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Dependabot automerge action

Automagically approve dependabot pr
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📦 Dependabot Pull Request Action

This action is based on koj-co/dependabot-pr-action

A GitHub Action to automatically label, approve, and merge pull requests made by Dependabot. This was built because the auto-merge feature was removed when Dependabot became a native-GitHub feature.

Build CI

⭐ Get started

You can run this workflow, for example, two times a day:

name: Automerge dependabot pr

    - cron: '0 7,12 * * *'

    name: Auto-merge patch updates
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: mitto98/dependabot-automerge-action@master
          token: ${{ github.token }}
          merge-patch: true


Optional inputs

To add labels to the Dependabot pull request, you can specify a comma-separated string of labels:

Input Description Required Values Version
token Your GitHub token, usually {{ github.token }} yes string
merge major, minor and patch string
merge-prerelease Merge prerelease releases bool
approve major, minor and patch bool
approve-prerelease Approve prerelease releases bool
labels-major Labels for major releases csv
labels-minor Labels for minor releases csv
labels-patch Labels for patch releases csv
labels-premajor Labels for premajor releases csv
labels-preminor Labels for preminor releases csv
labels-prepatch Labels for prepatch releases csv
labels-prerelease Labels for prerelease releases csv
merge-major Merge major releases bool Deprecated
merge-minor Merge minor releases bool Deprecated
merge-patch Merge patch releases bool Deprecated
merge-premajor Merge premajor releases bool Deprecated
merge-preminor Merge preminor releases bool Deprecated
merge-prepatch Merge prepatch releases bool Deprecated
approve-major Approve major releases bool Deprecated
approve-minor Approve minor releases bool Deprecated
approve-patch Approve patch releases bool Deprecated
approve-premajor Approve premajor releases bool Deprecated
approve-preminor Approve preminor releases bool Deprecated
approve-prepatch Approve prepatch releases bool Deprecated
auto-label Auto label all releases bool Deprecated
auto-label-major Auto label major releases bool Deprecated
auto-label-minor Auto label minor releases bool Deprecated
auto-label-patch Auto label patch releases bool Deprecated
auto-label-premajor Auto label premajor releases bool Deprecated
auto-label-preminor Auto label preminor releases bool Deprecated
auto-label-prepatch Auto label prepatch releases bool Deprecated
auto-label-prerelease Auto label prerelease releases bool Deprecated

Setting merge-prerelease causes all the prerelease pr to be merged and all the lower level pr. Ex: If mergeis set to minor, the script will merge minor and patch pr. Setting merge-prerelease to true will merge preminor and prepatch too.

  • If you set any auto-label parameter to true, the release type (major, minor, etc.) label will be added to the pull request automatically, if all checks have passed
  • If you set any merge parameter to true, the resulting pull request will be auto-merged, if all checks have passed
  • If you set any approve parameter to true, the pull request will be automatically approved (with a pull request review), if all checks have passed

If you don't want to check for status checks, you can set the input ignore-status-checks to true. You can also set the merge-commit input if you want a custom merge commit message.

Dependabot automerge action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Automagically approve dependabot pr

Dependabot automerge action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.