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Lookit jsPsych

Documentation Status Github Actions build Github Actions release

Here is our mono-repo containing packages developed by Lookit to used with jsPsych on the project.

For those looking to use our jsPsych packages, please see our researcher documentation.

Create new package

We are using npm workspaces for managing our packages.

To create a new package, run the following at the root of the project:

npm init --scope @lookit --workspace packages/<name of new package>

Giving the default answers to npm init seems to work okay. I am sure this will change.

Add build and test script to new package's package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "jest --coverage",
    "dev": "rollup --config --watch",
    "build": "rollup --config"

And add the following to package.json:

  "unpkg": "dist/index.browser.min.js",
  "files": [

Update the following in package.json:

    "main": "dist/index.js",

At the root of the new package run the following commands:

mkdir src
echo "export default {}" > src/index.ts
touch tsconfig.json rollup.config.mjs jest.config.cjs
cd ../..

Edit tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "strict": true
  "extends": "@jspsych/config/tsconfig.json",
  "include": ["src"]

Edit rollup.config.mjs:

import { makeRollupConfig } from "@jspsych/config/rollup";
// This package name needs to be unique
export default makeRollupConfig("<camelcase name of new package>");


import { makeDevConfig } from "../../rollup-dev.mjs";
import rollupConfig from "./rollup.config.mjs";
const port = 10001; // this needs to change for each package
export default makeDevConfig(rollupConfig, port);

Edit jest.config.cjs

module.exports = require("../../jest.cjs").makePackageConfig();

You will need @jspsych/config to build your new package:

npm i @jspsych/config -w @lookit/<name of new package>

Build all packages

First, create a .env file at the root of the monorepo. It can contain the following for a successful local development build.


Next, we can use npm to install dependencies.

npm ci

Then, build all packages.

npm run build


Lint and formatting is done at the monorepo level.

To auto fix linting/formatting issues:

npm run fix

Unfixable issues will be displayed as errors.

Change log

Adding a change log through changeset is done with the following command:

npm run changeset

Try to only bump packages that have actual changes and be sure to add the change log found in the .changeset directory to the PR.

Package Release

Package release is automated using github actions. You can find the release script in this repo in the .github/workflows/ directory.

The NPM token required to release packages should never expire. If, for some reason, a new token is required. You will have to first generate one through NPM.

  1. Login to
  2. Select "Access Tokens" from your user dropdown.
  3. In the "Generate New Token" dropdown, select "Classic Token".
  4. Give the token a meaningful name, select "Automation" radio button, and click "Generate Token".
  5. Copy token or leave the website open. If you close this page without copying, you will have to generate a new token. There will be no way to get it back.

Next we have to move the NPM token to github actions.

  1. Login to Github and goto
  2. Click the "Pencil" icon next to NPM_TOKEN.
  3. Paste NPM token from above. There won't be a token in the value box. This is to keep the current token secret.
  4. Click "Update secret".

This should allow the release script to be able to publish our packages without authentication.

Run dev server

To run a development server:

npm run dev -w @lookit/<name of package>

When the server has started, you should see something very similar to <script src=""></script> printed out. Add this html to web/templates/web/jspsych-study-detail.html in the Django lookit api project to test the package in your local development environment.

Serve multiple packages

The above command will serve a single package and wait for changes. If you need to serve multiple packages locally, you can open separate terminals for each package and run the npm run dev command in each. Another option is to install Honcho and write a Procfile to serve/watch multiple packages in the same terminal.

Create a file called Procfile in the root project directory, and list the npm run dev commands for each package that you want to serve, preceded by the label you want to give it (to identify the print statements associated with each package in the terminal).

lookit-initjspsych: npm run dev -w @lookit/lookit-initjspsych
lookit-api: npm run dev -w @lookit/lookit-api
lookit-helpers: npm run dev -w @lookit/lookit-helpers

This method is optional (Honcho should not be added to the project dependencies, and Procfile has been added to our gitignore).


To run documentation development server you will need to have Python 3.12 and Poetry installed. To start the local development server:

make serve

To build the documentation:

make build

This will create/update a "site" directory in the project root, containing all of the static files.


The documentation pages are generated from the README markdown files in the project root directory and the individual package directories. The main project documentation page comes from the root markdown file at packages/ and the documentation for each package comes from the README markdown files in each package root (e.g. packages/data/ for the Data package.) This documentation structure is defined in mkdocs.yml.

The reason for having the documentation pages in these different locations throughout the repository is so that they can be re-used as the package's landing page on NPM. This way, the documentation is bundled into each package, and the NPM site will automatically use the file as the package's landing page.