This project implements a simple SmartIOT.Connector runner able to run a SmartIOT.Connector instance as a console application.
The main program takes a json configuration file as parameter, or uses the default ./smartiot-config.json
if none is provided.
See this file for a sample configuration. Please note that the internal "Configuration"
element reflects the Core SmartIOT.Connector configuration (see here)
The sample configuration will log to the console and to daily rolling file smartiot-connector.log
. You can change the logging file from json configuration. The underlying logging library is Serilog, so you can customize the outputTemplate to be used too.
The Console runner can also be run on Docker. You just need to map a volume pointing the configuration folder /SmartIOT.Connector
and expose the ports needed for external communications.
The container image will look for configuration file at /SmartIOT.Connector/smartiot-config.json
A prebuilt Docker image is also available on Docker Hub. Use the following command to pull the latest image, or browse for available tags.
docker pull lucadomenichini/smartiot-connector-app:latest
Provided you installed docker on your machine, go to SmartIOT.Connector root project folder and type:
docker build -t smartiot-connector -f Apps/SmartIOT.Connector.App/Dockerfile .
To run the container you need to provide the volume where the runner will search the smartiot-config.json
configuration file. By default, the container will look for /SmartIOT.Connector/smartiot-config.json
You will also need to expose the ports where the communications with external containers happens. Suppose you are running a Mqtt Server inside the container on port 1883, and exposing Prometheus metrics on port 9001 (as per sample configuration file)
Type this to run the container and expose ports on the host machine:
docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/smartiot-connector/configuration/folder:/SmartIOT.Connector -p 9001:9001 -p 1883:1883 smartiot-connector
Suppose you have downloaded the solution on Windows on folder C:\develop\SmartIOT.Connector. You will have an smartiot-config.json
file under the SmartIOT.Connector.App
project folder.
Type this to use that configuration file:
docker run -it --rm -v C:\develop\SmartIOT.Connector\Apps\SmartIOT.Connector.App:/SmartIOT.Connector -p 9001:9001 -p 1883:1883 smartiot-connector