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Yusuke Endoh edited this page Jun 17, 2020 · 35 revisions

NOTE: The contents of this page are obsolete.

Feel free to add your experience!

Additional information about quine-relay on Arch Linux

  • Just install quine-relay-git from AUR.

  • Run quine-relay to start compiling the files in ~/.quine-relay.

If there should be problems with installing one of the packages, report a bug at for the official packages, or leave a comment for the relevant package at

OS X Mountain Lion with Homebrew

Amazon Machine Image (AMI)


  1. Make sure Vagrant and VirtualBox are installed.
  2. Checkout the project.
  3. In its root folder create a Vagrantfile with these contents:
require_relative 'src/code-gen.rb'

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "raring32"
  config.vm.box_url = ""

  config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "
    echo 'golang-go golang-go/dashboard boolean true' > preseed.conf
    sudo debconf-set-selections preseed.conf

  apts = CodeGen::List.reverse.flat_map {|c| {|step| step.apt } }
  config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "sudo apt-get install -y #{ (apts + ["tcc"]).compact.uniq.sort.join " " }"

  1. Run vagrant up and the Ubuntu machine will be automatically built for you (~ 1GB download).
  2. Follow the instructions to build the project
  3. Enjoy!

Long "Waiting for VM to boot"?
-> forcefully power off the VM in the VirtualBox GUI and run "vagrant up" again.


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