Releases: maierkomor/atrium
Releases · maierkomor/atrium
- new runtime-define state-machine concept for binding event-action
pairs to a state of a state-machine - reworked OLED user-interface code to be more flexible
- added support for parasite power on 1-wire bus
- dimmer update
- added init`done event at the end of initialization
- added mqtt support for dimmer/pwm
- advanced I2C init support
- put cyclic processing into dedicated task on esp32
- fixes for I2C error handling
- fixes for esp32/gpio
- fixes for esp32/adc
- fix LED init
- workaround for I2C init bug of IDF v3.3.x
- update to esp32-idf v3.3.6
- added driver for PCA9685
- HT16K33 must now explicitly configured to avoid mis-detections
- added system`ready event that indicates end of startup
- added support for device specific commands for I2C devices
- enhanced LED modes support
- COMPATIBILITY: clock actions have been renamed to display
- fix a potential crash on TCP FIN
- added support for rotary encoder
- PCF8574 must now be configured explicitly
- support PCF8574 as I/O-extender
- generic support for GPIO-clusters
- better button debouncing
- added driver for BH1750 (i2c light-sensor)
- added driver for MCP230xx (gpio clustion)
- added support for setting config bitfields via their enum names
- added actions for setting DS18B20 sampling resolution
- support arguments for actions
- ledstrip action/event/mqtt integration
- uDNS must resolve CNAMEs
- remove IDF event-task
- make use of socket API an option
- fix syslog hang
- added esp32 UART pin routing support
- fix for UART initialization
- renamed console command to term to avoid confusion
- syslog messages with millisecond accuracy
- influx init should restart influx service after stop
- higher log timestamp resolution
- fix config enum-names parsing
- infux/tcp auto-restart
- fix timer interval parsing for minutes
- button's timing thresholds adjustment
- full IPv4/IPv6 dual stack integration for devices >= 4MB flash
- complete new integration with LWIP stack
- new DNS and SNTP implementation
- Telnet optimizations
- further reduced RAM consumption
- enhanced Influx transmission
- new LWIP based OTA transmission
- added direct action triggering support in MQTT
- several minor improvements and bugfixes
- added IPv6 support (disabled on 1MB devices per default)
- added support for multiple DNS servers
- porting work for ESP32-IDF V4.x (incomplete)
- updated to work with IDF tools concept
- ROMFS32 fixes
- enhanced module concept for debug messages
- added command for triggering events from shell
- HT16K33 should register as I2C device
- profiing update and fixes
- HC-SR04 display integration
- fix: float formatting fix
- fix: IPv6 related build issues
- fix: Windows is unable to checkout Atrium due to
- provide available actions via http as /actions.json
- added webpage for direct action triggering
- mkromfs: sort entries by name
- added generic romfs for d1_lite
- display env variables in default index.html
- fix: ROMFS is invisible if SPIFFS is compiled in
- fix: HC-SR04 is not initializing
- added support for SSD1306 OLEDs
- added optimized fonts for paged OLEDs
- auto naming for more devices
- added HDC1000 support
- added APDS-9930 support
- added support for LCDs based on HD44780U with PCF8574 interface
- support for multiple named HC-SR04 with env support
- WFC files are now pre-generated (feature-enhanced, non-public WFC)
- fix: crash on MQTT server resetting connection
- added event accounting
- added SGP30 support
- added CC811B support
- added env command to print variables more readable
- enhanced button event debouncing
- async BME280/BMP280 driver operation
- changed default dmesg size to 1024
- syslog shutdown/resume support
- enhanced handling of multiple I2C devices
- link unique variables to root node
- fix: MQTT may hang in disconnected state, and needs a manual stop
- fix: BMX sensor data should yield NAN on error
- fix: respect LWIP locking
- fix: LWIP related double free
- fix: dmesg size not picked up from config
- fix: WS2812B may not work depending on memory layout on ESP8266
- fix: several minor fixes
- make 'mqtt start' implicit
- bugfix for shell interface of timer
- fix crash, when starting without config
- man pages update
- ds18b20 driver should verify CRC before accepting the value
- do not trigger WPS per default on startup without config
- provide dimensions for measurements
- updated to python version 3
- added support BMP280, BME680
- freed up more RAM
- added a UART monitor (forwards uart rx to syslog)