Run gherkin-lint
ActionsA GitHub Action to parse feature files and run linting against the default rules, and the optional rules you specified in your .gherkin-lintrc
Add .github/workflows/lint.yml
with the following contents:
name: lint
- v*
- master
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: gherkin-lint
uses: nhatthm/gherkin-lint-action@v1
# Optional: Version of gherkin-lint to use in the `npm install -g gherkin-lint` command. Default to `latest`.
# version: latest
# Optional: Comma separated list of feature files/glob patterns. Default to current working directory.
feature_files: features/*
# Optional: Use a custom configuration file instead of the default one.
# config_file: .gherkin-lintrc
# Optional: Output format. Possible values: json, stylish, xunit. Default to `stylish`.
# format: stylish
# Optional: Comma seperated list of files/glob patterns that the linter should ignore, overrides .gherkin-lintignore file
# ignore:
# Optional: Comma seperated list of additional rule directories
# rule_dirs:
To specify some rule you can add a configuration file .gherkin-lintrc
into your project folder.
If you don't specify anything, the default ruleset is used.
See the list of available rules.
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