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IBM InfoSphere DataStage connector

IBM InfoSphere DataStage is a high-performance ETL module within the suite, and is pre-integrated to IGC. The connector implemented for this module is a Data Engine Proxy, translating the creation and update of DataStage ETL routines (jobs and sequences) into the appropriate Egeria components to represent and participate in end-to-end data lineage.

How it works

The IBM DataStage Data Engine Proxy Connector works through a combination of the following:

Getting started


The quick version:

  1. Start with the TL;DR instructions on the main page.
  2. In another shell / command-line window, run the following commands to configure Egeria and startup its services -- making sure to replace the hostnames and port numbers with those relevant to your own environment (localhost:9092 for your own Kafka bus, infosvr with the hostname of your Information Server domain (services) tier, 9446 with the port number of your Information Server domain (services) tier, isadmin with the username for your Information Server environment, and isadmin with the password for your Information Server environment):
    $ curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:9443/open-metadata/admin-services/users/admin/servers/omas_server/local-repository/mode/local-graph-repository"
    $ curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"producer":{"bootstrap.servers":"localhost:9092"},"consumer":{"bootstrap.servers":"localhost:9092"}}' "https://localhost:9443/open-metadata/admin-services/users/admin/servers/myserver/event-bus?connectorProvider=org.odpi.openmetadata.adapters.eventbus.topic.kafka.KafkaOpenMetadataTopicProvider&topicURLRoot=OMRSTopic"
    $ curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:9443/open-metadata/admin-services/users/admin/servers/omas_server/access-services?serviceMode=ENABLED"
    $ curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:9443/open-metadata/admin-services/users/admin/servers/omas_server/instance"
    $ curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:9443/open-metadata/admin-services/users/admin/servers/datastage_proxy/local-repository/mode/in-memory-repository"
    $ curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"class":"DataEngineProxyConfig","accessServiceRootURL":"https://localhost:9443","accessServiceServerName":"omas_server","dataEngineConnection":{"class":"Connection","connectorType":{"class":"ConnectorType","connectorProviderClassName":""},"endpoint":{"class":"Endpoint","address":"infosvr:9446","protocol":"https"},"userId":"isadmin","clearPassword":"isadmin"},"pollIntervalInSeconds":60}' "https://localhost:9443/open-metadata/admin-services/users/admin/servers/datastage_proxy/data-engine-proxy-service/configuration"
    $ curl -k -X POST "https://localhost:9443/open-metadata/admin-services/users/admin/servers/datastage_proxy/instance"

Detailed steps for configuring the DataStage connector

You will need to configure the OMAG Server Platform as follows (order is important) to make use of the DataStage connector. For example payloads and endpoints, see the Postman samples.

  1. Configure a local Egeria metadata repository for the access services, by POSTing something like the following (to use the graph repository, and assuming you are running the OMAG Server Platform locally at its default port of 9443):

    POST https://localhost:9443/open-metadata/admin-services/users/admin/servers/omas_server/local-repository/mode/local-graph-repository
  2. Configure your event bus for the access services, by POSTing a payload like the following (replace the localhost:9092 with the hostname and port number where your Kafka bus is running):

        "producer": {
        "consumer": {


    POST https://localhost:9443/open-metadata/admin-services/users/admin/servers/omas_server/event-bus?connectorProvider=org.odpi.openmetadata.adapters.eventbus.topic.kafka.KafkaOpenMetadataTopicProvider&topicURLRoot=OMRSTopic
  3. Enable the access services by POSTing something like the following:

    POST https://localhost:9443/open-metadata/admin-services/users/admin/servers/omas_server/access-services?serviceMode=ENABLED
  4. The access services should now be configured, and you should now be able to start them by POSTing something like the following:

    POST https://localhost:9443/open-metadata/admin-services/users/admin/servers/omas_server/instance
  5. Configure a local metadata repository for the DataStage connector, by POSTing something like the following (to use the in-memory repository):

    POST https://localhost:9443/open-metadata/admin-services/users/admin/servers/datastage_proxy/local-repository/mode/in-memory-repository
  6. Configure the DataStage connector, by POSTing a payload like the following, replacing the {{igc_host}} with the hostname of your IGC instance, {{igc_port}} with the port number of its domain (services) tier, {{igc_user}} with the username of a user able to access the REST API (eg. isadmin), and {{igc_password}} with the password for that user:

        "class": "DataEngineProxyConfig",
        "accessServiceRootURL": "https://localhost:9443",
        "accessServiceServerName": "omas_server",
        "dataEngineConnection": {
            "class": "Connection",
            "connectorType": {
                "class": "ConnectorType",
                "connectorProviderClassName": ""
            "endpoint": {
                "class": "Endpoint",
                "address": "{{igc_host}}:{{igc_port}}",
                "protocol": "https"
            "userId": "{{igc_user}}",
            "clearPassword": "{{igc_password}}",
            "configurationProperties": {
                "createDataStoreSchemas": false,
                "includeVirtualAssets": true,
                "limitToProjects": [ "dstage1" ]
        "pollIntervalInSeconds": 60


    POST https://localhost:9443/open-metadata/admin-services/users/admin/servers/datastage_proxy/data-engine-proxy-service/configuration

    To operate, the Information Server user credentials must have (at a minimum) the following roles: Suite User, Information Governance Catalog User, and Information Governance Catalog Glossary Author. (The first two are both read-only, non-administrative roles, while the last allows synchronization objects to be created to track the last synchronization point of the DataStage job information.) Finally, if using the connector option to include virtual assets ("includeVirtualAssets": true), the user will also need the Information Governance Catalog Information Asset Author role, as this role is needed to be able to retrieve the full details of virtual assets.

    For v11.7 and above, the user will also need the Information Governance Catalog Asset Administrator role in order to automate the detection of lineage within IGC, prior to having a complete set of lineage for the DataStage connector itself to retrieve. (This is a necessary step to avoid potential race conditions between lineage being fully calculated within IGC and the DataStage connector polling for the lineage information.)

    Note that you need to provide the connectorProvider parameter, set to the name of the DataStage connectorProvider class (value as given above).

    We have also provided some configuration options, set to their default values, that control how the DataStage proxy works:

    • createDataStoreSchemas is a boolean that indicates whether to include the creation of data store-level schemas (when true) or not (when false). When the DataStage connector is used alone in a cohort, without an IGC proxy also running in the cohort, this should be set to true to ensure that the data stores used as sources or targets by DataStage exist in lineage. If an IGC proxy is also being used in the cohort, this should be left at the default value (false) to ensure that the IGC proxy remains the home metadata collection of data store entities and is responsible for notifications of their changes, etc.
    • includeVirtualAssets is a boolean that indicates whether to include the creation of schemas for virtual assets (when true) or not (when false). By default this will be enabled (true) to ensure that virtual assets that might exist in lineage are still included (as IGC alone does not communicate any information about virtual assets).
    • limitToProjects is a list (or single string) that defines the DataStage projects from which we should retrieve jobs and sequences. By default (when not provided), jobs and sequences from all jobs will be included; however, if a list of projects is provided on this parameter, only jobs and sequences from those projects will be included.

    Finally, note that we specify the connector should poll for changes at a particular interval. This is because changes to DataStage routines within DataStage do not trigger events into IGC's embedded Kafka topic (at least for older versions of Information Server), so we must busy-poll for changes. You can modify the interval if you want the connector to wait more or less time between each check for changes.

  7. The connector should now be configured, and you should now be able to start the instance by POSTing something like the following:

    POST https://localhost:9443/open-metadata/admin-services/users/admin/servers/datastage_proxy/instance

After following these instructions, your DataStage environment will be polled for any changes (including creation of new) DataStage jobs (including sequences). For those objects supported by the connector, any new instances or updates to existing instances should result in that metadata automatically being communicated to the Data Engine OMAS within the number of seconds specified by the pollIntervalInSeconds (though be aware that a large number of changes may take some time to synchronize).

Loading samples

If you have a completely empty environment, you may want to load some sample metadata to further explore.

Lineage samples are provided under sample-data/minimal of the samples repository.

These samples are provided as a set of content that can be automatically loaded to Information Server (IGC and DataStage) using Ansible, and a number of publicly-available Ansible roles. (See instructions via the link itself.)

License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.