Overall, Concentrate is modeled as a GenStage pipeline.
Throughout the pipeline, data is represented as one of three structs:
: basic trip information like ID, route ID, and directionVehiclePosition
: where the vehicle is, both latitude/longitude and on the tripStopTimeUpdate
: a prediction about when a vehicle will arrive/depart a stop
At the top of the pipeline are a set of Producer.HTTPoison stages. Each one is responsible for a single file, as well as handling caching and parsing. We fetch no more frequently than every 5 seconds, to avoid overloading the remote systems. Once fetched, they're parsed and passed along down the pipeline.
All of the parsed data goes through MergeFilter, which is responsible for combining the parsed data and doing any post-processing.
Each type of struct is responsible for merging, through an implementation of the Mergeable protocol.
Filters implement the Filter behavior. Each one can modify or remove the provided struc. Some filters depend on outside data such as alerts or GTFS: those filters maintain external state and refer to it during the filtering.
After the first pass of filtering, the data are grouped by their trip ID. This more closely matches the GTFS-RT format, by having a TripDescriptor grouped with the VehiclePositions and StopTimeUpdates for that trip.
The groups are then passed through modules implementing the GroupFilter behavior. These filters are more holistic, looking at the entire state of the trip to filter or adjust the group.
The merged/filtered/grouped data are passed to the Encoder stages, one per file:
- TripUpdates.pb
- TripUpdates_enhanced.json
- VehiclePositions.pb
The encoders implement the Encoder protocol, and turn the list of groups into a binary.
At the bottom of the pipeline are the Sinks. They're responsible for sending the encoded files to their final destination. For development, Sink.Filesystem writes the files to a local directory. In production, Sink.S3 writes them to an S3 bucket.