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Drawing Cayley Diagrams

This file will document how to use ge-lib.js to draw Cayley diagrams. But it does not yet do so, because that feature is not yet implemented.

This file expects that you have read the Basic API document.


To create a Cayley diagram, just pass a group object to the CayleyDiagram constructor:

const A_4 = GE.Library.loadByName( 'A_4' );
const cd = new GE.CayleyDiagram( A_4 );

This will generate a Cayley diagram using default generators, laid out in a rectangular grid. This may not be what you want. Other options include choosing your own diagram generation parameters (which is documented in detail below) or using a predefined layout, if the group provides one.

When groups come with predefined Cayley diagram layouts, they are designed to be aesthetically pleasing. To construct one of those, pass its name as the second parameter to the constructor, like this:

const cd = new GE.CayleyDiagram( A_4, 'Truncated tetrahedron' );

To figure out what names are valid for a particular group, run code like this:

console.log( obj => ) );

Or just use the first one (as long as there is at least one):

const cd = new GE.CayleyDiagram( A_4, A_4.cayleyDiagrams[0].name );

Optional highlighting

You can highlight group elements or partitions in Cayley diagrams in exactly the same way that you can highlight them in cycle graphs. We do not repeat the documentation here; see the relevant portion of the cycle graph documentation.

The only difference is that Cayley diagrams permit highlighting by rings or squares around nodes rather than borders and corners; these are the relevant three functions.

mt.highlightByNodeColor( partition ); // or [ subset ]
mt.highlightByRingAroundNode( partition ); // or [ subset ]
mt.highlightBySquareAroundNode( partition ); // or [ subset ]

Making an SVG, PDF, or PNG

This has not yet been implemented.

To draw a Cayley diagram as an SVG, PDF, or PNG, create an instance of the CayleyDiagramRenderer class, passing your CayleyDiagram to the constructor.

const toBeDrawn = new GE.CayleyDiagramRenderer( cd );

To dump the result to a file, use any one of the following calls.

toBeDrawn.renderSVGFile( 'cayley-diagram.svg' );
toBeDrawn.renderPDFFile( 'cayley-diagram.pdf' );
toBeDrawn.renderPNGFile( 'cayley-diagram.png' );

All are asynchronous and take an optional callback as second argument. The reason for this is that they begin by doing a bunch of asynchronous renderings of element names from MathML to SVGs before using the results to compute best sizes for the resulting renderings.

Consequently it is important to NOT run more than one of those commands in immediate succession. Since they are asynchronous, they will try to run simultaneously on the same object (toBeDrawn) and thus will be simultaneously manipulating its internal state, which can result in incorrect results.


You can set the following options that will be respected when rendering the resulting representation of the 3D scene. Each is specified by calling set( 'optionName', value ) in the CayleyDiagramRenderer after constructing it and before calling renderSVGFile(), renderPDFFile(), or renderPNGFile().

  • cameraPos - same as for Symmetry Objects; see documentation there
  • cameraUp - same as for Symmetry Objects; see documentation there
  • arrowMargin - same as for Symmetry Objects; see documentation there
  • brightHighlights - a number in the range [0,1], defaulting to 0, the amount by which to brighten any highlighting you have done to the diagram. For 3D diagrams, if you use fog, you probably do not want to brighten the highlights at all, because the fog will do so. For flat diagrams, or ones without fog, you may wish to brighten the highlights by setting this value to something in the range [0.25,0.5].

Whether you load a pre-defined Cayley diagram or have one generated for you, it will come with a default set of arrows that correspond to its layout. But you can add to or remove arrows from that set at your convenience, like so, after you're done with other settings, and before rendering:

CD.removeLines(); // remove all arrows
CD.addLines( 5 ); // add the arrow for element 5
CD.addLines( 6 ); // add the arrow for element 6
CD.setLineColors(); // give all arrows distinct colors

By default, arrows in a Cayley diagram signify right multiplication by an element. You can alter this with one line of code, at any point before rendering:

CD.right_multiplication = false;

Also, at any time before calling CD.setLineColors(), you can specify which colors they should be, by assigning an array of strings to CD.arrowColors. The strings can be any valid HTML color string, such as "blue", "#ff0066", or "hsl(100,100%,50%)".

CD.arrowColors = [ 'red', 'blue' ]; // assuming two generators...
CD.setLineColors(); // give generators the distinct colors I just specified

A complete example

We provide a minimal script that can create an SVG, PDF, or PNG file for a Cayley diagram of a group, together with the resulting images.

Properties of Cayley diagrams

You can access the following properties of the CayleyDiagram instance (not the CayleyDiagramRenderer instance).

  • The name of the diagram, if it was one that was built into the group definition in Group Explorer, as opposed to auto-generated
    • cd.diagram_name
  • The placement of arrowheads along the lines/curves on which they sit
    • cd.arrowheadPlacement (defaults to 1)
    • Set this to any value in the range 0 to 1.
    • For example, 0.5 means the midpoint of the curve, and 1 means its end.
  • The following properties are the same for Cayley diagrams as for objects of symmetry; see the documentation there for details.
    • cd.nodes
    • cd.lines
    • cd.zoomLevel
    • cd.lineWidth
    • cd.nodeScale
    • cd.fogLevel

Generating a diagram

To ask Group Explorer to generate a diagram from predefined parameters, follow these instructions. We assume you have chosen a list of generators, let us call them g1 and g2, for a concrete example. These will be chosen from among the elements of the group, group.elements.

The generators will be used to create a grid of group elements in memory. Since we are considering an example with only two generators, the grid would look something like this, where n and m are the orders of g1 and g2, respectively.

   e     g1       g1^2       ...  g1^n
   g2    g1*g2    g1^2*g2    ...  g1^n*g2
   :     :        :               :
   g2^m  g1*g2^m  g1^2*g2^m  ...  g1^n*g2^m

For more generators, the grid is three-dimensional, four-dimensional, or more, as needed. The grid is not always perfectly rectangular, due to the structure of the group. (That is, there may be some empty entries, or "shorter rows".)

The options you choose will determine how such a grid is laid out in space to form a diagram. In such a grid, notice that each generator determines an axis, so we will specify the grid's layout one generator at a time.

For each generator, you will need to choose a layout, a direction, and a nesting level, as we now explain.

  • Layout: How should the axis corresponding to that generator be laid out in space? There are three options.

    • Linear
      • in a straight line, with an arrow connecting the end of the line to the beginning
      • represented in code by GE.CayleyDiagram.LINEAR_LAYOUT
      • Example:
        Linear progression in x
    • Circular
      • in a circle, with each element of the circle oriented the same way
      • represented in code by GE.CayleyDiagram.CIRCULAR_LAYOUT
      • Example:
        Circular progression in x and y
    • Rotated
      • in a circle, with each element of the circle rotated separately
      • represented in code by GE.CayleyDiagram.ROTATED_LAYOUT
      • Example:
        Rotated progression in x and y
  • Direction: Which of the axes in 3-space should be used for the layout you've chosen? The options you have depend on the layout.

    • For linear layouts, choose any of the three axes.
      • GE.CayleyDiagram.X_DIRECTION
        Linear progression in x
      • GE.CayleyDiagram.Y_DIRECTION
        Linear progression in y
      • GE.CayleyDiagram.Z_DIRECTION
        Linear progression in z
    • For circular layouts, choose any of the three planes.
      • GE.CayleyDiagram.XY_DIRECTION
        Circular progression in x and y
      • GE.CayleyDiagram.XZ_DIRECTION
        Circular progression in x and z
      • GE.CayleyDiagram.YZ_DIRECTION
        Circular progression in y and z
    • For rotated layouts, choose any of the three planes.
      • GE.CayleyDiagram.XY_DIRECTION
        Rotated progression in x and y
      • GE.CayleyDiagram.XZ_DIRECTION
        Rotated progression in x and z
      • GE.CayleyDiagram.YZ_DIRECTION
        Rotated progression in y and z
  • Nesting level: How should we nest one layout inside another?

    To best illustrate what this question means, consider a group generated by two generators, and assume you've chosen a linear layout for generator 1 and a circular layout for generator 2. The question then becomes: Do you want an overall linear layout with circles inside it, thus forming a line of circles? Or do you want an overall circular layout with lines inside it, thus forming a circle of lines? This is the question of "nesting level."

    Your nesting levels must form a permutation of the numbers [0,1,...,n-1] where n is the number of generators. The default permutation (from 0 through n-1 in that order) nests the first generator as the innermost and the last as the outermost. Let us consider two examples.

    • Example 1:
      • Generator 1: linear layout, x axis, nesting=0
      • Generator 2: rotated layout, xy axes, nesting=1
      • This creates an overall rotated layout using generator 2 (nesting=1 means outside) with lines inside it using generator 1 (nesting=0 means inside).
      • Example using the group $D_4$:
        (Note the rotated red line segments inside a circular layout.)
        Cayley diagram for D_4
    • Example 2:
      • Generator 1: linear layout, x axis, nesting=1
      • Generator 2: rotated layout, xy axes, nesting=0
      • This creates an overall linear layout using generator 1 (nesting=1 means outside) with circles inside it using generator 2 (nesting=0 means inside).
      • Example using the group $D_4$:
        (Note the sort-of-circular teal portions arrranged inside a simple, two-step, horizontal linear layout.)
        Cayley diagram for D_4

Assuming for our generators g1 and g2 we have layout values chosen L1 and L2, and axes values chosen A1 and A2, and nesting levels chosen N1 and N2, then we tell the diagram how to generate itself with a function call like the following.

cd.setStrategies( [
    [ g1, L1, A1, N1 ],
    [ g2, L2, A2, N2 ]
    // if you had more generators, add their data here
] );

Here are two concrete examples, which were used to generate the two illustrations shown above.

// assuming you have done this:
const group = GE.Library.loadByName( 'D_4' );
const CD = new GE.CayleyDiagram( group );
// then you can either do this:
CD.setStrategies( [
    [ 5, GE.CayleyDiagram.LINEAR_LAYOUT,  GE.CayleyDiagram.X_DIRECTION,  0 ],
    [ 1, GE.CayleyDiagram.ROTATED_LAYOUT, GE.CayleyDiagram.XY_DIRECTION, 1 ]
] );
// or this (note only the final column is different):
CD.setStrategies( [
    [ 5, GE.CayleyDiagram.LINEAR_LAYOUT,  GE.CayleyDiagram.X_DIRECTION,  1 ],
    [ 1, GE.CayleyDiagram.ROTATED_LAYOUT, GE.CayleyDiagram.XY_DIRECTION, 0 ]
] );
// and render thereafter, as in other examples

Old example

The following example was provided before there was a way to actually draw Cayley diagrams with CayleyDiagramRenderer. It is kept here merely for reference.

const dumpCayleyDiagram = ( cd, precision = 3 ) => {
    const f = n => Number( n ).toFixed( precision );
    console.log( `Cayley diagram for "${}":` ); node => {
        const color = new THREE.Color( node.color );
        console.log( `\t${node.element} @ `
                   + `(${f(node.point.x)},${f(node.point.y)},${f(node.point.z)}), `
                   + `rgb: (${f(color.r)},${f(color.g)},${f(color.b)}), ${node.label}` );
        // node.radius is typically undefined, so not dumping that out here
        if ( node.colorHighlight )
            console.log( `\t\tColor highlight: ${node.colorHighlight}` );
        if ( node.ringHighlight )
            console.log( `\t\tRing highlight: ${node.ringHighlight}` );
        if ( node.squareHighlight )
            console.log( `\t\tSquare highlight: ${node.squareHighlight}` );
    } ); line => {
        const arrow = line.arrowhead ? '->' : '--';
        const cgroup = line.vertices[0] v => v.element ).sort().join( ',' );
        const style = ? `curve in ${cgroup}`
                                 : 'line';
        console.log( `\t${line.arrow}-arrow: `
                   + `${line.vertices[0].element}${arrow}${line.vertices[1].element} `
                   + `${line.color} ${style}` );
        // not reporting line.offset here, but it's the user-edited curvature
    } );