PostgreSQL 12.2 기준으로 작성됨.
테이블 또는 index 페이지를 읽을 때, 백엔드 프로세스는 페이지의
를 포함하는 읽기 요청을 버퍼 관리자에게 보냅니다. -
버퍼 관리자는 요청된 페이지를 저장하는 슬롯의
를 리턴합니다. 요청된 페이지가 버퍼 풀에 없는 경우, 버퍼 관리자는 페이지를 디스크에서 버퍼 풀 슬롯 중 하나로 로드한 다음 해당buffer_ID
를 리턴합니다. -
백엔드 프로세스는
슬롯에 접근하여 원하는 페이지를 읽습니다.
- 주요 함수
: 읽기 요청 처리 (버퍼에 요청 페이지 있는 경우/없는 경우 모두 다룸)BufferAlloc()
: 요청 페이지를 버퍼에서 탐색; 버퍼에 없는 경우 victim 설정해 비우고 원하는 페이지 읽어 옴StrategyGetBuffer()
: free buffer 반환; 없는 경우, Clock-sweep 사용해 victim 버퍼 선택해서 반환StartBufferIO()
: I/O 관련 파라미터 설정 및 시작 알림
백엔드 프로세스가 원하는 페이지에 접근하려고 할 때, ReadBuffer_common()
를 호출합니다. 이때, ReadBuffer_common()
의 동작은 크게 3가지로 나뉩니다.
src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c: ReadBuffer_common() - 읽기 요청 처리
* ReadBuffer_common -- common logic for all ReadBuffer variants
* *hit is set to true if the request was satisfied from shared buffer cache. */
static Buffer
ReadBuffer_common(SMgrRelation smgr, char relpersistence, ForkNumber forkNum,
BlockNumber blockNum, ReadBufferMode mode,
BufferAccessStrategy strategy, bool *hit)
* lookup the buffer. IO_IN_PROGRESS is set if the requested block is
* not currently in memory.
bufHdr = BufferAlloc(smgr, relpersistence, forkNum, blockNum,
strategy, &found);
if (found)
else if (isExtend)
else if (mode == RBM_NORMAL || mode == RBM_NORMAL_NO_LOG
|| mode == RBM_ZERO_ON_ERROR)
src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c: BufferAlloc() - 요청 페이지를 버퍼에서 탐색; 버퍼에 없는 경우 victim 설정해 비우고 원하는 페이지 읽어 옴
* BufferAlloc -- subroutine for ReadBuffer. Handles lookup of a shared
* buffer. If no buffer exists already, selects a replacement
* victim and evicts the old page, but does NOT read in new page.
* "strategy" can be a buffer replacement strategy object, or NULL for
* the default strategy. The selected buffer's usage_count is advanced when
* using the default strategy, but otherwise possibly not (see PinBuffer).
* The returned buffer is pinned and is already marked as holding the
* desired page. If it already did have the desired page, *foundPtr is
* set true. Otherwise, *foundPtr is set false and the buffer is marked
* as IO_IN_PROGRESS; ReadBuffer will now need to do I/O to fill it.
* *foundPtr is actually redundant with the buffer's BM_VALID flag, but
* we keep it for simplicity in ReadBuffer.
* No locks are held either at entry or exit.
static BufferDesc *
BufferAlloc(SMgrRelation smgr, char relpersistence, ForkNumber forkNum,
BlockNumber blockNum,
BufferAccessStrategy strategy,
bool *foundPtr)
가장 간단한 경우입니다. 말 그대로, 원하는 페이지가 이미 버퍼 풀에 저장되어 있는 경우입니다 (따로 명시하지 않았으면 BufferAlloc()
내 코드):
- 원하는 페이지의
를 생성하고 (이 예제에서buffer_tag
), hash 함수를 사용하여 생성한buffer_tag
와 연관된 항목들을 포함하는 hash bucket 슬롯을 계산합니다.
/* create a tag so we can lookup the buffer */
INIT_BUFFERTAG(newTag, smgr->smgr_rnode.node, forkNum, blockNum);
/* determine its hash code and partition lock ID */
newHash = BufTableHashCode(&newTag);
- 해당 hash bucket 슬롯을 커버하는
파티션을 shared 모드로 획득합니다 (이 lock은 5번째 단계에서 해제됨).
newPartitionLock = BufMappingPartitionLock(newHash);
/* see if the block is in the buffer pool already */
LWLockAcquire(newPartitionLock, LW_SHARED);
- 태그가
인 항목을 찾고, 해당 항목에서buffer_id
를 얻습니다. 이 예제에서buffer_id
는 2입니다.
buf_id = BufTableLookup(&newTag, newHash);
2에 대한 buffer descriptor를 pin 합니다. 즉, descriptor의refcount
가 1씩 증가합니다.
if (buf_id >= 0)
* Found it. Now, pin the buffer so no one can steal it from the
* buffer pool, and check to see if the correct data has been loaded
* into the buffer.
buf = GetBufferDescriptor(buf_id);
valid = PinBuffer(buf, strategy);
src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c: PinBuffer() - 요청 페이지를 pinning
* PinBuffer -- make buffer unavailable for replacement.
* For the default access strategy, the buffer's usage_count is incremented
* when we first pin it; for other strategies we just make sure the usage_count
* isn't zero. (The idea of the latter is that we don't want synchronized
* heap scans to inflate the count, but we need it to not be zero to discourage
* other backends from stealing buffers from our ring. As long as we cycle
* through the ring faster than the global clock-sweep cycles, buffers in
* our ring won't be chosen as victims for replacement by other backends.)
* This should be applied only to shared buffers, never local ones.
* Since buffers are pinned/unpinned very frequently, pin buffers without
* taking the buffer header lock; instead update the state variable in loop of
* CAS operations. Hopefully it's just a single CAS.
* Note that ResourceOwnerEnlargeBuffers must have been done already.
* Returns true if buffer is BM_VALID, else false. This provision allows
* some callers to avoid an extra spinlock cycle.
static bool
PinBuffer(BufferDesc *buf, BufferAccessStrategy strategy)
Buffer b = BufferDescriptorGetBuffer(buf);
bool result;
PrivateRefCountEntry *ref;
ref = GetPrivateRefCountEntry(b, true);
if (ref == NULL)
for (;;)
if (strategy == NULL)
/* Default case: increase usagecount unless already max. */
buf_state += BUF_USAGECOUNT_ONE;
Assert(ref->refcount > 0);
ResourceOwnerRememberBuffer(CurrentResourceOwner, b);
return result;
을 해제합니다.
/* Can release the mapping lock as soon as we've pinned it */
return buf;
2를 사용하여 버퍼 풀 슬롯에 접근합니다.
src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c: ReadBuffer_common()
/* if it was already in the buffer pool, we're done */
if (found)
if (!isExtend)
return BufferDescriptorGetBuffer(bufHdr);
두 번째는 원하는 페이지가 버퍼 풀에 없고, freelist
가 비어 있지 않은 경우입니다 (따로 명시하지 않았으면 BufferAlloc()
내 코드):
- 버퍼 테이블을 검색합니다:
- 원하는 페이지의
를 생성하고 (이 예제에서buffer_tag
), hash bucket 슬롯을 계산합니다. BufMappingLock
파티션을 shared 모드로 획득합니다.- 버퍼 테이블을 검색합니다. 하지만 원하는 페이지를 찾지 못했습니다.
을 해제합니다.
- 원하는 페이지의
/* create a tag so we can lookup the buffer */
INIT_BUFFERTAG(newTag, smgr->smgr_rnode.node, forkNum, blockNum);
/* determine its hash code and partition lock ID */
newHash = BufTableHashCode(&newTag);
newPartitionLock = BufMappingPartitionLock(newHash);
/* see if the block is in the buffer pool already */
LWLockAcquire(newPartitionLock, LW_SHARED);
buf_id = BufTableLookup(&newTag, newHash);
* Didn't find it in the buffer pool. We'll have to initialize a new
* buffer. Remember to unlock the mapping lock while doing the work.
에서 비어 있는 buffer descriptor를 확보하여 pin 합니다. 이 예제에서 획득한 descriptor의buffer_id
는 4입니다.
/* Loop here in case we have to try another victim buffer */
for (;;)
* Select a victim buffer. The buffer is returned with its header
* spinlock still held!
buf = StrategyGetBuffer(strategy, &buf_state);
/* Pin the buffer and then release the buffer spinlock */
- Exclusive 모드에서
파티션을 획득합니다 (이 lock은 6번째 단계에서 해제됨).
if (oldFlags & BM_TAG_VALID)
LWLockAcquire(newPartitionLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
/* if it wasn't valid, we need only the new partition */
LWLockAcquire(newPartitionLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
/* remember we have no old-partition lock or tag */
oldPartitionLock = NULL;
/* this just keeps the compiler quiet about uninit variables */
oldHash = 0;
가 4인 새 데이터 항목을 생성합니다. 생성한 항목을 버퍼 테이블에 삽입합니다.
* Try to make a hashtable entry for the buffer under its new tag.
* This could fail because while we were writing someone else
* allocated another buffer for the same block we want to read in.
* Note that we have not yet removed the hashtable entry for the old
* tag.
buf_id = BufTableInsert(&newTag, newHash, buf->buf_id);
을 해제합니다.
- 다음과 같이
4를 사용하여 스토리지에서 버퍼 풀 슬롯으로 원하는 페이지 데이터를 읽어옵니다:io_in_progress_lock
을 exclusive 모드로 획득합니다.- 다른 프로세스의 접근을 방지하기 위해 해당 descriptor의
비트를 1로 설정합니다. - 스토리지에서 버퍼 풀 슬롯으로 원하는 페이지 데이터를 읽어옵니다.
- 해당 descriptor의 상태를 변경합니다.
비트는 0으로 설정되고, 유효한 비트는 1로 설정됩니다. io_in_progress_lock
을 해제합니다.
* Buffer contents are currently invalid. Try to get the io_in_progress
* lock. If StartBufferIO returns false, then someone else managed to
* read it before we did, so there's nothing left for BufferAlloc() to do.
if (StartBufferIO(buf, true))
*foundPtr = false;
*foundPtr = true;
return buf;
src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c: StartBufferIO()
* StartBufferIO: begin I/O on this buffer
* (Assumptions)
* My process is executing no IO
* The buffer is Pinned
* In some scenarios there are race conditions in which multiple backends
* could attempt the same I/O operation concurrently. If someone else
* has already started I/O on this buffer then we will block on the
* io_in_progress lock until he's done.
* Input operations are only attempted on buffers that are not BM_VALID,
* and output operations only on buffers that are BM_VALID and BM_DIRTY,
* so we can always tell if the work is already done.
* Returns true if we successfully marked the buffer as I/O busy,
* false if someone else already did the work.
static bool
StartBufferIO(BufferDesc *buf, bool forInput)
uint32 buf_state;
for (;;)
* Grab the io_in_progress lock so that other processes can wait for
* me to finish the I/O.
LWLockAcquire(BufferDescriptorGetIOLock(buf), LW_EXCLUSIVE);
buf_state = LockBufHdr(buf);
if (!(buf_state & BM_IO_IN_PROGRESS))
* The only way BM_IO_IN_PROGRESS could be set when the io_in_progress
* lock isn't held is if the process doing the I/O is recovering from
* an error (see AbortBufferIO). If that's the case, we must wait for
* him to get unwedged.
UnlockBufHdr(buf, buf_state);
/* Once we get here, there is definitely no I/O active on this buffer */
if (forInput ? (buf_state & BM_VALID) : !(buf_state & BM_DIRTY))
/* someone else already did the I/O */
UnlockBufHdr(buf, buf_state);
return false;
buf_state |= BM_IO_IN_PROGRESS;
UnlockBufHdr(buf, buf_state);
InProgressBuf = buf;
IsForInput = forInput;
return true;
src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c: ReadBuffer_common()
if (isExtend)
smgrread(smgr, forkNum, blockNum, (char *) bufBlock);
4를 사용하여 버퍼 풀 슬롯에 접근합니다.
src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c: ReadBuffer_common()
return BufferDescriptorGetBuffer(bufHdr);
세 번째는 모든 버퍼 풀 슬롯이 사용 중이지만 원하는 페이지는 버퍼 풀에 없는 경우입니다 (따로 명시하지 않았으면 BufferAlloc()
내 코드):
- 원하는 페이지의
를 생성하고 (이 예제에서buffer_tag
), 버퍼 테이블을 검색합니다. 하지만 원하는 페이지를 찾지 못했습니다.
/* create a tag so we can lookup the buffer */
INIT_BUFFERTAG(newTag, smgr->smgr_rnode.node, forkNum, blockNum);
/* determine its hash code and partition lock ID */
newHash = BufTableHashCode(&newTag);
newPartitionLock = BufMappingPartitionLock(newHash);
/* see if the block is in the buffer pool already */
LWLockAcquire(newPartitionLock, LW_SHARED);
buf_id = BufTableLookup(&newTag, newHash);
* Didn't find it in the buffer pool. We'll have to initialize a new
* buffer. Remember to unlock the mapping lock while doing the work.
- Clock-sweep 알고리즘을 사용하여 victim 버퍼 풀 슬롯을 선택하고, 버퍼 테이블에서 victim 슬롯의
를 포함하는 이전 항목을 가져 와서 buffer descriptor 레이어에 victim 슬롯을 pin 합니다. 이 예제에서 victim 슬롯의buffer_id
는 5이고, 이전 항목은Tag_F, id=5
입니다. Clock-sweep은 다음 섹션에서 설명합니다.
/* Loop here in case we have to try another victim buffer */
for (;;)
* Select a victim buffer. The buffer is returned with its header
* spinlock still held!
buf = StrategyGetBuffer(strategy, &buf_state);
/* Pin the buffer and then release the buffer spinlock */
src/backend/storage/buffer/freelist.c: StrategyGetBuffer() - 요약: Clock-sweep 사용해 victim 버퍼 선택
buf = StrategyGetBuffer(strategy, &buf_state); // victim 버퍼 선택
freelist에서 buffer 가져옴
있으면, return buf
없으면, for문 돌면서 Clock-sweep 알고리즘 수행
unpinned && usage count == 0 → usable buffer
usable buffer가 있으면, return buf
- Victim 페이지 데이터가 dirty면, flush (write and fsync) 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 4단계로 넘어갑니다.
5를 사용하여, descriptor의 sharedcontent_lock
및 exclusiveio_in_progress
lock을 획득합니다.- 해당 descriptor의 상태를 변경합니다.
비트는 1로 설정하고,just_dirtied
비트는 0으로 설정합니다. - 상황에 따라, WAL 버퍼의 WAL 데이터를 현재 WAL 세그먼트 파일에 기록하기 위해
함수가 호출됩니다. - Victim 페이지 데이터를 스토리지로 flush 합니다.
- 해당 descriptor의 상태를 변경합니다.
비트는 0으로 설정되고, 유효한 비트는 1로 설정됩니다. io_in_progress
lock을 해제합니다.
* If the buffer was dirty, try to write it out. There is a race
* condition here, in that someone might dirty it after we released it
* above, or even while we are writing it out (since our share-lock
* won't prevent hint-bit updates). We will recheck the dirty bit
* after re-locking the buffer header.
if (oldFlags & BM_DIRTY)
* We need a share-lock on the buffer contents to write it out
* (else we might write invalid data, eg because someone else is
* compacting the page contents while we write). We must use a
* conditional lock acquisition here to avoid deadlock. Even
* though the buffer was not pinned (and therefore surely not
* locked) when StrategyGetBuffer returned it, someone else could
* have pinned and exclusive-locked it by the time we get here. If
* we try to get the lock unconditionally, we'd block waiting for
* them; if they later block waiting for us, deadlock ensues.
* (This has been observed to happen when two backends are both
* trying to split btree index pages, and the second one just
* happens to be trying to split the page the first one got from
* StrategyGetBuffer.)
if (LWLockConditionalAcquire(BufferDescriptorGetContentLock(buf),
* If using a nondefault strategy, and writing the buffer
* would require a WAL flush, let the strategy decide whether
* to go ahead and write/reuse the buffer or to choose another
* victim. We need lock to inspect the page LSN, so this
* can't be done inside StrategyGetBuffer.
if (strategy != NULL)
XLogRecPtr lsn;
/* Read the LSN while holding buffer header lock */
buf_state = LockBufHdr(buf);
lsn = BufferGetLSN(buf);
UnlockBufHdr(buf, buf_state);
if (XLogNeedsFlush(lsn) &&
StrategyRejectBuffer(strategy, buf))
/* Drop lock/pin and loop around for another buffer */
UnpinBuffer(buf, true);
/* OK, do the I/O */
FlushBuffer(buf, NULL);
* Someone else has locked the buffer, so give it up and loop
* back to get another one.
UnpinBuffer(buf, true);
- 이전 항목을 포함하는 슬롯을 커버하는 old 및 new
파티션을 exclusive 모드로 획득합니다.
* To change the association of a valid buffer, we'll need to have
* exclusive lock on both the old and new mapping partitions.
if (oldFlags & BM_TAG_VALID)
* Need to compute the old tag's hashcode and partition lock ID.
* XXX is it worth storing the hashcode in BufferDesc so we need
* not recompute it here? Probably not.
oldTag = buf->tag;
oldHash = BufTableHashCode(&oldTag);
oldPartitionLock = BufMappingPartitionLock(oldHash);
* Must lock the lower-numbered partition first to avoid
* deadlocks.
if (oldPartitionLock < newPartitionLock)
LWLockAcquire(oldPartitionLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
LWLockAcquire(newPartitionLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
else if (oldPartitionLock > newPartitionLock)
LWLockAcquire(newPartitionLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
LWLockAcquire(oldPartitionLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
/* only one partition, only one lock */
LWLockAcquire(newPartitionLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
- 새 항목을 버퍼 테이블에 삽입합니다.
- 새로운
과 victim의buffer_id
로 구성된 새 항목을 만듭니다. - 새 항목을 포함하는 슬롯을 커버하는 new
파티션을 exclusive 모드로 획득합니다. - 새 항목을 버퍼 테이블에 삽입합니다.
- 새로운
* Try to make a hashtable entry for the buffer under its new tag.
* This could fail because while we were writing someone else
* allocated another buffer for the same block we want to read in.
* Note that we have not yet removed the hashtable entry for the old
* tag.
buf_id = BufTableInsert(&newTag, newHash, buf->buf_id);
- 버퍼 테이블에서 이전 항목을 삭제하고, old
파티션을 해제합니다.
if (oldPartitionLock != NULL)
BufTableDelete(&oldTag, oldHash);
if (oldPartitionLock != newPartitionLock)
- New
파티션을 해제합니다.
- 스토리지에서 victim 버퍼 슬롯으로 원하는 페이지 데이터를 읽어옵니다. 그리고 나서,
5를 갖는 descriptor의 플래그를 업데이트합니다. Dirty 비트는 0으로 설정하고, 다른 비트들을 초기화합니다.
* Buffer contents are currently invalid. Try to get the io_in_progress
* lock. If StartBufferIO returns false, then someone else managed to
* read it before we did, so there's nothing left for BufferAlloc() to do.
if (StartBufferIO(buf, true))
*foundPtr = false;
*foundPtr = true;
return buf;
src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c: StartBufferIO()
* StartBufferIO: begin I/O on this buffer
* (Assumptions)
* My process is executing no IO
* The buffer is Pinned
* In some scenarios there are race conditions in which multiple backends
* could attempt the same I/O operation concurrently. If someone else
* has already started I/O on this buffer then we will block on the
* io_in_progress lock until he's done.
* Input operations are only attempted on buffers that are not BM_VALID,
* and output operations only on buffers that are BM_VALID and BM_DIRTY,
* so we can always tell if the work is already done.
* Returns true if we successfully marked the buffer as I/O busy,
* false if someone else already did the work.
static bool
StartBufferIO(BufferDesc *buf, bool forInput)
uint32 buf_state;
for (;;)
* Grab the io_in_progress lock so that other processes can wait for
* me to finish the I/O.
LWLockAcquire(BufferDescriptorGetIOLock(buf), LW_EXCLUSIVE);
buf_state = LockBufHdr(buf);
if (!(buf_state & BM_IO_IN_PROGRESS))
* The only way BM_IO_IN_PROGRESS could be set when the io_in_progress
* lock isn't held is if the process doing the I/O is recovering from
* an error (see AbortBufferIO). If that's the case, we must wait for
* him to get unwedged.
UnlockBufHdr(buf, buf_state);
/* Once we get here, there is definitely no I/O active on this buffer */
if (forInput ? (buf_state & BM_VALID) : !(buf_state & BM_DIRTY))
/* someone else already did the I/O */
UnlockBufHdr(buf, buf_state);
return false;
buf_state |= BM_IO_IN_PROGRESS;
UnlockBufHdr(buf, buf_state);
InProgressBuf = buf;
IsForInput = forInput;
return true;
src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c: ReadBuffer_common()
if (isExtend)
smgrread(smgr, forkNum, blockNum, (char *) bufBlock);
5를 사용하여 버퍼 풀 슬롯에 접근합니다.
src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c: ReadBuffer_common()
return BufferDescriptorGetBuffer(bufHdr);
이 알고리즘은 오버헤드가 적은 NFU (Not Frequently Used)를 변형한 알고리즘입니다. 즉, 덜 자주 사용하는 페이지를 효율적으로 선택합니다:
src/backend/storage/buffer/freelist.c: StrategyGetBuffer()
* StrategyGetBuffer
* Called by the bufmgr to get the next candidate buffer to use in
* BufferAlloc(). The only hard requirement BufferAlloc() has is that
* the selected buffer must not currently be pinned by anyone.
* strategy is a BufferAccessStrategy object, or NULL for default strategy.
* To ensure that no one else can pin the buffer before we do, we must
* return the buffer with the buffer header spinlock still held.
BufferDesc *
StrategyGetBuffer(BufferAccessStrategy strategy, uint32 *buf_state)
/* Nothing on the freelist, so run the "clock sweep" algorithm */
trycounter = NBuffers;
for (;;)
buf = GetBufferDescriptor(ClockSweepTick());
* If the buffer is pinned or has a nonzero usage_count, we cannot use
* it; decrement the usage_count (unless pinned) and keep scanning.
local_buf_state = LockBufHdr(buf);
if (BUF_STATE_GET_REFCOUNT(local_buf_state) == 0)
if (BUF_STATE_GET_USAGECOUNT(local_buf_state) != 0)
local_buf_state -= BUF_USAGECOUNT_ONE;
trycounter = NBuffers;
/* Found a usable buffer */
if (strategy != NULL)
AddBufferToRing(strategy, buf);
*buf_state = local_buf_state;
return buf;
else if (--trycounter == 0)
* We've scanned all the buffers without making any state changes,
* so all the buffers are pinned (or were when we looked at them).
* We could hope that someone will free one eventually, but it's
* probably better to fail than to risk getting stuck in an
* infinite loop.
UnlockBufHdr(buf, local_buf_state);
elog(ERROR, "no unpinned buffers available");
UnlockBufHdr(buf, local_buf_state);
위 그림에서 buffer descriptor는 blue (pin) 또는 cyan (unpin) 색 상자로 표시되며, 상자의 숫자는 각 descriptor의 usage_count
를 나타냅니다.
는 첫 번째 descriptor (buffer_id
1)를 가리킵니다. 하지만, 이 descriptor는 pin 되어 있으므로 건너 뜁니다. -
는 두 번째 descriptor (buffer_id
2)를 가리킵니다. 이 descriptor는 pin 되어 있진 않지만,usage_count
는 2입니다. 따라서usage_count
를 1만큼 감소시키고,nextVictimBuffer
는 세 번째 victim으로 넘어갑니다. -
는 세 번째 descriptor (buffer_id
3)를 가리킵니다. 이 descriptor는 unpin 상태이며usage_count
는 0입니다. 따라서 이 descriptor가 이번 라운드의 victim이 됩니다.
가 unpin 상태의 descriptor를 sweep 할 때마다 usage_count
가 1씩 감소합니다. 따라서 unpin 상태의 descriptor가 버퍼 풀에 존재하면 이 알고리즘은 nextVictimBuffer
을 회전시키면서 usage_count
가 0인 victim을 항상 찾을 수 있습니다.
- 주요 함수
: Background writer process가 주기적으로 dirty buffer를 flush 함BufferSync()
: Checkpoint 시에 dirty buffer flush 함SyncOneBuffer()
: 버퍼 하나를 flush 함FlushBuffer()
: 버퍼 하나를 물리적으로 write 함; 실제 write가 disk까지 가는 걸 보장하진 않음 (kernel에 write 요청만 함)
PostgreSQL에서는 background writer process가 주기적 (Default: bgwriter_delay
= 200ms)으로 bgwriter_lru_maxpages
(Default: 100)개의 dirty buffer를 flush 합니다 (BgBufferSync()
* BgBufferSync -- Write out some dirty buffers in the pool.
* This is called periodically by the background writer process.
* Returns true if it's appropriate for the bgwriter process to go into
* low-power hibernation mode. (This happens if the strategy clock sweep
* has been "lapped" and no buffer allocations have occurred recently,
* or if the bgwriter has been effectively disabled by setting
* bgwriter_lru_maxpages to 0.)
BgBufferSync(WritebackContext *wb_context)
- 관련 configurations:
- Background writer가 동작하는 라운드 간 delay 시간
- Default = 200ms
- 각 라운드에 background writer가 flush할 수 있는 최대 버퍼 개수
- Default = 100
- 각 라운드 별 flush할 dirty 버퍼 개수는 최근 라운드에서 새롭게 할당된 버퍼 개수에 따라 결정됨
- 최근 평균 버퍼 요구량에 이 값을 곱해 다음 라운드 동안 필요한 버퍼 수를 예측
- Default = 2
- Background writer가 이 값보다 많은 양의 데이터를 쓸 때마다 OS가 이 writes를 storage까지 강제로 flush 함
- Default = 512KB, Min = 0, Max = 2MB (8KB page size 및 Linux 기준)
- Clock-sweep의 현재 위치 및 최근 할당된 버퍼 개수를 받아옵니다.
* Find out where the freelist clock sweep currently is, and how many
* buffer allocations have happened since our last call.
strategy_buf_id = StrategySyncStart(&strategy_passes, &recent_alloc);
/* Report buffer alloc counts to pgstat */
BgWriterStats.m_buf_alloc += recent_alloc;
- 지난 clock-sweep 때 스캔된 버퍼 개수(
)를 계산합니다.
int NBuffers = 1000;
* Compute strategy_delta = how many buffers have been scanned by the
* clock sweep since last time. If first time through, assume none. Then
* see if we are still ahead of the clock sweep, and if so, how many
* buffers we could scan before we'd catch up with it and "lap" it. Note:
* weird-looking coding of xxx_passes comparisons are to avoid bogus
* behavior when the passes counts wrap around.
if (saved_info_valid)
int32 passes_delta = strategy_passes - prev_strategy_passes;
strategy_delta = strategy_buf_id - prev_strategy_buf_id;
strategy_delta += (long) passes_delta * NBuffers;
Assert(strategy_delta >= 0);
if ((int32) (next_passes - strategy_passes) > 0)
/* we're one pass ahead of the strategy point */
bufs_to_lap = strategy_buf_id - next_to_clean;
else if (next_passes == strategy_passes &&
next_to_clean >= strategy_buf_id)
/* on same pass, but ahead or at least not behind */
bufs_to_lap = NBuffers - (next_to_clean - strategy_buf_id);
* We're behind, so skip forward to the strategy point and start
* cleaning from there.
next_to_clean = strategy_buf_id;
next_passes = strategy_passes;
bufs_to_lap = NBuffers;
* Initializing at startup or after LRU scanning had been off. Always
* start at the strategy point.
strategy_delta = 0;
next_to_clean = strategy_buf_id;
next_passes = strategy_passes;
bufs_to_lap = NBuffers;
/* Update saved info for next time */
prev_strategy_buf_id = strategy_buf_id;
prev_strategy_passes = strategy_passes;
saved_info_valid = true;
- 버퍼가 할당될 때마다 얼마나 많은 버퍼가 스캔됐는지 계산하고, reusable 버퍼가 얼마나 있는지 계산합니다.
* Compute how many buffers had to be scanned for each new allocation, ie,
* 1/density of reusable buffers, and track a moving average of that.
* If the strategy point didn't move, we don't update the density estimate
if (strategy_delta > 0 && recent_alloc > 0)
scans_per_alloc = (float) strategy_delta / (float) recent_alloc;
smoothed_density += (scans_per_alloc - smoothed_density) /
* Estimate how many reusable buffers there are between the current
* strategy point and where we've scanned ahead to, based on the smoothed
* density estimate.
bufs_ahead = NBuffers - bufs_to_lap;
reusable_buffers_est = (float) bufs_ahead / smoothed_density;
* Track a moving average of recent buffer allocations. Here, rather than
* a true average we want a fast-attack, slow-decline behavior: we
* immediately follow any increase.
if (smoothed_alloc <= (float) recent_alloc)
smoothed_alloc = recent_alloc;
smoothed_alloc += ((float) recent_alloc - smoothed_alloc) /
- 최근에 할당된 버퍼 개수가 적다면,
값을 낮게 조정합니다.
double bgwriter_lru_multiplier = 2.0;
int BgWriterDelay = 200;
/* Scale the estimate by a GUC to allow more aggressive tuning. */
upcoming_alloc_est = (int) (smoothed_alloc * bgwriter_lru_multiplier);
* If recent_alloc remains at zero for many cycles, smoothed_alloc will
* eventually underflow to zero, and the underflows produce annoying
* kernel warnings on some platforms. Once upcoming_alloc_est has gone to
* zero, there's no point in tracking smaller and smaller values of
* smoothed_alloc, so just reset it to exactly zero to avoid this
* syndrome. It will pop back up as soon as recent_alloc increases.
if (upcoming_alloc_est == 0)
smoothed_alloc = 0;
* Even in cases where there's been little or no buffer allocation
* activity, we want to make a small amount of progress through the buffer
* cache so that as many reusable buffers as possible are clean after an
* idle period.
* (scan_whole_pool_milliseconds / BgWriterDelay) computes how many times
* the BGW will be called during the scan_whole_pool time; slice the
* buffer pool into that many sections.
min_scan_buffers = (int) (NBuffers / (scan_whole_pool_milliseconds / BgWriterDelay));
if (upcoming_alloc_est < (min_scan_buffers + reusable_buffers_est))
upcoming_alloc_est = min_scan_buffers + reusable_buffers_est;
- Dirty reusable 버퍼를 flush 합니다.
값에 도달할 때까지- 다음 cycle의 allocation requirements에 대한 예상 값 (
)에 도달할 때까지
int bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 100;
* Now write out dirty reusable buffers, working forward from the
* next_to_clean point, until we have lapped the strategy scan, or cleaned
* enough buffers to match our estimate of the next cycle's allocation
* requirements, or hit the bgwriter_lru_maxpages limit.
/* Make sure we can handle the pin inside SyncOneBuffer */
num_to_scan = bufs_to_lap;
num_written = 0;
reusable_buffers = reusable_buffers_est;
/* Execute the LRU scan */
while (num_to_scan > 0 && reusable_buffers < upcoming_alloc_est)
int sync_state = SyncOneBuffer(next_to_clean, true,
if (++next_to_clean >= NBuffers)
next_to_clean = 0;
if (sync_state & BUF_WRITTEN)
if (++num_written >= bgwriter_lru_maxpages)
else if (sync_state & BUF_REUSABLE)
BgWriterStats.m_buf_written_clean += num_written;
src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c: SyncOneBuffer() - 버퍼 하나를 flush 함
* SyncOneBuffer -- process a single buffer during syncing.
* If skip_recently_used is true, we don't write currently-pinned buffers, nor
* buffers marked recently used, as these are not replacement candidates.
* Returns a bitmask containing the following flag bits:
* BUF_WRITTEN: we wrote the buffer.
* BUF_REUSABLE: buffer is available for replacement, ie, it has
* pin count 0 and usage count 0.
* (BUF_WRITTEN could be set in error if FlushBuffers finds the buffer clean
* after locking it, but we don't care all that much.)
* Note: caller must have done ResourceOwnerEnlargeBuffers.
static int
SyncOneBuffer(int buf_id, bool skip_recently_used, WritebackContext *wb_context)
* Pin it, share-lock it, write it. (FlushBuffer will do nothing if the
* buffer is clean by the time we've locked it.)
LWLockAcquire(BufferDescriptorGetContentLock(bufHdr), LW_SHARED);
FlushBuffer(bufHdr, NULL);
tag = bufHdr->tag;
UnpinBuffer(bufHdr, true);
ScheduleBufferTagForWriteback(wb_context, &tag);
return result | BUF_WRITTEN;
src/backend/storage/buffer/bufmgr.c: FlushBuffer() - 버퍼 하나를 물리적으로 write함; 자세히 봐야함
* FlushBuffer
* Physically write out a shared buffer.
* NOTE: this actually just passes the buffer contents to the kernel; the
* real write to disk won't happen until the kernel feels like it. This
* is okay from our point of view since we can redo the changes from WAL.
* However, we will need to force the changes to disk via fsync before
* we can checkpoint WAL.
* The caller must hold a pin on the buffer and have share-locked the
* buffer contents. (Note: a share-lock does not prevent updates of
* hint bits in the buffer, so the page could change while the write
* is in progress, but we assume that that will not invalidate the data
* written.)
* If the caller has an smgr reference for the buffer's relation, pass it
* as the second parameter. If not, pass NULL.
static void
FlushBuffer(BufferDesc *buf, SMgrRelation reln)
* Force XLOG flush up to buffer's LSN. This implements the basic WAL
* rule that log updates must hit disk before any of the data-file changes
* they describe do.
* ...
if (buf_state & BM_PERMANENT)
* bufToWrite is either the shared buffer or a copy, as appropriate.
- 현재 background write 루프의 결과 값들을 다음 루프를 위해 저장합니다.
* Consider the above scan as being like a new allocation scan.
* Characterize its density and update the smoothed one based on it. This
* effectively halves the moving average period in cases where both the
* strategy and the background writer are doing some useful scanning,
* which is helpful because a long memory isn't as desirable on the
* density estimates.
new_strategy_delta = bufs_to_lap - num_to_scan;
new_recent_alloc = reusable_buffers - reusable_buffers_est;
if (new_strategy_delta > 0 && new_recent_alloc > 0)
scans_per_alloc = (float) new_strategy_delta / (float) new_recent_alloc;
smoothed_density += (scans_per_alloc - smoothed_density) /
/* Return true if OK to hibernate */
return (bufs_to_lap == 0 && recent_alloc == 0);
PostgreSQL은 shutdown 시 또는 on-the-fly로 checkpoint를 수행합니다 (BufferSync()
). WAL checkpoint는 default로 5분에 한번씩 수행됩니다 (checkpoint_timeout
* BufferSync -- Write out all dirty buffers in the pool.
* This is called at checkpoint time to write out all dirty shared buffers.
* The checkpoint request flags should be passed in. If CHECKPOINT_IMMEDIATE
* is set, we disable delays between writes; if CHECKPOINT_IS_SHUTDOWN,
* unlogged buffers, which are otherwise skipped. The remaining flags
* currently have no effect here.
static void
BufferSync(int flags)