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--- a/docs/knowledge-base/playground.md
+++ b/docs/knowledge-base/playground.md
@@ -280,3 +280,21 @@ i18n/zh-Hans/plugin-content-docs/current.
Absolute file paths can also be relative to the site directory. However, beware that links that begin with /docs/ or
/blog/ are not portable as you would need to manually update them if you create new doc versions or localize them.
+## Content Toggle (Accordion)
+ Toggle me!
+This is the detailed content
+ ```js
+ console.log("Markdown features including the code block are available");
+ ```
+You can use Markdown here including **bold** and _italic_ text, and [inline link](https://docusaurus.io)
+ Nested toggle! Some surprise inside...
+ 😲😲😲😲😲
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+ "label": "Device Types",
+ "position": 21,
+ "collapsed": true
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+# Table Config (TODO)
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+title: Integrations (TODO)
sidebar_position: 0
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+draft: true
# Integrations
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+title: LoRaWAN LNS (TODO)
+draft: true
+# Integrate LoRaWAN Network Server
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+# SFTP (CSV) Integration (TODO)
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+# Organisation (TODO)
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+# wMbus Keys (TODO)
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+draft: true
+# Parser
+A Parser is written in JavaScript. It takes raw input from the device and converts the data into a unified format used
+by the Platform.
+In addition, the parser can access an API to set device level properties and additional meta information outside the
+actual data record.
+Parsers are attached to every device type and can be overwritten by a single device.
+function Parse(input) {
+ var dataStr = atob(input.data);
+ var data = bytes(dataStr);
+ // Decode an incoming message to an object of fields.
+ var decoded = {input: input};
+ return decoded;
+## Parser JavaScript API
+### Helper functions
+Functions to cast Types, convert between Hex/Base64/Bytes etc.
+// Bytes can convert binary data to byte array
+// atob converts Base64 string to byte string
+var bytes = bytes(atob("aGFsbG8gYmFzZTY0"));
+// Convert Base64 to byte array, shortcut for bytes(atob(...))
+var bytes = parseBase64("aGFsbG8gYmFzZTY0");
+// Convert bytes to string
+var str = string(bytes);
+// byte parsing helper
+uint16BE(bytes, idx);
+uint16LE(bytes, idx);
+uint32BE(bytes, idx);
+uint32LE(bytes, idx);
+float32LE(bytes, idx);
+float32BE(bytes, idx);
+### Parser functions
+The global namespace `Parser` contains general functions for using extended parser features.
+// Parse wMbus message
+// Takes bytes of a partial message and a cacheKey
+// In context of the receiving device all data with the same cacheKey
+// is concatinated and the restult returned
+// To start a new message, pass a new cacheKey
+var joined = Parser.joinPartial(bytes, cacheKey);
+// Clears all data with the given cacheKey
+// returns the joined parts that were added by joinPartial before
+var joined = Parser.clearPartial(cacheKey);
+// Equivalent to clearPartial followed by joinPartial
+var joined = Parser.newPartial(cacheKey);
+### Device functions
+Functions Related to the Device the Parser is executed for.
+Access device related information
+// Read only properties:
+Device.name // String
+Device.address // String
+Device.tags // Array of Strings
+Device.serial // String
+// Update the physical location of the sensor
+Device.setLocation(lon, lat)
+// Set an device config value, displayed on the "Config" tab of the device
+Device.setConfig("key", "value");
+// Set an arbitrary device property, displayed on the "Overview" tab of the device
+Device.setProperty("key", "value");
+// Get Configuration Value by Name
+// Opearates on a snapshot of values before the parser execution.
+// value is null if if the value is not set.
+// value type is string, number or bool.
+// Byte arrays are encoded as Base64 strings.
+var value = Device.getConfig("key");
+### Record functions
+// Get the time when the data was received by the server in ms, compatible with new Date(t).
+var t = Record.getReceivedAt();
+Set the measured time based on a field on the result json.
+// setTimeField sets the field name from which the time is extracted, and the time format it is written in.
+// The parser will extract it from and set it for each returned (batch) record in the DB.
+// fieldName is the field of the record that contains the time
+// timeFmt is optional and defaults to "UNIXMS"
+Record.setTimeField(fieldName, timeFmt);
+**fieldName values**
+The field name can be a top level field or a path to the field in the record, e.g. `path.to.time`.
+Syntax of the fieldName is handled by gjson, see: https://github.com/tidwall/gjson
+**timeFmt values**
+* `UNIXMS` - Unix timestamp in milliseconds
+* `UNIXS` - Unix timestamp in seconds
+* `RFC3339` - RFC3339 (ISO 8601) date string
+setTime is deprecated. Use setTimeField instead.
+setTime can only set a single time for all results.
+// Set the Sensor time (Measured At) of the current data record. Used for display, filter, sorting.
+// The Timestamp must be in JS style and thus in milli seconds
+// Deprecated: Use setTimefield instead
+Record.setTime(new Date(timestamp_ms));
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+# M-Bus Parser
+The Lobaro M-Bus Parser is used from device Parsers and available as web API
+at https://platform.lobaro.com/#/wmbus/parser
+Supported formats:
+* M-Bus (Meter-Bus)
+* wM-Bus (Wireless M-Bus)
+* Sensus RF BUP (
+ see [SensusRF Brochure](https://www.xylem.com/siteassets/industries--applications/resources/comm-networks/en---sensusrf-brochure.pdf))
+* µline (see https://www.mue-line.de/)
+An Platform Account an license is required to use the wMbus Parser. We offer trial licenses for testing.
+## Supported Features and Manufacturers
+We support almost the full M-Bus (EN 13757) and OMS specification.
+This leads to support of almost **all devices** on the market.
+**Notable Features are:**
+* Decryption Modes
+ * Mode 3 (DES with IV)
+ * Mode 5 (AES with CBC)
+ * Mode 7 (AES with CBC and KDF)
+ * Mode 9 (AES with GCM)
+ * 0xFE - Counter-Mode AES-128 (AES128 with CTR)
+ * DIEHL Prios Proprietary encryption
+* Headers
+ * All Manufacturer Codes
+ * Most headers including:
+ * 0x8C (Extended Connection Layer 1)
+ * 0x8D (Extended Connection Layer 2)
+ * 0x8E (Extended Connection Layer 3)
+ * 0x8F (Extended Connection Layer 4)
+ * 0x90 (Auth and Fragmentation Layer)
+ * 0x70 (Error)
+ * All Short Headers (4 Bytes) e.g. 0x72
+ * All Long Headers (12 Bytes) e.g. 0x7A
+ * 0x72 (Short Header)
+ * and more
+* Data Records
+ * All DIFs and VIFs and most extensions
+ * All data formats
+ * All units
+ * All quantities
+ * Compact Frames
+* Format Frames
+### Manufacturer Specifics
+Some Telegrams contain manufacturer specific data. We try to parse support as many as possible.
+Even if we do not parse the data, it's available from the result in binary form.
+- SensusRF Bubble UP (Proprietary Radio)
+- DIEHL Real Data (Proprietary Encryption)
+- QUNDIS Walkby (Proprietary Format)
+**Smoke Detector Status Information:**
+- EI Electronics
+- Sontex
+- Zenner
+Various fixes and workarounds for manufacturer specific bugs that do not follow the specification.
+The list is not exhaustive. Other manufacturers and features might be supported as well.
+If in doubt, please contact us.
+## API Response Example
+The following is an example of the parsing result of an encrypted example telegram from the OMS specification:
+ **JSON Response**
+ "Raw": "0x2e4493157856341233037a2a0020055923c95aaa26d1b2e7493b013ec4a6f6d3529b520edff0ea6defc99d6d69ebf3",
+ "RawWithCrc": "0x2e44931578563412330333637a2a0020055923c95aaa26d1b2e7493b2a8b013ec4a6f6d3529b520edff0ea6defc955b29d6d69ebf3ec8a",
+ "FrameFormat": "A",
+ "Length": 46,
+ "CField": "0x44",
+ "CFieldString": "0x44 (SND_NR)",
+ "MField": "0x9315",
+ "MFieldCodeString": "ELS",
+ "MFieldLongString": "Elster GmbH, Germany, Europe",
+ "Id": 305419896,
+ "IdString": "12345678",
+ "Version": 51,
+ "Device": "0x03",
+ "DeviceString": "Gas",
+ "CiField": "0x7a",
+ "HeaderKnown": true,
+ "PayloadKnown": true,
+ "CrcValid": true,
+ "HasCrc": true,
+ "SourceType": "WMBUS",
+ "IsCompactFrame": false,
+ "FormatSignature": 61330,
+ "FormatFrame": "0x0c14046d02fd17",
+ "ParserVersion": "1.11.3",
+ "Header": {
+ "Serial": 0,
+ "IdString": "",
+ "ManufacturerCode": 0,
+ "MFieldCodeString": "",
+ "MFieldLongString": "",
+ "Version": 0,
+ "DeviceType": "0x00",
+ "DeviceString": "",
+ "EncryptionMode": 5,
+ "EncryptionModeString": "AES with CBC",
+ "EncryptedBlocks": 2,
+ "HopCount": 0,
+ "IsAccessible": false,
+ "IsBidirectionalMode": false,
+ "IsSynchronous": false,
+ "ReservedBit": false,
+ "TelegramType": 0,
+ "AccessNumber": 42,
+ "StatusByte": 0,
+ "ConfigField": [
+ 32,
+ 5
+ ]
+ },
+ "Ell": null,
+ "Afl": null,
+ "Body": {
+ "Raw": "0x2f2f0c1427048502046d32371f1502fd1700002f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f2f",
+ "DataRecords": [
+ {
+ "DifDataLength": 4,
+ "DifFunctionString": "Current Value",
+ "DifDataFormat": "BCD (8 digits)",
+ "DifSubunit": 0,
+ "VifUnit": "m^3",
+ "VifQuantity": "Volume",
+ "VifExponent": 0.01,
+ "VifEDescription": "",
+ "Value": 2850427,
+ "ValueScaled": 28504.27,
+ "ValueString": "28504.27",
+ "Tariff": 0,
+ "StorageNo": 0,
+ "DifVif": "0x0c14",
+ "Data": "0x27048502"
+ },
+ {
+ "DifDataLength": 4,
+ "DifFunctionString": "Current Value",
+ "DifDataFormat": "signed binary (32 bits), or date/time in F format",
+ "DifSubunit": 0,
+ "VifUnit": "",
+ "VifQuantity": "Time & Date",
+ "VifExponent": 1,
+ "VifEDescription": "",
+ "Value": 354367282,
+ "ValueScaled": 354367282,
+ "ValueString": "2008-05-31T23:50:00Z",
+ "Tariff": 0,
+ "StorageNo": 0,
+ "DifVif": "0x046d",
+ "Data": "0x32371f15"
+ },
+ {
+ "DifDataLength": 2,
+ "DifFunctionString": "Current Value",
+ "DifDataFormat": "signed binary (16 bits), or date in G format",
+ "DifSubunit": 0,
+ "VifUnit": "",
+ "VifQuantity": "Error flags",
+ "VifExponent": 1,
+ "VifEDescription": "",
+ "Value": 0,
+ "ValueScaled": 0,
+ "ValueString": "0",
+ "Tariff": 0,
+ "StorageNo": 0,
+ "DifVif": "0x02fd17",
+ "Data": "0x0000"
+ }
+ ],
+ "PayloadKnown": true,
+ "IsEncrypted": false,
+ "DecryptionFailed": false,
+ "BlockCiField": 0
+ },
+ "KeyIdentifier": "6CDF4E13B88E3B890A803C4EECF8B89D60916C2E4E3C5CB32818F06A56BB60B5"
+### Important Fields
+| Field | Description |
+| ParserVersion | Version of the Parser (e.g. `1.11.3`) | |
+| Raw | Raw telegram data as passed to the API, might contain a CRC or not |
+| RawWithCrc | The Raw Telegram with CRC, CRC is added when not already present in Raw | |
+| IsEncrypted | `true` if the parsed telegram is still encrypted |
+| DecryptionFailed | true if the parser tied to decrypt the telegram without success.
Can be used in conjunction with IsEncrypted to detect if the telegram was encrypted (see below). |
+| PayloadKnown | If the payload of the telegram (related to the CI field) is known to the parser and can be parsed |
+| BodyParseError | Error while parsing the payload body |
+| FormatFrame | The FormatFrame containing all DIB (Data Information Blocks) without the values |
+| FormatSignature | Unique signature of the DifVif structure of all DataRecords (hash of FormatFrame). If any DifVif changes, the FormatSignature does change as well. |
+| KeyIdentifier | Unique identifier that contains the Hash of the used key. Useful for Key lookups without leaking the actual key. |
+### Encryption state
+| IsEncrypted | DecryptionFailed | Meaning |
+| `true` | `true` | No valid key |
+| `false` | `false` | Telegram not encrypted |
+| `true` | `false` | Telegram is encrypted but parser can not decrypt it (e.g. unknown algorithm) |
+| `false` | `true` | Plain telegram where decryption failed - should not happen |
+### VifUnit & VifQuantity
+There are a many valid combinations of VifUnit & VifQuantity. All possible values are listed below.
+Lines without VifUnit have an empty string as Unit.
+VifQuantity: (Enhanced) Identification
+VifQuantity: Access Code Developer
+VifQuantity: Access Code Operator
+VifQuantity: Access Code System Operator
+VifQuantity: Access Code User
+VifQuantity: Access Number
+VifQuantity: Any VIF
+VifQuantity: Bus Address
+VifQuantity: Control signal
+VifQuantity: Cumulation counter
+VifQuantity: Customer
+VifQuantity: Customer location
+VifQuantity: Data container for wMBus
+VifQuantity: Datacontainer for manufactuerer specific protocol
+VifQuantity: Date
+VifQuantity: Date and time of battery change
+VifQuantity: Day of week
+VifQuantity: Device type
+VifQuantity: Digital Input
+VifQuantity: Digital Output
+VifQuantity: Dimensionless
+VifQuantity: Error flags
+VifQuantity: Error mask
+VifQuantity: Fabrication No
+VifQuantity: Firmware version
+VifQuantity: First storage # for cyclic storage
+VifQuantity: Hardware version
+VifQuantity: Last storage # for cyclic storage
+VifQuantity: Manufacturer
+VifQuantity: Manufacturer specific
+VifQuantity: Manufacturer specific data
+VifQuantity: Number of counter stops
+VifQuantity: Parameter set identification
+VifQuantity: Password
+VifQuantity: Receive window management
+VifQuantity: Remote control
+VifQuantity: Reset counter
+VifQuantity: Retry
+VifQuantity: Security key
+VifQuantity: Size of storage block
+VifQuantity: Software version
+VifQuantity: Special supplier information
+VifQuantity: State of parameter activation
+VifQuantity: Summertime (begin, end, deviation
+VifQuantity: Time & Date
+VifQuantity: Time point of day change
+VifQuantity: Week number
+VifUnit: A, VifQuantity: Current
+VifUnit: American gallon, VifQuantity: Volume
+VifUnit: American gallon/h, VifQuantity: Volume flow
+VifUnit: American gallon/min, VifQuantity: Volume flow
+VifUnit: Baud, VifQuantity: Baudrate
+VifUnit: Bittimes, VifQuantity: Response delay time
+VifUnit: Currency units, VifQuantity: Credit
+VifUnit: Currency units, VifQuantity: Debit
+VifUnit: GJ, VifQuantity: Energy
+VifUnit: Hz, VifQuantity: Frequency
+VifUnit: J, VifQuantity: Energy
+VifUnit: J, VifQuantity: Power
+VifUnit: J/h, VifQuantity: Power
+VifUnit: K, VifQuantity: Temperature difference
+VifUnit: MCal, VifQuantity: Energy
+VifUnit: Relative humidity, VifQuantity: %
+VifUnit: Reserved, VifQuantity: Reserved
+VifUnit: Units for H.C.A., VifQuantity: H.C.A.
+VifUnit: V, VifQuantity: Voltage
+VifUnit: W, VifQuantity: Cumul count max power
+VifUnit: W, VifQuantity: Power
+VifUnit: Wh, VifQuantity: Energy
+VifUnit: bar, VifQuantity: Pressure
+VifUnit: d, VifQuantity: Remaining battery
+VifUnit: dBm, VifQuantity: Receiver sensitivity
+VifUnit: feet^3, VifQuantity: Volume
+VifUnit: kVA, VifQuantity: Apparent power
+VifUnit: kVA/h, VifQuantity: Apparent energy
+VifUnit: kVAR, VifQuantity: Reactive power
+VifUnit: kVAR/h, VifQuantity: Reactive energy
+VifUnit: kg, VifQuantity: Mass
+VifUnit: kg/h, VifQuantity: Mass flow
+VifUnit: m^3, VifQuantity: Volume
+VifUnit: m^3/h, VifQuantity: Volume flow
+VifUnit: m^3/min, VifQuantity: Volume flow
+VifUnit: m^3/s, VifQuantity: Volume flow
+VifUnit: s, VifQuantity: Averaging Duration
+VifUnit: s, VifQuantity: Duration since last cumulation
+VifUnit: s, VifQuantity: Duration since last readout
+VifUnit: s, VifQuantity: Interval of data transmission
+VifUnit: s, VifQuantity: On time
+VifUnit: s, VifQuantity: Operating time
+VifUnit: s, VifQuantity: Operating time battery
+VifUnit: s, VifQuantity: Period of tariff
+VifUnit: s, VifQuantity: Point in Time
+VifUnit: s, VifQuantity: Storage interval
+VifUnit: °, VifQuantity: Phase U-U
+VifUnit: °, VifQuantity: Phase U-l
+VifUnit: °C, VifQuantity: Cold / Warm Temperature Limit
+VifUnit: °C, VifQuantity: External temperature
+VifUnit: °C, VifQuantity: Flow temperature
+VifUnit: °C, VifQuantity: Return temperature
+VifUnit: °F, VifQuantity: Cold / Warm Temperature Limit
+VifUnit: °F, VifQuantity: External temperature
+VifUnit: °F, VifQuantity: Flow temperature
+VifUnit: °F, VifQuantity: Return temperature
+VifUnit: °F, VifQuantity: Temperature difference
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+# Submetering (TODO)
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