Logging Demo of Springboot Application in Kubernetes
Create Springboot Application Image
Attach terminal to minikube docker environment
eval $( minikube docker-env)
Build this spring boot project and create docker image.
gradle build docker # Equals to gradle build + gradle docker
Then you can see the docker image: qiusuo/gateway:v1
Deploy springboot application, filebeat
kubectl create -f ./deploy/
Port forwarding kibana service and gateway service
kubectl port-forward svc/kibana 15601:5601
kubectl port-forward svc/qiusuo-gateway-svc 18040:8040
Visit to produce one log record.
Visit to open Kibana interface
Create an index "logstash-*"
Select "kubernetes.pod.name", "message", "fields.log-source" as the target fields to see the demonstration.
Add a filter "kubernetes.pod.name is *gateway*" and a filed "msg" to see the demonstration.