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This library allows to render and interact with the LiveChat Chat Widget inside a React application.

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Using npm:

npm install @livechat/widget-react

or using yarn:

yarn add @livechat/widget-react



import { LiveChatWidget, EventHandlerPayload } from '@livechat/widget-react'

function App() {
  function handleNewEvent(event: EventHandlerPayload<'onNewEvent'>) {
    console.log('LiveChatWidget.onNewEvent', event)

  return (


Config data

All properties described below are used for initialization on the first render and later updates of the chat widget with new values on change.

Prop Type
license string (required)
customerName string
group string
customerEmail string
chatBetweenGroups boolean
sessionVariables Record<string, string>
visibility 'maximized' | 'minimized' | 'hidden'
customIdentityProvider () => CustomerAuth


parameters type description
getFreshToken () => Promise Should resolve with freshly requested customer access token.
getToken () => Promise Should resolve with currently stored customer access token.
hasToken () => Promise Should resolve with a boolean value representing if a token has been already acquired.
invalidate () => Promise Should handle token invalidation and/or clearing the locally cached value.

Event handlers

All event handlers listed below are registered if provided for the first time. They unregister on the component cleanup or the property value change. Descriptions of all events are available after clicking on the associated links.


This package exports a set of React Hooks that allows consuming reactive data from the chat widget in any place of the application as long as the LiveChatWidget component is rendered in the tree.


Access the current chat widget availability or visibility state if the chat widget is loaded.

import { useWidgetState } from '@livechat/widget-react'

function App() {
  const widgetState = useWidgetState()

  if (widgetState) {
    return (


Check if the chat widget is ready using the boolean flag isWidgetReady.

import { useWidgetIsReady } from '@livechat/widget-react'

function App() {
  const isWidgetReady = useWidgetIsReady()

  return <div>Chat Widget is {isWidgetReady ? 'loaded' : 'loading...'}</div>


Access the chatId and threadId of the chat if there's one currently available.

import { useWidgetChatData } from '@livechat/widget-react'

function App() {
  const chatData = useWidgetChatData()

  if (chatData) {
    return (


Access the current greeting id and uniqueId if one is currently displayed (received and not hidden).

import { useWidgetGreeting } from '@livechat/widget-react'

function App() {
  const greeting = useWidgetGreeting()

  if (greeting) {
    return (


Access the id, isReturning, status, and sessionVariables of the current customer if the chat widget is loaded.

import { useWidgetCustomerData } from '@livechat/widget-react'

function App() {
  const customerData = useWidgetCustomerData()

  if (customerData) {
    return (
          {Object.entries(customerData.sessionVariables).map(([key, value]) => (
            <li key={key}>{value}</li>

Custom Identity Provider

In order to make Custom Identity Provider work, you'll have to properly implement and provide a set of following methods:

  • getToken - resolving Chat Widget token. If you want to cache the token, this should return the cached token instead of a fresh request to endpoint.
  • getFreshToken - resolving Chat Widget token. This should always make a call for a fresh token from endpoint.
  • hasToken - resolving boolean. It determines whether a token has been acquired.
  • invalidate - resolving nothing. When called, it should remove the current token. There is no need to do anything else as a new token will be requested by getFreshToken afterwards.
Example usage
import { LiveChatWidget } from '@livechat/widget-react'

const customIdentityProvider = () => {
  const baseAPI = 'YOUR_API_URL'
  const userId = '30317220-c72d-11ed-2137-0242ac120002'

  const getToken = async () => {
    const response = await fetch(`${baseAPI}/getToken/${userId}`)

    const token = await response.json()
    console.log('getToken', token)
    return token

  const getFreshToken = async () => {
    const response = await fetch(`${baseAPI}/getFreshToken/${userId}`)

    const token = await response.json()
    console.log('getFreshToken, token')
    return token

  const hasToken = async () => {
    const response = await fetch(`${baseAPI}/hasToken/${userId}`)
    const data = await response.json()
    return data

  const invalidateToken = async () => {
    const response = await fetch(`${baseAPI}/invalidate/${userId}`)
    const data = await response.json()

  return {
    invalidate: invalidateToken,

function App() {
  return (

For more information about Custom Identity Provider, check out


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first, so we can discuss what you would like to change. Follow a Contributing guide for more details.


The code and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.