diff --git a/test/lib/api.spec.js b/test/lib/api.spec.js
index 02b13e762..953b53d4c 100644
--- a/test/lib/api.spec.js
+++ b/test/lib/api.spec.js
@@ -1,263 +1,319 @@
const { assert, expect } = require('chai');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const rewire = require('rewire');
+const rpn = require('request-promise-native');
let api = rewire('../../src/lib/api');
const environment = require('../../src/lib/environment');
const log = require('../../src/lib/log');
+const apiStub = require('../api-stub');
describe('api', () => {
- let mockRequest;
- beforeEach(() => {
- mockRequest = {
- get: sinon.stub().resolves(),
- post: sinon.stub().resolves(),
- put: sinon.stub().resolves(),
- };
- api.__set__('request', mockRequest);
- sinon.stub(environment, 'apiUrl').get(() => 'http://example.com/db-name');
- });
- afterEach(() => {
- sinon.restore();
- api = rewire('../../src/lib/api');
- });
- it('defaults to live requests', async () => {
- sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
- await api().version();
- expect(mockRequest.get.callCount).to.eq(1);
- });
- describe('formsValidate', async () => {
- it('should fail if validate endpoint returns invalid JSON', async () => {
- sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
- mockRequest.post.resolves('--NOT JSON--');
- try {
- await api().formsValidate('');
- assert.fail('Expected assertion');
- } catch (e) {
- expect(e.message).to.eq(
- 'Invalid JSON response validating XForm against the API: --NOT JSON--');
- }
+ describe('methods', () => {
+ let mockRequest;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ mockRequest = {
+ get: sinon.stub().resolves(),
+ post: sinon.stub().resolves(),
+ put: sinon.stub().resolves(),
+ };
+ api.__set__('request', mockRequest);
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'apiUrl').get(() => 'http://example.com/db-name');
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sinon.restore();
+ api = rewire('../../src/lib/api');
- it('should not fail if validate endpoint does not exist', async () => {
+ it('defaults to live requests', async () => {
sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
- mockRequest.post.rejects({name: 'StatusCodeError', statusCode: 404});
- let result = await api().formsValidate('');
- expect(result).to.deep.eq({ok: true, formsValidateEndpointFound: false});
- expect(mockRequest.post.callCount).to.eq(1);
- // second call
- result = await api().formsValidate('Another XML');
- expect(result).to.deep.eq({ok: true, formsValidateEndpointFound: false});
- expect(mockRequest.post.callCount).to.eq(1); // still HTTP client called only once
+ await api().version();
+ expect(mockRequest.get.callCount).to.eq(1);
- it('should not call API when --archive mode and response still ok', async () => {
- api.__set__('environment', sinon.stub({ isArchiveMode: true }));
- let result = await api().formsValidate('');
- expect(result).to.deep.eq({ok: true});
- expect(mockRequest.post.callCount).to.eq(0);
- // second call
- result = await api().formsValidate('Another XML');
- expect(result).to.deep.eq({ok: true});
- expect(mockRequest.post.callCount).to.eq(0); // still HTTP not called even once
- });
- });
+ describe('formsValidate', async () => {
- describe('archive mode', async () => {
- beforeEach(() => sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => true));
+ it('should fail if validate endpoint returns invalid JSON', async () => {
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
+ mockRequest.post.resolves('--NOT JSON--');
+ try {
+ await api().formsValidate('');
+ assert.fail('Expected assertion');
+ } catch (e) {
+ expect(e.message).to.eq(
+ 'Invalid JSON response validating XForm against the API: --NOT JSON--');
+ }
+ });
- it('does not initiate requests to api', async () => {
- await api().version();
- expect(mockRequest.get.callCount).to.eq(0);
- });
+ it('should not fail if validate endpoint does not exist', async () => {
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
+ mockRequest.post.rejects({name: 'StatusCodeError', statusCode: 404});
+ let result = await api().formsValidate('');
+ expect(result).to.deep.eq({ok: true, formsValidateEndpointFound: false});
+ expect(mockRequest.post.callCount).to.eq(1);
+ // second call
+ result = await api().formsValidate('Another XML');
+ expect(result).to.deep.eq({ok: true, formsValidateEndpointFound: false});
+ expect(mockRequest.post.callCount).to.eq(1); // still HTTP client called only once
+ });
- it('throws not supported for undefined interfaces', () => {
- expect(api().getAppSettings).to.throw('getAppSettings not supported in --archive mode');
+ it('should not call API when --archive mode and response still ok', async () => {
+ api.__set__('environment', sinon.stub({ isArchiveMode: true }));
+ let result = await api().formsValidate('');
+ expect(result).to.deep.eq({ok: true});
+ expect(mockRequest.post.callCount).to.eq(0);
+ // second call
+ result = await api().formsValidate('Another XML');
+ expect(result).to.deep.eq({ok: true});
+ expect(mockRequest.post.callCount).to.eq(0); // still HTTP not called even once
+ });
- });
- describe('updateAppSettings', async() => {
+ describe('archive mode', async () => {
+ beforeEach(() => sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => true));
- it('changes settings on server', async () => {
- sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
- // GET /api/v1/settings/deprecated-transitions from logDeprecatedTransitions()
- mockRequest.get.onCall(0).resolves([]);
- // PUT /_design/medic/_rewrite/update_settings/medic?replace=1 from updateAppSettings()
- mockRequest.put.onCall(0).resolves({ ok: true });
- const response = await api().updateAppSettings(JSON.stringify({
- transitions: [ 'test' ]
- }));
- expect(response.ok).to.equal(true);
- expect(mockRequest.get.callCount).to.equal(1);
- expect(mockRequest.put.callCount).to.equal(1);
- expect(mockRequest.put.args[0][0].body).to.equal('{"transitions":["test"]}');
+ it('does not initiate requests to api', async () => {
+ await api().version();
+ expect(mockRequest.get.callCount).to.eq(0);
+ });
+ it('throws not supported for undefined interfaces', () => {
+ expect(api().getAppSettings).to.throw('getAppSettings not supported in --archive mode');
+ });
- it('throws error when server throws', async () => {
- sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
- mockRequest.get.onCall(0).resolves([]);
- mockRequest.put.onCall(0).resolves({ ok: true });
- try {
- await api().updateAppSettings(JSON.stringify({}));
- } catch(err) {
- expect(err.error).to.equal('random');
- expect(mockRequest.get.callCount).to.equal(0);
+ describe('updateAppSettings', async() => {
+ it('changes settings on server', async () => {
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
+ // GET /api/v1/settings/deprecated-transitions from logDeprecatedTransitions()
+ mockRequest.get.onCall(0).resolves([]);
+ // PUT /_design/medic/_rewrite/update_settings/medic?replace=1 from updateAppSettings()
+ mockRequest.put.onCall(0).resolves({ ok: true });
+ const response = await api().updateAppSettings(JSON.stringify({
+ transitions: [ 'test' ]
+ }));
+ expect(response.ok).to.equal(true);
+ expect(mockRequest.get.callCount).to.equal(1);
- }
- });
+ expect(mockRequest.put.args[0][0].body).to.equal('{"transitions":["test"]}');
+ });
- it('logs and continues when using deprecated transitions', async () => {
- sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
- sinon.stub(log, 'warn');
- mockRequest.get.onCall(0).resolves([ {
- name: 'go',
- deprecated: true,
- deprecatedIn: '3.10.0',
- deprecationMessage: 'Use go2 instead'
- } ]);
- mockRequest.put.onCall(0).resolves({ ok: true });
- await api().updateAppSettings(JSON.stringify({
- transitions: { go: { disable: false } }
- }));
- expect(log.warn.callCount).to.equal(1);
- expect(log.warn.args[0][0]).to.equal('Use go2 instead');
- });
+ it('throws error when server throws', async () => {
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
+ mockRequest.get.onCall(0).resolves([]);
+ mockRequest.put.onCall(0).resolves({ ok: true });
+ try {
+ await api().updateAppSettings(JSON.stringify({}));
+ } catch(err) {
+ expect(err.error).to.equal('random');
+ expect(mockRequest.get.callCount).to.equal(0);
+ expect(mockRequest.put.callCount).to.equal(1);
+ }
+ });
- it('continues when deprecated transitions call throws', async () => {
- sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
- sinon.stub(log, 'warn');
- mockRequest.get.onCall(0).rejects({ statusCode: 500, message: 'some error' });
- mockRequest.put.onCall(0).resolves({ ok: true });
- await api().updateAppSettings(JSON.stringify({
- transitions: [ 'test' ]
- }));
- expect(log.warn.callCount).to.equal(1);
- });
+ it('logs and continues when using deprecated transitions', async () => {
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
+ sinon.stub(log, 'warn');
+ mockRequest.get.onCall(0).resolves([ {
+ name: 'go',
+ deprecated: true,
+ deprecatedIn: '3.10.0',
+ deprecationMessage: 'Use go2 instead'
+ } ]);
+ mockRequest.put.onCall(0).resolves({ ok: true });
+ await api().updateAppSettings(JSON.stringify({
+ transitions: { go: { disable: false } }
+ }));
+ expect(log.warn.callCount).to.equal(1);
+ expect(log.warn.args[0][0]).to.equal('Use go2 instead');
+ });
- });
+ it('continues when deprecated transitions call throws', async () => {
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
+ sinon.stub(log, 'warn');
+ mockRequest.get.onCall(0).rejects({ statusCode: 500, message: 'some error' });
+ mockRequest.put.onCall(0).resolves({ ok: true });
+ await api().updateAppSettings(JSON.stringify({
+ transitions: [ 'test' ]
+ }));
+ expect(log.warn.callCount).to.equal(1);
+ });
- describe('getCompressibleTypes', async () => {
- it('call the API and parse types from string correctly', async () => {
- sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
- sinon.stub(environment, 'force').get(() => false);
- mockRequest.get.resolves({'compressible_types':'text/*, application/*', 'compression_level':'8'});
- const cacheSpy = new Map();
- const cacheGetSpy = sinon.spy(cacheSpy, 'get');
- api.__set__('cache', cacheSpy);
- let compressibleTypes = await api().getCompressibleTypes();
- expect(compressibleTypes).to.deep.eq(['text/*', 'application/*']);
- assert.equal(mockRequest.get.callCount, 1);
- assert.equal(cacheGetSpy.callCount, 0);
- // second time the cache is used
- compressibleTypes = await api().getCompressibleTypes();
- expect(compressibleTypes).to.deep.eq(['text/*', 'application/*']); // same values from cache
- assert.equal(mockRequest.get.callCount, 1); // still 1 request
- assert.equal(cacheGetSpy.callCount, 1);
- it('returns empty if API returns 404', async () => {
- sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
- sinon.stub(environment, 'force').get(() => false);
- mockRequest.get.rejects({statusCode:404});
- const cacheSpy = new Map();
- const cacheGetSpy = sinon.spy(cacheSpy, 'get');
- api.__set__('cache', cacheSpy);
- let compressibleTypes = await api().getCompressibleTypes();
- expect(compressibleTypes).to.deep.eq([]);
- assert.equal(mockRequest.get.callCount, 1);
- assert.equal(cacheGetSpy.callCount, 0);
- // second time the cache is used
- compressibleTypes = await api().getCompressibleTypes();
- expect(compressibleTypes).to.deep.eq([]); // same values from cache
- assert.equal(mockRequest.get.callCount, 1); // still 1 request
- assert.equal(cacheGetSpy.callCount, 1);
- });
+ describe('getCompressibleTypes', async () => {
+ it('call the API and parse types from string correctly', async () => {
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'force').get(() => false);
+ mockRequest.get.resolves({'compressible_types':'text/*, application/*', 'compression_level':'8'});
+ const cacheSpy = new Map();
+ const cacheGetSpy = sinon.spy(cacheSpy, 'get');
+ api.__set__('cache', cacheSpy);
+ let compressibleTypes = await api().getCompressibleTypes();
+ expect(compressibleTypes).to.deep.eq(['text/*', 'application/*']);
+ assert.equal(mockRequest.get.callCount, 1);
+ assert.equal(cacheGetSpy.callCount, 0);
- it('returns empty if API returns error and without caching result', async () => {
- sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
- sinon.stub(environment, 'force').get(() => false);
- const getReqStub = mockRequest.get;
- getReqStub.onCall(0).rejects('The error');
- getReqStub.onCall(1).resolves({'compressible_types':'text/*, application/*', 'compression_level':'8'});
- const cacheSpy = new Map();
- const cacheGetSpy = sinon.spy(cacheSpy, 'get');
- api.__set__('cache', cacheSpy);
- let compressibleTypes = await api().getCompressibleTypes();
- expect(compressibleTypes).to.deep.eq([]);
- assert.equal(mockRequest.get.callCount, 1);
- assert.equal(cacheGetSpy.callCount, 0);
- // second time cache is NOT used and value from API is returned
- compressibleTypes = await api().getCompressibleTypes();
- expect(compressibleTypes).to.deep.eq(['text/*', 'application/*']); // values from API second call
- assert.equal(mockRequest.get.callCount, 2); // 2 requests total
- assert.equal(cacheGetSpy.callCount, 0); // cache not used
+ // second time the cache is used
+ compressibleTypes = await api().getCompressibleTypes();
+ expect(compressibleTypes).to.deep.eq(['text/*', 'application/*']); // same values from cache
+ assert.equal(mockRequest.get.callCount, 1); // still 1 request
+ assert.equal(cacheGetSpy.callCount, 1);
+ });
+ it('returns empty if API returns 404', async () => {
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'force').get(() => false);
+ mockRequest.get.rejects({statusCode:404});
+ const cacheSpy = new Map();
+ const cacheGetSpy = sinon.spy(cacheSpy, 'get');
+ api.__set__('cache', cacheSpy);
+ let compressibleTypes = await api().getCompressibleTypes();
+ expect(compressibleTypes).to.deep.eq([]);
+ assert.equal(mockRequest.get.callCount, 1);
+ assert.equal(cacheGetSpy.callCount, 0);
+ // second time the cache is used
+ compressibleTypes = await api().getCompressibleTypes();
+ expect(compressibleTypes).to.deep.eq([]); // same values from cache
+ assert.equal(mockRequest.get.callCount, 1); // still 1 request
+ assert.equal(cacheGetSpy.callCount, 1);
+ });
+ it('returns empty if API returns error and without caching result', async () => {
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'force').get(() => false);
+ const getReqStub = mockRequest.get;
+ getReqStub.onCall(0).rejects('The error');
+ getReqStub.onCall(1).resolves({'compressible_types':'text/*, application/*', 'compression_level':'8'});
+ const cacheSpy = new Map();
+ const cacheGetSpy = sinon.spy(cacheSpy, 'get');
+ api.__set__('cache', cacheSpy);
+ let compressibleTypes = await api().getCompressibleTypes();
+ expect(compressibleTypes).to.deep.eq([]);
+ assert.equal(mockRequest.get.callCount, 1);
+ assert.equal(cacheGetSpy.callCount, 0);
+ // second time cache is NOT used and value from API is returned
+ compressibleTypes = await api().getCompressibleTypes();
+ expect(compressibleTypes).to.deep.eq(['text/*', 'application/*']); // values from API second call
+ assert.equal(mockRequest.get.callCount, 2); // 2 requests total
+ assert.equal(cacheGetSpy.callCount, 0); // cache not used
+ });
- });
- describe('available', async () => {
+ describe('available', async () => {
- beforeEach(() => sinon.stub(environment, 'apiUrl').get(() => 'http://api/medic'));
+ beforeEach(() => sinon.stub(environment, 'apiUrl').get(() => 'http://api/medic'));
- async function testAvailableError(response, expected) {
- sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
- mockRequest.get.rejects(response);
- try {
- await api().available();
- assert.fail('Expected error to be thrown');
- } catch(e) {
- expect(e.message).to.eq(expected);
+ async function testAvailableError(response, expected) {
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
+ mockRequest.get.rejects(response);
+ try {
+ await api().available();
+ assert.fail('Expected error to be thrown');
+ } catch(e) {
+ expect(e.message).to.eq(expected);
+ }
- }
- it('should not throw if no error found in request', async () => {
- sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
- mockRequest.get.resolves('okey dokey');
- await api().available();
+ it('should not throw if no error found in request', async () => {
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
+ mockRequest.get.resolves('okey dokey');
+ await api().available();
+ });
+ it('should throw if request fails to connect', async () => {
+ await testAvailableError(
+ {},
+ 'Failed to get a response from http://api/medic/. Maybe you entered the wrong URL, ' +
+ 'wrong port or the instance is not started. Please check and try again.'
+ );
+ });
+ it('should throw if request returns authentication error', async () => {
+ await testAvailableError(
+ { statusCode: 401 },
+ 'Authentication failed connecting to http://api/medic/. ' +
+ 'Check the supplied username and password and try again.'
+ );
+ });
+ it('should throw if request returns permissions error', async () => {
+ await testAvailableError(
+ { statusCode: 403 },
+ 'Insufficient permissions connecting to http://api/medic/. ' +
+ 'You need to use admin permissions to execute this command.'
+ );
+ });
+ it('should throw if request returns unknown error', async () => {
+ await testAvailableError(
+ { statusCode: 503 },
+ 'Received error code 503 connecting to http://api/medic/. ' +
+ 'Check the server and and try again.'
+ );
+ });
+ it('should return if archive mode is enabled even when api is not available', async () => {
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => true);
+ mockRequest.get.rejects('Ups');
+ await api().available();
+ expect(mockRequest.get.callCount).to.eq(0); // api is not called
+ });
+ });
- it('should throw if request fails to connect', async () => {
- await testAvailableError(
- {},
- 'Failed to get a response from http://api/medic/. Maybe you entered the wrong URL, ' +
- 'wrong port or the instance is not started. Please check and try again.'
- );
+ describe('retry mechanism', function () {
+ this.timeout(15000);
+ let spyGet;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ apiStub.start();
+ sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => false);
+ spyGet = sinon.spy(rpn, 'get');
- it('should throw if request returns authentication error', async () => {
- await testAvailableError(
- { statusCode: 401 },
- 'Authentication failed connecting to http://api/medic/. ' +
- 'Check the supplied username and password and try again.'
- );
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sinon.restore();
+ return apiStub.stop();
- it('should throw if request returns permissions error', async () => {
- await testAvailableError(
- { statusCode: 403 },
- 'Insufficient permissions connecting to http://api/medic/. ' +
- 'You need to use admin permissions to execute this command.'
+ it('should throw after the request failed 6 times', async () => {
+ apiStub.giveResponses(
+ { status: 404, body: { error: 'not_found' } },
+ { status: 404, body: { error: 'not_found' } },
+ { status: 404, body: { error: 'not_found' } },
+ { status: 404, body: { error: 'not_found' } },
+ { status: 404, body: { error: 'not_found' } },
+ { status: 404, body: { error: 'not_found' } },
+ try {
+ await api().version();
+ } catch (error) {
+ expect(error.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ expect(error.error).to.deep.eq({ error: 'not_found' });
+ expect(spyGet.callCount).to.eq(6);
+ }
- it('should throw if request returns unknown error', async () => {
- await testAvailableError(
- { statusCode: 503 },
- 'Received error code 503 connecting to http://api/medic/. ' +
- 'Check the server and and try again.'
+ it('should successfully request the version from the API despite it failing 3 times', async () => {
+ apiStub.giveResponses(
+ { status: 500, body: { error: 'internal_server_error' } },
+ { status: 500, body: { error: 'internal_server_error' } },
+ { status: 500, body: { error: 'internal_server_error' } },
+ { status: 200, body: { version: '3.5.0' } },
- });
- it('should return if archive mode is enabled even when api is not available', async () => {
- sinon.stub(environment, 'isArchiveMode').get(() => true);
- mockRequest.get.rejects('Ups');
- await api().available();
- expect(mockRequest.get.callCount).to.eq(0); // api is not called
+ try {
+ const version = await api().version();
+ expect(spyGet.callCount).to.eq(4);
+ expect(version).to.eq('3.5.0');
+ } catch (error) {
+ expect.fail('no error should be thrown');
+ }