- System requirements
- Installation with Composer
- Example code
- Bank statements
- Selecting specific account
- Profile selector
- Quick balance
- Transfer money
- PHP 5.5+
- Curl
Currently this project only supports installation with Composer and it's available via Packagist (walle89/swedbank-json). Read more about Composer. Installation done in any outer way than with Composer is not supported.
composer require walle89/swedbank-json
Next, use the example code below.
This example uses security token with one time code as authentication method for listing bank statements.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Settings
$bankApp = 'swedbank';
$username = 198903060000; // Personal identity number (personnummer).
echo '
<form action="" method="post">
<p>Type 8 digit one time code generated by your security token</p>
<label>One time code</label>
<input id="challengeResponse" name="challengeResponse" type="text" />
<button>Sign in</button>
exit('Wrong code!');
$auth = new SwedbankJson\Auth\SecurityToken($bankApp, $username, $_POST['challengeResponse']);
$bankConn = new SwedbankJson\SwedbankJson($auth);
$accountInfo = $bankConn->accountDetails();
$bankConn->terminate(); // Sign out
echo 'Bank statements
Besides authentication with security token with one time code, SwedbankJson also support authentication methods like Mobile BankID and "no authentication". Each method have it's benefits and limitations.
Information about and instructions for implementation can be read in authentication.md.
List bank statements for the first account.
$accountInfo = $bankConn->accountDetails(); // Selecting default account
$bankConn->terminate(); // Sign out
echo '<strong>Bank statements</strong>';
The output should look like account details response sample.
To choose a specific account to get bank statements from, you can modify the above code to the following:
$accounts = $bankConn->accountList(); // Account list
$transactionAccountID = $accounts->transactionAccounts[1]->id; // Temporary per session ID.
$accountInfo = $bankConn->accountDetails($transactionAccountID); // Select account 2
$bankConn->terminate(); // Sign out
echo '<strong>Accounts</strong>';
echo '<strong>Bank statements</strong>';
A common use case is to save and compare bank statements to for example detect new transactions. One important thing to know is the IDs form the API can not and should not be used for this purpose. This is because they are only unique for the session. In the next session the transaction will have a new temporary ID.
One approach to solve this is combine date, description, currency and amount parameters to an identifier for that transaction. You can possibly add the accounting balance amount as an identifier for better accuracy.
The Swedbank API have support for multiple company profiles linked to a user. Do not forget to change BANK_APP to either swedbank_foretag or sparbanken_foretag.
$profiles = $bankConn->profileList(); // Profiles
$prfileID = $accounts->transactionAccounts[1]->id; // Temporary per session ID.
$accounts = $bankConn->accountList($prfileID); // Available accounts based on the selected profile
$transactionAccountID = $accounts->transactionAccounts[0]->id; // Temporary per session ID.
$accountInfo = $bankConn->accountDetails($transactionAccountID);
$bankConn->terminate(); // Sign out
echo '<strong>Profiles</strong>';
echo '<strong>Accounts</strong>';
echo '<strong>Bank statements</strong>';
One of few APIs that can be accessed without BankID or security token. All you need is to get a SubscriptionId (see "How do I get a SubscriptionId?") SubscriptionId is a unique ID per account that can be used to get the following information:
- Current total balance of the account
- If there are notifications for the user (eg. newly received e-invoice)
This ID is supposed to be created and used each time you request quick balance.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Settings
$bankApp = 'swedbank';
$subscriptionId = 'ExampleXX2GCi3333YpupYBDZX75sOme8Ht9dtuFAKE=';
$auth = new SwedbankJson\Auth\UnAuth($bankApp);
$bankConn = new SwedbankJson\SwedbankJson($auth);
echo '<pre>';
The easiest way is use the code below. Do not forget to save SubscriptionId, once lost it cannot be recovered.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Settings
$bankApp = 'swedbank';
$username = 8903060000; // Personal identity number (personnummer).
// Besgin sign in
if (!isset($_SESSION['swedbankjson_auth']))
$auth = new SwedbankJson\Auth\MobileBankID($bankApp, $username);
exit('Please open the BankID app and confirm the login. Then reload this page.');
// Verify sign in
$auth = unserialize($_SESSION['swedbankjson_auth']);
if (!$auth->verify())
exit("You reloaded the page, but the authentication has not been approved in the BankID app. Please try again.");
// You are in
$bankConn = new SwedbankJson\SwedbankJson($auth);
if (empty($_POST['quickbalanceSubscriptionID']))
$quickBalanceAccounts = $bankConn->quickBalanceAccounts();
echo '<form action="" method="post"><p>Select account for SubscriptionId</p><select name="quickbalanceSubscriptionID">';
foreach ($quickBalanceAccounts->accounts as $account)
echo '<option value="'.$account->quickbalanceSubscription->id.'">'.$account->name.'</option>';
echo '</select><button>Create subscription</button></form>';
$subInfo = $bankConn->quickBalanceSubscription($_POST['quickbalanceSubscriptionID']);
echo "<p>Your SubscriptionId: {$subInfo->subscriptionId}</p>
<p>Test it right away:</p>var_dump(\$bankConn->quickBalance('{$subInfo->subscriptionId}'));";
$auth->terminate(); // Sign out
Currently there is only support for money transfers between accounts owned by the user, or other types of transfers that do not need to be signed.
Examples of how to move the 0.99 SEK between two accounts.
echo '<pre>':
$baseInfo = $bankConn->baseInfo();
// Find accounts
// Sholud be replaced with a form
// NOTE: Change this before run
$fromAccountId = $baseInfo->fromAccountGroup[0]->accounts[0]->id; // Ex. Sealery account. The ID is temporary per session
$recipientAccountId = $baseInfo->recipientAccountGroup[1]->accounts[3]->id; // Ex. Vecation saving account. The ID is temporary per session
// Register a transfare request
$result = $bankConn->registerTransfer(0.99, $fromAccountId, $recipientAccountId, 'From test', 'To test');
// See if the transfer request has been registered
// Execute transfare queue
// If you like, check so that queue is empty
$auth->terminate(); // Sign out
There is support to register multiple transfers and variations of transfers.
// Trasnfare without message
$bankConn->registerTransfer(0.99, $fromAccountId, $recipientAccountId);
// Scheduled transfer that will take place only once
$bankConn->registerTransfer(1000.00, $fromAccountId, $recipientAccountId, 'Gift', 'Gift', '2017-03-06');
// Periodized transfer date must be entered that acts as the start date.
// Possible periods are determined by 'periodicity', which is found in the results of the baseInfo().
$bankConn->registerTransfer(1000.00, $fromAccountId, $recipientAccountId, 'Gift', 'Gift', '2018-03-06', 'ANNUALLY');
// Confirm all transfares
// See if scheduled and allocated transfers are registered successfully.
Be careful not to register two similar transfers (the same amount, the sending and receiving accounts and date), this will result as an error message from the API.
To delete a transfer can do the following.
// Remove unconfirmed transfer from queue
$transfares = $bankConn->listRegisteredTransfers();
// Remove scheduled or accrual transfer
$confirmedTransfares = $bankConn->listConfirmedTransfers();