- .bashrc: add
function - nvim: rough first cut of set up. plugins etc still to configure
- instal
, reformat lua files. Add stylua to install_apps.sh, clean up script.
- remove vim files and dirs :(
- include mason, lspconfig, lua and pylsp, plus key commands. phew
- rename actual dotfiles. clean
, remove dead files, remove pyenv invocations
- complete coc.vim setup
- vim: tagbar settings
- use tagbar instead of vista. add F6 key for bufexplorer
- bashrc: add app_release function
- new
script. TODO: on setup, link to .local/bin
- ftplugin: use expandtab in python
- add remarkrc.json, add markdown ftplugin, add bufexplorer vim plugin
- install_apps: install vim-plug instead of Vundle
- install_apps: include fonts-powerline. exclude vim/autload and /plugged dirs
- grab git-completion script in install_apps and source in bashrc
- vim/init: install gutentags plugin. set cache dir (#2)
- install_apps: include openssh-server and start service
- vim: use vim-plug instead of vundle. clean up configs
- install_apps.sh: use apt to install default packages. install Vundle, compile YCM
- split vim config into separate files
- revised vimr and new vim dir for ftplugins
- vimrc: include black plugin
- add hook for machine specific vimrc
- clean up pyenv invocation
- reworked vimrc
- bashrc: hooks for machinerc & aliases. pyenv fluff. ssh-agent key
- setupsh: copy in template files
- gitconfig: remove user section
- setup, inputrc: include inputrc, sort out bell
- profile: only do ssh_auth_sock on penguin
- vimrc: cleanups
- gitconfig: ff only
- vimrc: cleanup vundles, clean pu python settings
- setup: include vimrc in setup
- clean up paths. remove command that breaks tty
- setup: safe way to symlink vim directories. exclude vim/bundle used to store vim plugins
- setup: new vim links
- setup: broken setup
- simplify for future boxes.