diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 409fc9e1..caf299bd 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,21 +10,21 @@ sistemlerinin kullanılabilmesidir.
### Deskteklenen Payment Gateway'ler / Bankalar:
-| Gateway | Desktekleyen
bankalar | Desteklenen
Ödeme Tipleri | Desteklenen Sorgular |
-| Tosla (AKÖde) | ? | NonSecure
3DHost | İptal
Durum sorgulama
Sipariş Tarihçesini sorgulama |
-| AkbankPos
(Akbankın yeni altyapısı) | Akbank | NonSecure
Tekrarlanan Ödeme | İptal
Sipariş Tarihçesini sorgulama
Geçmiş İşlemleri sorgulama |
_deprecated_ | Akbank
Ziraat | NonSecure
Tekrarlanan Ödeme | İptal
Durum sorgulama
Sipariş Tarihçesini sorgulama |
EstPos altyapının
daha güvenli
(sha512) hash
uygulaması. | -----"----- | -----"----- | -----"----- |
-| PayFlex MPI VPOS V4 | Ziraat
Vakıfbank VPOS 7/24
İşbank | NonSecure
Tekrarlanan Ödeme | İptal
Durum sorgulama |
-| PayFlex
Common Payment V4
(Ortak Ödeme) | Ziraat
İşbank | NonSecure
3DHost | İptal
İade |
-| Garanti Virtual POS | Garanti | NonSecure
Tekrarlanan Ödeme | İptal
Durum sorgulama
Sipariş Tarihçesini sorgulama
Geçmiş İşlemleri sorgulama |
-| PosNet | YapıKredi | NonSecure
| İptal
Durum sorgulama |
-| PosNetV1
(JSON API) | Albaraka Türk | NonSecure
3DSecure | İptal
Durum sorgulama |
-| PayFor | Finansbank
Enpara | NonSecure
3DHost | İptal
Durum sorgulama
Sipariş Tarihçesini sorgulama
Geçmiş İşlemleri sorgulama |
-| InterPOS | Deniz bank | NonSecure
3DHost | İptal
Durum sorgulama |
-| Kuveyt POS TDV2.0.0 | Kuveyt Türk | NonSecure
3DSecure | İptal
Durum sorgulama
-| VakifKatilimPos | Vakıf Katılım | NonSecure (test edilmesi gerekiyor)
3DHost (test edilmesi gerekiyor) | İptal
Durum sorgulama
Sipariş Tarihçesini sorgulama
Geçmiş İşlemleri sorgulama |
+| Gateway | Desktekleyen
bankalar | Desteklenen
Ödeme Tipleri | Desteklenen Sorgular |
+| Tosla (AKÖde) | ? | NonSecure
3DHost | İptal
Durum sorgulama
Sipariş Tarihçesini sorgulama
Özel Sorgu |
+| AkbankPos
(Akbankın yeni altyapısı) | Akbank | NonSecure
Tekrarlanan Ödeme | İptal
Sipariş Tarihçesini sorgulama
Geçmiş İşlemleri sorgulama
Özel Sorgu |
_deprecated_ | Akbank
Ziraat | NonSecure
Tekrarlanan Ödeme | İptal
Durum sorgulama
Sipariş Tarihçesini sorgulama
Özel Sorgu |
EstPos altyapının
daha güvenli
(sha512) hash
uygulaması. | -----"----- | -----"----- | -----"----- |
+| PayFlex MPI VPOS V4 | Ziraat
Vakıfbank VPOS 7/24
İşbank | NonSecure
Tekrarlanan Ödeme | İptal
Durum sorgulama
Özel Sorgu |
+| PayFlex
Common Payment V4
(Ortak Ödeme) | Ziraat
İşbank | NonSecure
3DHost | İptal
Özel Sorgu |
+| Garanti Virtual POS | Garanti | NonSecure
Tekrarlanan Ödeme | İptal
Durum sorgulama
Sipariş Tarihçesini sorgulama
Geçmiş İşlemleri sorgulama
Özel Sorgu |
+| PosNet | YapıKredi | NonSecure
| İptal
Durum sorgulama
Özel Sorgu |
+| PosNetV1
(JSON API) | Albaraka Türk | NonSecure
3DSecure | İptal
Durum sorgulama
Özel Sorgu |
+| PayFor | Finansbank
Enpara | NonSecure
3DHost | İptal
Durum sorgulama
Sipariş Tarihçesini sorgulama
Geçmiş İşlemleri sorgulama
Özel Sorgu |
+| InterPOS | Deniz bank | NonSecure
3DHost | İptal
Durum sorgulama
Özel Sorgu |
+| Kuveyt POS TDV2.0.0 | Kuveyt Türk | NonSecure
3DSecure | İptal
Durum sorgulama
Özel Sorgu |
+| VakifKatilimPos | Vakıf Katılım | NonSecure (test edilmesi gerekiyor)
3DHost (test edilmesi gerekiyor) | İptal
Durum sorgulama
Sipariş Tarihçesini sorgulama
Geçmiş İşlemleri sorgulama
Özel Sorgu |
### Ana başlıklar
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ sistemlerinin kullanılabilmesidir.
- [Ödeme İptal](./docs/CANCEL-EXAMPLE.md)
- [Ödeme İade](./docs/REFUND-EXAMPLE.md)
- [Ödeme Durum Sorgulama](./docs/STATUS-EXAMPLE.md)
+ - [Özel Sorgular](./docs/CUSTOM-QUERY-EXAMPLE.md)
- [Popup Windowda veya Iframe icinde odeme yapma](#popup-windowda-veya-iframe-icinde-odeme-yapma)
- [Troubleshoots](#troubleshoots)
@@ -57,8 +58,10 @@ sistemlerinin kullanılabilmesidir.
- Sipariş Tarihçesini sorgulama
sorgulama (`PosInterface::TX_TYPE_ORDER_HISTORY`)
- Geçmiş işlemleri sorgulama (`PosInterface::TX_TYPE_HISTORY`)
-- Sipariş/Para iadesi yapma (`PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND`)
+- Sipariş/Para iadesi yapma (`PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND`
+ ve `PosInterface::TX_TYPE_PARTIAL_REFUND`)
- Sipariş iptal etme (`PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CANCEL`)
+- Özel Sorgular (`PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY`)
- API istek verilerinin gateway API'na gönderilmeden önce değiştirebilme
- Farklı Para birimler ile ödeme desteği
- Tekrarlanan (Recurring) ödeme talimatları
@@ -97,8 +100,13 @@ Son yapılan değişiklikler için [`CHANGELOG`](./docs/CHANGELOG.md).
### Kurulum
#### Frameworks
-- **Symfony** kurulum için [mews/pos-bundle](https://github.com/mewebstudio/PosBundle) kullanabilirsiniz.
-- **Laravel** kurulum için [mews/laravel-pos](https://github.com/mewebstudio/laravel-pos) kullanabilirsiniz.
+- **Symfony** kurulum
+ için [mews/pos-bundle](https://github.com/mewebstudio/PosBundle)
+ kullanabilirsiniz.
+- **Laravel** kurulum
+ için [mews/laravel-pos](https://github.com/mewebstudio/laravel-pos)
+ kullanabilirsiniz.
#### Basic kurulum
@@ -121,17 +129,23 @@ kütüphaneler: https://packagist.org/providers/psr/http-client-implementation
Sonra kendi projenizin dizinindeyken alttaki komutu çalıştırarak
ayarlar dosyasını projenize kopyalayınız.
$ cp ./vendor/mews/pos/config/pos_production.php ./pos_prod_ayarlar.php
Test ortamda geliştirecekseniz test ayarları da kopyalanız:
$ cp ./vendor/mews/pos/config/pos_test.php ./pos_test_ayarlar.php
Kopyaladıktan sonra ayarlardaki kullanmayacağınız banka ayarları silebilirsiniz.
-Bundan sonra `Pos` nesnemizi, yeni ayarlarımıza göre oluşturup kullanmamız gerekir.
+Bundan sonra `Pos` nesnemizi, yeni ayarlarımıza göre oluşturup kullanmamız
$yeniAyarlar = require __DIR__ . '/pos_prod_ayarlar.php';
// veya test ortamı için $yeniAyarlar = require __DIR__ . '/pos_test_ayarlar.php';
@@ -139,13 +153,15 @@ $yeniAyarlar = require __DIR__ . '/pos_prod_ayarlar.php';
$pos = \Mews\Pos\Factory\PosFactory::createPosGateway($account, $yeniAyarlar, $eventDispatcher);
-_Kütüphanede yer alan `pos_production.php` ve `pos_test.php` ayar dosyaları projenizde direk kullanmayınız!
+_Kütüphanede yer alan `pos_production.php` ve `pos_test.php` ayar dosyaları
+projenizde direk kullanmayınız!
Yukarda belirtildiği gibi kopyalayarak kullanmanız tavsiye edilir._
### Farkli Banka Sanal Poslarini Eklemek
-Projenize kopyaladığınız `./pos_prod_ayarlar.php` dosyasına farklı banka ayarı eklemek için alttaki örneği kullanabilirsiniz.
+Projenize kopyaladığınız `./pos_prod_ayarlar.php` dosyasına farklı banka ayarı
+eklemek için alttaki örneği kullanabilirsiniz.
@@ -191,7 +207,8 @@ Fakat
- birden fazla bank seçeneği olunca veya müşteri banka degiştirmek istediğinde
kart bilgi formunu ona göre güncellemeniz gerekecek.
-- üstelik YKB POSNet, Vakıf Katılım ve VakıfBank POS kart bilgilerini website sunucusu
+- üstelik YKB POSNet, Vakıf Katılım ve VakıfBank POS kart bilgilerini website
+ sunucusu
tarafından POST edilmesini gerektiriyor.
### Popup Windowda veya Iframe icinde odeme yapma
@@ -199,7 +216,9 @@ Fakat
Müşteriyi banka sayfasına redirect etmeden **iframe** üzerinden veya **popup
üzerinden ödeme akışı
-[examples'da](./examples/) ve [/docs'da](./docs/THREED-SECURE-AND-PAY-PAYMENT-IN-MODALBOX-EXAMPLE.md) 3D ödeme ile örnek PHP ve JS kodlar yer almaktadır.
+ödeme ile örnek PHP ve JS kodlar yer almaktadır.
#### Dikkat edilmesi gerekenler
@@ -256,7 +275,9 @@ $pos = \Mews\Pos\Factory\PosFactory::createPosGateway(
## Genel Kultur
-Ödeme modelleri hakkında bilgi edinmek istiyorsanız [bu makaleyi](https://medium.com/p/fa5cd016999c) inceleyebilirsiniz.
+Ödeme modelleri hakkında bilgi edinmek
+istiyorsanız [bu makaleyi](https://medium.com/p/fa5cd016999c)
### Otorizasyon, Ön Otorizasyon, Ön Provizyon Kapama İşlemler arasındaki farklar
diff --git a/docs/CHANGELOG.md b/docs/CHANGELOG.md
index 3dce2467..ab294ce8 100644
--- a/docs/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/docs/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
# Changelog
+## [1.5.0] - 2024-11-11
+### New Features
+- [Custom Query](./CUSTOM-QUERY-EXAMPLE.md) desteği eklendi. (issue #250)
+### Changed
+- **VakifKatilimPos** - sipariş detay sorgusunda mapping iyileştirilmesi.
+### Fixed
+- Bazı gatewaylarin response'larında bankadan gelen verinin yer almaması.
## [1.4.0] - 2024-07-02
### New Features
diff --git a/docs/CUSTOM-QUERY-EXAMPLE.md b/docs/CUSTOM-QUERY-EXAMPLE.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd54aa9a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+### Custom Query
+Kütüphanenin desteği olmadığı özel istekleri bu methodla yapabilirsiniz.
+$ cp ./vendor/mews/pos/config/pos_test.php ./pos_test_ayarlar.php
+**config.php (Ayar dosyası)**
+} catch (\Mews\Pos\Exceptions\BankNotFoundException | \Mews\Pos\Exceptions\BankClassNullException $e) {
+ var_dump($e));
+ exit;
+ 415956,
+/** @var \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher */
+$eventDispatcher->addListener(\Mews\Pos\Event\RequestDataPreparedEvent::class, function (\Mews\Pos\Event\RequestDataPreparedEvent $event) {
+// dump($event->getRequestData()); //bankaya gonderilecek veri:
+// // Burda istek banka API'na gonderilmeden once gonderilecek veriyi degistirebilirsiniz.
+// // Ornek:
+// if ($event->getTxType() === PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY) {
+// $data = $event->getRequestData();
+// $data['abcd'] = '1234';
+// $event->setRequestData($data);
+// }
+try {
+ $pos->customQuery(
+ $requestData,
+ // URL optional, bazı gateway'lerde zorunlu.
+ // Default olarak configdeki query_api ya da payment_api kullanılır.
+ 'https://prepentegrasyon.tosla.com/api/Payment/GetCommissionAndInstallmentInfo'
+ );
+} catch (Exception $e) {
+ dd($e);
+ * Bankadan dönen cevap array'e dönüştürülür,
+ * ancak diğer transaction'larda olduğu gibi mapping/normalization yapılmaz.
+ */
+$response = $pos->getResponse();
diff --git a/examples/_common-codes/regular/custom_query.php b/examples/_common-codes/regular/custom_query.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2c72725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/_common-codes/regular/custom_query.php
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+addListener(\Mews\Pos\Event\RequestDataPreparedEvent::class, function (\Mews\Pos\Event\RequestDataPreparedEvent $event) {
+ dump($event->getRequestData()); //bankaya gonderilecek veri:
+// // Burda istek banka API'na gonderilmeden once gonderilecek veriyi degistirebilirsiniz.
+// // Ornek:
+// if ($event->getTxType() === PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY) {
+// $data = $event->getRequestData();
+// $data['abcd'] = '1234';
+// $event->setRequestData($data);
+// }
+try {
+ /**
+ * requestData içinde API hesap bilgileri, hash verisi ve bazi sabit değerler
+ * eğer zaten bulunmuyorsa kütüphane otomatik ekler.
+ */
+ $pos->customQuery(
+ $requestData,
+ // URL optional, bazı gateway'lerde zorunlu.
+ // Default olarak configdeki query_api ya da payment_api kullanılır.
+ $apiUrl
+ );
+} catch (Exception $e) {
+ dd($e);
+ * Bankadan dönen cevap array'e dönüştürülür,
+ * ancak diğer transaction'larda olduğu gibi mapping/normalization yapılmaz.
+ */
+$response = $pos->getResponse();
+require '../../_templates/_simple_response_dump.php';
+require '../../_templates/_footer.php';
diff --git a/examples/_templates/_header.php b/examples/_templates/_header.php
index 1f986eb0..cd5fb980 100644
--- a/examples/_templates/_header.php
+++ b/examples/_templates/_header.php
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
diff --git a/examples/akbankpos/regular/custom_query.php b/examples/akbankpos/regular/custom_query.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f504dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/akbankpos/regular/custom_query.php
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ '1020',
+ 'order' => [
+ 'orderTrackId' => 'ae15a6c8-467e-45de-b24c-b98821a42667',
+ ],
+ 'payByLink' => [
+ 'linkTxnCode' => '3000',
+ 'linkTransferType' => 'SMS',
+ 'mobilePhoneNumber' => '5321234567',
+ ],
+ 'transaction' => [
+ 'amount' => 1.00,
+ 'currencyCode' => 949,
+ 'motoInd' => 0,
+ 'installCount' => 1,
+ ],
+ ],
+ null,
+ ];
diff --git a/examples/finansbank-payfor/regular/custom_query.php b/examples/finansbank-payfor/regular/custom_query.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac0feb94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/finansbank-payfor/regular/custom_query.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ 'Inquiry',
+ 'TxnType' => 'ParaPuanInquiry',
+ 'Pan' => '4155650100416111',
+ 'Expiry' => '0125',
+ 'Cvv2' => '123',
+ ],
+ null,
+ ];
diff --git a/examples/garanti/regular/custom_query.php b/examples/garanti/regular/custom_query.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eab803f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/garanti/regular/custom_query.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ 'v0.00',
+ 'Customer' => [
+ 'IPAddress' => '',
+ 'EmailAddress' => 'Cem@cem.com',
+ ],
+ 'Order' => [
+ 'OrderID' => 'SISTD5A61F1682E745B28871872383ABBEB1',
+ 'GroupID' => '',
+ 'Description' => '',
+ ],
+ 'Transaction' => [
+ 'Type' => 'bininq',
+ 'Amount' => '1',
+ 'BINInq' => [
+ 'Group' => 'A',
+ 'CardType' => 'A',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ null,
+ ];
diff --git a/examples/interpos/regular/custom_query.php b/examples/interpos/regular/custom_query.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66780660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/interpos/regular/custom_query.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ 'abc',
+ ],
+ null,
+ ];
diff --git a/examples/kuveytpos/regular/custom_query.php b/examples/kuveytpos/regular/custom_query.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66780660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/kuveytpos/regular/custom_query.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ 'abc',
+ ],
+ null,
+ ];
diff --git a/examples/payflex-cp-v4/regular/custom_query.php b/examples/payflex-cp-v4/regular/custom_query.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7eeb5f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/payflex-cp-v4/regular/custom_query.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ 'abc',
+ ],
+ null,
+ ];
diff --git a/examples/payflex-mpi-v4/regular/custom_query.php b/examples/payflex-mpi-v4/regular/custom_query.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05987905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/payflex-mpi-v4/regular/custom_query.php
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ 'CampaignSearch',
+ 'TransactionId' => date('Ymd').strtoupper(substr(uniqid(sha1(time()), true), 0, 4)),
+ ],
+ null,
+ ];
diff --git a/examples/payten/regular/custom_query.php b/examples/payten/regular/custom_query.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd19ab61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/payten/regular/custom_query.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ 'Query',
+ 'Number' => '4242424242424242',
+ 'Expires' => '10.2028',
+ 'Extra' => [
+ ],
+ ],
+ null,
+ ];
diff --git a/examples/posnet-v1/regular/custom_query.php b/examples/posnet-v1/regular/custom_query.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d417cf24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/posnet-v1/regular/custom_query.php
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ 'MerchantNo:TerminalNo:CardNo:Cvc2:ExpireDate',
+ 'CipheredData' => null,
+ 'DealerData' => null,
+ 'IsEncrypted' => 'N',
+ 'PaymentFacilitatorData' => null,
+ 'AdditionalInfoData' => null,
+ 'CardInformationData' => [
+ 'CardHolderName' => 'deneme deneme',
+ 'CardNo' => '5400619360964581',
+ 'Cvc2' => '056',
+ 'ExpireDate' => '2001',
+ ],
+ 'IsMailOrder' => null,
+ 'IsRecurring' => null,
+ 'IsTDSecureMerchant' => 'Y',
+ 'PaymentInstrumentType' => 'CARD',
+ 'ThreeDSecureData' => null,
+ ],
+ 'https://epostest.albarakaturk.com.tr/ALBMerchantService/MerchantJSONAPI.svc/PointInquiry',
+ ];
diff --git a/examples/posnet-ykb/regular/custom_query.php b/examples/posnet-ykb/regular/custom_query.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffd5a94e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/posnet-ykb/regular/custom_query.php
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ [
+ 'amount' => '250',
+ 'lpAmount' => '40',
+ 'ccno' => '4048090000000001',
+ 'currencyCode' => 'TL',
+ 'expDate' => '2411',
+ 'orderID' => 'PKPPislemleriNT000000001',
+ ],
+ ],
+ null,
+ ];
diff --git a/examples/tosla/regular/custom_query.php b/examples/tosla/regular/custom_query.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d994980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/tosla/regular/custom_query.php
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ 415956,
+ ],
+ 'https://prepentegrasyon.tosla.com/api/Payment/GetCommissionAndInstallmentInfo',
+ ];
diff --git a/examples/vakif-katilim/regular/custom_query.php b/examples/vakif-katilim/regular/custom_query.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cbfbe303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/vakif-katilim/regular/custom_query.php
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ '2126497214',
+ 'InstallmentCount' => '0',
+ 'Amount' => '120',
+ 'DisplayAmount' => '120',
+ 'FECAmount' => '0',
+ 'FECCurrencyCode' => '0949',
+ 'Addresses' => [
+ 'VPosAddressContract' => [
+ 'Type' => '1',
+ 'Name' => 'Mahmut Sami YAZAR',
+ 'PhoneNumber' => '324234234234',
+ 'OrderId' => '0',
+ 'AddressId' => '12',
+ 'Email' => 'mahmutsamiyazar@hotmail.com',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'CardNumber' => '5353550000958906',
+ 'CardExpireDateYear' => '23',
+ 'CardExpireDateMonth' => '01',
+ 'CardCVV2' => '741',
+ 'CardHolderName' => 'Hasan Karacan',
+ 'DebtId' => '0',
+ 'SurchargeAmount' => '0',
+ 'SGKDebtAmount' => '0',
+ 'InstallmentMaturityCommisionFlag' => '0',
+ 'TransactionSecurity' => '1',
+ 'CardGuid' => 'AA9588EF350C480FBE5CAD40A463AF00',
+ ],
+ 'https://boa.vakifkatilim.com.tr/VirtualPOS.Gateway/Home/MailOrderSale',
+ ];
diff --git a/src/Crypt/GarantiPosCrypt.php b/src/Crypt/GarantiPosCrypt.php
index dd05f99e..39c6aba5 100644
--- a/src/Crypt/GarantiPosCrypt.php
+++ b/src/Crypt/GarantiPosCrypt.php
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public function createHash(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $requestData):
$requestData['Card']['Number'] ?? null,
- $requestData['Transaction']['CurrencyCode'],
+ $requestData['Transaction']['CurrencyCode'] ?? null,
$this->createSecurityData($posAccount, $requestData['Transaction']['Type']),
diff --git a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/AkbankPosRequestDataMapper.php b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/AkbankPosRequestDataMapper.php
index f7820999..6a8ae038 100644
--- a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/AkbankPosRequestDataMapper.php
+++ b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/AkbankPosRequestDataMapper.php
@@ -410,6 +410,22 @@ public function create3DFormData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $order, s
return $data;
+ /**
+ * @param AkbankPosAccount $posAccount
+ *
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function createCustomQueryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $requestData): array
+ {
+ return $requestData
+ + $this->getRequestAccountData($posAccount)
+ + [
+ 'version' => self::API_VERSION,
+ 'requestDateTime' => $requestData['requestDateTime'] ?? $this->formatRequestDateTime($this->createDateTime()),
+ 'randomNumber' => $this->crypt->generateRandomString(),
+ ];
+ }
* 0 => 1
* 1 => 1
diff --git a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/EstPosRequestDataMapper.php b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/EstPosRequestDataMapper.php
index cbb5cce1..6266d1a1 100644
--- a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/EstPosRequestDataMapper.php
+++ b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/EstPosRequestDataMapper.php
@@ -267,6 +267,16 @@ public function create3DFormData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $order, s
return $data;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function createCustomQueryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $requestData): array
+ {
+ $requestData += $this->getRequestAccountData($posAccount);
+ return $requestData;
+ }
* @phpstan-param PosInterface::MODEL_3D_* $paymentModel
* @phpstan-param PosInterface::TX_TYPE_PAY_AUTH|PosInterface::TX_TYPE_PAY_PRE_AUTH $txType
diff --git a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/GarantiPosRequestDataMapper.php b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/GarantiPosRequestDataMapper.php
index 21c333ba..dba624e0 100644
--- a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/GarantiPosRequestDataMapper.php
+++ b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/GarantiPosRequestDataMapper.php
@@ -419,6 +419,26 @@ public function create3DFormData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $order, s
+ /**
+ * @param GarantiPosAccount $posAccount
+ *
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function createCustomQueryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $requestData): array
+ {
+ $requestData += [
+ 'Mode' => $this->getMode(),
+ 'Version' => self::API_VERSION,
+ 'Terminal' => $this->getTerminalData($posAccount),
+ ];
+ if (!isset($requestData['Terminal']['HashData']) || '' === $requestData['Terminal']['HashData']) {
+ $requestData['Terminal']['HashData'] = $this->crypt->createHash($posAccount, $requestData);
+ }
+ return $requestData;
+ }
* 0 => ''
* 1 => ''
diff --git a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/InterPosRequestDataMapper.php b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/InterPosRequestDataMapper.php
index fa7219ba..cc48b640 100644
--- a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/InterPosRequestDataMapper.php
+++ b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/InterPosRequestDataMapper.php
@@ -249,6 +249,16 @@ public function create3DFormData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $order, s
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function createCustomQueryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $requestData): array
+ {
+ $requestData += $this->getRequestAccountData($posAccount);
+ return $requestData;
+ }
* 0 => ''
* 1 => ''
diff --git a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/KuveytPosRequestDataMapper.php b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/KuveytPosRequestDataMapper.php
index 62a52c2d..f3319ea4 100644
--- a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/KuveytPosRequestDataMapper.php
+++ b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/KuveytPosRequestDataMapper.php
@@ -353,6 +353,26 @@ public function createRefundRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $o
return $result;
+ /**
+ * @param KuveytPosAccount $posAccount
+ *
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function createCustomQueryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $requestData): array
+ {
+ $requestData += [
+ 'VPosMessage' => $this->getRequestAccountData($posAccount) + [
+ 'APIVersion' => self::API_VERSION,
+ ],
+ ];
+ if (!isset($requestData['VPosMessage']['HashData'])) {
+ $requestData['VPosMessage']['HashData'] = $this->crypt->createHash($posAccount, $requestData['VPosMessage']);
+ }
+ return $requestData;
+ }
* {@inheritDoc}
diff --git a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexCPV4PosRequestDataMapper.php b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexCPV4PosRequestDataMapper.php
index e9c1a9b4..81d9db6c 100644
--- a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexCPV4PosRequestDataMapper.php
+++ b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexCPV4PosRequestDataMapper.php
@@ -243,6 +243,18 @@ public function createRefundRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $o
+ /**
+ * @param PayFlexAccount $posAccount
+ *
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function createCustomQueryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $requestData): array
+ {
+ $requestData += $this->getRequestAccountData($posAccount);
+ return $requestData;
+ }
* {@inheritDoc}
diff --git a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexV4PosRequestDataMapper.php b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexV4PosRequestDataMapper.php
index ea7eea68..b99139f8 100644
--- a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexV4PosRequestDataMapper.php
+++ b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexV4PosRequestDataMapper.php
@@ -248,6 +248,18 @@ public function createRefundRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $o
+ /**
+ * @param PayFlexAccount $posAccount
+ *
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function createCustomQueryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $requestData): array
+ {
+ $requestData += $this->getRequestAccountData($posAccount);
+ return $requestData;
+ }
* {@inheritDoc}
diff --git a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayForPosRequestDataMapper.php b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayForPosRequestDataMapper.php
index 7a03c07d..159368a1 100644
--- a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayForPosRequestDataMapper.php
+++ b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayForPosRequestDataMapper.php
@@ -209,6 +209,18 @@ public function createHistoryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $
return $this->getRequestAccountData($posAccount) + $requestData;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function createCustomQueryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $requestData): array
+ {
+ $requestData += $this->getRequestAccountData($posAccount) + [
+ 'MbrId' => self::MBR_ID,
+ ];
+ return $requestData;
+ }
* {@inheritDoc}
diff --git a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetRequestDataMapper.php b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetRequestDataMapper.php
index d2d5a711..8235a72d 100644
--- a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetRequestDataMapper.php
+++ b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetRequestDataMapper.php
@@ -347,6 +347,21 @@ public function create3DResolveMerchantRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccoun
+ /**
+ * @param PosNetAccount $posAccount
+ *
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function createCustomQueryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $requestData): array
+ {
+ $requestData += [
+ 'mid' => $posAccount->getClientId(),
+ 'tid' => $posAccount->getTerminalId(),
+ ];
+ return $requestData;
+ }
* Get PrefixedOrderId
* To check the status of an order or cancel/refund order Yapikredi
diff --git a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetV1PosRequestDataMapper.php b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetV1PosRequestDataMapper.php
index a06d65b7..38e05907 100644
--- a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetV1PosRequestDataMapper.php
+++ b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetV1PosRequestDataMapper.php
@@ -321,6 +321,31 @@ public function createRefundRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $o
return $requestData;
+ /**
+ * @param PosNetAccount $posAccount
+ *
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function createCustomQueryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $requestData): array
+ {
+ $requestData += [
+ 'ApiType' => 'JSON',
+ 'ApiVersion' => self::API_VERSION,
+ 'MerchantNo' => $posAccount->getClientId(),
+ 'TerminalNo' => $posAccount->getTerminalId(),
+ ];
+ if (!isset($requestData['MAC'])) {
+ if (null === $posAccount->getStoreKey()) {
+ throw new \LogicException('Account storeKey eksik!');
+ }
+ $requestData['MAC'] = $this->crypt->hashFromParams($posAccount->getStoreKey(), $requestData, 'MACParams', ':');
+ }
+ return $requestData;
+ }
* {@inheritDoc}
diff --git a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/RequestDataMapperInterface.php b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/RequestDataMapperInterface.php
index 9fe2a730..b0573d39 100644
--- a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/RequestDataMapperInterface.php
+++ b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/RequestDataMapperInterface.php
@@ -166,4 +166,15 @@ public function createOrderHistoryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, ar
* @throws UnsupportedTransactionTypeException
public function createHistoryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $data = []): array;
+ /**
+ * Adds account information, constant values, calculated hash into $requestData if it is not already set.
+ *
+ * @param AbstractPosAccount $posAccount
+ * @param array
$requestData user generated request data
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function createCustomQueryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $requestData): array;
diff --git a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/ToslaPosRequestDataMapper.php b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/ToslaPosRequestDataMapper.php
index 3fcddaae..6a4f3344 100644
--- a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/ToslaPosRequestDataMapper.php
+++ b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/ToslaPosRequestDataMapper.php
@@ -183,6 +183,23 @@ public function createOrderHistoryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, ar
return $this->getRequestAccountData($posAccount) + $requestData;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function createCustomQueryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $requestData): array
+ {
+ $requestData += $this->getRequestAccountData($posAccount) + [
+ 'rnd' => $this->crypt->generateRandomString(),
+ 'timeSpan' => $this->newTimeSpan(),
+ ];
+ if (!isset($requestData['hash'])) {
+ $requestData['hash'] = $this->crypt->createHash($posAccount, $requestData);
+ }
+ return $requestData;
+ }
* {@inheritDoc}
diff --git a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/VakifKatilimPosRequestDataMapper.php b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/VakifKatilimPosRequestDataMapper.php
index 1355302e..9fa22c26 100644
--- a/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/VakifKatilimPosRequestDataMapper.php
+++ b/src/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/VakifKatilimPosRequestDataMapper.php
@@ -238,6 +238,25 @@ public function createRefundRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $o
return $result;
+ /**
+ * @param KuveytPosAccount $posAccount
+ *
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function createCustomQueryRequestData(AbstractPosAccount $posAccount, array $requestData): array
+ {
+ $requestData += $this->getRequestAccountData($posAccount) + [
+ 'APIVersion' => self::API_VERSION,
+ 'HashPassword' => $this->crypt->hashString($posAccount->getStoreKey() ?? ''),
+ ];
+ if (!isset($requestData['HashData'])) {
+ $requestData['HashData'] = $this->crypt->createHash($posAccount, $requestData);
+ }
+ return $requestData;
+ }
* {@inheritDoc}
diff --git a/src/Gateways/AbstractGateway.php b/src/Gateways/AbstractGateway.php
index 4fd2b332..c5427ed7 100644
--- a/src/Gateways/AbstractGateway.php
+++ b/src/Gateways/AbstractGateway.php
@@ -519,6 +519,47 @@ public function orderHistory(array $order): PosInterface
return $this;
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function customQuery(array $requestData, string $apiUrl = null): PosInterface
+ {
+ $txType = PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY;
+ $updatedRequestData = $this->requestDataMapper->createCustomQueryRequestData($this->account, $requestData);
+ $event = new RequestDataPreparedEvent(
+ $updatedRequestData,
+ $this->account->getBank(),
+ $txType,
+ \get_class($this),
+ $requestData,
+ PosInterface::MODEL_NON_SECURE
+ );
+ /** @var RequestDataPreparedEvent $event */
+ $event = $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($event);
+ if ($updatedRequestData !== $event->getRequestData()) {
+ $this->logger->debug('Request data is changed via listeners', [
+ 'txType' => $event->getTxType(),
+ 'bank' => $event->getBank(),
+ 'initialData' => $requestData,
+ 'updatedData' => $event->getRequestData(),
+ ]);
+ $updatedRequestData = $event->getRequestData();
+ }
+ $data = $this->serializer->encode($updatedRequestData, $txType);
+ $apiUrl = $apiUrl ?? $this->getQueryAPIUrl($txType);
+ $this->response = $this->send(
+ $data,
+ $txType,
+ PosInterface::MODEL_NON_SECURE,
+ $apiUrl
+ );
+ return $this;
+ }
* @param bool $testMode
diff --git a/src/Gateways/AkbankPos.php b/src/Gateways/AkbankPos.php
index a1797400..26c783b3 100644
--- a/src/Gateways/AkbankPos.php
+++ b/src/Gateways/AkbankPos.php
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ class AkbankPos extends AbstractGateway
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND_PARTIAL => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_ORDER_HISTORY => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_HISTORY => true,
+ PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY => true,
diff --git a/src/Gateways/EstPos.php b/src/Gateways/EstPos.php
index d70723f7..d61cb387 100644
--- a/src/Gateways/EstPos.php
+++ b/src/Gateways/EstPos.php
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ class EstPos extends AbstractGateway
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND_PARTIAL => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_ORDER_HISTORY => true,
+ PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_HISTORY => false,
diff --git a/src/Gateways/GarantiPos.php b/src/Gateways/GarantiPos.php
index 0ca3d684..2d1766d6 100644
--- a/src/Gateways/GarantiPos.php
+++ b/src/Gateways/GarantiPos.php
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ class GarantiPos extends AbstractGateway
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND_PARTIAL => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_ORDER_HISTORY => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_HISTORY => true,
+ PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY => true,
diff --git a/src/Gateways/InterPos.php b/src/Gateways/InterPos.php
index 9277dfb8..625d86e7 100644
--- a/src/Gateways/InterPos.php
+++ b/src/Gateways/InterPos.php
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ class InterPos extends AbstractGateway
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND_PARTIAL => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_HISTORY => false,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_ORDER_HISTORY => false,
+ PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY => true,
/** @return InterPosAccount */
diff --git a/src/Gateways/KuveytPos.php b/src/Gateways/KuveytPos.php
index 5f16af41..df5ea019 100644
--- a/src/Gateways/KuveytPos.php
+++ b/src/Gateways/KuveytPos.php
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ class KuveytPos extends AbstractGateway
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND_PARTIAL => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_HISTORY => false,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_ORDER_HISTORY => false,
+ PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY => true,
/** @return KuveytPosAccount */
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ public function getApiURL(string $txType = null, string $paymentModel = null, ?s
)) {
@@ -220,6 +222,7 @@ protected function send($contents, string $txType, string $paymentModel, string
], true)) {
if (!\is_array($contents)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('Invalid data type provided for %s transaction!', $txType));
@@ -242,7 +245,7 @@ protected function send($contents, string $txType, string $paymentModel, string
- * @phpstan-param PosInterface::TX_TYPE_STATUS|PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND|PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND_PARTIAL|PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CANCEL $txType
+ * @phpstan-param PosInterface::TX_TYPE_STATUS|PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND|PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND_PARTIAL|PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CANCEL|PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY $txType
* @param array $contents
* @param string $txType
diff --git a/src/Gateways/PayFlexCPV4Pos.php b/src/Gateways/PayFlexCPV4Pos.php
index 74361962..0d1e896d 100644
--- a/src/Gateways/PayFlexCPV4Pos.php
+++ b/src/Gateways/PayFlexCPV4Pos.php
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ class PayFlexCPV4Pos extends AbstractGateway
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND_PARTIAL => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_HISTORY => false,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_ORDER_HISTORY => false,
+ PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY => true,
/** @return PayFlexAccount */
diff --git a/src/Gateways/PayFlexV4Pos.php b/src/Gateways/PayFlexV4Pos.php
index 765582af..1b0ec579 100644
--- a/src/Gateways/PayFlexV4Pos.php
+++ b/src/Gateways/PayFlexV4Pos.php
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ class PayFlexV4Pos extends AbstractGateway
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND_PARTIAL => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_HISTORY => false,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_ORDER_HISTORY => false,
+ PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY => true,
/** @return PayFlexAccount */
@@ -129,6 +130,14 @@ public function make3DHostPayment(Request $request, array $order, string $txType
throw new UnsupportedPaymentModelException();
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function customQuery(array $requestData, string $apiUrl = null): PosInterface
+ {
+ return parent::customQuery($requestData, $apiUrl ?? $this->getApiURL());
+ }
* @inheritDoc
diff --git a/src/Gateways/PayForPos.php b/src/Gateways/PayForPos.php
index 76742f46..aebf2d6b 100644
--- a/src/Gateways/PayForPos.php
+++ b/src/Gateways/PayForPos.php
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ class PayForPos extends AbstractGateway
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND_PARTIAL => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_HISTORY => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_ORDER_HISTORY => true,
+ PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY => true,
/** @return PayForAccount */
diff --git a/src/Gateways/PosNet.php b/src/Gateways/PosNet.php
index b19d1e19..ac0c8954 100644
--- a/src/Gateways/PosNet.php
+++ b/src/Gateways/PosNet.php
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ class PosNet extends AbstractGateway
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND_PARTIAL => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_HISTORY => false,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_ORDER_HISTORY => false,
+ PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY => true,
diff --git a/src/Gateways/PosNetV1Pos.php b/src/Gateways/PosNetV1Pos.php
index d869868d..ea61a498 100644
--- a/src/Gateways/PosNetV1Pos.php
+++ b/src/Gateways/PosNetV1Pos.php
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ class PosNetV1Pos extends AbstractGateway
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND_PARTIAL => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_HISTORY => false,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_ORDER_HISTORY => false,
+ PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY => true,
/** @return PosNetAccount */
@@ -152,6 +153,18 @@ public function get3DFormData(array $order, string $paymentModel, string $txType
return $this->requestDataMapper->create3DFormData($this->account, $order, $paymentModel, $txType, $this->get3DGatewayURL(), $creditCard);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function customQuery(array $requestData, string $apiUrl = null): PosInterface
+ {
+ if (null === $apiUrl) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException('API URL is required for custom query');
+ }
+ return parent::customQuery($requestData, $apiUrl);
+ }
* @inheritDoc
diff --git a/src/Gateways/ToslaPos.php b/src/Gateways/ToslaPos.php
index 29e0d8b3..a480bb0a 100644
--- a/src/Gateways/ToslaPos.php
+++ b/src/Gateways/ToslaPos.php
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ class ToslaPos extends AbstractGateway
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND_PARTIAL => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_STATUS => true,
+ PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY => true,
@@ -161,6 +162,18 @@ public function get3DFormData(array $order, string $paymentModel, string $txType
return $this->requestDataMapper->create3DFormData($this->account, $data, $paymentModel, $txType, $gatewayUrl, $creditCard);
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function customQuery(array $requestData, string $apiUrl = null): PosInterface
+ {
+ if (null === $apiUrl) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('API URL is required for custom query');
+ }
+ return parent::customQuery($requestData, $apiUrl);
+ }
* @inheritDoc
diff --git a/src/Gateways/VakifKatilimPos.php b/src/Gateways/VakifKatilimPos.php
index d93b5160..483b1621 100644
--- a/src/Gateways/VakifKatilimPos.php
+++ b/src/Gateways/VakifKatilimPos.php
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ class VakifKatilimPos extends AbstractGateway
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND_PARTIAL => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_HISTORY => true,
PosInterface::TX_TYPE_ORDER_HISTORY => true,
+ PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY => true,
/** @return KuveytPosAccount */
@@ -159,6 +160,18 @@ public function make3DPayment(Request $request, array $order, string $txType, Cr
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ public function customQuery(array $requestData, string $apiUrl = null): PosInterface
+ {
+ if (null === $apiUrl) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('API URL is required for custom query');
+ }
+ return parent::customQuery($requestData, $apiUrl);
+ }
* @inheritDoc
diff --git a/src/PosInterface.php b/src/PosInterface.php
index 0a486a81..9ee6a2e2 100644
--- a/src/PosInterface.php
+++ b/src/PosInterface.php
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ interface PosInterface
/** @var string */
public const TX_TYPE_HISTORY = 'history';
+ /** @var string */
+ public const TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY = 'custom_query';
/** @var string */
public const MODEL_3D_SECURE = '3d';
@@ -284,6 +287,24 @@ public function orderHistory(array $order): PosInterface;
public function history(array $data): PosInterface;
+ /**
+ * Kütüphanenin desteği olmadığı özel istekleri bu methodla yapabilirsiniz.
+ * requestData içinde API hesap bilgileri, hash verisi ve bazi sabit değerler
+ * eğer zaten bulunmuyorsa kütüphane otomatik ekler.
+ *
+ * Bankadan dönen cevap array'e dönüştürülür,
+ * ancak diğer transaction'larda olduğu gibi mapping/normalization yapılmaz.
+ *
+ * @param array $requestData API'a gönderilecek veri.
+ * @param non-empty-string|null $apiUrl
+ *
+ * @return PosInterface
+ *
+ * @throws ClientExceptionInterface
+ */
+ public function customQuery(array $requestData, string $apiUrl = null): PosInterface;
* Is success
diff --git a/src/Serializer/KuveytPosSerializer.php b/src/Serializer/KuveytPosSerializer.php
index a1a9f9c1..34ad7c32 100644
--- a/src/Serializer/KuveytPosSerializer.php
+++ b/src/Serializer/KuveytPosSerializer.php
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ class KuveytPosSerializer implements SerializerInterface
private Serializer $serializer;
diff --git a/src/Serializer/PayFlexCPV4PosSerializer.php b/src/Serializer/PayFlexCPV4PosSerializer.php
index 6822ea75..1551f85f 100644
--- a/src/Serializer/PayFlexCPV4PosSerializer.php
+++ b/src/Serializer/PayFlexCPV4PosSerializer.php
@@ -48,9 +48,14 @@ public function encode(array $data, string $txType)
- if (PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND === $txType
- || PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND_PARTIAL === $txType
- || PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CANCEL === $txType) {
+ $supportedTxTypes = [
+ PosInterface::TX_TYPE_REFUND,
+ PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CANCEL,
+ ];
+ if (\in_array($txType, $supportedTxTypes, true)) {
return $this->serializer->encode($data, XmlEncoder::FORMAT);
diff --git a/tests/Functional/AkbankPosTest.php b/tests/Functional/AkbankPosTest.php
index 74a5fef9..78ec37f6 100644
--- a/tests/Functional/AkbankPosTest.php
+++ b/tests/Functional/AkbankPosTest.php
@@ -435,4 +435,43 @@ function (RequestDataPreparedEvent $requestDataPreparedEvent) use (&$eventIsThro
+ public function testCustomQuery(): void
+ {
+ $customQuery = [
+ 'txnCode' => '1020',
+ 'order' => [
+ 'orderTrackId' => 'ae15a6c8-467e-45de-b24c-b98821a42667',
+ ],
+ 'payByLink' => [
+ 'linkTxnCode' => '3000',
+ 'linkTransferType' => 'SMS',
+ 'mobilePhoneNumber' => '5321234567',
+ ],
+ 'transaction' => [
+ 'amount' => 1.00,
+ 'currencyCode' => 949,
+ 'motoInd' => 0,
+ 'installCount' => 1,
+ ],
+ ];
+ $eventIsThrown = false;
+ $this->eventDispatcher->addListener(
+ RequestDataPreparedEvent::class,
+ function (RequestDataPreparedEvent $requestDataPreparedEvent) use (&$eventIsThrown): void {
+ $eventIsThrown = true;
+ $this->assertSame(PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY, $requestDataPreparedEvent->getTxType());
+ $this->assertCount(8, $requestDataPreparedEvent->getRequestData());
+ });
+ $this->pos->customQuery($customQuery);
+ $response = $this->pos->getResponse();
+ $this->assertIsArray($response);
+ $this->assertNotEmpty($response);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('responseCode', $response);
+ $this->assertTrue($eventIsThrown);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/Functional/EstV3PosTest.php b/tests/Functional/EstV3PosTest.php
index da15f1d0..623d87b2 100644
--- a/tests/Functional/EstV3PosTest.php
+++ b/tests/Functional/EstV3PosTest.php
@@ -297,4 +297,34 @@ function (Before3DFormHashCalculatedEvent $before3DFormHashCalculatedEvent) use
$this->assertArrayHasKey('test_input', $formData['inputs']);
+ public function testCustomQuery(): void
+ {
+ $customQuery = [
+ 'Type' => 'Query',
+ 'Number' => '4242424242424242',
+ 'Expires' => '10.2028',
+ 'Extra' => [
+ ],
+ ];
+ $eventIsThrown = false;
+ $this->eventDispatcher->addListener(
+ RequestDataPreparedEvent::class,
+ function (RequestDataPreparedEvent $requestDataPreparedEvent) use (&$eventIsThrown): void {
+ $eventIsThrown = true;
+ $this->assertSame(PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY, $requestDataPreparedEvent->getTxType());
+ $this->assertCount(7, $requestDataPreparedEvent->getRequestData());
+ });
+ $this->pos->customQuery($customQuery);
+ $response = $this->pos->getResponse();
+ $this->assertIsArray($response);
+ $this->assertNotEmpty($response);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('ProcReturnCode', $response);
+ $this->assertTrue($eventIsThrown);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/Functional/GarantiPosTest.php b/tests/Functional/GarantiPosTest.php
index 1c5a5e5c..2659b5df 100644
--- a/tests/Functional/GarantiPosTest.php
+++ b/tests/Functional/GarantiPosTest.php
@@ -284,4 +284,46 @@ function (RequestDataPreparedEvent $requestDataPreparedEvent) use (&$eventIsThro
+ public function testCustomQuery(): void
+ {
+ $customQuery = [
+ 'Version' => 'v0.00',
+ 'Customer' => [
+ 'IPAddress' => '',
+ 'EmailAddress' => 'Cem@cem.com',
+ ],
+ 'Order' => [
+ 'OrderID' => 'SISTD5A61F1682E745B28871872383ABBEB1',
+ 'GroupID' => '',
+ 'Description' => '',
+ ],
+ 'Transaction' => [
+ 'Type' => 'bininq',
+ 'Amount' => '1',
+ 'BINInq' => [
+ 'Group' => 'A',
+ 'CardType' => 'A',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ $eventIsThrown = false;
+ $this->eventDispatcher->addListener(
+ RequestDataPreparedEvent::class,
+ function (RequestDataPreparedEvent $requestDataPreparedEvent) use (&$eventIsThrown): void {
+ $eventIsThrown = true;
+ $this->assertSame(PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY, $requestDataPreparedEvent->getTxType());
+ $this->assertCount(6, $requestDataPreparedEvent->getRequestData());
+ });
+ $this->pos->customQuery($customQuery);
+ $response = $this->pos->getResponse();
+ $this->assertIsArray($response);
+ $this->assertNotEmpty($response);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('Transaction', $response);
+ $this->assertTrue($eventIsThrown);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/Functional/KuveytPosTest.php b/tests/Functional/KuveytPosTest.php
index 5d4fcf40..3659dbcc 100644
--- a/tests/Functional/KuveytPosTest.php
+++ b/tests/Functional/KuveytPosTest.php
@@ -301,4 +301,34 @@ function (RequestDataPreparedEvent $requestDataPreparedEvent) use (&$eventIsThro
return $lastResponse;
+ public function testCustomQuery(): void
+ {
+ $customQuery = [
+ 'SecureType' => 'Inquiry',
+ 'TxnType' => 'ParaPuanInquiry',
+ 'Pan' => $card->getNumber(),
+ 'Expiry' => $card->getExpirationDate(\Mews\Pos\DataMapper\RequestDataMapper\PayForPosRequestDataMapper::CREDIT_CARD_EXP_DATE_FORMAT),
+ 'Cvv2' => $card->getCvv(),
+ ];
+ $eventIsThrown = false;
+ $this->eventDispatcher->addListener(
+ RequestDataPreparedEvent::class,
+ function (RequestDataPreparedEvent $requestDataPreparedEvent) use (&$eventIsThrown): void {
+ $eventIsThrown = true;
+ $this->assertSame(PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY, $requestDataPreparedEvent->getTxType());
+ $this->assertCount(6, $requestDataPreparedEvent->getRequestData());
+ });
+ $this->pos->customQuery($customQuery);
+ $response = $this->pos->getResponse();
+ $this->assertIsArray($response);
+ $this->assertNotEmpty($response);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('Transaction', $response);
+ $this->assertTrue($eventIsThrown);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/Functional/PayForPosTest.php b/tests/Functional/PayForPosTest.php
index 75f157e9..c8d37de9 100644
--- a/tests/Functional/PayForPosTest.php
+++ b/tests/Functional/PayForPosTest.php
@@ -310,4 +310,33 @@ function (RequestDataPreparedEvent $requestDataPreparedEvent) use (&$eventIsThro
return $lastResponse;
+ public function testCustomQuery(): void
+ {
+ $customQuery = [
+ 'SecureType' => 'Inquiry',
+ 'TxnType' => 'ParaPuanInquiry',
+ 'Pan' => '4155650100416111',
+ 'Expiry' => '0125',
+ 'Cvv2' => '123',
+ ];
+ $eventIsThrown = false;
+ $this->eventDispatcher->addListener(
+ RequestDataPreparedEvent::class,
+ function (RequestDataPreparedEvent $requestDataPreparedEvent) use (&$eventIsThrown): void {
+ $eventIsThrown = true;
+ $this->assertSame(PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY, $requestDataPreparedEvent->getTxType());
+ $this->assertCount(9, $requestDataPreparedEvent->getRequestData());
+ });
+ $this->pos->customQuery($customQuery);
+ $response = $this->pos->getResponse();
+ $this->assertIsArray($response);
+ $this->assertNotEmpty($response);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('ProcReturnCode', $response);
+ $this->assertTrue($eventIsThrown);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/Functional/ToslaPosTest.php b/tests/Functional/ToslaPosTest.php
index cd146842..1766ee8d 100644
--- a/tests/Functional/ToslaPosTest.php
+++ b/tests/Functional/ToslaPosTest.php
@@ -225,4 +225,29 @@ function (RequestDataPreparedEvent $requestDataPreparedEvent) use (&$eventIsThro
return $lastResponse;
+ public function testCustomQuery(): void
+ {
+ $customQuery = [
+ 'bin' => 415956,
+ ];
+ $eventIsThrown = false;
+ $this->eventDispatcher->addListener(
+ RequestDataPreparedEvent::class,
+ function (RequestDataPreparedEvent $requestDataPreparedEvent) use (&$eventIsThrown): void {
+ $eventIsThrown = true;
+ $this->assertSame(PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY, $requestDataPreparedEvent->getTxType());
+ $this->assertCount(6, $requestDataPreparedEvent->getRequestData());
+ });
+ $this->pos->customQuery($customQuery, 'https://prepentegrasyon.tosla.com/api/Payment/GetCommissionAndInstallmentInfo');
+ $response = $this->pos->getResponse();
+ dump($response);
+ $this->assertIsArray($response);
+ $this->assertNotEmpty($response);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('BankCode', $response);
+ $this->assertTrue($eventIsThrown);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Crypt/GarantiPosCryptTest.php b/tests/Unit/Crypt/GarantiPosCryptTest.php
index 32815f0b..8427964c 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/Crypt/GarantiPosCryptTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/Crypt/GarantiPosCryptTest.php
@@ -195,6 +195,29 @@ public function hashCreateDataProvider(): array
'expected' => '0F97D922001221B9C90AA692CF5D4082FF6D3EB38BE863A47F9C08E63CD87312270D6F298E5FBBC320654861DA1C6EE826E0C83E904916351A9D3032FA426BAA',
+ 'bininq' => [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'Version' => 'v0.00',
+ 'Customer' => [
+ 'IPAddress' => '',
+ 'EmailAddress' => 'Cem@cem.com',
+ ],
+ 'Order' => [
+ 'OrderID' => 'SISTD5A61F1682E745B28871872383ABBEB1',
+ 'GroupID' => '',
+ 'Description' => '',
+ ],
+ 'Transaction' => [
+ 'Type' => 'bininq',
+ 'Amount' => '1',
+ 'BINInq' => [
+ 'Group' => 'A',
+ 'CardType' => 'A',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'expected' => 'B129BF998FF8C97C42D3FC923AA4271656B112549665FA130ACF631EA3EB73D917AEB3D646481564CACE38D1687F7744F82E5A1DBB6966F1512E0AF29B4C067B',
+ ],
diff --git a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/AkbankPosRequestDataMapperTest.php b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/AkbankPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
index 565386b8..53cc1c99 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/AkbankPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/AkbankPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
@@ -421,6 +421,120 @@ public function testCreateStatusRequestData(): void
$this->requestDataMapper->createStatusRequestData($this->account, []);
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCreateCustomQueryRequestData(array $requestData, array $expectedData): void
+ {
+ $this->crypt->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('generateRandomString')
+ ->willReturn($expectedData['randomNumber']);
+ $actual = $this->requestDataMapper->createCustomQueryRequestData($this->account, $requestData);
+ $this->assertSame(23, \strlen($actual['requestDateTime']));
+ unset($actual['requestDateTime']);
+ \ksort($actual);
+ \ksort($expectedData);
+ $this->assertSame($expectedData, $actual);
+ }
+ public static function createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider(): \Generator
+ {
+ yield 'without_account_data_link_creation_request' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'txnCode' => '1020',
+ 'order' => [
+ 'orderTrackId' => 'ae15a6c8-467e-45de-b24c-b98821a42667',
+ ],
+ 'payByLink' => [
+ 'linkTxnCode' => '3000',
+ 'linkTransferType' => 'SMS',
+ 'mobilePhoneNumber' => '5321234567',
+ ],
+ 'transaction' => [
+ 'amount' => 1.00,
+ 'currencyCode' => 949,
+ 'motoInd' => 0,
+ 'installCount' => 1,
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'version' => '1.00',
+ 'txnCode' => '1020',
+ 'randomNumber' => 'rand_134',
+ 'terminal' => [
+ 'merchantSafeId' => '2023090417500272654BD9A49CF07574',
+ 'terminalSafeId' => '2023090417500284633D137A249DBBEB',
+ ],
+ 'order' => [
+ 'orderTrackId' => 'ae15a6c8-467e-45de-b24c-b98821a42667',
+ ],
+ 'payByLink' => [
+ 'linkTxnCode' => '3000',
+ 'linkTransferType' => 'SMS',
+ 'mobilePhoneNumber' => '5321234567',
+ ],
+ 'transaction' => [
+ 'amount' => 1.00,
+ 'currencyCode' => 949,
+ 'motoInd' => 0,
+ 'installCount' => 1,
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'with_account_data' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'version' => 'VERSION_11',
+ 'txnCode' => '1020',
+ 'requestDateTime' => '2024-04-14T16:45:30.000',
+ 'randomNumber' => 'random_123',
+ 'terminal' => [
+ 'merchantSafeId' => 'MERCH_SAFE_ID',
+ 'terminalSafeId' => 'TERM_SAFE_ID',
+ ],
+ 'order' => [
+ 'orderTrackId' => 'ae15a6c8-467e-45de-b24c-b98821a42667',
+ ],
+ 'payByLink' => [
+ 'linkTxnCode' => '3000',
+ 'linkTransferType' => 'SMS',
+ 'mobilePhoneNumber' => '5321234567',
+ ],
+ 'transaction' => [
+ 'amount' => 1.00,
+ 'currencyCode' => 949,
+ 'motoInd' => 0,
+ 'installCount' => 1,
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'version' => 'VERSION_11',
+ 'txnCode' => '1020',
+ 'randomNumber' => 'random_123',
+ 'terminal' => [
+ 'merchantSafeId' => 'MERCH_SAFE_ID',
+ 'terminalSafeId' => 'TERM_SAFE_ID',
+ ],
+ 'order' => [
+ 'orderTrackId' => 'ae15a6c8-467e-45de-b24c-b98821a42667',
+ ],
+ 'payByLink' => [
+ 'linkTxnCode' => '3000',
+ 'linkTransferType' => 'SMS',
+ 'mobilePhoneNumber' => '5321234567',
+ ],
+ 'transaction' => [
+ 'amount' => 1.00,
+ 'currencyCode' => 949,
+ 'motoInd' => 0,
+ 'installCount' => 1,
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function historyRequestDataProvider(): array
return [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/EstPosRequestDataMapperTest.php b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/EstPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
index 225d5ab1..c7c4563a 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/EstPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/EstPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
@@ -247,6 +247,67 @@ public function testCreateRefundRequestData(array $order, string $txType, array
$this->assertSame($expectedData, $actual);
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCreateCustomQueryRequestData(array $requestData, array $expectedData): void
+ {
+ $actual = $this->requestDataMapper->createCustomQueryRequestData($this->account, $requestData);
+ \ksort($actual);
+ \ksort($expectedData);
+ $this->assertSame($expectedData, $actual);
+ }
+ public static function createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider(): \Generator
+ {
+ yield 'without_account_data' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'Type' => 'Query',
+ 'Number' => '4111111111111111',
+ 'Expires' => '10.2025',
+ 'Extra' => [
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'Name' => 'ISBANKAPI',
+ 'Password' => 'ISBANK07',
+ 'ClientId' => '700655000200',
+ 'Type' => 'Query',
+ 'Number' => '4111111111111111',
+ 'Expires' => '10.2025',
+ 'Extra' => [
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'with_account_data' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'Name' => 'ACCOUNTNAME',
+ 'Password' => 'ACCOUNTPASSWORD',
+ 'Type' => 'Query',
+ 'Number' => '4111111111111111',
+ 'Expires' => '10.2025',
+ 'Extra' => [
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'Name' => 'ACCOUNTNAME',
+ 'Password' => 'ACCOUNTPASSWORD',
+ 'Type' => 'Query',
+ 'Number' => '4111111111111111',
+ 'Expires' => '10.2025',
+ 'Extra' => [
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function threeDPaymentRequestDataDataProvider(): \Generator
@@ -678,7 +739,7 @@ public static function statusRequestDataProvider(): array
'ClientId' => '700655000200',
'Extra' => [
- 'RECURRINGID' => '22303O8EA19252',
+ 'RECURRINGID' => '22303O8EA19252',
diff --git a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/GarantiPosRequestDataMapperTest.php b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/GarantiPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
index 40eea299..3f1161de 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/GarantiPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/GarantiPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
@@ -346,6 +346,138 @@ public function testCreateRefundRequestDataWithoutRefundCredentials(): void
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCreateCustomQueryRequestData(array $requestData, array $expectedData): void
+ {
+ if (!isset($requestData['Terminal']['HashData'])) {
+ $this->crypt->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('createHash')
+ ->willReturn($expectedData['Terminal']['HashData']);
+ }
+ $actual = $this->requestDataMapper->createCustomQueryRequestData($this->account, $requestData);
+ \ksort($actual['Terminal']);
+ \ksort($expectedData['Terminal']);
+ \ksort($actual);
+ \ksort($expectedData);
+ $this->assertSame($expectedData, $actual);
+ }
+ public static function createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider(): \Generator
+ {
+ yield 'without_account_data_bin_inquiry' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'Version' => 'v0.00',
+ 'Customer' => [
+ 'IPAddress' => '',
+ 'EmailAddress' => 'Cem@cem.com',
+ ],
+ 'Order' => [
+ 'OrderID' => 'SISTD5A61F1682E745B28871872383ABBEB1',
+ 'GroupID' => '',
+ 'Description' => '',
+ ],
+ 'Transaction' => [
+ 'Type' => 'bininq',
+ 'Amount' => '1',
+ 'BINInq' => [
+ 'Group' => 'A',
+ 'CardType' => 'A',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'Customer' => [
+ 'IPAddress' => '',
+ 'EmailAddress' => 'Cem@cem.com',
+ ],
+ 'Mode' => 'TEST',
+ 'Order' => [
+ 'OrderID' => 'SISTD5A61F1682E745B28871872383ABBEB1',
+ 'GroupID' => '',
+ 'Description' => '',
+ ],
+ 'Terminal' => [
+ 'ProvUserID' => 'PROVAUT',
+ 'UserID' => 'PROVAUT',
+ 'HashData' => '',
+ 'ID' => '30691298',
+ 'MerchantID' => '7000679',
+ ],
+ 'Transaction' => [
+ 'Type' => 'bininq',
+ 'Amount' => '1',
+ 'BINInq' => [
+ 'Group' => 'A',
+ 'CardType' => 'A',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Version' => 'v0.00',
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'with_account_data_bin_inquiry' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'Customer' => [
+ 'IPAddress' => '',
+ 'EmailAddress' => 'Cem@cem.com',
+ ],
+ 'Mode' => 'TEST',
+ 'Order' => [
+ 'OrderID' => 'SISTD5A61F1682E745B28871872383ABBEB1',
+ 'GroupID' => '',
+ 'Description' => '',
+ ],
+ 'Terminal' => [
+ 'ProvUserID' => 'PROVAUT2',
+ 'UserID' => 'PROVAUT2',
+ 'ID' => '306912982',
+ 'MerchantID' => '70006792',
+ ],
+ 'Transaction' => [
+ 'Type' => 'bininq',
+ 'Amount' => '1',
+ 'BINInq' => [
+ 'Group' => 'A',
+ 'CardType' => 'A',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Version' => 'v0.00',
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'Customer' => [
+ 'IPAddress' => '',
+ 'EmailAddress' => 'Cem@cem.com',
+ ],
+ 'Mode' => 'TEST',
+ 'Order' => [
+ 'OrderID' => 'SISTD5A61F1682E745B28871872383ABBEB1',
+ 'GroupID' => '',
+ 'Description' => '',
+ ],
+ 'Terminal' => [
+ 'ProvUserID' => 'PROVAUT2',
+ 'UserID' => 'PROVAUT2',
+ 'HashData' => 'ljflsjflds',
+ 'ID' => '306912982',
+ 'MerchantID' => '70006792',
+ ],
+ 'Transaction' => [
+ 'Type' => 'bininq',
+ 'Amount' => '1',
+ 'BINInq' => [
+ 'Group' => 'A',
+ 'CardType' => 'A',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Version' => 'v0.00',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function threeDFormDataProvider(): array
$order = [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/InterPosRequestDataMapperTest.php b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/InterPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
index 76d20879..368728e0 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/InterPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/InterPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
@@ -238,6 +238,48 @@ public function testCreateHistoryRequestData(): void
$this->requestDataMapper->createHistoryRequestData($this->account, []);
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCreateCustomQueryRequestData(array $requestData, array $expectedData): void
+ {
+ $actual = $this->requestDataMapper->createCustomQueryRequestData($this->account, $requestData);
+ \ksort($actual);
+ \ksort($expectedData);
+ $this->assertSame($expectedData, $actual);
+ }
+ public static function createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider(): \Generator
+ {
+ yield 'without_account_data' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'abc' => '124',
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'abc' => '124',
+ 'ShopCode' => '3123',
+ 'UserCode' => 'InterTestApi',
+ 'UserPass' => '3',
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'with_account_data' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'abc' => '124',
+ 'ShopCode' => '31231',
+ 'UserCode' => 'InterTestApi1',
+ 'UserPass' => '31',
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'abc' => '124',
+ 'ShopCode' => '31231',
+ 'UserCode' => 'InterTestApi1',
+ 'UserPass' => '31',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function create3DPaymentRequestDataDataProvider(): array
return [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/KuveytPosRequestDataMapperTest.php b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/KuveytPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
index 000b1dca..34ff8446 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/KuveytPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/KuveytPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class KuveytPosRequestDataMapperTest extends TestCase
private KuveytPosRequestDataMapper $requestDataMapper;
- /** @var CryptInterface|MockObject */
+ /** @var CryptInterface & MockObject */
private CryptInterface $crypt;
/** @var EventDispatcherInterface & MockObject */
@@ -327,6 +327,67 @@ public function testCreateHistoryRequestData(): void
$this->requestDataMapper->createHistoryRequestData($this->account, []);
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCreateCustomQueryRequestData(array $requestData, array $expectedData): void
+ {
+ if (!isset($requestData['VPosMessage']['HashData'])) {
+ $this->crypt->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('createHash')
+ ->willReturn($expectedData['VPosMessage']['HashData']);
+ }
+ $actual = $this->requestDataMapper->createCustomQueryRequestData($this->account, $requestData);
+ \ksort($actual);
+ \ksort($expectedData);
+ $this->assertSame($expectedData, $actual);
+ }
+ public static function createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider(): \Generator
+ {
+ yield 'without_account_data' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'abc' => 'abc',
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'abc' => 'abc',
+ 'VPosMessage' => [
+ 'MerchantId' => '80',
+ 'CustomerId' => '400235',
+ 'UserName' => 'apiuser',
+ 'APIVersion' => 'TDV2.0.0',
+ 'HashData' => 'hasshhh',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'with_account_data' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'abc' => 'abc',
+ 'VPosMessage' => [
+ 'MerchantId' => '802',
+ 'CustomerId' => '4002352',
+ 'UserName' => 'apiuser2',
+ 'APIVersion' => 'TDV1.0.0',
+ 'HashData' => 'hasshhh22',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'abc' => 'abc',
+ 'VPosMessage' => [
+ 'MerchantId' => '802',
+ 'CustomerId' => '4002352',
+ 'UserName' => 'apiuser2',
+ 'APIVersion' => 'TDV1.0.0',
+ 'HashData' => 'hasshhh22',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function createCancelRequestDataProvider(): iterable
yield [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexCPV4PosRequestDataMapperTest.php b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexCPV4PosRequestDataMapperTest.php
index 65302c3f..15830480 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexCPV4PosRequestDataMapperTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexCPV4PosRequestDataMapperTest.php
@@ -186,6 +186,46 @@ public function testCreateOrderHistoryRequestData(): void
$this->requestDataMapper->createOrderHistoryRequestData($this->account, []);
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCreateCustomQueryRequestData(array $requestData, array $expectedData): void
+ {
+ $actual = $this->requestDataMapper->createCustomQueryRequestData($this->account, $requestData);
+ \ksort($actual);
+ \ksort($expectedData);
+ $this->assertSame($expectedData, $actual);
+ }
+ public static function createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider(): \Generator
+ {
+ yield 'without_account_data_bin_inquiry' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'abc' => 'abc',
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'abc' => 'abc',
+ 'MerchantId' => '000000000111111',
+ 'Password' => '3XTgER89as',
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'with_account_data_bin_inquiry' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'abc' => 'abc',
+ 'MerchantId' => '000000000111111xxx',
+ 'Password' => '3XTgER89asxxx',
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'abc' => 'abc',
+ 'MerchantId' => '000000000111111xxx',
+ 'Password' => '3XTgER89asxxx',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function registerDataProvider(): iterable
$account = AccountFactory::createPayFlexAccount(
diff --git a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexV4PosRequestDataMapperTest.php b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexV4PosRequestDataMapperTest.php
index d6248ae3..d7d5f92d 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexV4PosRequestDataMapperTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayFlexV4PosRequestDataMapperTest.php
@@ -247,6 +247,48 @@ public function testCreateHistoryRequestData(): void
$this->requestDataMapper->createHistoryRequestData($this->account, []);
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCreateCustomQueryRequestData(array $requestData, array $expectedData): void
+ {
+ $actual = $this->requestDataMapper->createCustomQueryRequestData($this->account, $requestData);
+ \ksort($actual);
+ \ksort($expectedData);
+ $this->assertSame($expectedData, $actual);
+ }
+ public static function createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider(): \Generator
+ {
+ yield 'without_account_data_campaign_search' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'TransactionType' => 'CampaignSearch',
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'MerchantId' => '000000000111111',
+ 'Password' => '3XTgER89as',
+ 'TerminalNo' => 'VP999999',
+ 'TransactionType' => 'CampaignSearch',
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'with_account_data_campaign_search' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'MerchantId' => '000000000111111zz',
+ 'Password' => '3XTgER89aszzz',
+ 'TerminalNo' => 'VP999999zz',
+ 'TransactionType' => 'CampaignSearchzz',
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'MerchantId' => '000000000111111zz',
+ 'Password' => '3XTgER89aszzz',
+ 'TerminalNo' => 'VP999999zz',
+ 'TransactionType' => 'CampaignSearchzz',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function createStatusRequestDataDataProvider(): array
return [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayForPosRequestDataMapperTest.php b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayForPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
index f6c7407d..79b4dc8c 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayForPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PayForPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
@@ -253,6 +253,67 @@ public function testCreateRefundRequestData(array $order, string $txType, array
$this->assertSame($expectedData, $actual);
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCreateCustomQueryRequestData(array $requestData, array $expectedData): void
+ {
+ $actual = $this->requestDataMapper->createCustomQueryRequestData($this->account, $requestData);
+ \ksort($actual);
+ \ksort($expectedData);
+ $this->assertSame($expectedData, $actual);
+ }
+ public static function createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider(): \Generator
+ {
+ yield 'without_account_data_point_inquiry' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'SecureType' => 'Inquiry',
+ 'TxnType' => 'ParaPuanInquiry',
+ 'Pan' => '4155650100416111',
+ 'Expiry' => '0125',
+ 'Cvv2' => '123',
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'Cvv2' => '123',
+ 'Expiry' => '0125',
+ 'MbrId' => '5',
+ 'MerchantId' => '085300000009704',
+ 'Pan' => '4155650100416111',
+ 'SecureType' => 'Inquiry',
+ 'TxnType' => 'ParaPuanInquiry',
+ 'UserCode' => 'QNB_API_KULLANICI_3DPAY',
+ 'UserPass' => 'UcBN0',
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'with_account_data_point_inquiry' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'Cvv2' => '123',
+ 'Expiry' => '0125',
+ 'MbrId' => '5',
+ 'MerchantId' => '085300000009704',
+ 'Pan' => '4155650100416111',
+ 'SecureType' => 'Inquiry',
+ 'TxnType' => 'ParaPuanInquiry',
+ 'UserCode' => 'QNB_API_KULLANICI_3DPAYxxx',
+ 'UserPass' => 'UcBN0xxx',
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'Cvv2' => '123',
+ 'Expiry' => '0125',
+ 'MbrId' => '5',
+ 'MerchantId' => '085300000009704',
+ 'Pan' => '4155650100416111',
+ 'SecureType' => 'Inquiry',
+ 'TxnType' => 'ParaPuanInquiry',
+ 'UserCode' => 'QNB_API_KULLANICI_3DPAYxxx',
+ 'UserPass' => 'UcBN0xxx',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function create3DPaymentRequestDataDataProvider(): array
return [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetRequestDataMapperTest.php b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetRequestDataMapperTest.php
index 6aa18ec8..d6ff9a89 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetRequestDataMapperTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetRequestDataMapperTest.php
@@ -312,6 +312,73 @@ public function testCreateOrderHistoryRequestData(): void
$this->requestDataMapper->createOrderHistoryRequestData($this->account, []);
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCreateCustomQueryRequestData(array $requestData, array $expectedData): void
+ {
+ $actual = $this->requestDataMapper->createCustomQueryRequestData($this->account, $requestData);
+ \ksort($actual);
+ \ksort($expectedData);
+ $this->assertSame($expectedData, $actual);
+ }
+ public static function createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider(): \Generator
+ {
+ yield 'without_account_data_point_inquiry' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'pointUsage' => [
+ 'amount' => '250',
+ 'lpAmount' => '40',
+ 'ccno' => '4048090000000001',
+ 'currencyCode' => 'TL',
+ 'expDate' => '2411',
+ 'orderID' => 'PKPPislemleriNT000000001',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'mid' => '6706598320',
+ 'tid' => '67005551',
+ 'pointUsage' => [
+ 'amount' => '250',
+ 'lpAmount' => '40',
+ 'ccno' => '4048090000000001',
+ 'currencyCode' => 'TL',
+ 'expDate' => '2411',
+ 'orderID' => 'PKPPislemleriNT000000001',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'with_account_data_point_inquiry' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'mid' => '6706598320xxx',
+ 'tid' => '67005551xxx',
+ 'pointUsage' => [
+ 'amount' => '250',
+ 'lpAmount' => '40',
+ 'ccno' => '4048090000000001',
+ 'currencyCode' => 'TL',
+ 'expDate' => '2411',
+ 'orderID' => 'PKPPislemleriNT000000001',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'mid' => '6706598320xxx',
+ 'tid' => '67005551xxx',
+ 'pointUsage' => [
+ 'amount' => '250',
+ 'lpAmount' => '40',
+ 'ccno' => '4048090000000001',
+ 'currencyCode' => 'TL',
+ 'expDate' => '2411',
+ 'orderID' => 'PKPPislemleriNT000000001',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function threeDFormDataDataProvider(): array
return [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetV1PosRequestDataMapperTest.php b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetV1PosRequestDataMapperTest.php
index 39f952d3..0b270e52 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetV1PosRequestDataMapperTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/PosNetV1PosRequestDataMapperTest.php
@@ -309,6 +309,124 @@ public function testCreateOrderHistoryRequestData(): void
$this->requestDataMapper->createOrderHistoryRequestData($this->account, []);
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCreateCustomQueryRequestData(array $requestData, array $expectedData): void
+ {
+ if (!isset($requestData['MAC'])) {
+ $this->crypt->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('hashFromParams')
+ ->willReturn($expectedData['MAC']);
+ }
+ $actual = $this->requestDataMapper->createCustomQueryRequestData($this->account, $requestData);
+ \ksort($actual);
+ \ksort($expectedData);
+ $this->assertSame($expectedData, $actual);
+ }
+ public static function createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider(): \Generator
+ {
+ yield 'without_account_data_point_inquiry' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'MACParams' => 'MerchantNo:TerminalNo:CardNo:Cvc2:ExpireDate',
+ 'CipheredData' => null,
+ 'DealerData' => null,
+ 'IsEncrypted' => 'N',
+ 'PaymentFacilitatorData'=> null,
+ 'AdditionalInfoData' => null,
+ 'CardInformationData' => [
+ 'CardHolderName' => 'deneme deneme',
+ 'CardNo' => '5400619360964581',
+ 'Cvc2' => '056',
+ 'ExpireDate' => '2001',
+ ],
+ 'IsMailOrder' => null,
+ 'IsRecurring' => null,
+ 'IsTDSecureMerchant' => 'Y',
+ 'PaymentInstrumentType' => 'CARD',
+ 'ThreeDSecureData' => null,
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'AdditionalInfoData' => null,
+ 'ApiType' => 'JSON',
+ 'ApiVersion' => 'V100',
+ 'CardInformationData' => [
+ 'CardHolderName' => 'deneme deneme',
+ 'CardNo' => '5400619360964581',
+ 'Cvc2' => '056',
+ 'ExpireDate' => '2001',
+ ],
+ 'CipheredData' => null,
+ 'DealerData' => null,
+ 'IsEncrypted' => 'N',
+ 'IsMailOrder' => null,
+ 'IsRecurring' => null,
+ 'IsTDSecureMerchant' => 'Y',
+ 'MAC' => 'jlksjfjldsf',
+ 'MACParams' => 'MerchantNo:TerminalNo:CardNo:Cvc2:ExpireDate',
+ 'MerchantNo' => '6700950031',
+ 'PaymentFacilitatorData' => null,
+ 'PaymentInstrumentType' => 'CARD',
+ 'TerminalNo' => '67540050',
+ 'ThreeDSecureData' => null,
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'with_account_data_point_inquiry' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'AdditionalInfoData' => null,
+ 'ApiType' => 'JSON',
+ 'ApiVersion' => 'V100',
+ 'CardInformationData' => [
+ 'CardHolderName' => 'deneme deneme',
+ 'CardNo' => '5400619360964581',
+ 'Cvc2' => '056',
+ 'ExpireDate' => '2001',
+ ],
+ 'CipheredData' => null,
+ 'DealerData' => null,
+ 'IsEncrypted' => 'N',
+ 'IsMailOrder' => null,
+ 'IsRecurring' => null,
+ 'IsTDSecureMerchant' => 'Y',
+ 'MAC' => 'jlksjfjldsfxxx',
+ 'MACParams' => 'MerchantNo:TerminalNo:CardNo:Cvc2:ExpireDate',
+ 'MerchantNo' => '6700950031xxx',
+ 'TerminalNo' => '67540050xxx',
+ 'PaymentFacilitatorData' => null,
+ 'PaymentInstrumentType' => 'CARD',
+ 'ThreeDSecureData' => null,
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'AdditionalInfoData' => null,
+ 'ApiType' => 'JSON',
+ 'ApiVersion' => 'V100',
+ 'CardInformationData' => [
+ 'CardHolderName' => 'deneme deneme',
+ 'CardNo' => '5400619360964581',
+ 'Cvc2' => '056',
+ 'ExpireDate' => '2001',
+ ],
+ 'CipheredData' => null,
+ 'DealerData' => null,
+ 'IsEncrypted' => 'N',
+ 'IsMailOrder' => null,
+ 'IsRecurring' => null,
+ 'IsTDSecureMerchant' => 'Y',
+ 'MAC' => 'jlksjfjldsfxxx',
+ 'MACParams' => 'MerchantNo:TerminalNo:CardNo:Cvc2:ExpireDate',
+ 'MerchantNo' => '6700950031xxx',
+ 'TerminalNo' => '67540050xxx',
+ 'PaymentFacilitatorData' => null,
+ 'PaymentInstrumentType' => 'CARD',
+ 'ThreeDSecureData' => null,
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
* @return array
diff --git a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/ToslaPosRequestDataMapperTest.php b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/ToslaPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
index 2556f59f..3a59d661 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/ToslaPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/ToslaPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
@@ -268,6 +268,64 @@ public function testCreateHistoryRequestData(): void
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCreateCustomQueryRequestData(array $requestData, array $expectedData): void
+ {
+ $this->crypt->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('generateRandomString')
+ ->willReturn($expectedData['rnd']);
+ if (!isset($requestData['hash'])) {
+ $this->crypt->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('createHash')
+ ->willReturn($expectedData['hash']);
+ }
+ $actual = $this->requestDataMapper->createCustomQueryRequestData($this->account, $requestData);
+ $this->assertSame(14, \strlen($actual['timeSpan']));
+ unset($actual['timeSpan'], $expectedData['timeSpan']);
+ \ksort($actual);
+ \ksort($expectedData);
+ $this->assertSame($expectedData, $actual);
+ }
+ public static function createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider(): \Generator
+ {
+ yield 'without_account_data_installment_option_inquiry' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'bin' => 415956,
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'apiUser' => 'POS_ENT_Test_001',
+ 'bin' => 415956,
+ 'clientId' => '1000000494',
+ 'hash' => '12fsdfdsfsfs',
+ 'rnd' => 'rndsfldfls',
+ 'timeSpan' => '20241103144302',
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'with_account_data_installment_option_inquiry' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'apiUser' => 'POS_ENT_Test_001xxx',
+ 'bin' => 415956,
+ 'clientId' => '1000000494xx',
+ 'hash' => '12fsdfdsfsfsxxx',
+ 'rnd' => 'rndsfldfls',
+ 'timeSpan' => '20241103144302',
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'apiUser' => 'POS_ENT_Test_001xxx',
+ 'bin' => 415956,
+ 'clientId' => '1000000494xx',
+ 'hash' => '12fsdfdsfsfsxxx',
+ 'rnd' => 'rndsfldfls',
+ 'timeSpan' => '20241103144302',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function statusRequestDataProvider(): array
diff --git a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/VakifKatilimPosRequestDataMapperTest.php b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/VakifKatilimPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
index a558f77f..e9619461 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/VakifKatilimPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/DataMapper/RequestDataMapper/VakifKatilimPosRequestDataMapperTest.php
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ public function testCreateStatusRequestData(array $order, array $expected): void
public function testCreate3DPaymentRequestData(KuveytPosAccount $kuveytPosAccount, array $order, string $txType, array $responseData, array $expectedData): void
- $hashCalculationData = $expectedData;
+ $hashCalculationData = $expectedData;
$hashCalculationData['HashData'] = '';
@@ -348,6 +348,174 @@ public function testCreate3DPaymentRequestData(KuveytPosAccount $kuveytPosAccoun
$this->assertSame($expectedData, $actual);
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCreateCustomQueryRequestData(array $requestData, array $expectedData): void
+ {
+ if (!isset($requestData['HashData'])) {
+ $this->crypt->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('createHash')
+ ->willReturn($expectedData['HashData']);
+ }
+ $this->crypt->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('hashString')
+ ->with($this->account->getStoreKey())
+ ->willReturn($expectedData['HashPassword']);
+ $actual = $this->requestDataMapper->createCustomQueryRequestData($this->account, $requestData);
+ \ksort($actual);
+ \ksort($expectedData);
+ $this->assertSame($expectedData, $actual);
+ }
+ public static function createCustomQueryRequestDataDataProvider(): \Generator
+ {
+ yield 'without_account_data_mail_order_sale' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'MerchantOrderId' => '2126497214',
+ 'InstallmentCount' => '0',
+ 'Amount' => '120',
+ 'DisplayAmount' => '120',
+ 'FECAmount' => '0',
+ 'FECCurrencyCode' => '0949',
+ 'Addresses' => [
+ 'VPosAddressContract' => [
+ 'Type' => '1',
+ 'Name' => 'Mahmut Sami YAZAR',
+ 'PhoneNumber' => '324234234234',
+ 'OrderId' => '0',
+ 'AddressId' => '12',
+ 'Email' => 'mahmutsamiyazar@hotmail.com',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'CardNumber' => '5353550000958906',
+ 'CardExpireDateYear' => '23',
+ 'CardExpireDateMonth' => '01',
+ 'CardCVV2' => '741',
+ 'CardHolderName' => 'Hasan Karacan',
+ 'DebtId' => '0',
+ 'SurchargeAmount' => '0',
+ 'SGKDebtAmount' => '0',
+ 'InstallmentMaturityCommisionFlag' => '0',
+ 'TransactionSecurity' => '1',
+ 'CardGuid' => 'AA9588EF350C480FBE5CAD40A463AF00',
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'APIVersion' => '1.0.0',
+ 'Addresses' => [
+ 'VPosAddressContract' => [
+ 'Type' => '1',
+ 'Name' => 'Mahmut Sami YAZAR',
+ 'PhoneNumber' => '324234234234',
+ 'OrderId' => '0',
+ 'AddressId' => '12',
+ 'Email' => 'mahmutsamiyazar@hotmail.com',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Amount' => '120',
+ 'CardCVV2' => '741',
+ 'CardExpireDateMonth' => '01',
+ 'CardExpireDateYear' => '23',
+ 'CardGuid' => 'AA9588EF350C480FBE5CAD40A463AF00',
+ 'CardHolderName' => 'Hasan Karacan',
+ 'CardNumber' => '5353550000958906',
+ 'CustomerId' => '11111',
+ 'DebtId' => '0',
+ 'DisplayAmount' => '120',
+ 'FECAmount' => '0',
+ 'FECCurrencyCode' => '0949',
+ 'HashData' => 'fskfjslfjss',
+ 'HashPassword' => 'lf;slkddskf;sa',
+ 'InstallmentCount' => '0',
+ 'InstallmentMaturityCommisionFlag' => '0',
+ 'MerchantId' => '1',
+ 'MerchantOrderId' => '2126497214',
+ 'SGKDebtAmount' => '0',
+ 'SubMerchantId' => '0',
+ 'SurchargeAmount' => '0',
+ 'TransactionSecurity' => '1',
+ 'UserName' => 'APIUSER',
+ ],
+ ];
+ yield 'with_account_data_mail_order_sale' => [
+ 'request_data' => [
+ 'APIVersion' => '1.0.0',
+ 'Addresses' => [
+ 'VPosAddressContract' => [
+ 'Type' => '1',
+ 'Name' => 'Mahmut Sami YAZAR',
+ 'PhoneNumber' => '324234234234',
+ 'OrderId' => '0',
+ 'AddressId' => '12',
+ 'Email' => 'mahmutsamiyazar@hotmail.com',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Amount' => '120',
+ 'CardCVV2' => '741',
+ 'CardExpireDateMonth' => '01',
+ 'CardExpireDateYear' => '23',
+ 'CardGuid' => 'AA9588EF350C480FBE5CAD40A463AF00',
+ 'CardHolderName' => 'Hasan Karacan',
+ 'CardNumber' => '5353550000958906',
+ 'DebtId' => '0',
+ 'DisplayAmount' => '120',
+ 'FECAmount' => '0',
+ 'FECCurrencyCode' => '0949',
+ 'InstallmentCount' => '0',
+ 'InstallmentMaturityCommisionFlag' => '0',
+ 'MerchantOrderId' => '2126497214',
+ 'SGKDebtAmount' => '0',
+ 'SurchargeAmount' => '0',
+ 'TransactionSecurity' => '1',
+ 'SubMerchantId' => '0',
+ 'CustomerId' => '11111xxx',
+ 'HashPassword' => 'lf;slkddskf;saxxx',
+ 'MerchantId' => '1xxx',
+ 'UserName' => 'APIUSERXXX',
+ 'HashData' => 'fskfjslfjsszzzz',
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'APIVersion' => '1.0.0',
+ 'Addresses' => [
+ 'VPosAddressContract' => [
+ 'Type' => '1',
+ 'Name' => 'Mahmut Sami YAZAR',
+ 'PhoneNumber' => '324234234234',
+ 'OrderId' => '0',
+ 'AddressId' => '12',
+ 'Email' => 'mahmutsamiyazar@hotmail.com',
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'Amount' => '120',
+ 'CardCVV2' => '741',
+ 'CardExpireDateMonth' => '01',
+ 'CardExpireDateYear' => '23',
+ 'CardGuid' => 'AA9588EF350C480FBE5CAD40A463AF00',
+ 'CardHolderName' => 'Hasan Karacan',
+ 'CardNumber' => '5353550000958906',
+ 'DebtId' => '0',
+ 'DisplayAmount' => '120',
+ 'FECAmount' => '0',
+ 'FECCurrencyCode' => '0949',
+ 'InstallmentCount' => '0',
+ 'InstallmentMaturityCommisionFlag' => '0',
+ 'MerchantOrderId' => '2126497214',
+ 'SGKDebtAmount' => '0',
+ 'SurchargeAmount' => '0',
+ 'TransactionSecurity' => '1',
+ 'SubMerchantId' => '0',
+ 'CustomerId' => '11111xxx',
+ 'HashPassword' => 'lf;slkddskf;saxxx',
+ 'MerchantId' => '1xxx',
+ 'UserName' => 'APIUSERXXX',
+ 'HashData' => 'fskfjslfjsszzzz',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function createCancelRequestDataProvider(): iterable
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Gateways/AkbankPosTest.php b/tests/Unit/Gateways/AkbankPosTest.php
index 917ebb77..757e88c5 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/Gateways/AkbankPosTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/Gateways/AkbankPosTest.php
@@ -639,6 +639,56 @@ public function testRefundRequest(array $order, string $txType, string $apiUrl):
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider customQueryRequestDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCustomQueryRequest(array $requestData, ?string $apiUrl, string $expectedApiUrl): void
+ {
+ $account = $this->pos->getAccount();
+ $txType = PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY;
+ $updatedRequestData = $requestData + [
+ 'abc' => 'def',
+ ];
+ $this->requestMapperMock->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('createCustomQueryRequestData')
+ ->with($account, $requestData)
+ ->willReturn($updatedRequestData);
+ $this->configureClientResponse(
+ $txType,
+ $expectedApiUrl,
+ $updatedRequestData,
+ 'request-body',
+ 'response-body',
+ ['decodedResponse'],
+ $requestData,
+ PosInterface::MODEL_NON_SECURE
+ );
+ $this->pos->customQuery($requestData, $apiUrl);
+ }
+ public static function customQueryRequestDataProvider(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => 'https://apipre.akbank.com/api/v1/payment/virtualpos/xxxx',
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://apipre.akbank.com/api/v1/payment/virtualpos/xxxx',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => null,
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://apipre.akbank.com/api/v1/payment/virtualpos/transaction/process',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function getApiUrlDataProvider(): array
return [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Gateways/EstPosTest.php b/tests/Unit/Gateways/EstPosTest.php
index 8e793276..2b4f150a 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/Gateways/EstPosTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/Gateways/EstPosTest.php
@@ -599,6 +599,56 @@ public function testMakeRegularPostAuthPayment(array $order, string $apiUrl): vo
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider customQueryRequestDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCustomQueryRequest(array $requestData, ?string $apiUrl, string $expectedApiUrl): void
+ {
+ $account = $this->pos->getAccount();
+ $txType = PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY;
+ $updatedRequestData = $requestData + [
+ 'abc' => 'def',
+ ];
+ $this->requestMapperMock->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('createCustomQueryRequestData')
+ ->with($account, $requestData)
+ ->willReturn($updatedRequestData);
+ $this->configureClientResponse(
+ $txType,
+ $expectedApiUrl,
+ $updatedRequestData,
+ 'request-body',
+ 'response-body',
+ ['decodedResponse'],
+ $requestData,
+ PosInterface::MODEL_NON_SECURE
+ );
+ $this->pos->customQuery($requestData, $apiUrl);
+ }
+ public static function customQueryRequestDataProvider(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => 'https://entegrasyon.asseco-see.com.tr/fim/api/xxxx',
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://entegrasyon.asseco-see.com.tr/fim/api/xxxx',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => null,
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://entegrasyon.asseco-see.com.tr/fim/api',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function make3DPaymentDataProvider(): array
return [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Gateways/GarantiPosTest.php b/tests/Unit/Gateways/GarantiPosTest.php
index 7c226550..730fa52c 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/Gateways/GarantiPosTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/Gateways/GarantiPosTest.php
@@ -546,6 +546,56 @@ public function testOrderHistoryRequest(array $order, string $apiUrl): void
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider customQueryRequestDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCustomQueryRequest(array $requestData, ?string $apiUrl, string $expectedApiUrl): void
+ {
+ $account = $this->pos->getAccount();
+ $txType = PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY;
+ $updatedRequestData = $requestData + [
+ 'abc' => 'def',
+ ];
+ $this->requestMapperMock->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('createCustomQueryRequestData')
+ ->with($account, $requestData)
+ ->willReturn($updatedRequestData);
+ $this->configureClientResponse(
+ $txType,
+ $expectedApiUrl,
+ $updatedRequestData,
+ 'request-body',
+ 'response-body',
+ ['decodedResponse'],
+ $requestData,
+ PosInterface::MODEL_NON_SECURE
+ );
+ $this->pos->customQuery($requestData, $apiUrl);
+ }
+ public static function customQueryRequestDataProvider(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => 'https://sanalposprovtest.garantibbva.com.tr/VPServlet/xxxx',
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://sanalposprovtest.garantibbva.com.tr/VPServlet/xxxx',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => null,
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://sanalposprovtest.garantibbva.com.tr/VPServlet',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function make3DPaymentDataProvider(): array
return [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Gateways/InterPosTest.php b/tests/Unit/Gateways/InterPosTest.php
index 45405d9b..4aae3c5a 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/Gateways/InterPosTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/Gateways/InterPosTest.php
@@ -515,6 +515,56 @@ public function testRefundRequest(array $order, string $apiUrl): void
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider customQueryRequestDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCustomQueryRequest(array $requestData, ?string $apiUrl, string $expectedApiUrl): void
+ {
+ $account = $this->pos->getAccount();
+ $txType = PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY;
+ $updatedRequestData = $requestData + [
+ 'abc' => 'def',
+ ];
+ $this->requestMapperMock->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('createCustomQueryRequestData')
+ ->with($account, $requestData)
+ ->willReturn($updatedRequestData);
+ $this->configureClientResponse(
+ $txType,
+ $expectedApiUrl,
+ $updatedRequestData,
+ $updatedRequestData,
+ 'response-body',
+ ['decodedResponse'],
+ $requestData,
+ PosInterface::MODEL_NON_SECURE
+ );
+ $this->pos->customQuery($requestData, $apiUrl);
+ }
+ public static function customQueryRequestDataProvider(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => 'https://test.inter-vpos.com.tr/mpi/Default.aspx/xxxx',
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://test.inter-vpos.com.tr/mpi/Default.aspx/xxxx',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => null,
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://test.inter-vpos.com.tr/mpi/Default.aspx',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function make3DPaymentDataProvider(): array
return [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Gateways/PayFlexCPV4PosTest.php b/tests/Unit/Gateways/PayFlexCPV4PosTest.php
index b039bcb8..609d107d 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/Gateways/PayFlexCPV4PosTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/Gateways/PayFlexCPV4PosTest.php
@@ -479,6 +479,56 @@ public function testOrderHistoryRequest(): void
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider customQueryRequestDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCustomQueryRequest(array $requestData, ?string $apiUrl, string $expectedApiUrl): void
+ {
+ $account = $this->pos->getAccount();
+ $txType = PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY;
+ $updatedRequestData = $requestData + [
+ 'abc' => 'def',
+ ];
+ $this->requestMapperMock->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('createCustomQueryRequestData')
+ ->with($account, $requestData)
+ ->willReturn($updatedRequestData);
+ $this->configureClientResponse(
+ $txType,
+ $expectedApiUrl,
+ $updatedRequestData,
+ 'request-body',
+ 'response-body',
+ ['decodedResponse'],
+ $requestData,
+ PosInterface::MODEL_NON_SECURE
+ );
+ $this->pos->customQuery($requestData, $apiUrl);
+ }
+ public static function customQueryRequestDataProvider(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => 'https://cptest.vakifbank.com.tr/CommonPayment/SecurePayment/xxxx',
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://cptest.vakifbank.com.tr/CommonPayment/SecurePayment/xxxx',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => null,
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://cptest.vakifbank.com.tr/CommonPayment/SecurePayment',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function make3DPayPaymentDataProvider(): array
$testData = iterator_to_array(
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Gateways/PayFlexV4PosTest.php b/tests/Unit/Gateways/PayFlexV4PosTest.php
index 1f359b55..0550a64e 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/Gateways/PayFlexV4PosTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/Gateways/PayFlexV4PosTest.php
@@ -518,6 +518,56 @@ public function testOrderHistoryRequest(): void
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider customQueryRequestDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCustomQueryRequest(array $requestData, ?string $apiUrl, string $expectedApiUrl): void
+ {
+ $account = $this->pos->getAccount();
+ $txType = PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY;
+ $updatedRequestData = $requestData + [
+ 'abc' => 'def',
+ ];
+ $this->requestMapperMock->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('createCustomQueryRequestData')
+ ->with($account, $requestData)
+ ->willReturn($updatedRequestData);
+ $this->configureClientResponse(
+ $txType,
+ $expectedApiUrl,
+ $updatedRequestData,
+ 'request-body',
+ 'response-body',
+ ['decodedResponse'],
+ $requestData,
+ PosInterface::MODEL_NON_SECURE
+ );
+ $this->pos->customQuery($requestData, $apiUrl);
+ }
+ public static function customQueryRequestDataProvider(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => 'https://onlineodemetest.vakifbank.com.tr:4443/VposService/v3/Vposreq.aspx/xxx',
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://onlineodemetest.vakifbank.com.tr:4443/VposService/v3/Vposreq.aspx/xxx',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => null,
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://onlineodemetest.vakifbank.com.tr:4443/VposService/v3/Vposreq.aspx',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function enrollmentFailResponseDataProvider(): array
return [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Gateways/PayForTest.php b/tests/Unit/Gateways/PayForTest.php
index 34577dd3..212f2a91 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/Gateways/PayForTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/Gateways/PayForTest.php
@@ -580,6 +580,56 @@ public function testOrderHistoryRequest(array $order, string $apiUrl): void
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider customQueryRequestDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCustomQueryRequest(array $requestData, ?string $apiUrl, string $expectedApiUrl): void
+ {
+ $account = $this->pos->getAccount();
+ $txType = PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY;
+ $updatedRequestData = $requestData + [
+ 'abc' => 'def',
+ ];
+ $this->requestMapperMock->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('createCustomQueryRequestData')
+ ->with($account, $requestData)
+ ->willReturn($updatedRequestData);
+ $this->configureClientResponse(
+ $txType,
+ $expectedApiUrl,
+ $updatedRequestData,
+ 'request-body',
+ 'response-body',
+ ['decodedResponse'],
+ $requestData,
+ PosInterface::MODEL_NON_SECURE
+ );
+ $this->pos->customQuery($requestData, $apiUrl);
+ }
+ public static function customQueryRequestDataProvider(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => 'https://vpostest.qnbfinansbank.com/Gateway/XMLGate.aspx/xxxx',
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://vpostest.qnbfinansbank.com/Gateway/XMLGate.aspx/xxxx',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => null,
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://vpostest.qnbfinansbank.com/Gateway/XMLGate.aspx',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function make3DPaymentDataProvider(): array
return [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Gateways/PosNetTest.php b/tests/Unit/Gateways/PosNetTest.php
index 9525d4f7..377f2577 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/Gateways/PosNetTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/Gateways/PosNetTest.php
@@ -650,6 +650,56 @@ public function testOrderHistoryRequest(): void
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider customQueryRequestDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCustomQueryRequest(array $requestData, ?string $apiUrl, string $expectedApiUrl): void
+ {
+ $account = $this->pos->getAccount();
+ $txType = PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY;
+ $updatedRequestData = $requestData + [
+ 'abc' => 'def',
+ ];
+ $this->requestMapperMock->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('createCustomQueryRequestData')
+ ->with($account, $requestData)
+ ->willReturn($updatedRequestData);
+ $this->configureClientResponse(
+ $txType,
+ $expectedApiUrl,
+ $updatedRequestData,
+ 'request-body',
+ 'response-body',
+ ['decodedResponse'],
+ $requestData,
+ PosInterface::MODEL_NON_SECURE
+ );
+ $this->pos->customQuery($requestData, $apiUrl);
+ }
+ public static function customQueryRequestDataProvider(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => 'https://setmpos.ykb.com/PosnetWebService/XML/xxxx',
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://setmpos.ykb.com/PosnetWebService/XML/xxxx',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => null,
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://setmpos.ykb.com/PosnetWebService/XML',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function make3DPaymentDataProvider(): array
$resolveMerchantResponseData = [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Gateways/PosNetV1PosTest.php b/tests/Unit/Gateways/PosNetV1PosTest.php
index 929b2872..f94ac4b7 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/Gateways/PosNetV1PosTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/Gateways/PosNetV1PosTest.php
@@ -515,6 +515,57 @@ public function testOrderHistoryRequest(): void
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider customQueryRequestDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCustomQueryRequest(array $requestData, string $apiUrl, string $expectedApiUrl): void
+ {
+ $account = $this->pos->getAccount();
+ $txType = PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY;
+ $updatedRequestData = $requestData + [
+ 'abc' => 'def',
+ ];
+ $this->requestMapperMock->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('createCustomQueryRequestData')
+ ->with($account, $requestData)
+ ->willReturn($updatedRequestData);
+ $this->configureClientResponse(
+ $txType,
+ $expectedApiUrl,
+ $updatedRequestData,
+ 'request-body',
+ 'response-body',
+ ['decodedResponse'],
+ $requestData,
+ PosInterface::MODEL_NON_SECURE
+ );
+ $this->pos->customQuery($requestData, $apiUrl);
+ }
+ public function testCustomQueryRequestWithoutAPIurl(): void
+ {
+ $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class);
+ $this->pos->customQuery(['ac' => 'aas']);
+ }
+ public static function customQueryRequestDataProvider(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => 'https://epostest.albarakaturk.com.tr/ALBMerchantService/MerchantJSONAPI.svc/xxx',
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://epostest.albarakaturk.com.tr/ALBMerchantService/MerchantJSONAPI.svc/xxx',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function getApiURLDataProvider(): iterable
yield [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Gateways/ToslaPosTest.php b/tests/Unit/Gateways/ToslaPosTest.php
index a5b38f63..72b2c4c5 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/Gateways/ToslaPosTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/Gateways/ToslaPosTest.php
@@ -568,6 +568,57 @@ public function testOrderHistory(
$this->assertSame($result, $mappedResponse);
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider customQueryRequestDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCustomQueryRequest(array $requestData, string $apiUrl, string $expectedApiUrl): void
+ {
+ $account = $this->pos->getAccount();
+ $txType = PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY;
+ $updatedRequestData = $requestData + [
+ 'abc' => 'def',
+ ];
+ $this->requestMapperMock->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('createCustomQueryRequestData')
+ ->with($account, $requestData)
+ ->willReturn($updatedRequestData);
+ $this->configureClientResponse(
+ $txType,
+ $expectedApiUrl,
+ $updatedRequestData,
+ 'request-body',
+ 'response-body',
+ ['decodedResponse'],
+ $requestData,
+ PosInterface::MODEL_NON_SECURE
+ );
+ $this->pos->customQuery($requestData, $apiUrl);
+ }
+ public function testCustomQueryRequestWithoutAPIurl(): void
+ {
+ $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class);
+ $this->pos->customQuery(['ac' => 'aas']);
+ }
+ public static function customQueryRequestDataProvider(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => 'https://prepentegrasyon.tosla.com/api/Payment/GetCommissionAndInstallmentInfo',
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://prepentegrasyon.tosla.com/api/Payment/GetCommissionAndInstallmentInfo',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function statusDataProvider(): iterable
$statusResponses = iterator_to_array(ToslaPosResponseDataMapperTest::statusResponseDataProvider());
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Gateways/VakifKatilimTest.php b/tests/Unit/Gateways/VakifKatilimTest.php
index 336a7f4b..85127897 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/Gateways/VakifKatilimTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/Gateways/VakifKatilimTest.php
@@ -586,6 +586,57 @@ public function testOrderHistoryRequest(array $order, string $apiUrl): void
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider customQueryRequestDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCustomQueryRequest(array $requestData, string $apiUrl, string $expectedApiUrl): void
+ {
+ $account = $this->pos->getAccount();
+ $txType = PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY;
+ $updatedRequestData = $requestData + [
+ 'abc' => 'def',
+ ];
+ $this->requestMapperMock->expects(self::once())
+ ->method('createCustomQueryRequestData')
+ ->with($account, $requestData)
+ ->willReturn($updatedRequestData);
+ $this->configureClientResponse(
+ $txType,
+ $expectedApiUrl,
+ $updatedRequestData,
+ 'request-body',
+ 'response-body',
+ ['decodedResponse'],
+ $requestData,
+ PosInterface::MODEL_NON_SECURE
+ );
+ $this->pos->customQuery($requestData, $apiUrl);
+ }
+ public function testCustomQueryRequestWithoutAPIurl(): void
+ {
+ $this->expectException(\InvalidArgumentException::class);
+ $this->pos->customQuery(['ac' => 'aas']);
+ }
+ public static function customQueryRequestDataProvider(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'requestData' => [
+ 'id' => '2020110828BC',
+ ],
+ 'api_url' => 'https://boa.vakifkatilim.com.tr/VirtualPOS.Gateway/Home/MailOrderSale',
+ 'expected_api_url' => 'https://boa.vakifkatilim.com.tr/VirtualPOS.Gateway/Home/MailOrderSale',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
public static function make3DPaymentDataProvider(): array
return [
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Serializer/KuveytPosSerializerTest.php b/tests/Unit/Serializer/KuveytPosSerializerTest.php
index f429b5eb..19ac98e9 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/Serializer/KuveytPosSerializerTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/Serializer/KuveytPosSerializerTest.php
@@ -123,6 +123,12 @@ public static function encodeDataProvider(): Generator
'expected' => ['abc' => 1],
+ yield 'test_custom_query' => [
+ 'input' => ['abc' => 1],
+ 'txType' => PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY,
+ 'expected' => ['abc' => 1],
+ ];
yield 'test_pay' => [
'input' => ['abc' => 1],
'txType' => PosInterface::TX_TYPE_PAY_AUTH,
@@ -279,6 +285,11 @@ public static function decodeJsonDataProvider(): Generator
'txType' => PosInterface::TX_TYPE_STATUS,
'expected' => ['abc' => 1],
+ yield 'test_custom_query' => [
+ 'input' => '{"abc": 1}',
+ 'txType' => PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY,
+ 'expected' => ['abc' => 1],
+ ];
public static function decodeExceptionDataProvider(): Generator
diff --git a/tests/Unit/Serializer/PayFlexCPV4PosSerializerTest.php b/tests/Unit/Serializer/PayFlexCPV4PosSerializerTest.php
index 51613602..060d701c 100644
--- a/tests/Unit/Serializer/PayFlexCPV4PosSerializerTest.php
+++ b/tests/Unit/Serializer/PayFlexCPV4PosSerializerTest.php
@@ -81,32 +81,32 @@ public function testEncodeException(): void
public static function encodeDataProvider(): Generator
yield 'test1' => [
- 'input' => [
- 'MerchantId' => '000000000111111',
- 'Password' => '3XTgER89as',
- 'TransactionType' => 'Sale',
- 'OrderId' => 'order222',
- 'CurrencyAmount' => '100.00',
- 'CurrencyCode' => '949',
- 'ClientIp' => '',
+ 'input' => [
+ 'MerchantId' => '000000000111111',
+ 'Password' => '3XTgER89as',
+ 'TransactionType' => 'Sale',
+ 'OrderId' => 'order222',
+ 'CurrencyAmount' => '100.00',
+ 'CurrencyCode' => '949',
+ 'ClientIp' => '',
'TransactionDeviceSource' => '0',
- 'Pan' => '5555444433332222',
- 'Expiry' => '202112',
- 'Cvv' => '122',
+ 'Pan' => '5555444433332222',
+ 'Expiry' => '202112',
+ 'Cvv' => '122',
- 'txType' => PosInterface::TX_TYPE_PAY_AUTH,
+ 'txType' => PosInterface::TX_TYPE_PAY_AUTH,
'expected' => [
- 'MerchantId' => '000000000111111',
- 'Password' => '3XTgER89as',
- 'TransactionType' => 'Sale',
- 'OrderId' => 'order222',
- 'CurrencyAmount' => '100.00',
- 'CurrencyCode' => '949',
- 'ClientIp' => '',
+ 'MerchantId' => '000000000111111',
+ 'Password' => '3XTgER89as',
+ 'TransactionType' => 'Sale',
+ 'OrderId' => 'order222',
+ 'CurrencyAmount' => '100.00',
+ 'CurrencyCode' => '949',
+ 'ClientIp' => '',
'TransactionDeviceSource' => '0',
- 'Pan' => '5555444433332222',
- 'Expiry' => '202112',
- 'Cvv' => '122',
+ 'Pan' => '5555444433332222',
+ 'Expiry' => '202112',
+ 'Cvv' => '122',
@@ -114,32 +114,42 @@ public static function encodeDataProvider(): Generator
public static function encodeNonPaymentDataProvider(): Generator
yield 'test1' => [
- 'input' => [
- 'MerchantId' => '000000000111111',
- 'Password' => '3XTgER89as',
- 'TransactionType' => 'Sale',
- 'OrderId' => 'order222',
- 'CurrencyAmount' => '100.00',
- 'CurrencyCode' => '949',
- 'ClientIp' => '',
+ 'input' => [
+ 'MerchantId' => '000000000111111',
+ 'Password' => '3XTgER89as',
+ 'TransactionType' => 'Sale',
+ 'OrderId' => 'order222',
+ 'CurrencyAmount' => '100.00',
+ 'CurrencyCode' => '949',
+ 'ClientIp' => '',
'TransactionDeviceSource' => '0',
- 'Pan' => '5555444433332222',
- 'Expiry' => '202112',
- 'Cvv' => '122',
+ 'Pan' => '5555444433332222',
+ 'Expiry' => '202112',
+ 'Cvv' => '122',
- 'txType' => PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CANCEL,
+ 'txType' => PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CANCEL,
'expected' => '0000000001111113XTgER89asSaleorder222100.00949127.0.0.105555444433332222202112122',
+ yield 'custom_query' => [
+ 'input' => [
+ 'MerchantId' => '000000000111111',
+ 'Password' => '3XTgER89as',
+ 'abc' => 'abc',
+ ],
+ 'txType' => PosInterface::TX_TYPE_CUSTOM_QUERY,
+ 'expected' => '0000000001111113XTgER89asabc',
+ ];
public static function decodeExceptionDataProvider(): Generator
yield 'test1' => [
- 'input' => "Request RejectedThe requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator.
Your support ID is: 11795445874629392419
[Go Back]",
+ 'input' => "Request RejectedThe requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator.
Your support ID is: 11795445874629392419
[Go Back]",
'expected_exception_class' => \Exception::class,
yield 'test2' => [
- 'input' => '',
+ 'input' => '',
'expected_exception_class' => NotEncodableValueException::class,