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DCM toolkit


After many years of run production, many 'small' scripts or programs were developped in order to help the run production. Even if 'small' they appear to be quite usefull ! We collect them into DCM toolkit for sharing and easier maintenance. In the following, a brief description of the toolkit is given, with an intent of classification by category. All scripts belonging to DCM toolkit have a name starting with dcmtk_ . They are located in RUNTOOLS/toolkit directory. Before use, there are some f90 programs to be compiled and installed in toolkit/src/. (A Makefile is provided and no particular library is needed). make install copy the binaries in RUNTOOLS/bin which is in the PATH, when using DCM.

All dcmtk tools have the -h option to display usage instructions. The document that you are actually readind was created with dcmtk_mk_doc -o HOMEDCM/../DOC/

File management tools

USAGE: chkmissing [-h] dir1 dir2

   Try to infer missing files in dir2 from files found in dir1 and vice-versa

   dir1 dir2 refer to year directories of -S or -MEAN data baser

   -h : display this help message

USAGE : dcmtk_chkunlim [-h ] [-v] [-p pattern] 

   Scan the nc files in the current directory, and check if UNLIMITED 
   dimension is different from 0.
   With no option, gives the name of corrupted files (UNLIMITED dim = 0 ) 

   -h : print this usage message
   -v : print the UNLIMITED line for all files
   -p pattern : use pattern for filtering the files to scan 

USAGE : dcmtk_chkxios -c [ -h ] [ -m ]

    Check files produced when using XIOS. Check that the number of
    subdomain files agrees with the number indicated within the file.
    This script must be run into the directory where all splitted
    files are, in particular the files. 
    This script is supporting ensemble runs.
    -c : launch check. (With no arguments the help message is printed).
    -h : print this help message
    -m : migrate faulty set of files to local SAVE directory

USAGE: dcmtk_cleano [-h]

   The goal is to reduce the size of this job.o erasing useless 
   information. Restore the date of the original file.  MACHINE is 
   supposed to be in the environment.

   -h : Display this help message.

USAGE: dcmtk_cpdd [-h] 

   This script is used to copy files from either a -S, -MEAN or -R 
   directory, located on /data/molines/WORKDIR to /data/molines/WORKDIR/SDIR (mirroring).
   For -S and -MEAN, it must be used in a 'year' subdirectory. 
   The same directory will be copied on /data/molines/WORKDIR/SDIR. 
   If files already exist, they are just skipped.
   Note that depending on the archiving system, mirroring is not
   necessarily the best choice as it does'nt reduce the number of
   used inodes on /data/molines/WORKDIR/SDIR file system.
   This script is used without any arguments, CONFIG and CASE are deduced
   from the directory name.  mcp script (multiple cp) uses this script 
   (and its symetrical ddcp).  Look at mcp -h for more details 

    -h : Display this help page 

USAGE: dcmtk_ddcp [-h] 

   This script is used to copy files from either a -S, -MEAN or -R 
   directory, located on /data/molines/WORKDIR/SDIR to /data/molines/WORKDIR (mirroring).
   For -S and -MEAN, it must be used in a 'year' subdirectory. 
   The same directory will be copied on /data/molines/WORKDIR. 
   If files already exist, they are just skipped.
   Note that depending on the archiving system, mirroring is not
   necessarily the best choice as it does'nt reduce the number of
   used inodes on /data/molines/WORKDIR/SDIR file system.
   This script is used without any arguments, CONFIG and CASE are deduced
   from the directory name.  mcp script (multiple cp) uses this script 
   (and its symetrical cpdd).  Look at mcp -h for more details 

    -h : Display this help page 

USAGE: dcmtk_inode [-h] [list of directories]

   Count the number of inodes in all the directories below the actual
   working directory. (All the sub directory tree is take into account.)
   This tool is very usefull to analyse places in your tree where there
   are too many files :) that may cause quota overflow.

   -h : print this message 
   list_of_directories: restrict the inodes counting to the directories
                        in the list.

USAGE: dcmtk_mcp [-h] [-f firstyear] [-l lastyear ]

   This script is used to perform file transfert between SDIR and WORKDIR.
   It is clever enough to determine the direction of the tranfert
   It uses dcmtk_cpdd or dcmtk_ddcp tools in an iterative way.
   It is now rather obsolete as data on SDIR are no more a mirror of WORKDIR.
   dcmtk_mcp must be used in the CONFCASE-S or CONFCASE-MEAN directory

    -h : this help page 
    -f firstyear : specify the first year to transfer
                   If not given take the first existing year
    -l lastyear : specify the last year to transfer
                   If not given take the last existing year

USAGE: dcmtk_mcpdd [-h] 

   Perform a mirroring of all the subdirectories of the current directory
   on SDIR. This script must be used in the CONFCASE-S or CONFCASE-MEAN 
   directory. All subdirectories are visited and files copied to SDIR/CONFIG/...

   No arguments for this script.

   -h : Display this help page 

USAGE: dcmtk_mddcp [-h] 

   Perform a mirroring of all the subdirectories of the current SDIR directory
   on WORKDIR. This script must be used in the SDIR's CONFCASE-S or CONFCASE-MEAN 
   directory. All subdirectories are visited and files copied to WORKDIR/CONFIG/...

   No arguments for this script.

   -h : Display this help page 

USAGE: dcmtk_mkordre [-h ] [-a] [ extra file types ]

   When having a bunch of files in a single directory, try to organize them
   by year directories.
   This script is used without arguments in the CONFCASE-S directory or in 
   CONFCASE-R directory.
   For restart files in -R, they are moved to v2.xx subdirs.
   For output files in -S, it moves the files in their respective year directory
   following file types are moved :
   gridT gridU gridV gridW icemod ptrcT diadT trends dynT flxT gridLOM gridSST gridSSU gridSSV 
   You can specify list of extra file type as arguments to this script
   0 fine agrif grid specified

   If necessary, give a list of extra file type to deal with.

    -h : this help message 
    -a number of subgrid : in case of AGRIF runs, specify the number of subgrids 

USAGE : dcmtk_mvmo2s  segment_number [-h] 

   This script rename the mooring files to the corresponding -S directory
   Must be used in a CTL directory 

   segment_number : the number of the segment to migrate.

   -h : print this help message

USAGE : dcmtk_mvnc2s [-h ]

   This script is used to move rebuilt nc file to the CONFCASE-S directory
   It is used in <CONFCASE>-XIOS.<seg> output directory after a run.
   This script does not store the files on the archive but only move then
   You can use cpdd of mcp to perform the archiving (as a mirror -deprecated-)
   This script manage ensemble run, each member is considered as a particular 
   case, with extension .NNN

   [ -h ] : show this help message 

USAGE: dcmtk_superinode [-h] [list of directories]

   Give the number of files in the directories of the list (or all directories),
   the size of each directories (Ko), mean file size (Ko) as well as the 
   directory name.

   -h : print this message 
   list of directories: restrict action to the listed directories.

Miscellaneous tools

USAGE: dcmtk_mk_doc [-h] -o OUT-md_file 

    Scan the dcmtk_* scripts and sort then regarding the class it belongs to.
    Then output the usage message and build a md file.

    -o OUT-md_file: Specify the output markdown file.

    -h : Display this help message.

Run management tools

USAGE : dcmtk_journal_cpu -w Journal_wiki.txt -c cpu_used.txt [-h] [-o output file] [-m machine ]

   Use accounting information hold in cpu_used.txt in order to finish the run's journal
   created by dcmtk_journal_make.

ARGUMENTS: (mandatory)
   -w Journal_wiki.txt  :  the name of the text file created from the wiki page
   -c cpu_used.txt      :  the name of the acounting file on HPC computer (see dcmtk_getcpu) 

   -h                   :  this help message 
                        :  It can be obtained at with detailed option
   -o output file       :  specify the output file name ( optional, default is Journal_cpu.txt )
                        :  This file is then to be paste into the wiki, in place of the original table
   -m machine           :  Specify the machine you are working on [occigen]. ada is also suported
                           On ada, cpu_used_ada.txt file can be obtained with idrjar -d 01/01-nn/mm

USAGE: dcmtk_journal_make [-h ] [-f ] [-c confcase ] [-n name ] [-u user] [-o fileout]

   This script create a wiki table (ReSTructured text trac format) with the segments of
   run present in the local directory (job output). It uses the namelist in  order
   to retrieve important parameters of the run, to put in the table. Hence,
   this script must be run in CTL directory for regular usage. It prepares the column
   for the CPU usage. This column can be completed afterward with accounting information
   (see dcmtk_journal_cpu) 

   -h : help 
   -f : force : do not check that you are in a CTL dir 
   -n name : use name instead of nemo_<MACHINE>. <MACHINE> is inferred from hostname
          for irene, ada, occigen 
   -c confcase : use confcase instead of CONFCASE deduced from CTL
               : this is usefull with option -f 
   -u user [default is molines ]
   -o output file [ default is 

USAGE:  dcmtk_split_logfile [-h] nemo_error_output_file

   Split job.e and job.a when having a loop on segments within a single job.
   Ends up with individual job files (o and e) for each segment.
   Keep track of the date of the file.

   nemo_error_output_file : the std error output file of a multi segment run.

   -h : Display this usage message.

Run performance tools

USAGE: dcmtk_chkrate [-h ] [-n job.o rootname]

    Scans all the nemo_occigen.o* files in the current directory and 
    computes the running speed of the model during the first 180 timesteps 

    No arguments, scan default nemo_occigen.o* file

  -h                : Display this help message
  -n job.o_rootname : Use rootname instead of nemo_occigen for the name of
                      the job output file.

USAGE:  dcmtk_elapsed [-h] nemo_machine.o 

    This script Will scan the job outputfile and use the timing information to infer 
    a prognostic about the elapsed time required for 1 year of run.
    This command must be used in CTL where both logfiles and namelists are.

    nemo_machine.o : A std output job file produce by DRAKKAR nemo

    -h : Display this help message

USAGE: dcmtk_rate [-h ] [-s istep ] [ -b nblock ] [ -f filename ] [ -m ] 
     [ -g ] [-t graphtype] [ -v ] [ -l ]

   Display the integration rate (step/minutes) computed from filename 
   (drakkar nemo job standard output). The analysis is done by chunks 
   of time steps, that are defined with the options.

   -h : Display this help message. 
   -s istep : number of time step for the chunk of data to analyse [ 450 ]
   -b nblock : number of chunk of data to analyse [ 70 ]
   -f filename : nemo_machine.oxxx file name to consider [ none ]
   -m : indicate mean and std of the computed performance rates
   -g : pipe results to graph 
   -t graph output :  either X gif png ...[ X ]
   -v : verbose extra informations (do not use with -g option)
   -y ymin ymax :fix y axis scale to be between ymin and ymax 
   -l : label title above verbose informations (do use with -v options)

Run progression tools

USAGE: dcmtk_chkstp [-h] [-d delay ] 

    Display the evolution of time step to check if the run progresses
    smoothly. If run stop or too slow, a RED warning is dipslayed.

    No arguments. Default delay is 5 seconds.

   -h : this help page 
   -d delay : specify a delay (s) between each check 
              default is  5  seconds.
              decimal numbers can be used (eg 0.5 for 1/2 seconds)

USAGE: dcmtk_eta  [ -h | -help] [-j jobid] [-n name] [-u user] [-q queue] [-f ]

   This tools aims at producing the Estimated Time of Arrival (eta) for a running
   job. It also provides usefull (or wacky!) real time information.

   -h or -help : print this message 
   -j jobid    : take jobid to look in the running table
   -s sessid   : take sessid  to look in the running table
               : This is usefull if many instances of name are running
   -n name     : take name instead of nemo_machine
   -q queue    : take queue instead of nhm for queue name
   -u user     : specify login name of the owner of the job
   -f          : fast : do not display progress bar

USAGE : dcmtk_show_progression [-h] [-t plotdevice] [-p prefix] [-s suffix] [-o png file].. 
                     [-m ] 

   Plot the number of files vs the time in the current directory.
   This is usefull when data transfert is slow, for estimating
   the real rate of transmission of the files.

   The basis of the command is ls -ltr --full-time to get the precise
   date and time of creation/access of each files in the directory.

   -h  : show this usage message
   -t plotdevice : plotdevice can be X [D] or png. X correspond to the
                   actual display while png create a png file show.png [D]
                   or the name specified with -o option
   -p prefix  : indicate a prefix for filtering the files in the directory
             The default value for the prefix is [ ORCA ]
   -s suffix  : indicate a suffix for filtering the files in the directory
             The default value for the suffix is [ nc ]
   -o png_file : Use png_file name instead of default show.png when using
             the -t png option
   -m  : Time axis in minutes, instead of default hours.

USAGE: dcmtk_timeevol  [-h] nemo.o1 nemo.o2 ..... minutes_max step_max 

   This tools plot the number of time step as a function of time. It uses
   the timing information produced by DRAKKAR nemogcm at each time step, and
   available in the standard output job file. As far as job.o is accessible
   during the execution of a run, this tools is usefull to monitor real time
   run performances. It often shows the problems that may occur !
   This tools can plot many experiments on the same frame, allowing for easy
   performance comparison.

   The arguments consist of a list of std nemo job output files, followed
   by the maximum number of minutes to plot (x axis) and the maximum time
   steps to consider (y axis). 

HISTORY: this tool was formely called timeevol4.ksh (for oldies !)

USAGE: dcmtk_tourne [-h] 

    Display a spinning star according to the progress of time.step
    This script must be run in the running directory, where time.step is.

    -h : Display this help message

USAGE: dcmtk_visu  [-h]  ocean.output 

   This script decrypt an ocean.output file for max velocities, min SSH
   and produce a graph of these quantities vs step performed.
   This is helpfull for monitoring model instability.
   This tool is designed for NEMO release < 4.0. It is kept in dcmtk for memory
   and must be updated soon for NEMO4.

   ocean.output: the name of a particular ocean.ouput to check. It can be the
   the file corresponding to a running job.

   -h : display this help message.

Scalability experiment tools

USAGE : dcmtk_chkrate_scal [-h] [-n rootname of job.o] go 

   Scan all the job output in current directory produced by scalability 
   experiment (e.g. nemo_occigen_10_20_180.o1234) and compute the rate (stp/mn)
   for every job. In the present script, 3 windows of 100 step are used.

   go or anything ! : without arguments, display the usage message.

   [-n rootname of job.o] : default is nemo_occigen.

USAGE: dcmtk_scal_mkjournal [-h ] [-f ] [-c confcase ] [-n name ]

    This tool is a variant of dcmtk_journal_make, where additional
    information is saved, in order to build a relevant wiki page for
    DRAKKAR scalability experiment. It is normally uses in a CTL directory
    from which a scalability experiment was performed.
    The output of this tool is using ReSTructured text wiki formating, working
    with trac. In the near future, this tool will be extended to produce markdown

    -h : Display this help message.
    -f : force execution without checking  that you are in a CTL dir 
    -n name : pass alternative rootname instead of nemo_occigen
    -c confcase : use confcase instead of CONFCASE deduced from CTL
                : this is usefull with option -f 
    This script must be run in CTL directory

USAGE: -h  -n <script_name> -c  <cores>  -x <nxios_min>

   This python script ends up with a bash script ( holding
   the ad-hoc command lines for submitting a series of simulations
   with different domain decomposition, hence total number of cores.

   It assumes that you have already in the local directory an elementary
   script launching NEMO and taking 4 online arguments: jpni, jpnj, jpnij, nxios
   e.g.  ./  20 30 50 3 
   This script is called from dcmtk_scal_prep which preprocess the processor.layout
   file produced by MPP_PREP, writing temporary log files (one for a given domain
   decomposition) named log_<totalcore>

   -h : Display this help message
   -n <script_name> : define nemo scalability script name. Default:  ./
   -c <cores> : gives number of core per compute note. Default : 28
   -x <cores> : gives the minimum number of cores dedicated to
         xios_server.exe. Default :  5

USAGE : dcmtk_scal_prep [-h] [-l layout_file] [-h] [-m minproc] [-M maxproc] [-s proc_step]

   This tool is part of the process for setting up a scalability experiment.
   It assumes that you have already run the MPP_PREP tool for defining all the
   file, narrowing the results to a specific range of cores. In addition, it will
   call a python script that produces a job file to be submitted for all the 
   decomposition to test. At this point, the python tools assumes that the target
   machine is occigen (SLURM batch system). Hence, the job file may require some
   editing (batch header part) to fit your HPC system.
   Due to the interaction with MPP_PREP it is likely a good choice to run this tool
   where you have the MPP_PREP results, in particular with the script.

   -h : Display this help message.
   -l layout_file : Pass the name of the layout file produced by MPP_PREP  procedure.
         Default is processor.layout
   -m minproc : Gives the minimum number of core you want to test. Default=50 
   -M maxproc : Gives the maximum number of core you want to test. Default=600
   -s proc_step : Gives the core step for scaning the core range.  Default=50

XIOS browse tools

USAGE: dcmtk_lookforzoom [-h] [iodef.xml]

   This script scan the iodef.xml file (or the one given in argument, look for 
   enabled zoom and then scan the domain_ref.xml file in order to retrieve the 
   position imin imax jmin jmax for the zoomed box  output cat be made as a set
   of ncks commands which can be used to extract boxes from the global files.
   It can also provide an overlay file, that can be used by chart in order to 
   show the geographical position of the boxes with chart :) 
   This version of the script works for XIOS-1 only (an update will come soon 
   for XIOS-2.

   -h : Display this help message
   iodef.xml : the name of a particular iodef.xml file, if not iodef.xml

USAGE: dcmtk_mkdomain -d DOM [-c coordinates_file] [ -h ] xmin xmax ymin ymax

   Print the xml lines do be inserted in domain_ref.xml file in order to create 
   a new domain for XIOS output.
   This version is for XIOS1 : deprecated and obsolete
   New version to be written for XIOS2 

   -d DOM : indicate a domain name for the xml file.
   xmin xmax ymin ymax : position of the domain in geographical coordinates.
              This 4 variable MUST be the last on the line.

   -h : Display this help message.
   -c coordinates_file: Use this coordinate file instead of default