This document assumes that you have docker
, minikube and
kubectl installed.
Note: You can use something other than
to run the cluster.
To deploy the whole app to the cluster, run the following commands. If you want to deploy the app to a specific namespace, you can provide it as an argument.
kubectl apply -R -f deploy/k8s -n <namespace>
To see the status of the deployment, run the following command:
kubectl get deployments -n <namespace>
You can deploy specific services by running the following commands:
kubectl apply -f deploy/k8s/global-configmap.yml -n <namespace>
After deploying the app to the cluster, you can remove the services by running the following commands:
# Remove single service
kubectl delete -f deploy/k8s/global-configmap.yml -n <namespace>
# Remove all services
kubectl delete -R -f deploy/k8s -n <namespace>
To be able to access the API from outside the cluster, you need to configure the ingress by modifying the /etc/hosts
First, you need to get the IP address of the ingress controller.
kubectl get ingress -n <namespace>
Note: It can take a while for the ingress to be ready.
Then, you need to add the IP address of the ingress controller to the /etc/hosts
The format for the file is:
# <ip> <domain> [<domain> ...] api.local