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File metadata and controls

414 lines (318 loc) · 15.4 KB

Dialect: ASLUAV

::: warning This topic documents the version of the dialect file in the mavlink/mavlink Github repository, which may not be up to date with the file in the source repository (it is up to the dialect owner to push changes when needed). The source repo should be listed in the comments at the top of the XML definition file listed below (but may not be). :::

This topic is a human-readable form of the XML definition file: ASLUAV.xml.

::: info

  • MAVLink 2 extension fields are displayed in blue.
  • Entities from dialects are displayed only as headings (with link to original)


<style> span.ext { color: blue; } span.warning { color: red; } </style>

MAVLink Include Files


Type Defined Included
Messages 17 226
Enums 2 144
Commands 166 0

The following sections list all entities in the dialect (both included and defined in this file).



Message encoding a command with parameters as scaled integers and additional metadata. Scaling depends on the actual command value.

Field Name Type Values Description
utc_time uint32_t UTC time, seconds elapsed since 01.01.1970
vehicle_timestamp uint64_t Microseconds elapsed since vehicle boot
target_system uint8_t System ID
target_component uint8_t Component ID
frame uint8_t MAV_FRAME The coordinate system of the COMMAND, as defined by MAV_FRAME enum
command uint16_t MAV_CMD The scheduled action for the mission item, as defined by MAV_CMD enum
current uint8_t false:0, true:1
autocontinue uint8_t autocontinue to next wp
param1 float PARAM1, see MAV_CMD enum
param2 float PARAM2, see MAV_CMD enum
param3 float PARAM3, see MAV_CMD enum
param4 float PARAM4, see MAV_CMD enum
x int32_t PARAM5 / local: x position in meters * 1e4, global: latitude in degrees * 10^7
y int32_t PARAM6 / local: y position in meters * 1e4, global: longitude in degrees * 10^7
z float PARAM7 / z position: global: altitude in meters (MSL, WGS84, AGL or relative to home - depending on frame).


Send a command with up to seven parameters to the MAV and additional metadata

Field Name Type Values Description
utc_time uint32_t UTC time, seconds elapsed since 01.01.1970
vehicle_timestamp uint64_t Microseconds elapsed since vehicle boot
target_system uint8_t System which should execute the command
target_component uint8_t Component which should execute the command, 0 for all components
command uint16_t MAV_CMD Command ID, as defined by MAV_CMD enum.
confirmation uint8_t 0: First transmission of this command. 1-255: Confirmation transmissions (e.g. for kill command)
param1 float Parameter 1, as defined by MAV_CMD enum.
param2 float Parameter 2, as defined by MAV_CMD enum.
param3 float Parameter 3, as defined by MAV_CMD enum.
param4 float Parameter 4, as defined by MAV_CMD enum.
param5 float Parameter 5, as defined by MAV_CMD enum.
param6 float Parameter 6, as defined by MAV_CMD enum.
param7 float Parameter 7, as defined by MAV_CMD enum.


Voltage and current sensor data

Field Name Type Units Description
adc121_vspb_volt float V Power board voltage sensor reading
adc121_cspb_amp float A Power board current sensor reading
adc121_cs1_amp float A Board current sensor 1 reading
adc121_cs2_amp float A Board current sensor 2 reading


Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) sensor data for solar module power performance tracking

Field Name Type Units Description
mppt_timestamp uint64_t us MPPT last timestamp
mppt1_volt float V MPPT1 voltage
mppt1_amp float A MPPT1 current
mppt1_pwm uint16_t us MPPT1 pwm
mppt1_status uint8_t MPPT1 status
mppt2_volt float V MPPT2 voltage
mppt2_amp float A MPPT2 current
mppt2_pwm uint16_t us MPPT2 pwm
mppt2_status uint8_t MPPT2 status
mppt3_volt float V MPPT3 voltage
mppt3_amp float A MPPT3 current
mppt3_pwm uint16_t us MPPT3 pwm
mppt3_status uint8_t MPPT3 status


ASL-fixed-wing controller data

Field Name Type Units Description
timestamp uint64_t us Timestamp
aslctrl_mode uint8_t ASLCTRL control-mode (manual, stabilized, auto, etc...)
h float See sourcecode for a description of these values...
hRef float
hRef_t float
PitchAngle float deg Pitch angle
PitchAngleRef float deg Pitch angle reference
q float
qRef float
uElev float
uThrot float
uThrot2 float
nZ float
AirspeedRef float m/s Airspeed reference
SpoilersEngaged uint8_t
YawAngle float deg Yaw angle
YawAngleRef float deg Yaw angle reference
RollAngle float deg Roll angle
RollAngleRef float deg Roll angle reference
p float
pRef float
r float
rRef float
uAil float
uRud float


ASL-fixed-wing controller debug data

Field Name Type Description
i32_1 uint32_t Debug data
i8_1 uint8_t Debug data
i8_2 uint8_t Debug data
f_1 float Debug data
f_2 float Debug data
f_3 float Debug data
f_4 float Debug data
f_5 float Debug data
f_6 float Debug data
f_7 float Debug data
f_8 float Debug data


Extended state information for ASLUAVs

Field Name Type Description
LED_status uint8_t Status of the position-indicator LEDs
SATCOM_status uint8_t Status of the IRIDIUM satellite communication system
Servo_status uint8_t[8] Status vector for up to 8 servos
Motor_rpm float Motor RPM

EKF_EXT (8007) {#EKF_EXT}

Extended EKF state estimates for ASLUAVs

Field Name Type Units Description
timestamp uint64_t us Time since system start
Windspeed float m/s Magnitude of wind velocity (in lateral inertial plane)
WindDir float rad Wind heading angle from North
WindZ float m/s Z (Down) component of inertial wind velocity
Airspeed float m/s Magnitude of air velocity
beta float rad Sideslip angle
alpha float rad Angle of attack


Off-board controls/commands for ASLUAVs

Field Name Type Units Description
timestamp uint64_t us Time since system start
uElev float Elevator command [~]
uThrot float Throttle command [~]
uThrot2 float Throttle 2 command [~]
uAilL float Left aileron command [~]
uAilR float Right aileron command [~]
uRud float Rudder command [~]
obctrl_status uint8_t Off-board computer status


Atmospheric sensors (temperature, humidity, ...)

Field Name Type Units Description
timestamp uint64_t us Time since system boot
TempAmbient float degC Ambient temperature
Humidity float % Relative humidity


Battery pack monitoring data for Li-Ion batteries

Field Name Type Units Description
batmon_timestamp uint64_t us Time since system start
temperature float degC Battery pack temperature
voltage uint16_t mV Battery pack voltage
current int16_t mA Battery pack current
SoC uint8_t Battery pack state-of-charge
batterystatus uint16_t Battery monitor status report bits in Hex
serialnumber uint16_t Battery monitor serial number in Hex
safetystatus uint32_t Battery monitor safetystatus report bits in Hex
operationstatus uint32_t Battery monitor operation status report bits in Hex
cellvoltage1 uint16_t mV Battery pack cell 1 voltage
cellvoltage2 uint16_t mV Battery pack cell 2 voltage
cellvoltage3 uint16_t mV Battery pack cell 3 voltage
cellvoltage4 uint16_t mV Battery pack cell 4 voltage
cellvoltage5 uint16_t mV Battery pack cell 5 voltage
cellvoltage6 uint16_t mV Battery pack cell 6 voltage


Fixed-wing soaring (i.e. thermal seeking) data

Field Name Type Units Description
timestamp uint64_t ms Timestamp
timestampModeChanged uint64_t ms Timestamp since last mode change
xW float m/s Thermal core updraft strength
xR float m Thermal radius
xLat float deg Thermal center latitude
xLon float deg Thermal center longitude
VarW float Variance W
VarR float Variance R
VarLat float Variance Lat
VarLon float Variance Lon
LoiterRadius float m Suggested loiter radius
LoiterDirection float Suggested loiter direction
DistToSoarPoint float m Distance to soar point
vSinkExp float m/s Expected sink rate at current airspeed, roll and throttle
z1_LocalUpdraftSpeed float m/s Measurement / updraft speed at current/local airplane position
z2_DeltaRoll float deg Measurement / roll angle tracking error
z1_exp float Expected measurement 1
z2_exp float Expected measurement 2
ThermalGSNorth float m/s Thermal drift (from estimator prediction step only)
ThermalGSEast float m/s Thermal drift (from estimator prediction step only)
TSE_dot float m/s Total specific energy change (filtered)
DebugVar1 float Debug variable 1
DebugVar2 float Debug variable 2
ControlMode uint8_t Control Mode [-]
valid uint8_t Data valid [-]


Monitoring of sensorpod status

Field Name Type Units Description
timestamp uint64_t ms Timestamp in linuxtime (since 1.1.1970)
visensor_rate_1 uint8_t Rate of ROS topic 1
visensor_rate_2 uint8_t Rate of ROS topic 2
visensor_rate_3 uint8_t Rate of ROS topic 3
visensor_rate_4 uint8_t Rate of ROS topic 4
recording_nodes_count uint8_t Number of recording nodes
cpu_temp uint8_t degC Temperature of sensorpod CPU in
free_space uint16_t Free space available in recordings directory in [Gb] * 1e2


Monitoring of power board status

Field Name Type Units Description
timestamp uint64_t us Timestamp
pwr_brd_status uint8_t Power board status register
pwr_brd_led_status uint8_t Power board leds status
pwr_brd_system_volt float V Power board system voltage
pwr_brd_servo_volt float V Power board servo voltage
pwr_brd_digital_volt float V Power board digital voltage
pwr_brd_mot_l_amp float A Power board left motor current sensor
pwr_brd_mot_r_amp float A Power board right motor current sensor
pwr_brd_analog_amp float A Power board analog current sensor
pwr_brd_digital_amp float A Power board digital current sensor
pwr_brd_ext_amp float A Power board extension current sensor
pwr_brd_aux_amp float A Power board aux current sensor


Status of GSM modem (connected to onboard computer)

Field Name Type Units Values Description
timestamp uint64_t us Timestamp (of OBC)
gsm_modem_type uint8_t GSM_MODEM_TYPE GSM modem used
gsm_link_type uint8_t GSM_LINK_TYPE GSM link type
rssi uint8_t RSSI as reported by modem (unconverted)
rsrp_rscp uint8_t RSRP (LTE) or RSCP (WCDMA) as reported by modem (unconverted)
sinr_ecio uint8_t SINR (LTE) or ECIO (WCDMA) as reported by modem (unconverted)
rsrq uint8_t RSRQ (LTE only) as reported by modem (unconverted)


Status of the SatCom link

Field Name Type Units Description
timestamp uint64_t us Timestamp
last_heartbeat uint64_t us Timestamp of the last successful sbd session
failed_sessions uint16_t Number of failed sessions
successful_sessions uint16_t Number of successful sessions
signal_quality uint8_t Signal quality
ring_pending uint8_t Ring call pending
tx_session_pending uint8_t Transmission session pending
rx_session_pending uint8_t Receiving session pending


Calibrated airflow angle measurements

Field Name Type Units Description
timestamp uint64_t us Timestamp
angleofattack float deg Angle of attack
angleofattack_valid uint8_t Angle of attack measurement valid
sideslip float deg Sideslip angle
sideslip_valid uint8_t Sideslip angle measurement valid

Enumerated Types


Value Name Description
0 GSM_LINK_TYPE_NONE no service
1 GSM_LINK_TYPE_UNKNOWN link type unknown
4 GSM_LINK_TYPE_4G 4G link (LTE)


Value Name Description
0 GSM_MODEM_TYPE_UNKNOWN not specified

Commands (MAV_CMD) {#mav_commands}


Mission command to reset Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT)

Param (Label) Description
1 MPPT number
2 Empty
3 Empty
4 Empty
5 Empty
6 Empty
7 Empty


Mission command to perform a power cycle on payload

Param (Label) Description
1 Complete power cycle
2 VISensor power cycle
3 Empty
4 Empty
5 Empty
6 Empty
7 Empty