Web Client to remote AWS EC2 using VNC service
Client apps can be run live either in localhost or server, it use gulp to start locally. You must run devOps if the services don't exist yet on the AWS cloud. To run devOps, make sure you have create the aws credential. To get the key, please log on to your AWS console and do the following step :
- click your account menu on the right top corner
- select My security Credentials
- select Users on the left side menu
- select your User name
- select Security credentials tab
- create access key
- save your access key to the file at ~/.aws/credentials with the following content :
[default] /* It is credentital profile can be set free name i.e. mahdi */
aws_access_key_id = <access_id> aws_secret_access_key = <secret_id>
Run the setup command from the local project directory to install pre-requisites :
$ ./setup.sh
Go to the directory "devOps" and Prepare services, roles, and policies, run the command :
$ ./create.sh <prefix_name>
to remove :
$ ./delete.sh <prefix_name>
Before run, some contents in both files need to change base on yours :
- YOUR_CREDENTIAL_PROFILE : credential profile you have set above
- YOUR_OPENID_CONNECT_ARN : OpenID Arn can be found on AWS IAM - Identity providers - click your provider name. The sample Arn will be like i.e arn:aws:iam::5199957xxxxx:oidc-provider/<PROVIDER_DOMAIN>.
Please read the reference to configure OpenID with Auth0 on folder AUTH0_OPENID_COGNITO
Download noVNC from https://kanaka.github.io/noVNC/, extract and save the noVNC folder in the project directory
From project directory, run the noVNC as service :
$ ./noVNC/utils/launch.sh --vnc ec2-x-x-x-x.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com:5901
Then from project directory on other command console:
$ gulp
If you want to run on public server, just upload all files from folder "webapp" to your public server
$ ./uninstall.sh