1.0.6 (2016-12-01)
- tests for insertOne() and insertMany() fixed (5fc9674)
- tests for insertOne() and insertMany() fixed (8499a32)
1.0.5 (2016-12-01)
- add methods findOneAndReplace(), findOneAndDelete(), findOneAndUpdate() (ad8adb8)
- replace method findOne() of mongodb native nodejs driver with find().limit(1) (30013c0)
1.0.4 (2016-04-23)
- replace method findOne() of mongodb native nodejs driver with find().limit(1) (30013c0)
<a name"1.0.3">
- check if type of a schema property is an array when analyzing the schema (084a6c77)
<a name"1.0.2">
- add method ensureObjectID(id) (f8811b11)
<a name"1.0.1">
- use updateOne() instead of update() (a65b24b4)
<a name"1.0.0">
- drop the deprecated functions insert(), update() and remove() (4d4c2c0c)
<a name"0.10.1">
- export the object which is used as an id in the repository (cb4ff4cc)
- update mongodb driver (b4a2888a)
- change option 'deleteUnknownProperties' to 'unknownProperties' (6d2d34e2)
from now on only lx-valid >= 0.4.0 is supported (6d2d34e2)
- improve detection of mongo-ids in queries (a246a0b6)
- update to mongodb node.js driver 2.0.10 (31e7f492)