Update your A and CNAME records for your domains and hostnames.
Wait for the TTL time to pass and restart your web browser.
After checking with your registrar about where to change your DNS settings, add a CNAME record for your website that points to the Fastly service: prod.magentocloud.map.fastly.net. If you use multiple hostnames for your site, you must add a CNAME record for each one.
composer update magento/ece-tools
Magento Commerce can scale from the smallest Pro12 cluster to the largest Pro120 cluster.
- Pro12 offers a 12-CPU (4 x 3 nodes) and 48GB RAM (16 x 3 nodes)
- Pro120 offers 120 CPU (40 x 3 nodes) up to 480GB RAM (160 x 3 nodes)
For permanent upsize - contact to account manager.
For temp upzise - create support ticket or:
During expected periods of heavy site traffic you can reach out to your Technical Account Manager to request an increase in cluster size. Then when traffic re-stabilizes you can request a down-size in cluster size.