -> + 0.], {-4.000000053589793, -1.9999998928204112`}]}, + TagBox[ + GridBox[{{ + StyleBox["\"dec_3\"", Bold, StripOnInput -> False]}, { + StyleBox[ + "NetGraph", 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{22.5, 12.5}, {15.5, + 12.5}}}]}, { + FaceForm[ + RGBColor[0.24300000000000002`, 0.608, 0.71]], + + FilledCurveBox[{{{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}, {{0, 2, + 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}}, {{{23., 20.}, {15., 20.}, { + 15., 12.}, {23., 12.}}, {{22., 13.}, {16., 13.}, {16., + 19.}, {22., 19.}}}]}}]}], {{{{1.6446663930506598`, 0.}, { + 0., 1.2828873028183188`}}, {-8.702521921403617, \ +-2.012105908138385}}}], + GeometricTransformationBox[ + GraphicsGroupBox[{ + Thickness[0.0149], + GraphicsGroupBox[{{ + FaceForm[ + RGBColor[0.584, 0.51, 0.8390000000000001]], + + FilledCurveBox[{{{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}}, {{{ + 30.5, 30.5}, {37.5, 30.5}, {37.5, 23.5}, {30.5, + 23.5}}}]}, { + FaceForm[ + RGBColor[0.4, 0.396, 0.659]], + + FilledCurveBox[{{{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}, {{0, 2, + 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}}, {{{38., 31.}, {30., 31.}, { + 30., 23.}, {38., 23.}}, {{37., 24.}, {31., 24.}, {31., + 30.}, {37., 30.}}}]}}]}], {{{{1.5182866155506958`, 0.}, { + 0., 1.2065857650683098`}}, {-11.402865979580374`, \ +-6.527851836053724}}}]}, PlotRange -> All, AspectRatio -> 1, PlotRangePadding -> + 0, ImagePadding -> 0, ImageSize -> 15, ImageMargins -> + 0.], {-6.000000107179586, -3.9999998392306164`}]}, + TagBox[ + GridBox[{{ + StyleBox["\"enc_5\"", Bold, StripOnInput -> False]}, { + StyleBox[ + "NetGraph", FontFamily -> "Source Code Pro", + ShowStringCharacters -> True, StripOnInput -> False]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}, + DefaultBaseStyle -> "Column", + GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], + "Column"], TooltipStyle -> { + Background -> GrayLevel[0.937255], CellFrame -> 1, + CellFrameColor -> GrayLevel[0.85]}], Annotation[#, + Column[{ + Style["enc_5", Bold], + Style[ + NetGraph, FontFamily -> "Source Code Pro", + ShowStringCharacters -> True]}], "Tooltip"]& ], + + EventHandlerTag[{ + "MouseClicked" :> ( + NeuralNetworks`Private`NetGraph`selection = 12), + PassEventsUp -> False, Method -> "Preemptive", + 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5.25}, {6.75, + 17.25}, {8.25, 17.25}, {8.25, 18.}}, {{9.75, 17.25}, { + 12.75, 17.25}, {12.75, 16.5}, {9.75, 16.5}}}], + + FilledCurveBox[{{{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}, {{0, 2, + 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}, {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, + 0}}, {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}}, {{{8.25, + 14.25}, {14.25, 14.25}, {14.25, 13.5}, {8.25, 13.5}}, {{ + 8.25, 12.}, {14.25, 12.}, {14.25, 11.25}, {8.25, + 11.25}}, {{8.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.}, {8.25, + 9.}}, {{8.25, 7.5}, {14.25, 7.5}, {14.25, 6.75}, {8.25, + 6.75}}}]}, ImageSize -> 11], + StyleBox["\"path: \"", + RGBColor[ + 0.5372549019607843, 0.5372549019607843, + 0.5372549019607843], StripOnInput -> False], + RowBox[{"{", "\"Input\"", "}"}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{0.2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"], + TooltipStyle -> { + 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1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}, {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, + 0}}, {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}}, {{{8.25, + 14.25}, {14.25, 14.25}, {14.25, 13.5}, {8.25, 13.5}}, {{ + 8.25, 12.}, {14.25, 12.}, {14.25, 11.25}, {8.25, + 11.25}}, {{8.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.}, {8.25, + 9.}}, {{8.25, 7.5}, {14.25, 7.5}, {14.25, 6.75}, {8.25, + 6.75}}}]}, ImageSize -> 11], + Style["path: ", + RGBColor[ + 0.5372549019607843, 0.5372549019607843, + 0.5372549019607843]], {"Input"}}}, + Alignment -> {Left, Center}, + Spacings -> {0.2, Automatic}], "Tooltip"]& ], "\":\""}, + "RowDefault"], "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + StyleBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\[ThinSpace]", "\" \"", "\"array\"", + StyleBox[ + "\"(\[VeryThinSpace]size: \ +1\[Times]32\[Times]112\[Times]112\[VeryThinSpace])\"", + GrayLevel[0.5], StripOnInput -> False]}, + "RowWithSeparators"], "SummaryItem"]}, { + ItemBox[ + StyleBox["Output Port", Bold], + Frame -> {{False, False}, {False, True}}, FrameStyle -> + GrayLevel[0.85]], + ItemBox[ + StyleBox[ + + 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1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}, {{0, 2, + 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}, {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, + 0}}, {{0, 2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}}, {{{8.25, + 14.25}, {14.25, 14.25}, {14.25, 13.5}, {8.25, 13.5}}, {{ + 8.25, 12.}, {14.25, 12.}, {14.25, 11.25}, {8.25, + 11.25}}, {{8.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.}, {8.25, + 9.}}, {{8.25, 7.5}, {14.25, 7.5}, {14.25, 6.75}, {8.25, + 6.75}}}]}, ImageSize -> 11], + StyleBox["\"path: \"", + RGBColor[ + 0.5372549019607843, 0.5372549019607843, + 0.5372549019607843], StripOnInput -> False], + RowBox[{"{", "\"Output\"", "}"}]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> { + "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}}, AutoDelete -> + False, GridBoxItemSize -> { + "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, + GridBoxSpacings -> { + "Columns" -> {{0.2}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"], + TooltipStyle -> { + Background -> RGBColor[ + 0.9098039215686274, 0.9529411764705882, 1.]}], + Annotation[#, + Grid[{{ + Graphics[{ + FaceForm[ + RGBColor[ + 0.9607843137254902, 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{{ + 8.25, 12.}, {14.25, 12.}, {14.25, 11.25}, {8.25, + 11.25}}, {{8.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.75}, {14.25, 9.}, {8.25, + 9.}}, {{8.25, 7.5}, {14.25, 7.5}, {14.25, 6.75}, {8.25, + 6.75}}}]}, ImageSize -> 11], + Style["path: ", + RGBColor[ + 0.5372549019607843, 0.5372549019607843, + 0.5372549019607843]], {"Output"}}}, + Alignment -> {Left, Center}, + Spacings -> {0.2, Automatic}], "Tooltip"]& ], "\":\""}, + "RowDefault"], "SummaryItemAnnotation"], + StyleBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\[ThinSpace]", "\" \"", "\"array\"", + StyleBox[ + "\"(\[VeryThinSpace]size: \ +32\[Times]112\[Times]112\[Times]18\[VeryThinSpace])\"", + GrayLevel[0.5], StripOnInput -> False]}, + "RowWithSeparators"], "SummaryItem"]}}, + GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}}]}, { + DynamicBox[ + If[ + IntegerQ[NeuralNetworks`Private`NetGraph`selection], + NeuralNetworks`FormatSelectedParameterGraph[ + + Part[<|"Nodes" -> <| + "start" -> <|"Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{1, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`AtomT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 1, 1, 1, 1}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {1, 1, 1}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 1, "$InputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 1|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{1, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`AtomT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Function" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "enc_1" -> <|"Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/start" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 24, 1, 1, 1}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {1, 1, 1}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 112, 112}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Function" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 112, 112}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 64, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, + 112, 112}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, + 112, 112}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_3" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_4" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {4, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 4, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {2, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_5" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {2, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {2, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {2, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 2, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/dec_4" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {2, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {4, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 4, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_3" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, + 112, 112}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 112, 112}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 112, 112}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/add" -> <|"Type" -> "Total", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <||>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "drop" -> <|"Type" -> "Dropout", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"DropoutProbability" -> 0.2, "Method" -> + "Dropout", "OutputPorts" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{"Output"}]|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 64, 1, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {1, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <| + "Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_4", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_5", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_4", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_4", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_4", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_4", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_5", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_4", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "enc_2" -> <|"Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/start" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 64, 1, 1, 1}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {1, 1, 1}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {32, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Function" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 32, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 64, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {32, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 32, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_3" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_4" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {4, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 4, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/dec_3" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {32, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 32, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/add" -> <|"Type" -> "Total", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <||>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "drop" -> <|"Type" -> "Dropout", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"DropoutProbability" -> 0.2, "Method" -> + "Dropout", "OutputPorts" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{"Output"}]|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 64, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <| + "Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_4", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_4", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "enc_3" -> <|"Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/start" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 64, 1, 1, 1}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {1, 1, 1}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Function" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 64, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_3" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {4, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 4, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/dec_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/add" -> <|"Type" -> "Total", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <||>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "drop" -> <|"Type" -> "Dropout", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"DropoutProbability" -> 0.2, "Method" -> + "Dropout", "OutputPorts" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{"Output"}]|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 64, 1, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {1, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <| + "Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "enc_4" -> <|"Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/start" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 64, 1, 1, 1}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {1, 1, 1}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Function" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 64, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}}, + "Dilation" -> {2, 2, 2}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_3" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{4, 4}, {4, 4}, {4, 4}}, + "Dilation" -> {4, 4, 4}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_4" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{8, 8}, {8, 8}, {8, 8}}, + "Dilation" -> {8, 8, 8}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/dec_3" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"cat" -> <| + "Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{4, 4}, {4, 4}, {4, 4}}, + "Dilation" -> {4, 4, 4}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_2" -> <|"Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"cat" -> <| + "Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}}, + "Dilation" -> {2, 2, 2}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"cat" -> <| + "Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/add" -> <|"Type" -> "Total", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <||>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "drop" -> <|"Type" -> "Dropout", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"DropoutProbability" -> 0.2, "Method" -> + "Dropout", "OutputPorts" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{"Output"}]|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 64, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <| + "Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_4", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_4", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "enc_5" -> <|"Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/start" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 64, 1, 1, 1}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {1, 1, 1}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {8, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Function" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 8, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 64, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {8, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}}, + "Dilation" -> {2, 2, 2}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_3" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{4, 4}, {4, 4}, {4, 4}}, + "Dilation" -> {4, 4, 4}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/dec_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"cat" -> <| + "Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 7, 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}}, + "Dilation" -> {2, 2, 2}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {8, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"cat" -> <| + "Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 7, 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {8, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 8, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/add" -> <|"Type" -> "Total", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <||>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "drop" -> <|"Type" -> "Dropout", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"DropoutProbability" -> 0.2, "Method" -> + "Dropout", "OutputPorts" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{"Output"}]|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "dec_4" -> <|"Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {8, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 8, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 64, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <| + "Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{128, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/start" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 128, 1, 1, 1}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {1, 1, 1}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 128, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 128|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{128, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Function" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{128, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 64, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}}, + "Dilation" -> {2, 2, 2}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_3" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{4, 4}, {4, 4}, {4, 4}}, + "Dilation" -> {4, 4, 4}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_4" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{8, 8}, {8, 8}, {8, 8}}, + "Dilation" -> {8, 8, 8}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/dec_3" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"cat" -> <| + "Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{4, 4}, {4, 4}, {4, 4}}, + "Dilation" -> {4, 4, 4}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"cat" -> <| + "Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{2, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 2}}, + "Dilation" -> {2, 2, 2}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"cat" -> <| + "Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 16, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/add" -> <|"Type" -> "Total", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <||>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "drop" -> <|"Type" -> "Dropout", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"DropoutProbability" -> 0.2, "Method" -> + "Dropout", "OutputPorts" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{"Output"}]|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_4", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_4", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "dec_3" -> <|"Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[1], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {16, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 64, 1, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {1, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <| + "Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{128, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/start" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 128, 1, 1, 1}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {1, 1, 1}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 128, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 128|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{128, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Function" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{128, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 64, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_3" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {4, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 4, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/dec_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/add" -> <|"Type" -> "Total", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <||>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "drop" -> <|"Type" -> "Dropout", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"DropoutProbability" -> 0.2, "Method" -> + "Dropout", "OutputPorts" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{"Output"}]|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "dec_2" -> <|"Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 64, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <| + "Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{128, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/start" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 128, 1, 1, 1}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {1, 1, 1}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 128, "$InputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 128|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{128, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {32, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Function" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 32, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{128, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 64, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {32, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 32, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_3" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_4" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {4, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 4, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/dec_3" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {32, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 32, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/add" -> <|"Type" -> "Total", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <||>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "drop" -> <|"Type" -> "Dropout", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"DropoutProbability" -> 0.2, "Method" -> + "Dropout", "OutputPorts" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{"Output"}]|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_4", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_4", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "dec_1" -> <|"Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[1], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {32, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 64, 1, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {1, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <| + "Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{128, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/start" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 128, 1, 1, 1}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {1, 1, 1}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 128, "$InputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 128|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{128, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 112, 112}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Function" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 112, 112}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{128, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/enc_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 64, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, + 112, 112}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, + 112, 112}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_3" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_4" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {4, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 4, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {2, 2, 2}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {2, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/enc_5" -> <| + "Type" -> "Chain", + "Nodes" -> <|"block/conv/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {2, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {2, 7, 7}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {2, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 2, 7, 7}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/dec_4" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, 7}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {2, 7, 7}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 2, 7, + 7}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {4, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 4, 14, 14}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_3" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, 14, 14}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {4, 14, 14}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 4, + 14, 14}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {8, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 8, 28, 28}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_2" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, 28, 28}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {8, 28, 28}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 8, + 28, 28}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 24, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {16, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {24, 16, 56, 56}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/dec_1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Skip" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Scale" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, 56, 56}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"scale/1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Resize", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{ + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2], + Scaled[2]}], "Resampling" -> "Nearest", "Dimensionality" -> + 3, "Interleaving" -> False, "Scheme" -> "Bin", + "$Channels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {16, 56, 56}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 16, + 56, 56}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "scale/2" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24, 24, 2, 2, 2}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{24}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 24, + "KernelSize" -> {2, 2, 2}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 24, "$InputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 24|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "cat" -> <|"Type" -> "Catenate", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> 1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, + 112, 112}, NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{24, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/1" -> <|"Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64, 48, 3, 3, 3}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 64, + "KernelSize" -> {3, 3, 3}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 1}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 48, "$InputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 48|>, "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{48, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/2" -> <|"Type" -> "BatchNormalization", + "Arrays" -> <|"Scaling" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "Biases" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingMean" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}], "MovingVariance" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{64}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Momentum" -> 0.9, "Epsilon" -> 0.001, + "Interleaving" -> False, "$Channels" -> 64, + "$SpatialDimensions" -> {32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 112, 112}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "block/conv/3" -> <|"Type" -> "Elementwise", + "Arrays" -> <||>, "Parameters" -> <| + "Function" -> NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[ + "GaussianErrorLinearUnit"], + "$Dimensions" -> {64, 32, 112, 112}|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, + 112, 112}, NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/conv/3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "block/add" -> <|"Type" -> "Total", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <||>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input1" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT], "Input2" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "drop" -> <|"Type" -> "Dropout", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"DropoutProbability" -> 0.2, "Method" -> + "Dropout", "OutputPorts" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{"Output"}]|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "scale/2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "cat", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input1"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/start", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_1", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_2", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_4", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_3", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_5", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_4", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_4", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_4", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_4", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/enc_5", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_4", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Inputs", "Input2"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/dec_1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "block/add", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "drop", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + "map" -> <|"Type" -> "Graph", + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{32, 112, 112, 18}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Nodes" -> <|"1" -> <| + "Type" -> "Convolution", + "Arrays" -> <|"Weights" -> + NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{18, 64, 1, 1, 1}], + "Biases" -> NeuralNetworks`Private`DummyArray[{18}]|>, + "Parameters" -> <|"OutputChannels" -> 18, + "KernelSize" -> {1, 1, 1}, "Stride" -> {1, 1, 1}, + "PaddingSize" -> {{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}}, + "Dilation" -> {1, 1, 1}, "ChannelGroups" -> 1, + "Dimensionality" -> 3, "Interleaving" -> False, + "$InputChannels" -> 64, "$InputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, + "$OutputSize" -> {32, 112, 112}, "$WeightsInputChannels" -> + 64|>, "Inputs" -> <| + "Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{64, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{18, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "2" -> <|"Type" -> "Transpose", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Specification" -> + NeuralNetworks`ValidatedParameter[{4, 1, 2, 3}]|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{18, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{32, 112, 112, 18}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>, + "3" -> <|"Type" -> "Softmax", "Arrays" -> <||>, + "Parameters" -> <|"Level" -> -1|>, + "Inputs" -> <|"Input" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{32, 112, 112, 18}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <|"Output" -> + NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{32, 112, 112, 18}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>|>|>, + "Edges" -> {NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "1", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "3", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "3", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>|>, + "Inputs" -> <| + "Input" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{1, 32, 112, 112}, + NeuralNetworks`AtomT]|>, + "Outputs" -> <| + "Output" -> NeuralNetworks`TensorT[{32, 112, 112, 18}, + NeuralNetworks`RealT]|>, + "Edges" -> { + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "start", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + 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"Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "enc_4", "Outputs", "Scale"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "dec_4", "Inputs", "Skip"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "enc_4", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "dec_4", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "enc_5", "Outputs", "Skip"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "dec_3", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "dec_4", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "dec_2", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "dec_3", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "dec_1", "Inputs", "Scale"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "dec_2", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "map", "Inputs", "Input"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "dec_1", "Outputs", "Output"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"] -> + NeuralNetworks`NetPath[ + "Nodes", "map", "Outputs", "Output"]}|>, + Apply[Sequence, + Part[{ + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "start"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "dec_1"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "map"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "dec_2"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "dec_3"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "dec_4"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "enc_1"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "enc_2"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "enc_3"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "enc_4"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "enc_5"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Outputs", "Output"]}, + NeuralNetworks`Private`NetGraph`selection]]], + Part[{ + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Inputs", "Input"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "start"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "dec_1"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "map"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "dec_2"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "dec_3"], + NeuralNetworks`NetPath["Nodes", "dec_4"], + 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