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File metadata and controls

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Install and run openrouteservice with docker

Installing the openrouteservice backend service with Docker is quite straightforward. All you need is a OSM extract, e.g. from Geofabrik.

Use Dockerhub's hosted Openrouteservice image or build your own image

  • either with docker run
docker run -dt \
  --name ors-app \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v $PWD/graphs:/ors-core/data/graphs \
  -v $PWD/elevation_cache:/ors-core/data/elevation_cache \
  -v $PWD/conf:/ors-conf \  # will copy the container's app.config to the host
  #-v $PWD/your_osm.pbf:/ors-core/data/osm_file.pbf \  # your local PBF file
  -e "JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true -server -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=75 -XX:SurvivorRatio=64 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=3 -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -Xms1g -Xmx2g" \
  -e " -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost" \
  • or with docker-compose
cd docker
docker-compose up -d

This will:

  1. Build the openrouteservice war file from the local codebase and on container startup a local ./conf folder is created which contains the app.config controlling ORS behaviour. If you map a local your_osm.pbf to the container's /ors-core/data/osm_file.pbf, it will build a graph from that OSM file.
  2. Launch the openrouteservice service on port 8080 within a tomcat container at the address http://localhost:8080/ors.

After container launch, modify the ./conf/app.config to your needs, and restart the container. Alternatively you can map an existing app.config which you have locally to the container's /ors-conf/app.config to initialize ORS immediately. If you changed the OSM file after the first container start, don't forget to use BUILD_GRAPHS=True to force a rebuild of the graph(s) (or delete the ./graphs folder, which is the same thing).


There are some important directories one might want to preserve on the host machine, to survive container regeneration. These directories should be mapped as volumes.

  • /ors-core/data/graphs: Contains the built graphs after ORS intialized.
  • /ors-core/data/elevation_cache: Contains the CGIAR elevation tiles if elevation was specified.
  • /var/log/ors/: Contains the ORS logs.
  • /usr/local/tomcat/logs: Contains the Tomcat logs.
  • /ors-conf: Contains the app.config which is used to control ORS.
  • /ors-core/data/osm_file.pbf: The OSM file being used to generate graphs.

Look at the docker-compose.yml for examples.

Environment variables

  • BUILD_GRAPHS: Forces ORS to rebuild the routings graph(s) when set to True. Useful when another PBF is specified in the Docker volume mapping to /ors-core/data/osm_file.pbf
  • JAVA_OPTS: Custom Java runtime options, such as -Xms or -Xmx
  • CATALINA_OPTS: Custom Catalina options

Specify either during container startup or in docker-compose.yml.

Build arguments

When building the image, the following arguments are customizable:

  • APP_CONFIG: Can be changed to specify the location of a custom app.config file. Default ./openrouteservice/src/main/resources/app.config.sample.
  • OSM_FILE: Can be changed to point to a local custom OSM file. Default ./openrouteservice/src/main/files/heidelberg.osm.gz.


Once you have a built image you can decide to start a container with different settings, e.g. changing the OSM file or other settings in the app.config.sample.

Different OSM file

Either you point the build argument OSM_FILE to your desired OSM file during building the image.

Or to change the PBF file when restarting a container:

  1. change the path /ors-core/data/osm_file.pbf is pointing to to your new PBF
  2. set the BUILD_GRAPHS variable to True

E.g. docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e BUILD_GRAPHS=True ./data/andorra-latest.osm.pbf:/ors-core/data/osm_file.pbf docker_ors-app

It should be mentioned that if your dataset is very large, please adjust the -Xmx parameter of JAVA_OPTS environment variable. A good rule of thumb is to give Java 2 x file size of the PBF per profile.

Note, .osm, .osm.gz, and .pbf file format are supported as OSM files.

Customize app.config.sample

Either you point the build argument APP_CONFIG to your custom app.config file.

The app.config which is used is also copied to the container's /share directory. By mapping a directory to that path, you will get access to the app.config. After changing values in the app.config just restart the container. Example:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v ./conf:/ors-conf ors-app


By default the service status is queriable via the http://localhost:8080/ors/v2/health endpoint. When the service is ready, you will be able to request http://localhost:8080/ors/v2/status for further information on the running services.

If you use the default dataset you will be able to request http://localhost:8080/ors/v2/directions?profile=foot-walking&start=8.676581,49.418204&end=8.692803,49.409465 for test purposes.