Checking if your localhost runs sshd
paws 22
Multiple ways to check for dns available on ip
# checks for tcp-port open only
paws :
paws routerdns:
paws routerdns://
# checks for dns server protocol on tcp-port
paws dns:
paws dns://
paws dns-tcp:
paws dns-tcp://
# checks for dns on udp-port
paws dns-udp:
paws dns-udp://
Checking if your router has DNS, localhost has ssh and the gmail smtp is reachable. Using the --host
) flag to specify another default host.
paws -h dns:53 ssh:localhost:22
Checking if port 4222 replies with a string starting with "INFO". A nats-server does that. The schema name is not important here. But it needs to be one that is not supported with other checks.
paws replies://:4222?INFO
Checking if a mssql server is up and ready for queries
Notice: "ping failed" usually means that the authorisation data did not match!
paws 'mssql://user:pass@localhost:1433?db=master&q=SELECT 1'
A docker example can be found with
paws cheat docker
To run the example you need docker installed and do
paws cheat docker 2>&1 | sh
Waiting for a docker logs to be idle for 3 seconds and fails after 30 seconds
docker logs -f <container> | paws log -t 30s -i 3s
The same as above but showing the data while waiting
docker logs -f <container> | paws log -t 30s -i 3s -p
Waiting for up to five minutes till the words 'ok' and 'done' appear in the given file.
paws -f /tmp/file.log -t 5m -S 'ok' -S 'done'
Fail if in the next 5 seconds the word 'failure' appears in the given file and show the line that fails
paws -f /tmp/file.log -t 5m -F 'failure' -P