diff --git a/changelog/unreleased/features/7467.md b/changelog/unreleased/features/7467.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2590e4366c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog/unreleased/features/7467.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+- Added `IncidentInfo#length` property.
diff --git a/gradle/dependencies.gradle b/gradle/dependencies.gradle
index 16cade916f1..423af803a66 100644
--- a/gradle/dependencies.gradle
+++ b/gradle/dependencies.gradle
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@ ext {
// version which we should use in this build
def mapboxNavigatorVersion = System.getenv("FORCE_MAPBOX_NAVIGATION_NATIVE_VERSION")
if (mapboxNavigatorVersion == null || mapboxNavigatorVersion == '') {
- mapboxNavigatorVersion = '148.0.1'
+ mapboxNavigatorVersion = '155.0.0'
println("Navigation Native version: " + mapboxNavigatorVersion)
version = [
- mapboxMapSdk : '10.15.0',
+ mapboxMapSdk : '10.16.0-beta.1',
mapboxSdkServices : '6.13.0',
mapboxNavigator : "${mapboxNavigatorVersion}",
- mapboxCommonNative : '23.7.0',
+ mapboxCommonNative : '23.8.0-beta.1',
mapboxCrashMonitor : '2.0.0',
mapboxAnnotationPlugin : '0.8.0',
mapboxBaseAndroid : '0.8.0',
diff --git a/instrumentation-tests/src/androidTest/java/com/mapbox/navigation/instrumentation_tests/core/UpcomingRouteObjectsTest.kt b/instrumentation-tests/src/androidTest/java/com/mapbox/navigation/instrumentation_tests/core/UpcomingRouteObjectsTest.kt
index 49a31ac394a..daa456b3312 100644
--- a/instrumentation-tests/src/androidTest/java/com/mapbox/navigation/instrumentation_tests/core/UpcomingRouteObjectsTest.kt
+++ b/instrumentation-tests/src/androidTest/java/com/mapbox/navigation/instrumentation_tests/core/UpcomingRouteObjectsTest.kt
@@ -184,6 +184,29 @@ class UpcomingRouteObjectsTest : BaseCoreNoCleanUpTest() {
+ @Test
+ fun incidentLengthTest() = sdkTest {
+ mapboxNavigation = createMapboxNavigation()
+ mapboxNavigation.startTripSession()
+ val origin = Point.fromLngLat(137.52814, 34.837394)
+ stayOnPosition(origin)
+ setUpRoutes(
+ R.raw.route_with_length,
+ "137.5281542766699,34.83741480073306;137.53072840419628,34.83636637489471"
+ )
+ val upcomingIncidents = mapboxNavigation.routeProgressUpdates()
+ .first { it.navigationRoute.id.startsWith("route_with_length") }
+ .upcomingRoadObjects
+ .filter { it.roadObject.objectType == RoadObjectType.INCIDENT }
+ assertEquals(1, upcomingIncidents.size)
+ val incident = upcomingIncidents[0].roadObject as Incident
+ assertEquals(
+ 1784,
+ incident.info.length
+ )
+ }
fun distanceToIncidentDoesNotChangeAfterAddingNewWaypointOnTheRouteGeometry() = sdkTest {
mapboxNavigation = createMapboxNavigation()
diff --git a/instrumentation-tests/src/main/res/raw/route_with_duplicate_incidents.json b/instrumentation-tests/src/main/res/raw/route_with_duplicate_incidents.json
index ccfac315995..615ec4cba75 100644
--- a/instrumentation-tests/src/main/res/raw/route_with_duplicate_incidents.json
+++ b/instrumentation-tests/src/main/res/raw/route_with_duplicate_incidents.json
@@ -1 +1,54679 @@
-{"code":"Ok","routes":[{"weight_typical":"17785.004","voicelocale":"en-GB","routeIndex":"0","distance":307238.719,"duration":16121.847,"duration_typical":15935.705,"geometry":"org_cAazkmiGpEn^`C`PdD~OjAfHdDrIrC|HnFxKfD`FtKnL|PrN|AbAxHxFpJ~HdK`KtGdHvDxFrCxFfDfHrCfHdDvKnBfHdDrNrC`PdDvPjEpSpFdWbVjlArNrd@zAfHdOlq@hA`FjA~CPl@`C|CdDtDjEtDt@TnBl@v@ThA?t@?v@?|AUzAUhAWv@k@hAcArCqBrCgC|EcFhAcAbGgC|E{AhEcA`C?fDT`CVrCxA~BpB|AfChApBv@zAt@nBd@~Cb@|C?~CQxAe@~C{AjEeDjJoB|CwDbFmI`KmIjEc@dA{AxAw@TeD?qF?iA?oBcAoFaF{A{AiAoBiAiCw@gCoFeRqFcR_CyKe@kJPaFd@uDv@mElBsDdDuDtGgHfH}HhLeMhL}MpQwPfS{R~XiYhLeM~IyKtCeEfA_BbVya@bGoLxDiOxHsNtGeMbR{WhP_ZdZak@ng@{~@lj@wfA~Xij@~ImQxOmVp`@gh@pJeM~y@qdAdOyPlTgTxi@}c@f^qXvZ_Ul`Ait@rh@ya@zx@cm@nhAcw@zq@{h@nXiTde@{\\fSeMba@mVt]{RvvBgoAfi@c\\hq@k`@dKoG|PyKxS{MxOaKzL_I`NiJfLuItGoGzLeMzHcKhLwPjEeH|EyKvO}^dK_U~IiTnF}MrNy\\jIeRtGwPjEyKfSaf@zWym@|Pg^`NqXfHaPdK_UxHyP|EeMrN}^~IeWpJgYrNec@vVmv@tKa\\bGyPfHwPrNc\\nFwKzHiOfSca@rR}^jPqXhLeRhLaP`NqSzL{WnFaP~E{RvDc\\zAuZc@ob@oBsi@c@uZPeRhA_Z|Eec@lBkJtGwU|EeM~IqSrJ}M`RqXdO_UlIsN~IoQbV{h@|EyKrCaFpFgHjIkJ|EaFzHcFxHaF`NgHrRkJrNgHhHkExHqGhLmLbK}MzH}MbKmV|EwPfDcRzAgMzAuZPeM?{RQ_p@e@mv@{AqX{AiOoFo]uRqnA{S}tAiEiYcGs_@yD{WeD_UyHwf@kEwZgHmg@{Hob@mIog@uK}^oFeRkE{RaC{Rw@oLe@gMQwKd@oQt@mQnBwPjEqSnF}R~IqS~IkOtK{MtGgHlIoGhLgHdOgHfScFpQgCjTk@n\\j@~Tl@|[V~T?~T?fm@j@xp@pBju@|Cn\\bAta@pB~TbAfi@l@bRyAnQTrYl@rGTzHTlIVfHWjEk@dDm@fHgCjEgC|EmEnFeHrCqGrCkJ|AoLb@sIQkJw@kJmBwKgD}HaCmEoFyFuGsDqJqBmIm@}_@?ye@U{A?kj@gCmc@cFgSaFaNcFaNuDkPyFkPgHeSaKmT{MgSaPah@}c@oy@mlA{qJ_dN{iCytDiAyAuh@qs@w@yAkh@ys@y`@aj@_eAm}AsYaf@cRk`@qJiT{b@o}@k`Ag{B_`@y|@gt@waBmy@ejBoaAcyBipCshGgHaPgm@osAwa@s_Amn@kvAeV_k@mMc\\e|Ck~Gih@ojAmXem@wa@mgAku@k}BwKya@k_@i`BmT_aAy^mbBwVchA{Lij@cVafAu]w|AaNym@iL}h@_YupAyH}^qQ{~@sCwPmBcKqFaf@eDyr@yO}{C}PgvDcB__@uEodAe@}MsYkuGi[esHgDio@}EsdA?eR?iTPml@pJgvD`CccApJigEhL_tEdDgoAhAcr@v@iYvO}}FnBwf@hAk`@nBwZhEaa@tGya@`Nox@ltBo|Hn}@glDr~@{jDxOgo@vOwk@lIeWvDsNdfAwyDzx@}`Dzx@e`DPm@xS}~@|E{WfHkq@xDox@v@og@}AwaAmB{\\uCgYeDuUkEsXgHk`@e@cBoJg]_J_Z_JkV_F}MqJwP_Yeh@as@{cAmTqX_}FclHwVk[c~Ca~DcmAw|A}mCcjDkq@sz@}IyKkvAufBw@cAqaAyrAog@go@ykBq_Csh@_p@ix@mbAeDmEmdAkqAatAodBgDmEmhAgjAaz@kv@ifG{vFgdBq_Bor@uu@}j@yr@ku@}~@w~CurDomBk}BosA_aBwp@gy@ib@wf@ynAw|AqaAosAiWob@y^{m@_Yyf@sYeh@kkAqzBumA}`CaN{WgoAwbCACoIgP}|@mbBitCyqFet@oxAgHaPqUwk@g^ufAiHm[aG}^aGke@uCyWg@qGgEqi@{Au_APmq@hAe^jE{r@zLi`AzHob@vOu_AlIwf@xSukAzAaKbs@ceEh`@g_CdQ}dA|EoXvp@o_Ebw@srEft@cjEbw@isEtGu_@zm@}qDhLke@|Pem@zLg^dZey@xSwk@|}AqkEhLk[~Nc`@lSei@xOob@j_@o}@dOgYzSm[rRmVlIkJjIsIlI}HnQiOtGqGpUmQhLqGxO}Hr]iObbAc\\`eAy\\pY}MhW}MjPaKbVwPn\\gYzSiT~Xq]nMmQvZ{h@rCyF|Wgh@z}A}{CbK{RdrBm_EpaDinGxi@mgAfuAwrCju@eoBbOwg@z^uoAxZccA`GoQvKu_@nFwTnMei@pU}eAvDwZnXk}BpJcr@|Eg^~Ikj@fWosAzSsz@n\\ehAhf@}tAzi@}oAbwCoaGjkA{jCrz@uaChb@{yAp`@{~AzW}tAbRafA`RwwAlXilCnB}UzA}QzH}y@`RonBxHmv@xOa|@xH}^bRij@|T{h@nn@cmAln@ecA`iA}yAldAklAzb@yf@bVk`@vVwf@xHySfDcJzPmq@lI}h@`CuZlBk[v@k`@?q]aCsi@eDaa@_Jcm@iL}c@i[g~@qU}c@wbAetA_xEujGaNoQa]}c@_mE}}Fy`Bg{B{b@cw@sRu_@uR{c@yi@{mA{HqSif@ecAad@qs@_NmQeZuZwVoQ}PoLqJyFoBcAuRyFuKcA_JVaNTiLbAiq@dReKbAySUoBWkIqBaNoGaCyAiL}MmI{RwDaPw@cRd@aPvD_U|L{WdOaPtl@_ZlX_PnMyPpUk`@bV}^`@g@~LePtG}HrNaKrYwZ`]}Yx^{W|WaPzLyFta@{RbVuIdK}CxyAke@zm@eRdp@{RzW}Hhm@wP`_Bmg@z}Aog@ng@{Rlu@g^lg@_Z`o@aa@n\\mVtKuIfi@{c@l_@g^|f@eh@lr@}y@rkCknD~iB}eC|LwPdp@c~@dt@aaAtGuIjPwU~Xk`@xOiThq@y|@ng@cr@p`@ml@|TwZrJ{M|j@o}@~Tu_@|OaZdE{HbVsd@~Tke@vZwp@hWup@dOu_@zW}t@zb@qsAtbAwhDfyA_~EpDwK`M__@dOsd@|Li^tKmVhLmVtGwKhWk`@~MoQng@em@xOuPhXsW`MwLnk@em@nXyWxi@}h@`h@wf@hAeA`pDe`Dp`@g^lXmVnQaPrNoLzSiO|PoLfS{M|[kOzWsInQmEhL}CvK{ArNcA~TyAdZm@tRVnQ`AhPdAxOpBlT|CxSjErY|HxSbFtGpBbKfC`z@dR`Cj@jIpB`Cl@vp@`PtmA|Yhb@bKtw@bR|q@xPth@lLvp@`PbmA~YrCbA|EbAbKfC~j@rNrYfHbVxFhb@jJb@TlfCzm@zcAvUfoBvf@tbAvUj[nGlXbF~T`FzLpB`NxAlXzAvVTnQUzWcAvV_DzSaFbQiFrSiGbGqBz[oLbh@yWbVoLfSaKfH_DvVwKh[oLfZkJrNuDh[yFba@}Cl_@l@jTl@xZ|Cf^|Hjj@lQp\\xPvZpStGbFdZxWng@`f@pk@zm@tVdW`JhJ|IjJjEjEpbBfeBj`AxaA`NzMnhAdhAta@lb@pQpQ`RbRhWtUhAl@t]pXbV|MjP|Hng@vP~c@fHtYpB~Xj@~Tk@rd@eA|EUnaA}H~kAwKrh@cF|LcAly@kJbgBoLl_@}ClM{AjkAaKtGk@lu@yFv_AyKp`@gClu@gHba@sDlXgCvK{A~ToBn\\_Dhb@uD|f@qGdp@aF~iB}Mj[qBr~@uDpk@cApv@?th@j@di@~C|[fCbtA~OrRtDt~@hT|[|Hzq@~Txi@zRbw@nb@rk@x\\h|@bm@jpBh`BbRlQ`~@tu@bRvPnxBrkBltBtfBtR`Pf_Axw@p`CdtB~u@tp@xSvPbl@vf@xe@ba@hL`K`NvKpYdW~I|Hdp@~j@hm@`f@xm@dh@dbAtz@r]~YjmCx~B~MzMvVvUl_@f^lhAfjAldAlqAfSfTpU~YnsA|jB`tAhvBd{@z~AzWdh@pUxa@`NlVdOxW`N`U~u@nnA|P~YhLvPp{AztBfdBzyBpFdHpUrXhq@nx@dKnLba@vf@zLrNlc@ng@b~@~eAd{@~`Ax^td@bl@tp@tGfHzLzMxDjEtVvZvV|Y``ClnCxHjJbGpG|wBbjCl~AhjBl_@`a@n\\f^ba@r_@th@je@hWhTrRrN~T`Pf^hT`RnLhS`KlXdMj[|MbVhJp`@|MrYtIn\\|HjTjEn\\xF~T|Cj[~Cfi@jE|_@zArNTp`@l@dVm@hf@cAn\\yAtR{AhWgChf@oGvVkEp`@_Ive@wKbRcFjj@iOvZkJvViJhb@kOxS}H~TsIdi@sSz^sNdOaFpU}Hf^eMhb@sNj_@gMlXeHt]uIve@iJdZcFda@oGta@cFhWqBrYoBpUcAlc@eA`]Up`@?t]bAvVdAhPbAbh@`Fh|@jJj_@fHnn@|Mpd@|M`o@pSrYxKlhAdh@pv@dc@zWxPxSzMfS|M`YbRvVnQdOdMhP|MbR~OhW`UtVtUvK`KxO`P~M|MpJhJhLdMj[l[x^dc@nQ~Tvw@heAh[vf@nMdRd^dm@lu@hvAnk@xmAf^|y@z^`aA~c@vwApUjv@xZhjA~TlbAxi@vmChf@zyBxOll@bV`w@ng@jvAfHvPpU`f@jPx\\pU`a@x^vk@vV|^fWb\\zb@dh@`o@`p@bw@xr@`RlQnc@ba@rd@va@jzAxwAz^j`@xjAvwAfm@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+ "weight": 17967.576,
+ "weight_name": "auto",
+ "legs": [
+ {
+ "weight_typical": "8438.605",
+ "weight": "8621.178",
+ "via_waypoints": [],
+ "distance": 138899.797,
+ "duration": 7619.877,
+ "duration_typical": 7433.735,
+ "summary": "Expwy Wangan Line, E14",
+ "admins": [
+ {
+ "iso_3166_1": "JP",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "JPN"
+ },
+ {
+ "iso_3166_1": "JP",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "JPN"
+ }
+ ],
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "voiceinstructions": [
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "716.759",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eDrive west for 700 metres.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Drive west for 700 metres."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "400",
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+ "announcement": "In 500 metres, Keep left towards Wangan Route."
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eContinue for 9 kilometres.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Continue for 9 kilometres."
+ },
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+ "announcement": "In 400 metres, Keep left at Oi JCT."
+ },
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+ "announcement": "Continue for 4 kilometres."
+ },
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+ "announcement": "In 800 metres, Keep right at Ariake JCT."
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+ "announcement": "In 1.5 kilometres, Keep right at Tatsumi JCT."
+ },
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 800 metres, Keep right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eTatsumi JCT\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 800 metres, Keep right at Tatsumi JCT."
+ },
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+ "announcement": "Keep right at Tatsumi JCT toward HIGASHI-KANTO."
+ }
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+ "announcement": "Continue for 4 kilometres."
+ },
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+ "announcement": "In 800 metres, Keep right at Kasai JCT."
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eContinue for 11 kilometres.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Continue for 11 kilometres."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "1500",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 1.5 kilometres, Keep right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eKoya JCT\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 1.5 kilometres, Keep right at Koya JCT."
+ },
+ {
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 800 metres, Keep right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eKoya JCT\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 800 metres, Keep right at Koya JCT."
+ },
+ {
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eKeep right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eKoya JCT\u003c/say-as\u003e toward \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eHIGASHI-KANTO\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Keep right at Koya JCT toward HIGASHI-KANTO."
+ }
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+ "geometry": "cov~bAg_oviGhL_tEdDgoAhAcr@v@iYvO}}FnBwf@hAk`@nBwZhEaa@tGya@`Nox@ltBo|Hn}@glDr~@{jDxOgo@vOwk@lIeWvDsNdfAwyDzx@}`Dzx@e`DPm@xS}~@|E{WfHkq@xDox@v@og@}AwaAmB{\\uCgYeDuUkEsXgHk`@e@cBoJg]_J_Z_JkV_F}MqJwP_Yeh@as@{cAmTqX_}FclHwVk[c~Ca~DcmAw|A}mCcjDkq@sz@}IyKkvAufBw@cAqaAyrAog@go@ykBq_Csh@_p@ix@mbAeDmEmdAkqAatAodBgDmEmhAgjAaz@kv@ifG{vFgdBq_Bor@uu@}j@yr@ku@}~@w~CurDomBk}BosA_aBwp@gy@ib@wf@ynAw|AqaAosAiWob@y^{m@_Yyf@sYeh@kkAqzB",
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+ ],
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+ },
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+ "announcement": "In 1.5 kilometres, Keep left at Miyanogi JCT."
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+ "announcement": "Continue for 9 kilometres."
+ },
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 400 metres, Keep right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eChibahigashi JCT\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 400 metres, Keep right at Chibahigashi JCT."
+ },
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+ "announcement": "Keep right at Chibahigashi JCT toward Tateyama."
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eContinue for 33 kilometres.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Continue for 33 kilometres."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "1500",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 1.5 kilometres, Keep right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eKisarazu JCT\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 1.5 kilometres, Keep right at Kisarazu JCT."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "800",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 800 metres, Keep right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eKisarazu JCT\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 800 metres, Keep right at Kisarazu JCT."
+ },
+ {
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eKeep right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eKisarazu JCT\u003c/say-as\u003e toward \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eTateyama\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Keep right at Kisarazu JCT toward Tateyama."
+ }
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+ {
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+ }
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+ "text": "",
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+ "duration_typical": 1381.917,
+ "geometry": "a`i|bAcyeijGjIpB`Cl@vp@`PtmA|Yhb@bKtw@bR|q@xPth@lLvp@`PbmA~YrCbA|EbAbKfC~j@rNrYfHbVxFhb@jJb@TlfCzm@zcAvUfoBvf@tbAvUj[nGlXbF~T`FzLpB`NxAlXzAvVTnQUzWcAvV_DzSaFbQiFrSiGbGqBz[oLbh@yWbVoLfSaKfH_DvVwKh[oLfZkJrNuDh[yFba@}Cl_@l@jTl@xZ|Cf^|Hjj@lQp\\xPvZpStGbFdZxWng@`f@pk@zm@tVdW`JhJ|IjJjEjEpbBfeBj`AxaA`NzMnhAdhAta@lb@pQpQ`RbRhWtUhAl@t]pXbV|MjP|Hng@vP~c@fHtYpB~Xj@~Tk@rd@eA|EUnaA}H~kAwKrh@cF|LcAly@kJbgBoLl_@}ClM{AjkAaKtGk@lu@yFv_AyKp`@gClu@gHba@sDlXgCvK{A~ToBn\\_Dhb@uD|f@qGdp@aF~iB}Mj[qBr~@uDpk@cApv@?th@j@di@~C|[fCbtA~OrRtDt~@hT|[|Hzq@~Txi@zRbw@nb@rk@x\\h|@bm@jpBh`BbRlQ`~@tu@bRvPnxBrkBltBtfBtR`Pf_Axw@p`CdtB~u@tp@xSvPbl@vf@xe@ba@hL`K`NvKpYdW~I|Hdp@~j@hm@`f@xm@dh@dbAtz@r]~YjmCx~B~MzMvVvUl_@f^lhAfjAldAlqAfSfTpU~YnsA|jB`tAhvBd{@z~AzWdh@pUxa@`NlVdOxW`N`U~u@nnA|P~YhLvPp{AztBfdBzyBpFdHpUrXhq@nx@dKnLba@vf@zLrNlc@ng@b~@~eAd{@~`Ax^td@bl@tp@tGfHzLzMxDjEtVvZvV|Y``ClnCxHjJbGpG|wBbjCl~AhjBl_@`a@n\\f^ba@r_@th@je@hWhTrRrN~T`Pf^hT`RnLhS`KlXdMj[|MbVhJp`@|MrYtIn\\|HjTjEn\\xF~T|Cj[~Cfi@jE|_@zArNTp`@l@dVm@hf@cAn\\yAtR{AhWgChf@oGvVkEp`@_Ive@wKbRcFjj@iOvZkJvViJhb@kOxS}H~TsIdi@sSz^sNdOaFpU}Hf^eMhb@sNj_@gMlXeHt]uIve@iJdZcFda@oGta@cFhWqBrYoBpUcAlc@eA`]Up`@?t]bAvVdAhPbAbh@`Fh|@jJj_@fHnn@|Mpd@|M`o@pSrYxKlhAdh@pv@dc@zWxPxSzMfS|M`YbRvVnQdOdMhP|MbR~OhW`UtVtUvK`KxO`P~M|MpJhJhLdMj[l[x^dc@nQ~Tvw@heAh[vf@nMdRd^dm@lu@hvAnk@xmAf^|y@z^`aA~c@vwApUjv@xZhjA~TlbAxi@vmChf@zyBxOll@bV`w@ng@jvAfHvPpU`f@jPx\\pU`a@x^vk@vV|^fWb\\zb@dh@`o@`p@bw@xr@`RlQnc@ba@rd@va@jzAxwAz^j`@xjAvwAfm@n}@ft@foAzGvMxI|P~IdRvp@pzAnQ`f@lTnl@dDhJ~j@jqBj[jqApUpnAjPxhAnF`f@zLbrAzHn}@bGvwAlB`|@v@bmAPr_A?pzBd@fjAb@br@`CnbAbGzhAtGnx@~Ift@tGng@~M|y@bRn}@jPdm@hPvf@|P`a@vVng@|PzWdZr_@~TvU`YbWjn@xa@`d@~T`d@vPtV|HdVpGvuAj[xqDbw@xHxAzt@vPrRjEvhCjj@nQ|CzcA~T|IpBhm@dMn\\fHl_@fHtmAxWf_ArSdjAlV`iAlVtxA~Yf_ApSr_Bp]~XnGlTbFfjAxW~XxFdZfHlIfCppAp]`d@hOdZnL|[zMrYrNvOjJt]nQxHrDln@td@bRdMta@~YnM`K`NdMn`@|^x{@r_AhItKjb@lj@dVj[tVt_@fHnL`G`K`JlQfLvU|b@tz@zPva@f^`aAfO`f@|Ppn@dDnLlItZpUj{@xt@|vChf@vaBlThj@hLpXpd@heA",
+ "name": "Keiyo Road",
+ "destinations": "Tateyama, TATEYAMA EXPWY, KEIYO ROAD, Kisarazu",
+ "mode": "driving",
+ "maneuver": {
+ "location": [
+ 140.152226,
+ 35.607569
+ ],
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+ "bearing_after": 196.0,
+ "instruction": "Keep right at Chibahigashi JCT toward Tateyama.",
+ "type": "fork",
+ "modifier": "slight right"
+ },
+ "driving_side": "left",
+ "weight": 1515.656,
+ "intersections": [
+ {
+ "weight": "0.992",
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+ "duration": "0.864",
+ "location": [
+ 140.152226,
+ 35.607569
+ ],
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+ 15,
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+ ]
+ },
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+ "valid": false,
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+ ]
+ },
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+ ]
+ },
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+ }
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+ "name": "Chibahigashi JCT"
+ }
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+ "imageurl": "https://api.mapbox.com/guidance-views/v1/737596800/jct/CA138101?arrow_ids\u003dCA13810E",
+ "text": "",
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+ "duration": 166.396,
+ "duration_typical": 166.414,
+ "geometry": "g}lnbAqa__jGfG|MvLxWrNpXjPzWta@tp@t~@brAb|AniBbbA~jAro@rz@dp@n}@|f@lv@pz@dyAfi@heAxSrd@~IpSzLzWhb@`fApJxW~zAnpEhm@lbBhL~Y`d@heAd^ps@jf@h{@d{@ftApo@fy@~TpXxDbFlTfTfLxKr`@`a@nFbFpUpSpJtIpJrI|EjElIfHnMnLl~A|tAve@`f@va@rd@tl@tu@hWf^",
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+ "destinations": "Tateyama, TATEYAMA EXPWY, Futtsu",
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+ 139.984937,
+ 35.380196
+ ],
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+ ]
+ },
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+ "CA13810E"
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "voiceinstructions": [
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "41455.379",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eContinue for 41 kilometres.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Continue for 41 kilometres."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "400",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 400 metres, Turn left towards \u003cphoneme alphabet\u003d\"jeita\" ph\u003d\"シラハマ\"\u003e白浜\u003c/phoneme\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 400 metres, Turn left towards 白浜."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "66.667",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eTurn left towards \u003cphoneme alphabet\u003d\"jeita\" ph\u003d\"シラハマ\"\u003e白浜\u003c/phoneme\u003e, \u003cphoneme alphabet\u003d\"jeita\" ph\u003d\"タテヤマ\"\u003e館山\u003c/phoneme\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Turn left towards 白浜, 館山."
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "41483.711",
+ "primary": {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "text": "白浜",
+ "type": "text"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "/",
+ "type": "text"
+ },
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+ "text": "館山",
+ "type": "text"
+ }
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+ "type": "turn"
+ }
+ },
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+ "components": [
+ {
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+ "left"
+ ],
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+ "text": "",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "left"
+ ],
+ "active": false,
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+ },
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+ "right"
+ ],
+ "active": false,
+ "text": "",
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+ }
+ ],
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+ },
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+ {
+ "subtype": "aftertoll",
+ "imageurl": "https://api.mapbox.com/guidance-views/v1/737596800/aftertoll/HW53800505?arrow_ids\u003dHW53800505_1",
+ "text": "",
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+ }
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+ "text": "",
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+ },
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+ "text": "白浜",
+ "type": "text"
+ },
+ {
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+ "type": "text"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "館山",
+ "type": "text"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "text": "白浜 / 館山",
+ "type": "turn"
+ }
+ }
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+ "duration_typical": 1795.298,
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+ "name": "",
+ "ref": "E14",
+ "destinations": "Tateyama, Futtsu-Tateyama EXPWY, Kimitsu, Kamogawa",
+ "mode": "driving",
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+ ],
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+ "modifier": "slight right"
+ },
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eContinue for 3 kilometres.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Continue for 3 kilometres."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "400",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 400 metres, Turn left.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 400 metres, Turn left."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "66.667",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eTurn left.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Turn left."
+ }
+ ],
+ "weight_typical": "266.267",
+ "bannerinstructions": [
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "3288.675",
+ "primary": {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "text": "Turn left",
+ "type": "text"
+ }
+ ],
+ "modifier": "left",
+ "text": "Turn left",
+ "type": "turn"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "400",
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+ "components": [
+ {
+ "directions": [
+ "left",
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+ ],
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+ "text": "",
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+ },
+ {
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+ ],
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+ }
+ ],
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "type": "turn"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "distance": 3288.675,
+ "duration": 261.43,
+ "duration_typical": 261.232,
+ "geometry": "iiqyaAapxviGbKaF~IgCfHqBzHqBn\\}Hp`@sNrN}Hxi@m[rNeMvKoLp`@si@nQqXxSk`@dZ_p@paA{yBtRob@jIaPzSaa@rNwUfLmQlI}MnMqSzLoQvDkExDyFzL_PzWsXxO_PjIuIp\\k[hq@io@zrAkqAhcAieArs@qs@hAyAlTsSzWmVdOsNnQ{R`N{MhLyK`N}Mdt@yr@~kA_kAb{@cw@nMwKlMkJtGkEtG_Dn\\mQ`YkJhL_D|[kEhWgCvZqBvZm@f^cA`NU",
+ "name": "Tateyama Bypass",
+ "ref": "National Road No.127 Line",
+ "destinations": "白浜, 館山",
+ "mode": "driving",
+ "maneuver": {
+ "location": [
+ 139.850513,
+ 35.038373
+ ],
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+ "bearing_after": 155.0,
+ "instruction": "Turn left towards 白浜/館山.",
+ "type": "turn",
+ "modifier": "left"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "Tomiura IC"
+ }
+ },
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+ "duration": "4.033",
+ "location": [
+ 139.871716,
+ 35.016728
+ ],
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+ ],
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+ "admin_index": 1,
+ "mapbox_streets_v8": {
+ "class": "trunk"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "duration": "7.2",
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+ ],
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+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "voiceinstructions": [
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+ "distancealonggeometry": "303.403",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 300 metres, Turn left.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 300 metres, Turn left."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "18.667",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eTurn left.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Turn left."
+ }
+ ],
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+ "primary": {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "text": "Turn left",
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "type": "turn"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "distance": 308.069,
+ "duration": 35.691,
+ "duration_typical": 35.691,
+ "geometry": "mvdxaAoabxiGcKcr@b@aK|E{r@|Eyr@hAoQd@_U",
+ "name": "",
+ "mode": "driving",
+ "maneuver": {
+ "location": [
+ 139.871784,
+ 35.015543
+ ],
+ "bearing_before": 178.0,
+ "bearing_after": 74.0,
+ "instruction": "Turn left.",
+ "type": "turn",
+ "modifier": "left"
+ },
+ "driving_side": "left",
+ "weight": 179.688,
+ "intersections": [
+ {
+ "weight": "119.752",
+ "turn_duration": "3.623",
+ "duration": "16.777",
+ "turn_weight": "82",
+ "location": [
+ 139.871784,
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+ ],
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+ ]
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+ }
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+ "class": "street"
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "duration": "6.783",
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+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "weight": "20.877",
+ "duration": "6.779",
+ "turn_weight": "1",
+ "location": [
+ 139.873625,
+ 35.015608
+ ],
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+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "weight": "7.97",
+ "duration": "2.389",
+ "turn_weight": "1",
+ "location": [
+ 139.874454,
+ 35.015497
+ ],
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+ 99,
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+ 279
+ ],
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+ }
+ },
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+ "turn_duration": "0.01",
+ "location": [
+ 139.87475,
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+ ],
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+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "voiceinstructions": [
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "188.105",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 200 metres, Your destination will be on the right.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 200 metres, Your destination will be on the right."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "19.444",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eYour destination is on the right.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Your destination is on the right."
+ }
+ ],
+ "weight_typical": "217.422",
+ "bannerinstructions": [
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "192.772",
+ "primary": {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "text": "Your destination will be on the right",
+ "type": "text"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "text": "Your destination will be on the right",
+ "type": "arrive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "19.444",
+ "primary": {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "text": "Your destination is on the right",
+ "type": "text"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "text": "Your destination is on the right",
+ "type": "arrive"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
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+ "duration_typical": 52.942,
+ "geometry": "apdxaA{phxiGmTzAeDxAuGxAw@l@eDpGaC|CyD~CmBj@gD?{e@mG",
+ "name": "",
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+ "location": [
+ 139.875102,
+ 35.015441
+ ],
+ "bearing_before": 94.0,
+ "bearing_after": 354.0,
+ "instruction": "Turn left.",
+ "type": "turn",
+ "modifier": "left"
+ },
+ "driving_side": "left",
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+ {
+ "turn_duration": "3.498",
+ "weight": "138.152",
+ "duration": "34.869",
+ "turn_weight": "2",
+ "location": [
+ 139.875102,
+ 35.015441
+ ],
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+ 90,
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+ 354
+ ],
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+ ],
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+ "class": "street"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "turn_weight": "2.1",
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+ 139.874625,
+ 35.016414
+ ],
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+ 10,
+ 173
+ ],
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+ true,
+ false
+ ],
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+ "admin_index": 1,
+ "mapbox_streets_v8": {
+ "class": "street"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "voiceinstructions": [],
+ "weight_typical": "0",
+ "bannerinstructions": [],
+ "distance": 0.0,
+ "duration": 0.0,
+ "duration_typical": 0.0,
+ "geometry": "wsgxaAo{gxiG??",
+ "name": "",
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+ "location": [
+ 139.87476,
+ 35.017036
+ ],
+ "bearing_before": 10.0,
+ "bearing_after": 0.0,
+ "instruction": "Your destination is on the right.",
+ "type": "arrive",
+ "modifier": "right"
+ },
+ "driving_side": "left",
+ "weight": 0.0,
+ "intersections": [
+ {
+ "location": [
+ 139.87476,
+ 35.017036
+ ],
+ "bearings": [
+ 190
+ ],
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+ ],
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+ }
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+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "south": "35.351142",
+ "north": "35.862976",
+ "length": 143233,
+ "east": "140.392288",
+ "west": "139.371978",
+ "id": "5372267336278653",
+ "type": "weather",
+ "congestion": {
+ "value": 101
+ },
+ "description": "50km/h speed restriction",
+ "sub_type": "rain",
+ "sub_type_description": "Rain",
+ "alertc_codes": [
+ 313,
+ 45
+ ],
+ "geometry_index_start": 10,
+ "geometry_index_end": 27,
+ "creation_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
+ "start_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
+ "end_time": "2023-06-02T10:30:00Z",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "JP",
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+ "lanes_blocked": [],
+ "affected_road_names": [
+ "C4/国道468号線/首都圏中央連絡自動車道(茅ヶ崎~大栄)/Shutokenchuo Renraku Expwy(Chigasaki To Taiei)",
+ "県道63号線/Kendou No.63 Line",
+ "E51/東関東自動車道(高谷~潮来)/Higashikanto Expwy(Koya To Itako)",
+ "B/首都高速湾岸線/Expwy Wangan Line",
+ "11/首都高速11号台場線/Expwy No.11 Line Daiba Line",
+ "1/首都高速1号羽田線/Expwy No.1 Line Haneda Line",
+ "C1/首都高速都心環状線/Expwy Inner Circular Route",
+ "麻布通り/Azabu St./都道415号線/Todou No.415 Line",
+ "六本木通り/Roppongi St./都道412号線/Todou No.412 Line",
+ "3/首都高速3号渋谷線/Expwy No.3 Line Shibuya Line",
+ "E1/東名高速道路/Tomei Expwy"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "south": "35.641681",
+ "north": "35.937095",
+ "length": 74792,
+ "east": "140.589248",
+ "west": "139.946273",
+ "id": "12741583563102229",
+ "type": "weather",
+ "congestion": {
+ "value": 101
+ },
+ "description": "50km/h speed restriction",
+ "sub_type": "rain",
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+ "alertc_codes": [
+ 313,
+ 45
+ ],
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+ "geometry_index_end": 612,
+ "creation_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
+ "start_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
+ "end_time": "2023-06-02T10:30:00Z",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "JP",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "JPN",
+ "lanes_blocked": [],
+ "affected_road_names": [
+ "E51/東関東自動車道(高谷~潮来)/Higashikanto Expwy(Koya To Itako)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "south": "35.554573",
+ "north": "35.622108",
+ "length": 8188,
+ "east": "140.153274",
+ "west": "140.138107",
+ "id": "2544534568729537",
+ "type": "weather",
+ "congestion": {
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+ },
+ "description": "50km/h speed restriction",
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+ "alertc_codes": [
+ 313,
+ 45
+ ],
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+ "geometry_index_end": 761,
+ "creation_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
+ "start_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
+ "end_time": "2023-06-02T10:30:00Z",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "JP",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "JPN",
+ "lanes_blocked": [],
+ "affected_road_names": [
+ "E14/国道16号線/京葉道路/Keiyo Road",
+ "国道16号線/National Road No.16 Line"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ "north": "35.554702",
+ "length": 51880,
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+ "id": "9645091323337080",
+ "type": "weather",
+ "congestion": {
+ "value": 101
+ },
+ "description": "50km/h speed restriction",
+ "sub_type": "rain",
+ "sub_type_description": "Rain",
+ "alertc_codes": [
+ 313,
+ 45
+ ],
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+ "geometry_index_end": 1653,
+ "creation_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
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+ "end_time": "2023-06-02T10:30:00Z",
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+ "lanes_blocked": [],
+ "affected_road_names": [
+ "E14/館山自動車道/Tateyama Expwy",
+ "E14/国道127号線/富津館山道路/Futtsutateyama Road"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ "north": "35.194923",
+ "length": 19823,
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+ "id": "6326296401477339",
+ "type": "weather",
+ "congestion": {
+ "value": 101
+ },
+ "description": "50km/h speed restriction",
+ "sub_type": "rain",
+ "sub_type_description": "Rain",
+ "alertc_codes": [
+ 313,
+ 45
+ ],
+ "geometry_index_start": 1655,
+ "geometry_index_end": 1970,
+ "creation_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
+ "start_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
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+ "E14/国道127号線/富津館山道路/Futtsutateyama Road"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
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+ 47.0,
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+ 39.1,
+ 6.1,
+ 20.8,
+ 25.2,
+ 27.8,
+ 20.4,
+ 15.3,
+ 14.0,
+ 16.3,
+ 15.7,
+ 20.7,
+ 14.7,
+ 24.5,
+ 26.0,
+ 27.3,
+ 31.8,
+ 37.5,
+ 119.4,
+ 61.1,
+ 14.3,
+ 78.5,
+ 11.1,
+ 8.3,
+ 2.3,
+ 10.2,
+ 12.4,
+ 14.0,
+ 3.2,
+ 6.5,
+ 3.3,
+ 4.1,
+ 3.0,
+ 3.2,
+ 5.3,
+ 5.2,
+ 4.3,
+ 3.7,
+ 5.1,
+ 9.7,
+ 10.3,
+ 16.1,
+ 5.1,
+ 15.8,
+ 13.0,
+ 11.7,
+ 7.2,
+ 9.4,
+ 7.3,
+ 9.2,
+ 8.8,
+ 8.1,
+ 6.6,
+ 5.2,
+ 5.9,
+ 7.5,
+ 7.4,
+ 7.3,
+ 4.1,
+ 7.6,
+ 10.5,
+ 18.9,
+ 9.5,
+ 14.5,
+ 25.5,
+ 20.8,
+ 3.7,
+ 6.6,
+ 3.3,
+ 9.2,
+ 13.5,
+ 4.1,
+ 6.9,
+ 16.9,
+ 6.5,
+ 6.6,
+ 7.5,
+ 6.9,
+ 30.8,
+ 30.7,
+ 19.9,
+ 16.6,
+ 10.3,
+ 8.5,
+ 9.8,
+ 10.2,
+ 12.4,
+ 20.4,
+ 21.9,
+ 31.4,
+ 32.1,
+ 41.8,
+ 46.2,
+ 59.9,
+ 31.4,
+ 27.0,
+ 12.2,
+ 5.9,
+ 65.1,
+ 24.3,
+ 25.8,
+ 28.6,
+ 25.7,
+ 49.5,
+ 49.8,
+ 80.1,
+ 117.3,
+ 129.5,
+ 77.9,
+ 33.1,
+ 45.3,
+ 84.4,
+ 29.1,
+ 145.6,
+ 38.6,
+ 49.1,
+ 93.1,
+ 66.8,
+ 58.8,
+ 139.8,
+ 89.7,
+ 122.8,
+ 154.0,
+ 109.1,
+ 54.9,
+ 80.6,
+ 41.5,
+ 69.6,
+ 61.8,
+ 242.8,
+ 86.3,
+ 101.8,
+ 24.9,
+ 37.0,
+ 42.9,
+ 34.6,
+ 28.7,
+ 31.4,
+ 28.2,
+ 19.8,
+ 32.1,
+ 24.9,
+ 34.9,
+ 17.5,
+ 22.3,
+ 55.0,
+ 38.6,
+ 36.5,
+ 25.4,
+ 51.4,
+ 33.4,
+ 30.0,
+ 21.7,
+ 67.1,
+ 81.0,
+ 55.3,
+ 45.8,
+ 29.6,
+ 38.6,
+ 31.1,
+ 24.0,
+ 54.0,
+ 40.1,
+ 43.2,
+ 59.4,
+ 90.7,
+ 47.7,
+ 29.6,
+ 30.5,
+ 50.6,
+ 22.8,
+ 29.4,
+ 61.2,
+ 57.9,
+ 48.3,
+ 36.5,
+ 34.2,
+ 40.1,
+ 43.7,
+ 28.1,
+ 31.3,
+ 43.4,
+ 40.5,
+ 51.4,
+ 62.0,
+ 40.2,
+ 27.8,
+ 39.3,
+ 53.8,
+ 17.6,
+ 36.4,
+ 23.9,
+ 35.7,
+ 29.9,
+ 50.2,
+ 43.0,
+ 29.3,
+ 33.2,
+ 73.3,
+ 22.3,
+ 13.1,
+ 19.0,
+ 24.7,
+ 16.1,
+ 20.4,
+ 20.2,
+ 30.0,
+ 38.6,
+ 30.9,
+ 19.0,
+ 21.4,
+ 30.7,
+ 30.6,
+ 27.8,
+ 40.3,
+ 28.5,
+ 29.2,
+ 21.3,
+ 40.4,
+ 20.6,
+ 28.7,
+ 71.0,
+ 80.3,
+ 37.4,
+ 24.1,
+ 46.2,
+ 120.4,
+ 129.9,
+ 39.7,
+ 49.4,
+ 37.5,
+ 33.1,
+ 60.2,
+ 41.7,
+ 60.8,
+ 54.4,
+ 61.5,
+ 51.5,
+ 30.8,
+ 30.9,
+ 29.7,
+ 19.8,
+ 20.7,
+ 18.5,
+ 26.9,
+ 26.9,
+ 26.4,
+ 31.9,
+ 31.8,
+ 35.6,
+ 30.8,
+ 31.2,
+ 20.5,
+ 22.2,
+ 27.3,
+ 31.8,
+ 37.5,
+ 33.6,
+ 38.1,
+ 52.6,
+ 39.3,
+ 51.5,
+ 39.2,
+ 39.2,
+ 82.4,
+ 88.9,
+ 97.1,
+ 52.6,
+ 62.0,
+ 39.3,
+ 75.3,
+ 34.3,
+ 33.0,
+ 47.4,
+ 15.4,
+ 17.6,
+ 18.7,
+ 16.5,
+ 11.5,
+ 9.5,
+ 17.6,
+ 12.9,
+ 15.4,
+ 18.9,
+ 14.9,
+ 18.4,
+ 20.2,
+ 15.6,
+ 16.5,
+ 16.7,
+ 19.5,
+ 17.1,
+ 11.8,
+ 17.5,
+ 17.5,
+ 21.3,
+ 18.7,
+ 58.6,
+ 69.2,
+ 5.1,
+ 77.5,
+ 65.7,
+ 37.5,
+ 28.7,
+ 28.1,
+ 33.0,
+ 33.7,
+ 39.9,
+ 43.9,
+ 43.7,
+ 90.6,
+ 153.1,
+ 964.1,
+ 361.2,
+ 5.8,
+ 106.3,
+ 5.1,
+ 106.2,
+ 86.7,
+ 185.1,
+ 73.8,
+ 59.1,
+ 37.1,
+ 110.8,
+ 214.2,
+ 107.1,
+ 171.6,
+ 186.8,
+ 212.8,
+ 463.5,
+ 29.7,
+ 147.5,
+ 112.2,
+ 152.1,
+ 75.9,
+ 49.4,
+ 501.4,
+ 131.8,
+ 80.7,
+ 121.8,
+ 207.0,
+ 55.2,
+ 152.2,
+ 102.9,
+ 154.7,
+ 114.0,
+ 67.4,
+ 110.8,
+ 146.3,
+ 72.8,
+ 65.2,
+ 127.0,
+ 49.4,
+ 98.2,
+ 27.0,
+ 18.6,
+ 58.1,
+ 75.5,
+ 229.2,
+ 267.1,
+ 46.7,
+ 101.3,
+ 21.7,
+ 405.7,
+ 448.9,
+ 70.5,
+ 101.6,
+ 27.7,
+ 30.9,
+ 65.7,
+ 266.1,
+ 98.8,
+ 290.7,
+ 309.2,
+ 116.5,
+ 74.1,
+ 38.2,
+ 370.2,
+ 57.9,
+ 48.5,
+ 40.6,
+ 50.6,
+ 52.7,
+ 87.5,
+ 504.9,
+ 274.3,
+ 273.4,
+ 76.0,
+ 71.3,
+ 39.7,
+ 24.8,
+ 298.6,
+ 256.0,
+ 255.1,
+ 2.3,
+ 99.7,
+ 38.1,
+ 74.7,
+ 83.9,
+ 58.7,
+ 96.8,
+ 43.7,
+ 38.9,
+ 34.1,
+ 38.8,
+ 51.0,
+ 5.0,
+ 48.4,
+ 43.7,
+ 39.1,
+ 24.9,
+ 33.0,
+ 75.5,
+ 136.1,
+ 53.2,
+ 628.2,
+ 59.0,
+ 395.9,
+ 194.4,
+ 355.2,
+ 124.5,
+ 26.9,
+ 216.2,
+ 4.3,
+ 169.7,
+ 100.3,
+ 268.7,
+ 102.6,
+ 141.2,
+ 13.2,
+ 171.7,
+ 211.0,
+ 13.2,
+ 170.2,
+ 132.3,
+ 590.4,
+ 228.1,
+ 121.2,
+ 108.4,
+ 133.9,
+ 385.4,
+ 268.7,
+ 206.7,
+ 122.3,
+ 85.3,
+ 196.4,
+ 170.3,
+ 67.2,
+ 88.4,
+ 73.9,
+ 76.2,
+ 224.6,
+ 234.5,
+ 44.8,
+ 238.3,
+ 0.2,
+ 31.2,
+ 181.3,
+ 440.5,
+ 160.5,
+ 29.6,
+ 76.2,
+ 117.7,
+ 44.4,
+ 48.4,
+ 57.3,
+ 36.9,
+ 12.6,
+ 62.5,
+ 93.7,
+ 73.0,
+ 45.3,
+ 75.9,
+ 97.6,
+ 54.3,
+ 98.2,
+ 60.5,
+ 116.9,
+ 18.2,
+ 301.3,
+ 194.8,
+ 106.2,
+ 38.9,
+ 292.2,
+ 322.1,
+ 308.8,
+ 323.0,
+ 49.7,
+ 272.0,
+ 60.4,
+ 74.0,
+ 51.6,
+ 97.1,
+ 74.6,
+ 340.8,
+ 47.4,
+ 55.8,
+ 71.1,
+ 59.4,
+ 107.3,
+ 47.6,
+ 55.5,
+ 48.7,
+ 24.8,
+ 24.1,
+ 23.5,
+ 40.5,
+ 19.8,
+ 48.2,
+ 26.8,
+ 33.2,
+ 59.5,
+ 126.7,
+ 132.1,
+ 52.0,
+ 48.4,
+ 35.5,
+ 48.5,
+ 64.9,
+ 48.3,
+ 64.0,
+ 37.1,
+ 78.2,
+ 14.0,
+ 74.4,
+ 283.1,
+ 35.9,
+ 345.9,
+ 487.8,
+ 129.6,
+ 263.3,
+ 189.1,
+ 65.5,
+ 129.9,
+ 110.3,
+ 30.4,
+ 52.5,
+ 34.2,
+ 66.2,
+ 110.3,
+ 41.4,
+ 188.5,
+ 76.8,
+ 46.8,
+ 65.8,
+ 129.7,
+ 94.0,
+ 118.2,
+ 142.7,
+ 139.8,
+ 462.0,
+ 243.9,
+ 216.9,
+ 145.8,
+ 151.0,
+ 132.1,
+ 108.3,
+ 132.9,
+ 209.5,
+ 33.8,
+ 27.8,
+ 87.1,
+ 164.9,
+ 82.2,
+ 93.3,
+ 49.4,
+ 71.3,
+ 72.1,
+ 141.3,
+ 129.9,
+ 186.3,
+ 166.9,
+ 86.0,
+ 63.5,
+ 71.4,
+ 34.8,
+ 18.7,
+ 79.6,
+ 63.5,
+ 40.7,
+ 41.6,
+ 48.4,
+ 44.2,
+ 62.1,
+ 50.2,
+ 69.6,
+ 58.5,
+ 104.5,
+ 66.9,
+ 172.5,
+ 547.3,
+ 37.9,
+ 75.6,
+ 520.4,
+ 250.4,
+ 103.3,
+ 58.8,
+ 63.9,
+ 137.3,
+ 34.5,
+ 121.0,
+ 100.7,
+ 37.8,
+ 62.9,
+ 50.0,
+ 37.5,
+ 23.5,
+ 6.9,
+ 36.9,
+ 22.8,
+ 19.6,
+ 26.8,
+ 23.9,
+ 93.9,
+ 21.9,
+ 37.1,
+ 6.3,
+ 19.2,
+ 29.5,
+ 8.3,
+ 32.1,
+ 34.2,
+ 26.8,
+ 27.8,
+ 24.8,
+ 33.4,
+ 43.8,
+ 37.9,
+ 90.3,
+ 51.5,
+ 36.5,
+ 62.9,
+ 61.9,
+ 2.6,
+ 35.2,
+ 21.1,
+ 32.9,
+ 62.1,
+ 66.3,
+ 67.1,
+ 50.8,
+ 27.2,
+ 68.1,
+ 44.0,
+ 22.9,
+ 171.0,
+ 88.0,
+ 92.2,
+ 46.6,
+ 86.4,
+ 180.8,
+ 178.9,
+ 77.6,
+ 107.0,
+ 82.0,
+ 98.8,
+ 62.5,
+ 27.4,
+ 92.2,
+ 73.4,
+ 92.8,
+ 125.2,
+ 356.6,
+ 272.9,
+ 35.8,
+ 126.5,
+ 134.7,
+ 21.8,
+ 45.2,
+ 67.0,
+ 42.9,
+ 126.7,
+ 103.3,
+ 88.9,
+ 56.1,
+ 29.8,
+ 119.7,
+ 61.4,
+ 49.4,
+ 18.1,
+ 68.3,
+ 68.0,
+ 87.3,
+ 84.0,
+ 55.4,
+ 89.8,
+ 138.1,
+ 273.7,
+ 360.7,
+ 20.9,
+ 52.7,
+ 61.6,
+ 51.7,
+ 40.8,
+ 41.3,
+ 24.1,
+ 64.9,
+ 37.9,
+ 98.3,
+ 39.4,
+ 57.5,
+ 32.0,
+ 103.7,
+ 57.9,
+ 97.5,
+ 93.0,
+ 5.2,
+ 392.4,
+ 74.9,
+ 56.7,
+ 41.1,
+ 34.0,
+ 44.1,
+ 37.4,
+ 42.1,
+ 56.7,
+ 46.9,
+ 34.2,
+ 24.8,
+ 23.1,
+ 28.0,
+ 39.4,
+ 48.5,
+ 35.0,
+ 33.1,
+ 31.0,
+ 30.4,
+ 38.8,
+ 38.3,
+ 49.5,
+ 38.5,
+ 16.3,
+ 22.5,
+ 108.8,
+ 7.5,
+ 19.1,
+ 7.6,
+ 92.0,
+ 145.4,
+ 65.3,
+ 104.7,
+ 94.4,
+ 76.7,
+ 92.0,
+ 144.6,
+ 8.8,
+ 12.7,
+ 22.4,
+ 81.6,
+ 49.3,
+ 42.7,
+ 65.0,
+ 2.3,
+ 250.6,
+ 127.0,
+ 208.0,
+ 125.0,
+ 52.0,
+ 46.5,
+ 40.5,
+ 25.2,
+ 27.2,
+ 45.5,
+ 42.3,
+ 33.0,
+ 44.4,
+ 42.9,
+ 38.6,
+ 34.0,
+ 38.6,
+ 15.3,
+ 55.1,
+ 81.6,
+ 45.6,
+ 40.0,
+ 18.0,
+ 46.2,
+ 54.1,
+ 51.2,
+ 29.1,
+ 51.6,
+ 61.2,
+ 57.8,
+ 38.2,
+ 50.0,
+ 57.5,
+ 81.8,
+ 58.6,
+ 57.7,
+ 18.6,
+ 60.3,
+ 91.7,
+ 104.4,
+ 54.9,
+ 25.6,
+ 25.5,
+ 14.7,
+ 231.0,
+ 151.4,
+ 34.5,
+ 168.4,
+ 80.4,
+ 42.5,
+ 43.9,
+ 54.4,
+ 4.6,
+ 66.0,
+ 46.5,
+ 34.2,
+ 76.5,
+ 67.3,
+ 47.8,
+ 46.4,
+ 39.2,
+ 67.1,
+ 12.4,
+ 119.3,
+ 138.4,
+ 74.8,
+ 25.0,
+ 105.4,
+ 186.5,
+ 58.2,
+ 26.1,
+ 137.1,
+ 15.6,
+ 97.6,
+ 116.9,
+ 60.1,
+ 97.8,
+ 61.4,
+ 45.7,
+ 23.1,
+ 39.5,
+ 53.0,
+ 63.5,
+ 72.2,
+ 88.2,
+ 191.8,
+ 50.8,
+ 113.6,
+ 79.4,
+ 99.0,
+ 74.3,
+ 75.5,
+ 51.9,
+ 153.6,
+ 35.9,
+ 117.6,
+ 53.5,
+ 96.0,
+ 81.5,
+ 112.5,
+ 90.4,
+ 128.1,
+ 246.3,
+ 43.3,
+ 137.5,
+ 42.7,
+ 267.6,
+ 257.5,
+ 42.9,
+ 141.0,
+ 286.6,
+ 121.6,
+ 45.1,
+ 98.9,
+ 85.0,
+ 29.5,
+ 32.5,
+ 58.9,
+ 24.3,
+ 108.4,
+ 100.1,
+ 102.5,
+ 147.7,
+ 67.1,
+ 314.1,
+ 34.3,
+ 53.7,
+ 73.4,
+ 170.3,
+ 172.0,
+ 47.4,
+ 56.1,
+ 217.2,
+ 229.9,
+ 175.5,
+ 74.4,
+ 64.5,
+ 43.3,
+ 46.1,
+ 41.8,
+ 151.2,
+ 50.6,
+ 35.0,
+ 237.4,
+ 253.5,
+ 19.0,
+ 54.7,
+ 122.4,
+ 29.2,
+ 83.8,
+ 33.5,
+ 87.6,
+ 152.4,
+ 143.7,
+ 78.7,
+ 108.0,
+ 20.5,
+ 32.8,
+ 13.8,
+ 58.3,
+ 57.6,
+ 310.0,
+ 24.1,
+ 19.0,
+ 295.2,
+ 230.4,
+ 76.0,
+ 69.4,
+ 77.1,
+ 92.7,
+ 53.2,
+ 41.7,
+ 46.3,
+ 63.7,
+ 39.2,
+ 40.2,
+ 49.8,
+ 54.9,
+ 44.4,
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+ 39.2,
+ 53.8,
+ 39.8,
+ 51.1,
+ 75.8,
+ 58.8,
+ 27.8,
+ 59.8,
+ 41.4,
+ 70.1,
+ 52.7,
+ 35.3,
+ 43.7,
+ 71.1,
+ 43.3,
+ 61.6,
+ 71.4,
+ 35.6,
+ 80.8,
+ 52.1,
+ 45.4,
+ 67.2,
+ 39.8,
+ 42.1,
+ 80.9,
+ 61.1,
+ 30.6,
+ 42.7,
+ 59.3,
+ 66.9,
+ 61.2,
+ 47.3,
+ 56.8,
+ 70.9,
+ 49.5,
+ 62.2,
+ 62.6,
+ 43.6,
+ 47.7,
+ 40.3,
+ 65.0,
+ 53.6,
+ 59.7,
+ 54.8,
+ 42.4,
+ 31.0,
+ 74.0,
+ 110.4,
+ 59.2,
+ 87.3,
+ 70.4,
+ 90.6,
+ 50.9,
+ 143.9,
+ 112.0,
+ 51.3,
+ 42.9,
+ 42.0,
+ 54.1,
+ 50.1,
+ 35.5,
+ 37.6,
+ 42.1,
+ 53.8,
+ 53.6,
+ 28.6,
+ 38.9,
+ 34.4,
+ 26.3,
+ 31.4,
+ 65.3,
+ 77.2,
+ 45.9,
+ 143.6,
+ 76.6,
+ 38.0,
+ 87.0,
+ 159.6,
+ 139.1,
+ 102.1,
+ 111.4,
+ 144.6,
+ 89.9,
+ 120.0,
+ 105.4,
+ 220.7,
+ 191.6,
+ 72.4,
+ 91.2,
+ 145.8,
+ 30.6,
+ 69.5,
+ 53.2,
+ 63.7,
+ 86.2,
+ 62.7,
+ 60.4,
+ 87.5,
+ 111.4,
+ 125.1,
+ 43.2,
+ 81.7,
+ 83.9,
+ 207.6,
+ 74.6,
+ 186.6,
+ 122.6,
+ 150.2,
+ 26.6,
+ 32.4,
+ 34.0,
+ 159.7,
+ 65.6,
+ 76.3,
+ 18.8,
+ 183.6,
+ 129.8,
+ 122.3,
+ 111.5,
+ 58.2,
+ 123.2,
+ 92.4,
+ 129.6,
+ 88.8,
+ 113.5,
+ 93.8,
+ 179.3,
+ 109.2,
+ 74.3,
+ 98.2,
+ 108.2,
+ 84.9,
+ 79.7,
+ 60.8,
+ 89.6,
+ 96.9,
+ 73.8,
+ 65.5,
+ 58.8,
+ 72.4,
+ 48.3,
+ 67.7,
+ 51.2,
+ 58.2,
+ 98.3,
+ 73.4,
+ 70.8,
+ 44.6,
+ 43.1,
+ 159.9,
+ 328.8,
+ 17.9,
+ 99.4,
+ 36.1,
+ 253.3,
+ 33.8,
+ 126.7,
+ 20.2,
+ 85.0,
+ 54.2,
+ 59.4,
+ 144.7,
+ 118.2,
+ 138.2,
+ 136.3,
+ 164.4,
+ 118.3,
+ 177.7,
+ 48.0,
+ 39.5,
+ 138.8,
+ 47.7,
+ 50.2,
+ 19.6,
+ 151.9,
+ 70.2,
+ 52.2,
+ 55.9,
+ 52.5,
+ 34.1,
+ 60.9,
+ 19.3,
+ 100.7,
+ 39.8,
+ 73.2,
+ 31.2,
+ 33.8,
+ 75.6,
+ 143.3,
+ 26.0,
+ 89.2,
+ 58.3,
+ 63.5,
+ 25.6,
+ 22.7,
+ 33.2,
+ 40.6,
+ 107.8,
+ 59.6,
+ 110.9,
+ 63.7,
+ 76.1,
+ 21.7,
+ 44.3,
+ 96.4,
+ 240.6,
+ 159.6,
+ 73.5,
+ 44.1,
+ 122.1,
+ 26.2,
+ 43.5,
+ 46.4,
+ 47.6,
+ 95.0,
+ 165.6,
+ 226.8,
+ 162.7,
+ 122.5,
+ 126.2,
+ 107.4,
+ 168.6,
+ 126.8,
+ 66.0,
+ 35.8,
+ 43.7,
+ 120.9,
+ 41.5,
+ 345.6,
+ 166.3,
+ 45.8,
+ 121.6,
+ 94.5,
+ 112.2,
+ 163.7,
+ 121.0,
+ 54.0,
+ 14.7,
+ 49.1,
+ 30.0,
+ 77.7,
+ 16.9,
+ 50.1,
+ 25.8,
+ 25.7,
+ 15.4,
+ 23.0,
+ 32.4,
+ 210.9,
+ 89.3,
+ 82.6,
+ 113.7,
+ 62.8,
+ 72.2,
+ 273.0,
+ 97.7,
+ 66.4,
+ 73.1,
+ 93.8,
+ 54.1,
+ 80.1,
+ 44.3,
+ 33.6,
+ 72.8,
+ 22.2,
+ 53.7,
+ 91.2,
+ 51.0,
+ 43.5,
+ 59.8,
+ 63.6,
+ 63.2,
+ 73.4,
+ 291.8,
+ 208.3,
+ 196.9,
+ 119.6,
+ 128.3,
+ 122.7,
+ 96.8,
+ 84.2,
+ 70.0,
+ 52.4,
+ 105.0,
+ 59.3,
+ 146.4,
+ 48.5,
+ 132.6,
+ 44.5,
+ 42.4,
+ 34.0,
+ 47.5,
+ 46.3,
+ 53.6,
+ 116.1,
+ 109.0,
+ 114.8,
+ 57.8,
+ 82.7,
+ 64.9,
+ 30.0,
+ 13.0,
+ 86.1,
+ 100.5,
+ 62.3,
+ 59.6,
+ 26.2,
+ 29.0,
+ 36.4,
+ 30.2,
+ 36.2,
+ 17.8,
+ 36.3,
+ 53.7,
+ 66.2,
+ 40.4,
+ 70.4,
+ 80.9,
+ 58.1,
+ 83.0,
+ 94.7,
+ 91.7,
+ 23.8,
+ 50.2,
+ 77.0,
+ 28.2,
+ 35.5,
+ 27.0,
+ 31.4,
+ 58.7,
+ 46.0,
+ 58.6,
+ 43.1,
+ 59.0,
+ 35.6,
+ 37.0,
+ 35.8,
+ 47.4,
+ 42.9,
+ 36.1,
+ 25.2,
+ 28.5,
+ 58.3,
+ 45.7,
+ 47.4,
+ 43.3,
+ 33.9,
+ 50.6,
+ 32.7,
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+ 27.7,
+ 22.2,
+ 32.3,
+ 20.4,
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+ 19.2,
+ 19.4,
+ 18.4,
+ 22.9,
+ 29.3,
+ 18.2,
+ 21.4,
+ 37.9,
+ 29.2,
+ 36.4,
+ 24.9,
+ 47.4,
+ 32.1,
+ 44.4,
+ 21.2,
+ 37.2,
+ 17.6,
+ 27.7,
+ 25.5,
+ 32.8,
+ 12.5,
+ 24.1,
+ 26.3,
+ 24.2,
+ 35.8,
+ 30.1,
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+ 26.3,
+ 27.3,
+ 47.8,
+ 32.4,
+ 24.3,
+ 35.0,
+ 31.7,
+ 35.8,
+ 28.3,
+ 49.2,
+ 72.3,
+ 72.0,
+ 25.8,
+ 33.7,
+ 26.4,
+ 24.4,
+ 21.7,
+ 25.3,
+ 34.6,
+ 30.9,
+ 37.4,
+ 34.1,
+ 34.6,
+ 30.5,
+ 28.7,
+ 92.7,
+ 30.0,
+ 43.7,
+ 43.4,
+ 74.6,
+ 113.8,
+ 63.5,
+ 52.6,
+ 33.2,
+ 64.3,
+ 51.4,
+ 37.9,
+ 34.7,
+ 38.7,
+ 35.1,
+ 30.4,
+ 61.4,
+ 80.2,
+ 12.9,
+ 51.2,
+ 54.5,
+ 38.7,
+ 25.9,
+ 27.8,
+ 25.4,
+ 18.9,
+ 30.1,
+ 32.8,
+ 35.3,
+ 34.3,
+ 30.6,
+ 36.7,
+ 23.7,
+ 29.7,
+ 41.5,
+ 40.4,
+ 17.8,
+ 23.4,
+ 37.5,
+ 23.5,
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+ 27.7,
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+ 21.8,
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+ 27.0,
+ 17.5,
+ 22.7,
+ 26.3,
+ 24.2,
+ 21.9,
+ 21.2,
+ 19.1,
+ 23.5,
+ 25.7,
+ 20.0,
+ 33.8,
+ 49.6,
+ 33.5,
+ 65.5,
+ 45.0,
+ 82.7,
+ 48.6,
+ 48.9,
+ 56.8,
+ 29.5,
+ 46.2,
+ 38.8,
+ 35.5,
+ 42.1,
+ 51.7,
+ 53.5,
+ 30.1,
+ 24.9,
+ 29.1,
+ 29.5,
+ 41.6,
+ 23.5,
+ 23.1,
+ 17.6,
+ 22.6,
+ 20.8,
+ 17.6,
+ 26.4,
+ 30.0,
+ 56.5,
+ 28.7,
+ 24.1,
+ 27.5,
+ 34.8,
+ 33.5,
+ 43.9,
+ 42.9,
+ 28.1,
+ 44.1,
+ 40.5,
+ 44.8,
+ 28.7,
+ 96.6,
+ 66.5,
+ 46.7,
+ 56.9,
+ 32.1,
+ 37.3,
+ 24.7,
+ 33.6,
+ 36.5,
+ 26.3,
+ 33.5,
+ 108.5,
+ 36.7,
+ 30.1,
+ 19.2,
+ 28.7,
+ 44.4,
+ 34.0,
+ 39.5,
+ 114.2,
+ 87.7,
+ 35.0,
+ 25.9,
+ 25.3,
+ 27.7,
+ 30.9,
+ 121.3,
+ 83.3,
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+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "weight_typical": "9346.398",
+ "weight": "9346.398",
+ "via_waypoints": [],
+ "distance": 168338.891,
+ "duration": 8501.97,
+ "duration_typical": 8501.97,
+ "summary": "E14, Expwy Wangan Line",
+ "admins": [
+ {
+ "iso_3166_1": "JP",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "JPN"
+ },
+ {
+ "iso_3166_1": "JP",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "JPN"
+ },
+ {
+ "iso_3166_1": "JP",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "JPN"
+ }
+ ],
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "voiceinstructions": [
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "192.772",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eDrive south.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Drive south."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "188.105",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 200 metres, Turn right.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 200 metres, Turn right."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "18.667",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eTurn right.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Turn right."
+ }
+ ],
+ "weight_typical": "215.422",
+ "bannerinstructions": [
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "192.772",
+ "primary": {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "text": "Turn right",
+ "type": "text"
+ }
+ ],
+ "modifier": "right",
+ "text": "Turn right",
+ "type": "turn"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "distance": 192.772,
+ "duration": 49.444,
+ "duration_typical": 49.444,
+ "geometry": "wsgxaAo{gxiGze@lGfD?lBk@xD_D`C}CdDqGv@m@tGyAdDyAlT{A",
+ "name": "",
+ "mode": "driving",
+ "maneuver": {
+ "location": [
+ 139.87476,
+ 35.017036
+ ],
+ "bearing_before": 0.0,
+ "bearing_after": 190.0,
+ "instruction": "Drive south.",
+ "type": "depart"
+ },
+ "driving_side": "left",
+ "weight": 215.422,
+ "intersections": [
+ {
+ "duration": "18.073",
+ "weight": "77.17",
+ "location": [
+ 139.87476,
+ 35.017036
+ ],
+ "bearings": [
+ 190
+ ],
+ "entry": [
+ true
+ ],
+ "out": 0,
+ "geometry_index": 0,
+ "is_urban": false,
+ "admin_index": 0,
+ "mapbox_streets_v8": {
+ "class": "street"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "turn_weight": "2.1",
+ "location": [
+ 139.874625,
+ 35.016414
+ ],
+ "bearings": [
+ 10,
+ 173
+ ],
+ "entry": [
+ false,
+ true
+ ],
+ "in": 0,
+ "out": 1,
+ "geometry_index": 1,
+ "is_urban": false,
+ "admin_index": 0,
+ "mapbox_streets_v8": {
+ "class": "street"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "voiceinstructions": [
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "303.403",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 300 metres, Turn right onto \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eNational Road No.127 Line\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 300 metres, Turn right onto National Road No.127 Line."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "31.111",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eTurn right onto \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eNational Road No.127 Line\u003c/say-as\u003e, \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eTateyama Bypass\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Turn right onto National Road No.127 Line, Tateyama Bypass."
+ }
+ ],
+ "weight_typical": "108.086",
+ "bannerinstructions": [
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "308.069",
+ "primary": {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "text": "National Road No.127 Line",
+ "type": "icon",
+ "mapbox_shield": {
+ "display_ref": "127",
+ "name": "jp-national-route",
+ "base_url": "https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1",
+ "text_color": "white"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "/",
+ "type": "delimiter"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Tateyama Bypass",
+ "type": "text"
+ }
+ ],
+ "modifier": "right",
+ "text": "National Road No.127 Line / Tateyama Bypass",
+ "type": "turn"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "distance": 308.069,
+ "duration": 39.764,
+ "duration_typical": 39.764,
+ "geometry": "apdxaA{phxiGe@~TiAnQ}Exr@}Ezr@c@`KbKbr@",
+ "name": "",
+ "mode": "driving",
+ "maneuver": {
+ "location": [
+ 139.875102,
+ 35.015441
+ ],
+ "bearing_before": 174.0,
+ "bearing_after": 274.0,
+ "instruction": "Turn right.",
+ "type": "turn",
+ "modifier": "right"
+ },
+ "driving_side": "left",
+ "weight": 108.086,
+ "intersections": [
+ {
+ "turn_duration": "6.501",
+ "weight": "15.261",
+ "duration": "9.31",
+ "turn_weight": "7",
+ "location": [
+ 139.875102,
+ 35.015441
+ ],
+ "bearings": [
+ 90,
+ 274,
+ 354
+ ],
+ "entry": [
+ true,
+ true,
+ false
+ ],
+ "in": 2,
+ "out": 1,
+ "geometry_index": 10,
+ "is_urban": false,
+ "admin_index": 0,
+ "mapbox_streets_v8": {
+ "class": "street"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "turn_duration": "0.026",
+ "weight": "8.804",
+ "duration": "2.34",
+ "turn_weight": "2",
+ "location": [
+ 139.87475,
+ 35.01546
+ ],
+ "bearings": [
+ 94,
+ 184,
+ 279,
+ 327
+ ],
+ "entry": [
+ false,
+ true,
+ true,
+ true
+ ],
+ "in": 0,
+ "out": 2,
+ "geometry_index": 11,
+ "is_urban": false,
+ "admin_index": 0,
+ "mapbox_streets_v8": {
+ "class": "street"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "turn_duration": "0.018",
+ "weight": "20.404",
+ "duration": "6.618",
+ "turn_weight": "1",
+ "location": [
+ 139.874454,
+ 35.015497
+ ],
+ "bearings": [
+ 99,
+ 189,
+ 279
+ ],
+ "entry": [
+ false,
+ true,
+ true
+ ],
+ "in": 0,
+ "out": 2,
+ "geometry_index": 12,
+ "is_urban": false,
+ "admin_index": 0,
+ "mapbox_streets_v8": {
+ "class": "street"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "turn_duration": "0.018",
+ "weight": "19.942",
+ "duration": "6.618",
+ "turn_weight": "1",
+ "location": [
+ 139.873625,
+ 35.015608
+ ],
+ "bearings": [
+ 8,
+ 99,
+ 279
+ ],
+ "entry": [
+ true,
+ false,
+ true
+ ],
+ "in": 1,
+ "out": 2,
+ "geometry_index": 13,
+ "is_urban": false,
+ "admin_index": 0,
+ "mapbox_streets_v8": {
+ "class": "street"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "turn_weight": "1",
+ "turn_duration": "0.008",
+ "location": [
+ 139.872795,
+ 35.015719
+ ],
+ "bearings": [
+ 99,
+ 186,
+ 276
+ ],
+ "entry": [
+ false,
+ true,
+ true
+ ],
+ "in": 0,
+ "out": 2,
+ "geometry_index": 14,
+ "is_urban": false,
+ "admin_index": 0,
+ "mapbox_streets_v8": {
+ "class": "street"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "voiceinstructions": [
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "3272.008",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eContinue for 3 kilometres.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Continue for 3 kilometres."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "400",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 400 metres, Turn right to take the \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eTomiura IC\u003c/say-as\u003e slip road.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 400 metres, Turn right to take the Tomiura IC slip road."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "105.556",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eTurn right to take the \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eTomiura IC\u003c/say-as\u003e slip road.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Turn right to take the Tomiura IC slip road."
+ }
+ ],
+ "weight_typical": "277.403",
+ "bannerinstructions": [
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "3288.674",
+ "primary": {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "text": "Tomiura IC",
+ "type": "text"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "/",
+ "type": "delimiter"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "E14",
+ "type": "icon",
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+ "display_ref": "E14",
+ "name": "jp-expressway",
+ "base_url": "https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1",
+ "text_color": "white"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "modifier": "right",
+ "text": "Tomiura IC / E14",
+ "type": "turn"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "400",
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+ {
+ "directions": [
+ "straight"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "right"
+ ],
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+ "text": "",
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+ "active_direction": "right"
+ }
+ ],
+ "text": ""
+ },
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+ "components": [
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+ "duration_typical": 268.578,
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+ 139.871784,
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+ ],
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+ "instruction": "Turn right onto National Road No.127 Line/Tateyama Bypass.",
+ "type": "end of road",
+ "modifier": "right"
+ },
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+ "announcement": "Continue for 41 kilometres."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "1500",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 1.5 kilometres, Keep right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eKisarazuminami JCT\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 1.5 kilometres, Keep right at Kisarazuminami JCT."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "800",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 800 metres, Keep right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eKisarazuminami JCT\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 800 metres, Keep right at Kisarazuminami JCT."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "170",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eKeep right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eKisarazuminami JCT\u003c/say-as\u003e toward \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eKEIYO ROAD\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Keep right at Kisarazuminami JCT toward KEIYO ROAD."
+ }
+ ],
+ "weight_typical": "1749.548",
+ "bannerinstructions": [
+ {
+ "secondary": {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "text": "KEIYO ROAD",
+ "type": "text"
+ }
+ ],
+ "modifier": "right",
+ "text": "KEIYO ROAD",
+ "type": "fork"
+ },
+ "distancealonggeometry": "40570.82",
+ "primary": {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "text": "Kisarazuminami JCT",
+ "type": "text"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "text": "Kisarazuminami JCT",
+ "type": "fork"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "secondary": {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "text": "KEIYO ROAD",
+ "type": "text"
+ }
+ ],
+ "modifier": "right",
+ "text": "KEIYO ROAD",
+ "type": "fork"
+ },
+ "distancealonggeometry": "1500",
+ "sub": {
+ "components": [
+ {
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+ "slight left"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "straight"
+ ],
+ "active": true,
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+ },
+ {
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+ "straight"
+ ],
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+ "active_direction": "straight"
+ }
+ ],
+ "text": ""
+ },
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+ {
+ "subtype": "jct",
+ "imageurl": "https://api.mapbox.com/guidance-views/v1/737596800/jct/CA138201?arrow_ids\u003dCA13820E",
+ "text": "",
+ "type": "guidance-view"
+ }
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+ "text": "",
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+ },
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+ {
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+ }
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+ "text": "Kisarazuminami JCT",
+ "type": "fork"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "distance": 40570.82,
+ "duration": 1804.049,
+ "duration_typical": 1804.049,
+ "geometry": "iiqyaAapxviGgHgC}Em@}q@cAua@k@iW_D{WoG{HgCqJmEwKoGgHyFif@ie@}[_ZqUiTaNaK_JcF}EqBcKuDiLqByOk@oQ?qzAzGkQx@{pA|FoDPsYj@}[?cVaAgSqBg^mEoQ}Co}@sSwl@oLayBie@unBca@ee@sImn@kJ{WoBq\\qB{[m@uR?mn@bA}f@|Ca~@dRah@xKg_ArSohA~T{m@hOwp@`P}_@jJsNjEep@rNe{@lQku@nLs`@xFgWpBmTl@kITyO?k[k@aRWo}@aK_JyAsN_D_`@wKgWgHsJ_D_NyFoQ}Hm_@cRah@qXcyB{hAmdAem@gm@uZkvAww@udCioAw|Akv@kkA_k@ySkJySyF{ScFiLoBkj@_Iq`@}Cca@{Ac]Ui[l@yZbAy^tDca@~CqUxAqJbAqr@jEoUpByi@tDs{AdMatAxKoQpB{WnGoM~CiL|CmMtDeZnLiWzMk[hTi[hTyO`PgSlVmXj`@oQpXuRtZaYrd@cVvZsNvPsC|CqUrS{WzR_`@dWo\\tPwVbKuVrIuGfC_k@`UkT`Kk|@xa@_z@he@{WxK_v@pXqz@dMcGl@cVfCsN?yOUaRm@qk@cF_z@{Mas@oLew@oLgWqBaNcA_JUqJ?g^l@eOl@ib@fC_U~CyHxAeKpBaRxFad@`Psh@~Tqv@j`@ao@j`@sRnLuh@f^qv@dh@qJfH{f@n]_k@l[oXrNmMnGyStIgS|HySnGm_@rIk_@fHyS~C}b@tDet@tD}|@{AgSyAcVqBul@sI_aAkOqFm@cgBgY}Em@yuA_U{}AqXsNqBqo@oGgi@gCyt@mEcGUi|@_Doc@cAqd@U_z@j@u]?im@Va]pBep@rIsNzAgHj@{SbFoQxFsYvKkPfH}TdMk[|Rqd@f^mu@pn@cKrI_aApx@gH`Fo}@ft@scBtuAwp@hj@on@dh@}j@rd@enHnfGmpBtaBss@bm@mdAxw@yZdRah@vUqd@dRo}@bWq`@`KsNfCww@xKif@fCqv@xA_o@k@}|@yF}[gCoQqBqlA}Mq`@}H{[kEyp@oLca@}Ho\\gHgi@eMqUoG}PcFeOkEcK_Dad@sNiW}HiWkJqUsIiPoGuR}HcVyKsUaKaR}HgO}HcO}HaNgH{LgHsNsIuRoLiLgHoQmLcR}MgSiO_JgHsNoLg^uZk[gYce@ke@}L}Myt@a|@wO{RkPiTkP_UqNeRwVy\\oQmVyp@w|@_JgMySgYsN}RsNcRwKkOeHaKmTgYmT_Z_N{RmIoL_JsNcKmQoMmV_JsSqJmVuG{RoFeRqFiTkE{RiEuUyDeWsCcWmB{RkA{RiAeRc@mQe@}Rc@qXe@arAQgY?aPe@eRc@}M{Ak`@w@iOiAiO{A}MaCeRsCqSyDsS}EmVcGiToF{RoFmQ_FsNsGeRkq@oiBgSog@eO__@we@ymA_Ucm@a{AyyDok@mxAm_@aaAgSog@uRmg@gW_p@gOg^ca@}cA_d@yhAmj@suAee@wkAgb@_fAiW{m@{Seh@mM_ZiL_UaNqXoJ_P}AiCqUg^sNqS}PiTsNoQsNiOeOiOoM}MeOeMuGcFcK}HeKsIwOyKsNsIsYeR{HkEi[wP_`@{Rmc@eRgS}H{S}Hy^oL}TgHoc@oL}TaFiSmE_NgCwOgCaJyAqYmE_UgC_Jm@_JcAeOk@_Jm@eOU_J?eK?gHTwOl@mIj@aNzAyS|CiPtDaJpBkIfCwK~CoQnGeKtDe^|M{SdH_JhC}InBsJpB_UtDcKbA_Jl@cVxAcVV_J?eKWkIUeKm@kToB_J{A_JyA_J{AkIgCkL}CkIgCyS_IgSsIsYwPcRyKi[cR{HmEsRsIuR}HqJ_DcRaFmI{AkIqBmIyAgSiCkTyA_JUmIW_J@}I?{i@bA_`@j@iLUsRUmT{A}T}CsNgC_UmEe{@{R_k@wKo`@qGix@oLk_@kE_`@_Dq`@}CqU{AmTaAqU{Aua@cAao@cAgWUaNm@y^gCyO{AcKyA}[cFqUkE_`@kJcl@sNw{@{Rqk@sNkkA_Za]}Hkq@wPiPuDor@mQwl@kOwgBec@qqBwf@_jBog@mj@{Ryb@wPon@cWsYsN_NgHaNgH_JaFsN_I{LeHgSoL}PwK}PoLcVwP{WsSyOeMoQsNc]_ZoQwPcKkJyH}H_FkEoFoGmIuIgHgHkTmVeKmLqJoLmIkJuGsIyHkJaG_I}EyFuGiJqFgH}EoGuGuIuGkJ}E}HgHaKyHoLuGiJeOwUqFkJiL{RaGaKyDgHoFaKcGaK}EkJcGyKgH{MuGsNkIaP}EaKcG}M_JcRyHeR}EyKqF{MwDuIyDwKuK{WwKiYgHqSwKc\\}E}MkE{MwDeMgDyKwDeM{Sgt@uRwp@wOij@{Ws_AsYaaAuRml@wOke@cV}o@mTgh@uGiOoFwKkEkJkEuIyD}HgH{MoFaKeDyFgDyFoFkJcGkJgHoLaGkJ}E}HkEoGcGkJ_JoLkEoGaG}HcG}HoFgHgHsI}EyFeKgMuGeH_JkJeOaPyHgHiLoLmMoLaNeMiWiT{LkJaNwK}PeMaNaK_JqGeOwK_JyF_NkJmIyFyOaKkIcFoM}HkIcF{HaF_UgM{[mQsJoGaRkJcRkJ{LoGgSaKsh@wUmu@k[{|@{\\eZaK_`@eM{S{G}IsCm_@aKkj@aPad@sN{WsIiWaKqUsIqUkJiLyFkTkJ{HuDqJkEoQuImX{MgOuIyHkEmMgH}PaKwKoGmT}MyHcFg^mVwOmLuRsNiW{Ro\\{WqQaPiPsNgSmQgS{R}[c\\qQeRkTcWySwUgSmVwVk[}PwUee@go@oQwU{Wc\\kPwPsN_Pk[sX_U_P{LuI}PwKqUoL}PuIuKkEgOyF_NkEqFqB_JgCuKgCiL_DmIoB}PwD_YaFeZyFeKqBqJyAeO_DyOgCwOgCeKqBiLyA_NgCoMqB{LqBo\\kEeZcFeKyAqJcAuGeA}T}C}W_DkIyAaN{AkPoBqd@yFicAyK_UgCiWqB{PqBqr@oGyi@kE}f@uD_Y{A{SyAgRkA{M{@oUcAkPcAe{@cFee@_D{WgC{SqBqd@wFee@qGea@iJmn@aPw{@mVk_@yKoMuDmc@eMeZoG{x@mQefAgMmXcAaYcAaRm@kPUkP?uVTmn@zAsNbAcVzAsd@`Fea@xFe^xFuiA|R_pApSo\\jEmc@bFqaA`Kad@~Cc{@jEus@~Ci[Tm`AfCsnBbA{sBiEwbDyFuh@qB{b@qBib@cFo`@oGwVmEy^iJcl@eRyZwKqJuDib@_U",
+ "name": "",
+ "ref": "E14",
+ "destinations": "E14, 国道127号線: 富津館山道路",
+ "mode": "driving",
+ "maneuver": {
+ "location": [
+ 139.850513,
+ 35.038373
+ ],
+ "bearing_before": 335.0,
+ "bearing_after": 18.0,
+ "instruction": "Turn right to take the Tomiura IC slip road.",
+ "type": "turn",
+ "modifier": "slight right"
+ },
+ "driving_side": "left",
+ "weight": 1749.548,
+ "intersections": [
+ {
+ "weight": "40.073",
+ "turn_duration": "2.469",
+ "duration": "23.056",
+ "turn_weight": "20",
+ "location": [
+ 139.850513,
+ 35.038373
+ ],
+ "bearings": [
+ 18,
+ 52,
+ 155,
+ 321
+ ],
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+ "toll"
+ ],
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+ true,
+ false,
+ false,
+ true
+ ],
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+ {
+ "valid": false,
+ "active": false,
+ "indications": [
+ "straight"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "valid": true,
+ "active": true,
+ "valid_indication": "right",
+ "indications": [
+ "right"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
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+ "admin_index": 0,
+ "mapbox_streets_v8": {
+ "class": "trunk_link"
+ },
+ "traffic_signal": true,
+ "ic": {
+ "name": "Tomiura IC"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "weight": "29.898",
+ "turn_duration": "15",
+ "duration": "23.1",
+ "turn_weight": "22",
+ "location": [
+ 139.85066,
+ 35.040002
+ ],
+ "bearings": [
+ 10,
+ 182
+ ],
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+ "toll"
+ ],
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+ "indications": [
+ "straight"
+ ],
+ "payment_methods": [
+ "general",
+ "etc"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "valid": true,
+ "active": true,
+ "valid_indication": "straight",
+ "indications": [
+ "straight"
+ ],
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+ "etc"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "geometry_index": 78,
+ "is_urban": false,
+ "admin_index": 0,
+ "toll_collection": {
+ "type": "toll_booth",
+ "name": "Tomiura Tollgate"
+ },
+ "mapbox_streets_v8": {
+ "class": "trunk"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "weight": "5.453",
+ "duration": "5.593",
+ "location": [
+ 139.850876,
+ 35.040789
+ ],
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+ 21,
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+ ],
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+ ],
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+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ 35.041484
+ ],
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+ ],
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+ "admin_index": 0,
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+ "class": "trunk"
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "duration": "5.85",
+ "location": [
+ 139.851921,
+ 35.042113
+ ],
+ "bearings": [
+ 37,
+ 219
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+ }
+ },
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+ ],
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+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ 139.853086,
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+ ],
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+ 355
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+ ],
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+ ],
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+ "class": "trunk"
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ ],
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+ }
+ },
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+ ],
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+ 139.855251,
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "duration": "3.773",
+ "location": [
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+ 35.063731
+ ],
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+ },
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+ ],
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+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "location": [
+ 139.853523,
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+ ],
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+ },
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+ ],
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+ }
+ },
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+ "location": [
+ 139.853239,
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+ ],
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "duration": "1.301",
+ "location": [
+ 139.852262,
+ 35.070109
+ ],
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "duration": "3.687",
+ "location": [
+ 139.852262,
+ 35.070378
+ ],
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+ 2,
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "duration": "15.778",
+ "location": [
+ 139.852296,
+ 35.071137
+ ],
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+ }
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eContinue for 33 kilometres.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Continue for 33 kilometres."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "400",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 400 metres, Keep right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eChibahigashi JCT\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 400 metres, Keep right at Chibahigashi JCT."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "94.444",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eKeep right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eChibahigashi JCT\u003c/say-as\u003e toward \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eTokyo\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Keep right at Chibahigashi JCT toward Tokyo."
+ }
+ ],
+ "weight_typical": "1543.042",
+ "bannerinstructions": [
+ {
+ "secondary": {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "text": "Tokyo",
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+ }
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+ "text": "Tokyo",
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+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "",
+ "ref": "E14",
+ "destinations": "KEIYO ROAD, Chiba, TATEYAMA EXPWY, Kisarazu-Kita",
+ "mode": "driving",
+ "maneuver": {
+ "location": [
+ 139.973892,
+ 35.372021
+ ],
+ "bearing_before": 53.0,
+ "bearing_after": 54.0,
+ "instruction": "Keep right at Kisarazu JCT toward KEIYO ROAD.",
+ "type": "fork",
+ "modifier": "slight right"
+ },
+ "driving_side": "left",
+ "weight": 1543.042,
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+ {
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+ "duration": "70.079",
+ "location": [
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+ 35.372021
+ ],
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+ 46,
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+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ "admin_index": 0,
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+ },
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+ "name": "Kisarazu JCT"
+ }
+ },
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+ "duration": "19.179",
+ "turn_weight": "0.75",
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+ },
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+ "distancealonggeometry": "241.619",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 300 metres, Keep left towards \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eTokyo\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 300 metres, Keep left towards Tokyo."
+ },
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+ "distancealonggeometry": "62.222",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eKeep left towards \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eTokyo\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Keep left towards Tokyo."
+ }
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+ 140.104659,
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+ ],
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+ },
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+ "announcement": "Continue for 16 kilometres."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "1500",
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+ "announcement": "In 1.5 kilometres, Keep right at Koya JCT."
+ },
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 800 metres, Keep right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eKoya JCT\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 800 metres, Keep right at Koya JCT."
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+ "announcement": "Continue for 11 kilometres."
+ },
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+ "announcement": "In 400 metres, Keep right at Oi JCT."
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eContinue for 3 kilometres.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Continue for 3 kilometres."
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+ "announcement": "In 1.5 kilometres, Keep right at Tokai JCT."
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+ "announcement": "In 1.5 kilometres, Keep right at Kawasakiukishima JCT."
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 300 metres, Keep left towards \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eDAISAN KEIHIN\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 300 metres, Keep left towards DAISAN KEIHIN."
+ },
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eKeep left towards \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eDAISAN KEIHIN\u003c/say-as\u003e, \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eTOMEI\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Keep left towards DAISAN KEIHIN, TOMEI."
+ }
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+ "announcement": "Keep right at Yokohamakohoku JCT toward DAISAN KEIHIN."
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+ "announcement": "In 600 metres, Keep left at the fork."
+ },
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+ },
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+ "geometry": "}nxvbA}e}fiGlItDvDbAjE?rBe@vA]xDqBvDmE`CoGv@}HiA}HaC}HeD_DoFgC_FcAsNgCuKgCaCyAe@W{AyAmB_DkAaFc@cF?mEb@kEjA}C~BuDxDgCxD{AnFcArCUtRWnFl@`Gl@rJfCtGjEnFxFvDpG`C|HxDzM|EzRvDjTjEnX`Cb\\nBx\\Q|R}AzM",
+ "name": "",
+ "destinations": "Yokohamakohoku",
+ "mode": "driving",
+ "maneuver": {
+ "location": [
+ 139.590767,
+ 35.517183
+ ],
+ "bearing_before": 222.0,
+ "bearing_after": 204.0,
+ "instruction": "Keep left at the fork.",
+ "type": "fork",
+ "modifier": "slight left"
+ },
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+ "weight": 82.852,
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+ {
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+ "duration": "5.063",
+ "location": [
+ 139.590767,
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+ 42,
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+ "indications": [
+ "slight left"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "weight": "29.73",
+ "duration": "25.2",
+ "turn_weight": "0.75",
+ "location": [
+ 139.590661,
+ 35.516764
+ ],
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+ 153,
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+ }
+ },
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+ "location": [
+ 139.592619,
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+ 162,
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+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "guidance_views": [
+ {
+ "base_id": "14o00032_o10d",
+ "data_id": "737596800",
+ "type": "exit",
+ "overlay_ids": [
+ "14o00032_o13a"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "junction_name": "Ent. and Exit",
+ "voiceinstructions": [
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "412.077",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 400 metres, Turn left at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eDai3 Keihinkohoku IC Ent.\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 400 metres, Turn left at Dai3 Keihinkohoku IC Ent.."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "68",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eTurn left at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eDai3 Keihinkohoku IC Ent.\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Turn left at Dai3 Keihinkohoku IC Ent.."
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "422.41",
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+ {
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+ "left"
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+ },
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+ "text": "Dai3 Keihinkohoku IC Ent.",
+ "type": "turn"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "distance": 422.41,
+ "duration": 75.252,
+ "duration_typical": 75.252,
+ "geometry": "_auvbA}hzfiGuVcA{LgCaNcFwKeH_JqGySmVmXuZ{HkJ}EoGkEkEmBqBq`@wf@_FgH",
+ "name": "",
+ "destinations": "荏田, 新横浜",
+ "mode": "driving",
+ "maneuver": {
+ "location": [
+ 139.589279,
+ 35.515424
+ ],
+ "bearing_before": 284.0,
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+ "instruction": "Turn right at Ent. and Exit toward 荏田/新横浜.",
+ "type": "turn",
+ "modifier": "right"
+ },
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+ "weight": 93.531,
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+ {
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+ "duration": "38.908",
+ "turn_weight": "10",
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+ 139.589279,
+ 35.515424
+ ],
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+ "class": "tertiary"
+ },
+ "traffic_signal": true
+ },
+ {
+ "weight": "8.272",
+ "turn_duration": "2.041",
+ "duration": "7.496",
+ "turn_weight": "2",
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+ 35.516646
+ ],
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+ },
+ {
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+ "weight": "11.664",
+ "duration": "9.291",
+ "turn_weight": "1",
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+ "turn_duration": "0.021",
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+ "junction_name": "Dai3 Keihinkohoku IC Ent.",
+ "voiceinstructions": [
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "2100.78",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eContinue for 2 kilometres.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Continue for 2 kilometres."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "400",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 400 metres, Turn left at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eShin-ei HS.\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 400 metres, Turn left at Shin-ei HS.."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "55.111",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eTurn left at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eShin-ei HS.\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Turn left at Shin-ei HS.."
+ }
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+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "2112.78",
+ "primary": {
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+ {
+ "text": "Shin-ei HS.",
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+ "text": "Shin-ei HS.",
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+ }
+ },
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+ "junction_name": "Shin-ei HS.",
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+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "1203.213",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eContinue for 1 kilometre.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Continue for 1 kilometre."
+ },
+ {
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 400 metres, Turn right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eChigasaki JrHS.\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 400 metres, Turn right at Chigasaki JrHS.."
+ },
+ {
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eTurn right at \u003csay-as interpret-as\u003d\"address\"\u003eChigasaki JrHS.\u003c/say-as\u003e.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Turn right at Chigasaki JrHS.."
+ }
+ ],
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+ "distancealonggeometry": "1212.213",
+ "primary": {
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+ "text": "Chigasaki JrHS.",
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+ }
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+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eIn 300 metres, Your destination will be on the right.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "In 300 metres, Your destination will be on the right."
+ },
+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "37.5",
+ "ssmlannouncement": "\u003cspeak\u003e\u003camazon:effect name\u003d\"drc\"\u003e\u003cprosody rate\u003d\"1.08\"\u003eYour destination is on the right.\u003c/prosody\u003e\u003c/amazon:effect\u003e\u003c/speak\u003e",
+ "announcement": "Your destination is on the right."
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "distancealonggeometry": "251.978",
+ "primary": {
+ "components": [
+ {
+ "text": "Your destination will be on the right",
+ "type": "text"
+ }
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+ }
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+ "geometry": "__hxbAwymfiGoQfCqFbAsGfCqJjJ{L~YoBtDmIjJsYhOeLpH",
+ "name": "",
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+ 35.541504
+ ],
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+ },
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+ 35.541504
+ ],
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+ "distance": 0.0,
+ "duration": 0.0,
+ "duration_typical": 0.0,
+ "geometry": "{pkxbAy}jfiG??",
+ "name": "",
+ "mode": "driving",
+ "maneuver": {
+ "location": [
+ 139.581421,
+ 35.543326
+ ],
+ "bearing_before": 329.0,
+ "bearing_after": 0.0,
+ "instruction": "Your destination is on the right.",
+ "type": "arrive",
+ "modifier": "right"
+ },
+ "driving_side": "left",
+ "weight": 0.0,
+ "intersections": [
+ {
+ "location": [
+ 139.581421,
+ 35.543326
+ ],
+ "bearings": [
+ 149
+ ],
+ "entry": [
+ true
+ ],
+ "in": 0,
+ "geometry_index": 2286,
+ "admin_index": 2
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "incidents": [
+ {
+ "south": "35.038372",
+ "north": "35.194908",
+ "length": 19821,
+ "east": "139.860961",
+ "west": "139.830261",
+ "id": "16842496073823766",
+ "type": "weather",
+ "congestion": {
+ "value": 101
+ },
+ "description": "50km/h speed restriction",
+ "sub_type": "rain",
+ "sub_type_description": "Rain",
+ "alertc_codes": [
+ 313,
+ 45
+ ],
+ "geometry_index_start": 74,
+ "geometry_index_end": 385,
+ "creation_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
+ "start_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
+ "end_time": "2023-06-02T10:30:00Z",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "JP",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "JPN",
+ "lanes_blocked": [],
+ "affected_road_names": [
+ "E14/国道127号線/富津館山道路/Futtsutateyama Road"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "south": "35.194908",
+ "north": "35.554748",
+ "length": 51853,
+ "east": "140.140701",
+ "west": "139.856231",
+ "id": "10010882516324706",
+ "type": "weather",
+ "congestion": {
+ "value": 101
+ },
+ "description": "50km/h speed restriction",
+ "sub_type": "rain",
+ "sub_type_description": "Rain",
+ "alertc_codes": [
+ 313,
+ 45
+ ],
+ "geometry_index_start": 385,
+ "geometry_index_end": 1176,
+ "creation_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
+ "start_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
+ "end_time": "2023-06-02T10:30:00Z",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "JP",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "JPN",
+ "lanes_blocked": [],
+ "affected_road_names": [
+ "E14/館山自動車道/Tateyama Expwy"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "south": "35.641532",
+ "north": "35.937232",
+ "length": 74803,
+ "east": "140.589355",
+ "west": "139.946395",
+ "id": "11919347058695698",
+ "type": "weather",
+ "congestion": {
+ "value": 101
+ },
+ "description": "50km/h speed restriction",
+ "sub_type": "rain",
+ "sub_type_description": "Rain",
+ "alertc_codes": [
+ 313,
+ 45
+ ],
+ "geometry_index_start": 1379,
+ "geometry_index_end": 1545,
+ "creation_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
+ "start_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
+ "end_time": "2023-06-02T10:30:00Z",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "JP",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "JPN",
+ "lanes_blocked": [],
+ "affected_road_names": [
+ "E51/東関東自動車道(高谷~潮来)/Higashikanto Expwy(Koya To Itako)",
+ "B/首都高速湾岸線/Expwy Wangan Line"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "south": "35.351142",
+ "north": "35.862976",
+ "length": 143233,
+ "east": "140.392288",
+ "west": "139.371978",
+ "id": "5372267336278653",
+ "type": "weather",
+ "congestion": {
+ "value": 101
+ },
+ "description": "50km/h speed restriction",
+ "sub_type": "rain",
+ "sub_type_description": "Rain",
+ "alertc_codes": [
+ 313,
+ 45
+ ],
+ "geometry_index_start": 1379,
+ "geometry_index_end": 1677,
+ "creation_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
+ "start_time": "2023-06-02T10:15:00Z",
+ "end_time": "2023-06-02T10:30:00Z",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "JP",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "JPN",
+ "lanes_blocked": [],
+ "affected_road_names": [
+ "C4/国道468号線/首都圏中央連絡自動車道(茅ヶ崎~大栄)/Shutokenchuo Renraku Expwy(Chigasaki To Taiei)",
+ "県道63号線/Kendou No.63 Line",
+ "E51/東関東自動車道(高谷~潮来)/Higashikanto Expwy(Koya To Itako)",
+ "B/首都高速湾岸線/Expwy Wangan Line",
+ "11/首都高速11号台場線/Expwy No.11 Line Daiba Line",
+ "1/首都高速1号羽田線/Expwy No.1 Line Haneda Line",
+ "C1/首都高速都心環状線/Expwy Inner Circular Route",
+ "麻布通り/Azabu St./都道415号線/Todou No.415 Line",
+ "六本木通り/Roppongi St./都道412号線/Todou No.412 Line",
+ "3/首都高速3号渋谷線/Expwy No.3 Line Shibuya Line",
+ "E1/東名高速道路/Tomei Expwy"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "annotation": {
+ "distance": [
+ 70.3,
+ 9.3,
+ 6.5,
+ 12.6,
+ 10.2,
+ 15.6,
+ 3.7,
+ 16.0,
+ 10.2,
+ 38.4,
+ 32.1,
+ 27.3,
+ 76.6,
+ 76.7,
+ 17.7,
+ 77.6,
+ 26.9,
+ 55.7,
+ 49.5,
+ 49.7,
+ 43.7,
+ 52.4,
+ 24.8,
+ 49.3,
+ 59.0,
+ 17.1,
+ 18.1,
+ 30.6,
+ 31.8,
+ 134.8,
+ 176.4,
+ 121.2,
+ 34.5,
+ 30.2,
+ 34.5,
+ 43.9,
+ 36.8,
+ 55.9,
+ 48.6,
+ 5.8,
+ 121.1,
+ 159.2,
+ 191.7,
+ 114.0,
+ 66.9,
+ 24.2,
+ 38.9,
+ 58.0,
+ 35.0,
+ 15.4,
+ 13.8,
+ 36.6,
+ 39.6,
+ 28.6,
+ 35.8,
+ 43.3,
+ 62.0,
+ 31.0,
+ 62.6,
+ 214.8,
+ 86.3,
+ 61.2,
+ 49.8,
+ 86.2,
+ 30.1,
+ 34.7,
+ 86.8,
+ 31.3,
+ 64.0,
+ 54.5,
+ 18.4,
+ 17.2,
+ 20.6,
+ 23.9,
+ 17.6,
+ 12.5,
+ 90.8,
+ 61.8,
+ 44.0,
+ 46.0,
+ 18.6,
+ 22.6,
+ 25.9,
+ 20.0,
+ 89.6,
+ 64.9,
+ 50.8,
+ 32.1,
+ 22.1,
+ 13.4,
+ 23.2,
+ 24.2,
+ 30.1,
+ 32.9,
+ 163.6,
+ 32.8,
+ 146.3,
+ 9.9,
+ 47.4,
+ 51.6,
+ 41.3,
+ 36.4,
+ 56.5,
+ 33.7,
+ 115.3,
+ 83.8,
+ 224.5,
+ 205.0,
+ 69.8,
+ 86.1,
+ 44.6,
+ 52.9,
+ 51.5,
+ 35.1,
+ 84.5,
+ 71.5,
+ 115.8,
+ 75.4,
+ 118.4,
+ 134.7,
+ 86.9,
+ 92.0,
+ 61.0,
+ 29.3,
+ 90.5,
+ 110.5,
+ 98.9,
+ 60.9,
+ 43.5,
+ 38.3,
+ 18.5,
+ 29.9,
+ 50.6,
+ 34.0,
+ 112.7,
+ 20.0,
+ 28.8,
+ 61.6,
+ 45.2,
+ 22.0,
+ 29.0,
+ 36.0,
+ 64.2,
+ 82.1,
+ 242.7,
+ 140.8,
+ 91.7,
+ 176.3,
+ 265.3,
+ 185.5,
+ 150.4,
+ 40.6,
+ 38.7,
+ 38.6,
+ 24.3,
+ 78.6,
+ 60.2,
+ 61.0,
+ 53.6,
+ 50.5,
+ 49.6,
+ 57.3,
+ 61.2,
+ 40.4,
+ 20.8,
+ 92.3,
+ 40.4,
+ 76.7,
+ 166.3,
+ 152.7,
+ 33.3,
+ 46.0,
+ 26.9,
+ 24.7,
+ 27.1,
+ 52.2,
+ 48.5,
+ 59.3,
+ 59.2,
+ 38.9,
+ 49.7,
+ 66.5,
+ 49.7,
+ 53.4,
+ 71.9,
+ 57.7,
+ 38.0,
+ 10.9,
+ 50.2,
+ 52.9,
+ 68.6,
+ 58.5,
+ 45.9,
+ 44.9,
+ 16.7,
+ 84.7,
+ 41.9,
+ 120.5,
+ 119.0,
+ 48.1,
+ 104.8,
+ 108.1,
+ 14.6,
+ 41.6,
+ 27.9,
+ 29.9,
+ 34.1,
+ 80.0,
+ 107.3,
+ 94.8,
+ 102.0,
+ 43.5,
+ 27.0,
+ 19.6,
+ 20.6,
+ 55.7,
+ 28.9,
+ 63.2,
+ 39.9,
+ 17.9,
+ 22.3,
+ 35.8,
+ 70.6,
+ 80.8,
+ 110.2,
+ 98.5,
+ 40.1,
+ 87.1,
+ 115.7,
+ 24.6,
+ 83.8,
+ 88.6,
+ 50.8,
+ 28.6,
+ 40.2,
+ 38.8,
+ 39.1,
+ 59.8,
+ 59.3,
+ 37.7,
+ 64.6,
+ 95.1,
+ 110.4,
+ 36.3,
+ 41.5,
+ 82.8,
+ 120.0,
+ 13.6,
+ 189.4,
+ 12.5,
+ 157.9,
+ 173.0,
+ 28.4,
+ 87.3,
+ 75.5,
+ 96.3,
+ 14.5,
+ 109.5,
+ 65.1,
+ 66.9,
+ 105.1,
+ 54.7,
+ 82.4,
+ 53.8,
+ 89.0,
+ 28.1,
+ 16.6,
+ 38.6,
+ 34.9,
+ 50.9,
+ 33.8,
+ 44.2,
+ 58.3,
+ 80.9,
+ 119.2,
+ 26.5,
+ 144.4,
+ 19.4,
+ 135.7,
+ 219.2,
+ 108.8,
+ 103.7,
+ 95.5,
+ 662.5,
+ 247.9,
+ 115.3,
+ 148.8,
+ 56.9,
+ 80.3,
+ 72.5,
+ 116.7,
+ 62.3,
+ 28.5,
+ 102.8,
+ 70.3,
+ 99.0,
+ 85.6,
+ 110.9,
+ 51.9,
+ 33.3,
+ 139.9,
+ 61.5,
+ 52.2,
+ 90.9,
+ 62.5,
+ 54.2,
+ 78.1,
+ 42.0,
+ 33.6,
+ 30.3,
+ 22.8,
+ 69.8,
+ 45.7,
+ 46.3,
+ 43.1,
+ 33.2,
+ 38.0,
+ 45.2,
+ 43.9,
+ 36.9,
+ 32.4,
+ 32.1,
+ 30.1,
+ 28.1,
+ 31.8,
+ 40.2,
+ 27.3,
+ 38.3,
+ 40.4,
+ 43.2,
+ 23.8,
+ 34.1,
+ 68.7,
+ 63.4,
+ 87.9,
+ 33.0,
+ 130.7,
+ 41.6,
+ 43.8,
+ 44.5,
+ 39.4,
+ 60.6,
+ 47.4,
+ 126.3,
+ 28.5,
+ 53.3,
+ 40.2,
+ 39.3,
+ 33.0,
+ 24.0,
+ 54.0,
+ 54.8,
+ 39.3,
+ 27.1,
+ 30.0,
+ 34.5,
+ 42.8,
+ 35.8,
+ 39.8,
+ 32.9,
+ 30.9,
+ 33.8,
+ 31.1,
+ 34.9,
+ 36.7,
+ 36.1,
+ 29.5,
+ 29.3,
+ 28.2,
+ 26.9,
+ 29.1,
+ 37.3,
+ 120.9,
+ 38.2,
+ 24.8,
+ 28.0,
+ 21.9,
+ 48.8,
+ 24.0,
+ 24.1,
+ 22.3,
+ 28.9,
+ 31.0,
+ 31.8,
+ 36.2,
+ 34.3,
+ 31.8,
+ 30.0,
+ 25.9,
+ 31.9,
+ 179.1,
+ 69.1,
+ 54.8,
+ 133.9,
+ 77.7,
+ 317.5,
+ 152.4,
+ 112.2,
+ 69.1,
+ 68.5,
+ 83.4,
+ 53.9,
+ 117.3,
+ 126.0,
+ 148.0,
+ 130.7,
+ 120.9,
+ 80.8,
+ 70.6,
+ 46.9,
+ 39.9,
+ 45.8,
+ 32.2,
+ 8.1,
+ 60.7,
+ 40.9,
+ 44.5,
+ 38.7,
+ 36.6,
+ 37.4,
+ 33.7,
+ 35.5,
+ 18.6,
+ 26.0,
+ 26.7,
+ 35.1,
+ 31.9,
+ 55.0,
+ 19.9,
+ 56.7,
+ 65.5,
+ 70.6,
+ 38.9,
+ 39.9,
+ 59.9,
+ 41.4,
+ 67.9,
+ 40.4,
+ 37.3,
+ 27.5,
+ 30.4,
+ 20.2,
+ 48.2,
+ 39.7,
+ 19.7,
+ 19.8,
+ 28.9,
+ 19.7,
+ 28.9,
+ 19.5,
+ 21.8,
+ 16.5,
+ 29.9,
+ 18.7,
+ 27.1,
+ 37.8,
+ 31.9,
+ 20.4,
+ 19.5,
+ 23.8,
+ 35.2,
+ 23.2,
+ 59.7,
+ 39.5,
+ 20.6,
+ 20.1,
+ 21.4,
+ 40.0,
+ 21.8,
+ 19.7,
+ 41.4,
+ 41.2,
+ 19.6,
+ 21.7,
+ 18.5,
+ 21.9,
+ 38.4,
+ 20.0,
+ 20.0,
+ 20.0,
+ 19.5,
+ 24.9,
+ 19.5,
+ 39.8,
+ 39.3,
+ 54.0,
+ 38.8,
+ 57.6,
+ 19.9,
+ 38.2,
+ 38.0,
+ 21.8,
+ 35.6,
+ 19.0,
+ 19.2,
+ 19.1,
+ 36.6,
+ 38.3,
+ 19.6,
+ 18.6,
+ 19.6,
+ 19.5,
+ 76.4,
+ 58.8,
+ 23.8,
+ 34.9,
+ 38.4,
+ 39.8,
+ 28.5,
+ 40.3,
+ 111.0,
+ 80.5,
+ 61.0,
+ 103.9,
+ 58.4,
+ 59.3,
+ 60.2,
+ 40.4,
+ 38.3,
+ 40.4,
+ 61.8,
+ 85.7,
+ 43.2,
+ 26.9,
+ 57.0,
+ 30.3,
+ 21.9,
+ 52.6,
+ 41.2,
+ 61.1,
+ 83.5,
+ 112.0,
+ 82.6,
+ 141.6,
+ 55.4,
+ 93.4,
+ 31.9,
+ 95.6,
+ 84.9,
+ 193.9,
+ 212.0,
+ 199.5,
+ 82.6,
+ 68.8,
+ 91.6,
+ 52.6,
+ 29.9,
+ 30.0,
+ 22.1,
+ 31.4,
+ 28.1,
+ 41.1,
+ 36.9,
+ 37.5,
+ 48.6,
+ 53.6,
+ 36.3,
+ 40.0,
+ 66.5,
+ 41.9,
+ 27.2,
+ 22.7,
+ 15.5,
+ 18.2,
+ 24.2,
+ 21.3,
+ 51.1,
+ 29.2,
+ 28.5,
+ 24.9,
+ 21.8,
+ 24.1,
+ 20.4,
+ 16.8,
+ 22.6,
+ 19.0,
+ 17.5,
+ 21.9,
+ 22.7,
+ 19.0,
+ 24.1,
+ 26.3,
+ 22.5,
+ 43.9,
+ 21.4,
+ 37.4,
+ 22.6,
+ 17.0,
+ 22.0,
+ 22.8,
+ 20.6,
+ 23.6,
+ 27.2,
+ 27.5,
+ 30.9,
+ 21.5,
+ 26.1,
+ 34.0,
+ 32.9,
+ 22.4,
+ 25.5,
+ 18.6,
+ 21.2,
+ 42.7,
+ 44.5,
+ 34.1,
+ 48.1,
+ 25.0,
+ 24.4,
+ 23.0,
+ 20.9,
+ 23.0,
+ 85.9,
+ 80.4,
+ 69.7,
+ 103.9,
+ 107.1,
+ 74.8,
+ 63.3,
+ 82.2,
+ 71.1,
+ 28.4,
+ 22.8,
+ 20.1,
+ 19.2,
+ 17.8,
+ 27.2,
+ 22.0,
+ 14.7,
+ 14.7,
+ 21.3,
+ 21.9,
+ 25.7,
+ 21.9,
+ 19.0,
+ 16.8,
+ 21.9,
+ 27.8,
+ 16.8,
+ 20.3,
+ 20.5,
+ 18.9,
+ 22.6,
+ 16.8,
+ 30.0,
+ 20.5,
+ 25.6,
+ 38.0,
+ 22.1,
+ 30.8,
+ 32.3,
+ 33.9,
+ 53.2,
+ 29.8,
+ 32.6,
+ 38.0,
+ 32.0,
+ 23.3,
+ 34.2,
+ 22.7,
+ 31.4,
+ 21.8,
+ 34.7,
+ 21.2,
+ 29.6,
+ 21.2,
+ 20.3,
+ 44.4,
+ 58.0,
+ 24.1,
+ 37.7,
+ 37.9,
+ 27.6,
+ 40.1,
+ 81.2,
+ 105.4,
+ 118.4,
+ 51.5,
+ 62.3,
+ 39.4,
+ 20.6,
+ 60.4,
+ 81.1,
+ 69.8,
+ 47.0,
+ 46.7,
+ 43.0,
+ 43.5,
+ 26.3,
+ 41.5,
+ 19.4,
+ 22.6,
+ 36.4,
+ 50.2,
+ 32.9,
+ 19.8,
+ 29.0,
+ 36.4,
+ 25.9,
+ 43.9,
+ 20.3,
+ 65.3,
+ 35.7,
+ 41.7,
+ 52.1,
+ 63.8,
+ 41.3,
+ 38.3,
+ 44.9,
+ 46.3,
+ 66.7,
+ 43.2,
+ 51.8,
+ 49.7,
+ 49.6,
+ 59.1,
+ 45.9,
+ 97.7,
+ 46.7,
+ 61.3,
+ 40.3,
+ 37.2,
+ 62.8,
+ 46.3,
+ 29.2,
+ 36.9,
+ 44.8,
+ 35.5,
+ 24.4,
+ 31.1,
+ 28.3,
+ 14.4,
+ 20.6,
+ 23.4,
+ 24.8,
+ 19.3,
+ 33.0,
+ 47.4,
+ 49.8,
+ 22.3,
+ 21.0,
+ 29.7,
+ 30.6,
+ 30.4,
+ 22.4,
+ 24.0,
+ 27.4,
+ 26.4,
+ 25.2,
+ 53.4,
+ 49.5,
+ 22.1,
+ 20.8,
+ 15.8,
+ 39.7,
+ 45.1,
+ 18.9,
+ 27.1,
+ 31.4,
+ 67.9,
+ 123.0,
+ 39.7,
+ 43.6,
+ 32.3,
+ 92.6,
+ 76.9,
+ 71.6,
+ 46.5,
+ 37.4,
+ 34.4,
+ 26.7,
+ 40.2,
+ 31.1,
+ 107.7,
+ 68.4,
+ 44.7,
+ 37.5,
+ 67.9,
+ 69.1,
+ 63.1,
+ 88.1,
+ 113.4,
+ 60.6,
+ 27.1,
+ 68.1,
+ 50.0,
+ 106.5,
+ 128.5,
+ 45.4,
+ 46.5,
+ 34.0,
+ 31.0,
+ 30.9,
+ 42.2,
+ 84.6,
+ 28.0,
+ 41.4,
+ 67.8,
+ 62.0,
+ 56.6,
+ 136.2,
+ 147.3,
+ 53.4,
+ 65.7,
+ 119.8,
+ 66.5,
+ 107.4,
+ 94.2,
+ 50.4,
+ 116.7,
+ 198.9,
+ 208.3,
+ 291.9,
+ 74.4,
+ 64.1,
+ 63.8,
+ 60.9,
+ 43.3,
+ 59.0,
+ 85.1,
+ 52.9,
+ 22.2,
+ 70.5,
+ 113.0,
+ 48.2,
+ 54.1,
+ 97.0,
+ 71.7,
+ 166.3,
+ 244.7,
+ 59.1,
+ 41.5,
+ 100.8,
+ 89.0,
+ 90.6,
+ 114.5,
+ 165.4,
+ 30.9,
+ 22.1,
+ 15.5,
+ 24.9,
+ 28.1,
+ 50.0,
+ 17.0,
+ 73.9,
+ 31.5,
+ 55.0,
+ 18.1,
+ 52.6,
+ 110.1,
+ 168.1,
+ 118.9,
+ 91.5,
+ 127.0,
+ 24.7,
+ 184.3,
+ 328.4,
+ 37.1,
+ 87.3,
+ 87.3,
+ 9.7,
+ 34.0,
+ 60.0,
+ 114.3,
+ 48.7,
+ 50.0,
+ 82.1,
+ 114.7,
+ 125.3,
+ 120.3,
+ 169.3,
+ 134.9,
+ 155.2,
+ 112.4,
+ 101.6,
+ 60.4,
+ 50.4,
+ 75.5,
+ 63.0,
+ 72.3,
+ 56.5,
+ 42.4,
+ 124.9,
+ 243.0,
+ 95.2,
+ 63.7,
+ 53.0,
+ 111.7,
+ 25.6,
+ 8.9,
+ 52.1,
+ 34.3,
+ 40.1,
+ 100.7,
+ 38.3,
+ 38.8,
+ 8.1,
+ 27.1,
+ 10.9,
+ 50.4,
+ 118.9,
+ 89.7,
+ 61.3,
+ 38.3,
+ 54.6,
+ 90.5,
+ 212.4,
+ 20.9,
+ 112.4,
+ 33.2,
+ 17.6,
+ 36.9,
+ 48.0,
+ 57.0,
+ 20.0,
+ 107.6,
+ 44.9,
+ 17.1,
+ 49.2,
+ 50.0,
+ 217.2,
+ 197.5,
+ 265.7,
+ 153.3,
+ 127.4,
+ 153.5,
+ 167.0,
+ 52.9,
+ 232.6,
+ 37.2,
+ 249.7,
+ 36.3,
+ 99.9,
+ 19.3,
+ 319.5,
+ 3.2,
+ 106.5,
+ 79.3,
+ 72.7,
+ 134.5,
+ 103.9,
+ 58.0,
+ 52.1,
+ 28.4,
+ 107.3,
+ 68.6,
+ 72.2,
+ 51.1,
+ 57.2,
+ 111.6,
+ 78.9,
+ 83.2,
+ 89.8,
+ 91.0,
+ 90.2,
+ 84.8,
+ 98.1,
+ 94.8,
+ 147.4,
+ 123.7,
+ 148.5,
+ 158.4,
+ 118.3,
+ 134.0,
+ 61.8,
+ 93.8,
+ 102.5,
+ 110.2,
+ 25.8,
+ 59.6,
+ 149.8,
+ 37.8,
+ 40.8,
+ 116.9,
+ 114.6,
+ 34.1,
+ 22.9,
+ 94.6,
+ 68.7,
+ 185.3,
+ 163.3,
+ 98.9,
+ 183.0,
+ 127.8,
+ 67.7,
+ 85.3,
+ 86.3,
+ 105.2,
+ 68.5,
+ 51.1,
+ 70.7,
+ 43.9,
+ 45.5,
+ 30.8,
+ 95.1,
+ 56.6,
+ 109.0,
+ 62.3,
+ 64.6,
+ 109.4,
+ 108.6,
+ 248.9,
+ 191.7,
+ 56.3,
+ 167.7,
+ 160.7,
+ 115.8,
+ 146.4,
+ 161.7,
+ 83.4,
+ 120.4,
+ 137.7,
+ 121.8,
+ 73.0,
+ 62.2,
+ 66.7,
+ 102.2,
+ 70.9,
+ 64.3,
+ 68.6,
+ 93.3,
+ 66.6,
+ 77.4,
+ 83.4,
+ 69.2,
+ 44.7,
+ 47.4,
+ 48.2,
+ 82.1,
+ 58.4,
+ 47.5,
+ 57.0,
+ 74.2,
+ 45.1,
+ 55.0,
+ 87.0,
+ 77.4,
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+ 65.2,
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+ 60.7,
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+ 57.7,
+ 51.5,
+ 58.4,
+ 83.7,
+ 79.9,
+ 59.7,
+ 58.8,
+ 71.8,
+ 88.7,
+ 121.1,
+ 117.9,
+ 42.7,
+ 47.3,
+ 86.0,
+ 65.1,
+ 61.6,
+ 21.0,
+ 24.9,
+ 41.4,
+ 57.8,
+ 79.4,
+ 20.6,
+ 62.9,
+ 66.2,
+ 79.9,
+ 42.6,
+ 38.8,
+ 45.1,
+ 65.8,
+ 59.9,
+ 44.7,
+ 61.3,
+ 48.9,
+ 82.2,
+ 71.0,
+ 104.7,
+ 71.4,
+ 59.2,
+ 87.5,
+ 139.3,
+ 90.5,
+ 225.4,
+ 299.6,
+ 39.4,
+ 66.4,
+ 30.5,
+ 213.0,
+ 64.1,
+ 53.3,
+ 47.4,
+ 20.5,
+ 83.8,
+ 83.8,
+ 132.1,
+ 180.9,
+ 76.5,
+ 46.0,
+ 85.2,
+ 33.6,
+ 24.0,
+ 96.4,
+ 47.2,
+ 9.6,
+ 264.4,
+ 236.0,
+ 41.6,
+ 51.2,
+ 147.8,
+ 41.0,
+ 37.3,
+ 53.0,
+ 66.1,
+ 74.8,
+ 177.6,
+ 229.3,
+ 216.3,
+ 51.1,
+ 91.1,
+ 128.5,
+ 164.3,
+ 107.7,
+ 25.8,
+ 33.7,
+ 111.7,
+ 203.6,
+ 83.2,
+ 234.7,
+ 146.7,
+ 59.2,
+ 22.9,
+ 61.9,
+ 32.4,
+ 28.0,
+ 87.0,
+ 98.7,
+ 42.8,
+ 45.8,
+ 491.9,
+ 21.4,
+ 35.4,
+ 521.0,
+ 31.8,
+ 11.1,
+ 140.1,
+ 42.0,
+ 251.2,
+ 121.1,
+ 83.0,
+ 122.2,
+ 75.3,
+ 94.9,
+ 63.5,
+ 61.8,
+ 84.4,
+ 161.0,
+ 49.6,
+ 58.0,
+ 80.4,
+ 78.4,
+ 89.7,
+ 130.2,
+ 30.9,
+ 26.1,
+ 104.8,
+ 212.9,
+ 86.6,
+ 52.0,
+ 40.7,
+ 25.0,
+ 50.9,
+ 86.5,
+ 71.5,
+ 28.1,
+ 91.8,
+ 105.9,
+ 59.1,
+ 22.9,
+ 100.9,
+ 73.7,
+ 71.9,
+ 161.5,
+ 50.8,
+ 101.6,
+ 31.2,
+ 44.6,
+ 59.2,
+ 31.1,
+ 118.6,
+ 51.7,
+ 16.6,
+ 74.3,
+ 59.9,
+ 48.1,
+ 20.0,
+ 63.9,
+ 63.0,
+ 44.7,
+ 41.7,
+ 31.2,
+ 11.1,
+ 48.5,
+ 84.4,
+ 83.2,
+ 170.6,
+ 33.6,
+ 208.3,
+ 163.3,
+ 21.1,
+ 23.6,
+ 27.0,
+ 57.1,
+ 180.7,
+ 87.5,
+ 68.0,
+ 22.2,
+ 33.1,
+ 47.0,
+ 48.2,
+ 51.6,
+ 45.7,
+ 48.5,
+ 47.6,
+ 52.9,
+ 44.4,
+ 29.0,
+ 43.4,
+ 25.1,
+ 31.0,
+ 110.1,
+ 130.5,
+ 43.8,
+ 26.4,
+ 30.3,
+ 62.6,
+ 74.1,
+ 68.1,
+ 44.4,
+ 42.6,
+ 46.1,
+ 58.9,
+ 56.6,
+ 114.9,
+ 347.8,
+ 196.6,
+ 86.8,
+ 154.2,
+ 19.2,
+ 23.5,
+ 39.6,
+ 42.7,
+ 24.0,
+ 107.8,
+ 104.7,
+ 108.0,
+ 63.4,
+ 91.6,
+ 82.2,
+ 191.9,
+ 45.5,
+ 12.0,
+ 11.7,
+ 109.1,
+ 30.3,
+ 11.7,
+ 25.8,
+ 40.8,
+ 44.7,
+ 27.5,
+ 30.5,
+ 32.4,
+ 31.1,
+ 26.9,
+ 35.0,
+ 31.0,
+ 28.9,
+ 30.1,
+ 30.1,
+ 28.5,
+ 29.3,
+ 26.8,
+ 36.2,
+ 39.6,
+ 9.2,
+ 15.3,
+ 32.7,
+ 37.1,
+ 24.6,
+ 31.7,
+ 44.3,
+ 71.5,
+ 114.3,
+ 153.7,
+ 172.1,
+ 33.0,
+ 188.6,
+ 60.2,
+ 95.8,
+ 96.6,
+ 28.4,
+ 59.9,
+ 51.0,
+ 85.9,
+ 43.0,
+ 32.6,
+ 47.9,
+ 64.1,
+ 111.4,
+ 120.5,
+ 208.8,
+ 297.7,
+ 96.6,
+ 84.3,
+ 55.8,
+ 153.7,
+ 76.1,
+ 70.2,
+ 69.9,
+ 15.4,
+ 114.4,
+ 91.1,
+ 56.1,
+ 24.8,
+ 120.8,
+ 208.2,
+ 20.4,
+ 147.7,
+ 276.6,
+ 51.7,
+ 268.5,
+ 144.2,
+ 240.8,
+ 101.3,
+ 17.5,
+ 80.4,
+ 91.2,
+ 52.5,
+ 35.4,
+ 111.2,
+ 68.4,
+ 70.9,
+ 108.8,
+ 46.3,
+ 37.0,
+ 176.8,
+ 268.8,
+ 332.5,
+ 123.3,
+ 47.1,
+ 49.7,
+ 33.6,
+ 43.4,
+ 62.6,
+ 29.2,
+ 38.6,
+ 27.0,
+ 3.0,
+ 25.4,
+ 24.1,
+ 13.6,
+ 61.8,
+ 32.3,
+ 29.0,
+ 36.3,
+ 14.4,
+ 13.7,
+ 38.1,
+ 20.6,
+ 26.7,
+ 33.6,
+ 18.3,
+ 51.7,
+ 103.1,
+ 85.4,
+ 84.6,
+ 17.4,
+ 64.8,
+ 97.3,
+ 81.3,
+ 50.5,
+ 203.7,
+ 58.9,
+ 89.4,
+ 200.9,
+ 302.1,
+ 278.0,
+ 75.7,
+ 38.5,
+ 271.6,
+ 326.7,
+ 101.9,
+ 72.0,
+ 62.3,
+ 82.2,
+ 73.6,
+ 78.1,
+ 58.0,
+ 62.7,
+ 40.1,
+ 44.6,
+ 25.1,
+ 21.8,
+ 68.3,
+ 55.4,
+ 70.3,
+ 79.1,
+ 35.7,
+ 119.4,
+ 100.5,
+ 164.5,
+ 101.2,
+ 104.2,
+ 120.2,
+ 33.4,
+ 52.3,
+ 57.1,
+ 53.4,
+ 108.8,
+ 89.6,
+ 163.7,
+ 63.2,
+ 58.6,
+ 255.6,
+ 155.9,
+ 96.6,
+ 103.9,
+ 38.4,
+ 151.0,
+ 133.9,
+ 150.0,
+ 99.9,
+ 121.2,
+ 545.4,
+ 142.0,
+ 123.9,
+ 161.5,
+ 183.1,
+ 102.1,
+ 91.2,
+ 170.0,
+ 51.8,
+ 105.3,
+ 133.0,
+ 64.0,
+ 101.6,
+ 83.4,
+ 102.5,
+ 73.9,
+ 67.6,
+ 40.8,
+ 40.2,
+ 20.0,
+ 57.7,
+ 29.4,
+ 266.8,
+ 178.6,
+ 269.2,
+ 41.9,
+ 345.0,
+ 53.7,
+ 288.7,
+ 50.7,
+ 19.0,
+ 55.1,
+ 61.8,
+ 40.0,
+ 35.0,
+ 40.3,
+ 64.3,
+ 73.4,
+ 48.4,
+ 70.6,
+ 125.1,
+ 20.6,
+ 50.1,
+ 36.2,
+ 21.3,
+ 16.6,
+ 27.2,
+ 22.5,
+ 16.7,
+ 32.7,
+ 24.0,
+ 3.8,
+ 32.8,
+ 6.6,
+ 25.9,
+ 22.1,
+ 21.1,
+ 26.4,
+ 46.6,
+ 26.2,
+ 48.1,
+ 46.9,
+ 38.0,
+ 123.6,
+ 119.1,
+ 207.1,
+ 105.9,
+ 226.2,
+ 69.5,
+ 83.2,
+ 62.4,
+ 268.1,
+ 179.4,
+ 425.1,
+ 30.2,
+ 519.4,
+ 141.4,
+ 340.9,
+ 148.9,
+ 165.4,
+ 180.3,
+ 113.5,
+ 64.0,
+ 55.4,
+ 51.2,
+ 27.0,
+ 52.7,
+ 71.9,
+ 34.9,
+ 57.8,
+ 53.8,
+ 44.0,
+ 47.8,
+ 69.2,
+ 49.5,
+ 53.4,
+ 51.5,
+ 25.7,
+ 61.9,
+ 45.7,
+ 64.0,
+ 144.7,
+ 96.3,
+ 83.7,
+ 73.3,
+ 102.8,
+ 196.1,
+ 28.0,
+ 0.7,
+ 241.8,
+ 32.9,
+ 198.5,
+ 94.6,
+ 176.3,
+ 143.6,
+ 93.3,
+ 62.0,
+ 81.5,
+ 44.4,
+ 322.5,
+ 40.0,
+ 77.1,
+ 111.4,
+ 176.3,
+ 9.5,
+ 33.5,
+ 384.4,
+ 251.3,
+ 44.3,
+ 60.4,
+ 28.4,
+ 127.1,
+ 231.0,
+ 593.3,
+ 128.5,
+ 186.2,
+ 2.9,
+ 199.5,
+ 183.4,
+ 5.8,
+ 151.4,
+ 101.1,
+ 268.6,
+ 152.1,
+ 118.7,
+ 222.7,
+ 43.8,
+ 105.5,
+ 79.3,
+ 275.1,
+ 196.6,
+ 394.5,
+ 57.4,
+ 629.7,
+ 54.6,
+ 133.2,
+ 76.3,
+ 45.5,
+ 19.4,
+ 27.2,
+ 69.4,
+ 45.7,
+ 48.5,
+ 65.2,
+ 66.7,
+ 42.3,
+ 36.2,
+ 74.0,
+ 65.0,
+ 44.6,
+ 51.7,
+ 68.0,
+ 101.4,
+ 139.5,
+ 61.2,
+ 63.1,
+ 258.3,
+ 270.2,
+ 19.3,
+ 19.3,
+ 35.0,
+ 22.2,
+ 405.9,
+ 164.7,
+ 114.6,
+ 125.2,
+ 144.6,
+ 121.9,
+ 94.4,
+ 55.4,
+ 45.2,
+ 68.1,
+ 22.0,
+ 56.2,
+ 45.6,
+ 70.3,
+ 254.8,
+ 215.4,
+ 78.4,
+ 363.7,
+ 35.0,
+ 335.9,
+ 39.2,
+ 36.1,
+ 191.7,
+ 65.8,
+ 30.8,
+ 26.7,
+ 97.2,
+ 927.3,
+ 22.8,
+ 103.5,
+ 310.4,
+ 286.6,
+ 48.1,
+ 40.2,
+ 51.0,
+ 125.6,
+ 121.5,
+ 291.0,
+ 76.6,
+ 111.7,
+ 107.1,
+ 60.9,
+ 99.8,
+ 68.3,
+ 62.6,
+ 114.4,
+ 58.1,
+ 34.5,
+ 38.6,
+ 42.4,
+ 137.3,
+ 151.2,
+ 632.1,
+ 51.0,
+ 96.2,
+ 127.0,
+ 113.2,
+ 107.0,
+ 34.8,
+ 500.6,
+ 213.8,
+ 184.5,
+ 132.8,
+ 75.0,
+ 141.2,
+ 134.5,
+ 98.7,
+ 26.0,
+ 35.7,
+ 54.9,
+ 77.5,
+ 172.5,
+ 228.8,
+ 89.5,
+ 461.2,
+ 850.3,
+ 13.9,
+ 121.6,
+ 56.0,
+ 39.4,
+ 31.8,
+ 28.8,
+ 40.3,
+ 47.9,
+ 32.3,
+ 35.9,
+ 32.3,
+ 35.9,
+ 13.8,
+ 55.2,
+ 43.4,
+ 45.4,
+ 35.0,
+ 154.6,
+ 231.4,
+ 94.3,
+ 119.5,
+ 150.6,
+ 8.4,
+ 11.2,
+ 40.2,
+ 75.3,
+ 100.0,
+ 39.2,
+ 126.8,
+ 94.8,
+ 17.6,
+ 45.3,
+ 195.8,
+ 198.2,
+ 169.8,
+ 17.6,
+ 57.6,
+ 169.0,
+ 140.8,
+ 32.4,
+ 105.1,
+ 28.8,
+ 15.5,
+ 45.3,
+ 87.9,
+ 83.9,
+ 6.3,
+ 103.0,
+ 53.0,
+ 126.8,
+ 182.9,
+ 12.8,
+ 73.4,
+ 137.2,
+ 132.2,
+ 63.6,
+ 190.2,
+ 81.0,
+ 50.2,
+ 174.8,
+ 20.9,
+ 86.5,
+ 66.0,
+ 59.6,
+ 73.4,
+ 40.0,
+ 70.0,
+ 45.4,
+ 47.3,
+ 10.2,
+ 41.6,
+ 73.3,
+ 16.6,
+ 142.5,
+ 217.9,
+ 158.7,
+ 239.9,
+ 14.2,
+ 125.3,
+ 13.4,
+ 144.1,
+ 246.4,
+ 192.3,
+ 24.3,
+ 135.9,
+ 225.9,
+ 45.7,
+ 42.6,
+ 102.0,
+ 77.3,
+ 116.6,
+ 73.8,
+ 44.3,
+ 212.1,
+ 6.8,
+ 118.6,
+ 209.5,
+ 86.8,
+ 160.3,
+ 64.2,
+ 82.1,
+ 20.2,
+ 6.0,
+ 94.2,
+ 92.3,
+ 254.7,
+ 131.7,
+ 65.6,
+ 141.7,
+ 80.6,
+ 94.0,
+ 144.3,
+ 41.2,
+ 83.1,
+ 49.8,
+ 102.5,
+ 60.4,
+ 34.4,
+ 41.6,
+ 44.4,
+ 42.4,
+ 7.2,
+ 39.3,
+ 46.4,
+ 47.3,
+ 46.5,
+ 48.7,
+ 49.8,
+ 72.1,
+ 48.3,
+ 49.3,
+ 189.2,
+ 102.6,
+ 230.5,
+ 315.2,
+ 286.3,
+ 51.9,
+ 53.2,
+ 51.9,
+ 40.3,
+ 13.4,
+ 78.1,
+ 60.9,
+ 48.4,
+ 21.7,
+ 58.2,
+ 140.8,
+ 97.9,
+ 53.5,
+ 155.1,
+ 11.0,
+ 137.1,
+ 132.3,
+ 97.5,
+ 82.3,
+ 100.6,
+ 142.8,
+ 134.0,
+ 137.7,
+ 152.6,
+ 112.3,
+ 186.6,
+ 126.8,
+ 212.0,
+ 143.4,
+ 71.5,
+ 75.1,
+ 104.2,
+ 206.5,
+ 37.8,
+ 428.6,
+ 36.4,
+ 426.8,
+ 289.5,
+ 289.9,
+ 442.9,
+ 254.4,
+ 139.2,
+ 19.3,
+ 452.7,
+ 489.0,
+ 610.3,
+ 216.9,
+ 125.9,
+ 430.9,
+ 527.8,
+ 288.6,
+ 315.2,
+ 369.8,
+ 583.7,
+ 624.1,
+ 266.4,
+ 280.0,
+ 77.9,
+ 182.9,
+ 33.7,
+ 26.0,
+ 78.9,
+ 30.5,
+ 46.9,
+ 31.6,
+ 27.6,
+ 27.9,
+ 34.0,
+ 16.0,
+ 43.8,
+ 34.2,
+ 64.9,
+ 51.6,
+ 22.8,
+ 45.7,
+ 39.1,
+ 28.5,
+ 14.0,
+ 21.8,
+ 17.6,
+ 13.4,
+ 23.5,
+ 20.9,
+ 20.8,
+ 31.0,
+ 8.3,
+ 22.7,
+ 19.0,
+ 22.3,
+ 40.2,
+ 47.0,
+ 46.3,
+ 47.3,
+ 34.6,
+ 22.2,
+ 67.3,
+ 45.6,
+ 45.5,
+ 103.7,
+ 43.9,
+ 102.7,
+ 36.6,
+ 101.5,
+ 116.4,
+ 139.8,
+ 62.7,
+ 70.1,
+ 39.5,
+ 33.5,
+ 50.4,
+ 75.9,
+ 79.1,
+ 53.4,
+ 120.0,
+ 74.5,
+ 80.5,
+ 36.2,
+ 164.0,
+ 35.0,
+ 126.6,
+ 157.9,
+ 253.4,
+ 33.3,
+ 38.3,
+ 23.7,
+ 16.6,
+ 16.7,
+ 20.1,
+ 26.4,
+ 21.2,
+ 54.9,
+ 54.8,
+ 62.2,
+ 117.7,
+ 45.7,
+ 113.3,
+ 47.4,
+ 54.5,
+ 55.3,
+ 34.5,
+ 120.8,
+ 38.3,
+ 93.6,
+ 28.6,
+ 21.4,
+ 21.2,
+ 24.9,
+ 24.3,
+ 26.3,
+ 18.0,
+ 15.4,
+ 13.6,
+ 26.5,
+ 12.4,
+ 14.5,
+ 19.6,
+ 21.0,
+ 12.7,
+ 34.9,
+ 44.3,
+ 62.3,
+ 33.7,
+ 65.0,
+ 25.3,
+ 58.4,
+ 26.4,
+ 28.4,
+ 28.4,
+ 22.1,
+ 23.0,
+ 19.6,
+ 21.6,
+ 11.3,
+ 30.9,
+ 23.8,
+ 26.1,
+ 28.0,
+ 24.6,
+ 30.2,
+ 14.4,
+ 31.0,
+ 50.2,
+ 55.3,
+ 104.8,
+ 98.8,
+ 103.5,
+ 82.4,
+ 75.5,
+ 93.5,
+ 89.7,
+ 78.7,
+ 103.5,
+ 108.0,
+ 208.7,
+ 190.5,
+ 118.1,
+ 112.4,
+ 111.6,
+ 148.1,
+ 99.8,
+ 61.2,
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+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "waypoints": [
+ {
+ "name": "3",
+ "location": [
+ 139.696561,
+ 35.655992
+ ],
+ "distance": 0.0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "",
+ "location": [
+ 139.87476,
+ 35.017036
+ ],
+ "distance": 61.923
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "",
+ "location": [
+ 139.581421,
+ 35.543326
+ ],
+ "distance": 24.422
+ }
+ ],
+ "requestUuid": "x9ZbuXp0US0MNttgsAB6pJxTGh5shcz7ddw9wDYlmutitUqjQ184xQ\u003d\u003d"
+ }
+ ],
+ "uuid": "route_with_duplicaye_incidents",
+ "metadata": {
+ "map": {
+ "tileset_version": "2023_06_02-03_00_07"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/instrumentation-tests/src/main/res/raw/route_with_length.json b/instrumentation-tests/src/main/res/raw/route_with_length.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d81b4e36e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/instrumentation-tests/src/main/res/raw/route_with_length.json
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+ "routes": [
+ {
+ "weight_typical": 11.135,
+ "duration_typical": 11.421,
+ "weight_name": "auto",
+ "weight": 11.271,
+ "duration": 11.56,
+ "distance": 263.003,
+ "legs": [
+ {
+ "via_waypoints": [],
+ "admins": [
+ {
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "JPN",
+ "iso_3166_1": "JP"
+ }
+ ],
+ "incidents": [
+ {
+ "id": "8197267209395880",
+ "type": "construction",
+ "creation_time": "2023-07-27T15:45:00Z",
+ "start_time": "2023-07-27T15:45:00Z",
+ "end_time": "2023-07-27T16:00:00Z",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "JP",
+ "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "JPN",
+ "description": "1st driving lane restriction",
+ "sub_type": "construction",
+ "sub_type_description": "Construction",
+ "alertc_codes": [
+ 449,
+ 31
+ ],
+ "traffic_codes": {
+ "jartic_cause_code": 449,
+ "jartic_regulation_code": 31
+ },
+ "lanes_blocked": [],
+ "length": 1784,
+ "south": 34.837169,
+ "west": 137.513519,
+ "north": 34.845829,
+ "east": 137.528656,
+ "congestion": {
+ "value": 101
+ },
+ "geometry_index_start": 0,
+ "geometry_index_end": 2,
+ "affected_road_names": [
+ "Tomei Expwy"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "weight_typical": 11.135,
+ "duration_typical": 11.421,
+ "weight": 11.271,
+ "duration": 11.56,
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "voiceInstructions": [
+ {
+ "ssmlAnnouncement": "Drive southeast on Tomei Expwy. Then You will arrive at your destination.",
+ "announcement": "Drive southeast on Tomei Expwy. Then You will arrive at your destination.",
+ "distanceAlongGeometry": 263.003
+ },
+ {
+ "ssmlAnnouncement": "You have arrived at your destination.",
+ "announcement": "You have arrived at your destination.",
+ "distanceAlongGeometry": 118.056
+ }
+ ],
+ "intersections": [
+ {
+ "classes": [
+ "toll",
+ "motorway"
+ ],
+ "entry": [
+ true
+ ],
+ "bearings": [
+ 120
+ ],
+ "duration": 8.98,
+ "mapbox_streets_v8": {
+ "class": "motorway"
+ },
+ "is_urban": false,
+ "admin_index": 0,
+ "out": 0,
+ "weight": 8.756,
+ "geometry_index": 0,
+ "location": [
+ 137.52814,
+ 34.837394
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "bearings": [
+ 119,
+ 294
+ ],
+ "entry": [
+ true,
+ false
+ ],
+ "classes": [
+ "toll",
+ "motorway"
+ ],
+ "in": 1,
+ "mapbox_streets_v8": {
+ "class": "motorway"
+ },
+ "is_urban": false,
+ "admin_index": 0,
+ "out": 0,
+ "geometry_index": 5,
+ "location": [
+ 137.530165,
+ 34.836621
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "maneuver": {
+ "type": "depart",
+ "instruction": "Drive southeast on Tomei Expwy.",
+ "bearing_after": 120,
+ "bearing_before": 0,
+ "location": [
+ 137.52814,
+ 34.837394
+ ]
+ },
+ "name": "Tomei Expwy",
+ "weight_typical": 11.135,
+ "duration_typical": 11.421,
+ "duration": 11.56,
+ "distance": 263.003,
+ "driving_side": "left",
+ "weight": 11.271,
+ "mode": "driving",
+ "geometry": "cxhmaAws`ieGxFoOfE{N|HiXrJk`@tKob@vNib@"
+ },
+ {
+ "voiceInstructions": [],
+ "intersections": [
+ {
+ "bearings": [
+ 299
+ ],
+ "entry": [
+ true
+ ],
+ "in": 0,
+ "admin_index": 0,
+ "geometry_index": 6,
+ "location": [
+ 137.53073,
+ 34.836369
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "maneuver": {
+ "type": "arrive",
+ "instruction": "You have arrived at your destination.",
+ "bearing_after": 0,
+ "bearing_before": 119,
+ "location": [
+ 137.53073,
+ 34.836369
+ ]
+ },
+ "name": "Tomei Expwy",
+ "weight_typical": 0,
+ "duration_typical": 0,
+ "duration": 0,
+ "distance": 0,
+ "driving_side": "left",
+ "weight": 0,
+ "mode": "driving",
+ "geometry": "axfmaAsueieG??"
+ }
+ ],
+ "distance": 263.003,
+ "summary": "Tomei Expwy"
+ }
+ ],
+ "geometry": "cxhmaAws`ieGxFoOfE{N|HiXrJk`@tKob@vNib@",
+ "voiceLocale": "en-US"
+ }
+ ],
+ "waypoints": [
+ {
+ "distance": 2.687,
+ "name": "E1",
+ "location": [
+ 137.52814,
+ 34.837394
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "distance": 0.327,
+ "name": "E1",
+ "location": [
+ 137.53073,
+ 34.836369
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "code": "Ok",
+ "uuid": "route_with_length"
diff --git a/libnavigation-base/api/current.txt b/libnavigation-base/api/current.txt
index 432d17ea135..77d38c6059e 100644
--- a/libnavigation-base/api/current.txt
+++ b/libnavigation-base/api/current.txt
@@ -1503,6 +1503,7 @@ package com.mapbox.navigation.base.trip.model.roadobject.incident {
method public String getImpact();
method public java.util.List getLanesBlocked();
method public String? getLanesClearDesc();
+ method public Integer? getLength();
method public String? getLongDescription();
method public java.util.Map> getMultilingualAffectedRoadNames();
method public Long? getNumLanesBlocked();
@@ -1525,6 +1526,7 @@ package com.mapbox.navigation.base.trip.model.roadobject.incident {
property public final boolean isClosed;
property public final java.util.List lanesBlocked;
property public final String? lanesClearDesc;
+ property public final Integer? length;
property public final String? longDescription;
property public final java.util.Map> multilingualAffectedRoadNames;
property public final Long? numLanesBlocked;
diff --git a/libnavigation-base/src/main/java/com/mapbox/navigation/base/trip/model/roadobject/RoadObjectMapper.kt b/libnavigation-base/src/main/java/com/mapbox/navigation/base/trip/model/roadobject/RoadObjectMapper.kt
index 5266ddcabf5..b37a2173e99 100644
--- a/libnavigation-base/src/main/java/com/mapbox/navigation/base/trip/model/roadobject/RoadObjectMapper.kt
+++ b/libnavigation-base/src/main/java/com/mapbox/navigation/base/trip/model/roadobject/RoadObjectMapper.kt
@@ -249,6 +249,7 @@ private fun IncidentInfo.toIncidentInfo() =
+ length,
private fun IncidentType.toIncidentType(): Int =
diff --git a/libnavigation-base/src/main/java/com/mapbox/navigation/base/trip/model/roadobject/incident/IncidentInfo.kt b/libnavigation-base/src/main/java/com/mapbox/navigation/base/trip/model/roadobject/incident/IncidentInfo.kt
index 2335935ad9f..cee80f5a6d2 100644
--- a/libnavigation-base/src/main/java/com/mapbox/navigation/base/trip/model/roadobject/incident/IncidentInfo.kt
+++ b/libnavigation-base/src/main/java/com/mapbox/navigation/base/trip/model/roadobject/incident/IncidentInfo.kt
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import java.util.Date
* @param multilingualAffectedRoadNames affected road names in different languages.
* May contain affected road names from [affectedRoadNames] property in case language is known for them.
* Key is a ISO 639-1, 2 letter language code, value - the list of affected road names.
+ * @param length length of the incident in meters.
class IncidentInfo internal constructor(
val id: String,
@@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ class IncidentInfo internal constructor(
val numLanesBlocked: Long?,
val affectedRoadNames: List?,
val multilingualAffectedRoadNames: Map>,
+ val length: Int?,
) {
@@ -93,6 +95,7 @@ class IncidentInfo internal constructor(
if (numLanesBlocked != other.numLanesBlocked) return false
if (affectedRoadNames != other.affectedRoadNames) return false
if (multilingualAffectedRoadNames != other.multilingualAffectedRoadNames) return false
+ if (length != other.length) return false
return true
@@ -122,6 +125,7 @@ class IncidentInfo internal constructor(
result = 31 * result + numLanesBlocked.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + affectedRoadNames.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + multilingualAffectedRoadNames.hashCode()
+ result = 31 * result + length.hashCode()
return result
@@ -150,7 +154,8 @@ class IncidentInfo internal constructor(
"lanesClearDesc=$lanesClearDesc, " +
"numLanesBlocked=$numLanesBlocked, " +
"affectedRoadNames=$affectedRoadNames, " +
- "multilingualAffectedRoadNames=$multilingualAffectedRoadNames" +
+ "multilingualAffectedRoadNames=$multilingualAffectedRoadNames, " +
+ "length=$length" +
diff --git a/libnavigation-base/src/test/java/com/mapbox/navigation/base/internal/factory/RoadObjectFactoryTest.kt b/libnavigation-base/src/test/java/com/mapbox/navigation/base/internal/factory/RoadObjectFactoryTest.kt
index 49713223fb5..40468562af5 100644
--- a/libnavigation-base/src/test/java/com/mapbox/navigation/base/internal/factory/RoadObjectFactoryTest.kt
+++ b/libnavigation-base/src/test/java/com/mapbox/navigation/base/internal/factory/RoadObjectFactoryTest.kt
@@ -270,7 +270,8 @@ class RoadObjectFactoryTest {
- )
+ ),
@@ -493,6 +494,7 @@ class RoadObjectFactoryTest {
@@ -710,6 +712,7 @@ class RoadObjectFactoryTest {
private val INCIDENT_CREATION_TIME = Date(40)
private val INCIDENT_START_TIME = Date(60)
private val INCIDENT_END_TIME = Date(80)
+ private const val INCIDENT_LENGTH = 12345
private const val USA_CODE_2 = "US"
private const val USA_CODE_3 = "USA"
private const val CANADA_CODE_2 = "CA"