Kajabi Server Assessment is starting up a new project to build an online employee directory for the company.
- More Fast
- More Flexible
- More Scalable
Kajabi Server Assessment uses these technologies:
- [Ruby] - 3.0.1
- [Rails] - 7.0.4
- [Puma] - 5.0
- [HTTParty] - 0.17.3
Install the dependencies and start the server. You should install Ruby 3.0.1 and Rails 7.0.4. After that you can use these code on terminal:
rails server
Name | Endpoin |
ALL USERS | /api/users?page=[PAGE_NUMBER] |
USER BY ID | /api/user/:[USER_ID] |
Note: You can change SERVER_PORT in
onport ENV.fetch(\"PORT\") { 8080 }
default port is8080
It's look like this;