There are neither a lot of resources on internet nor any book which guides and dictates best practices in the implementation of popular Data Structures using Javascript. The purpose of this library is to provide cooked implementation of popular data structures in javascript.
npm - npm install @js-labs/data-structures
Clone the repo
git clone
Install the dependencies
npm install
Run dev build
For linux and darwin
npm run dev
For windows
npm run dev:win32
To execute unit test cases
For linux and darwin
npm test
For windows
npm test:win32
Trigger production build
For linux and darwin
npm run build
For windows
npm run build:win32
Data structures covered so far -
Your contribution is highly appreciated. You can contribute in several ways -
- Opening an issue in the tracker
- Updating and adding documentation
- Adding new features
- Adding demo
Once development is complete. This library will work in -
- All supported Browsers
- Node
and can be written in -
- es5
- es6
- typescript
and will be published in
npm- bower
Import BST class and instantiate it
import { BST } from "@js-labs/data-structures/lib/ds";
const bst = new BST();
Insert values in binary search Tree
Find size of the binary search tree
bst.len; // 3
Find an item in the binary search tree
bst.lookup(10); // returns an object with keys hasVal, currentNode and parentNode
Height of the binary search tree or a node
bst.height(); //gives height of the BST 1
bst.height(bst.lookup(10).currentNode); // gives the height of the node - 0
Traverse the BST and return a List
bst.traverse("inOrder"); // traverse method expects a parameter - inOrder|preOrder|postOrder| levelOrder
Delete elements from binary search tree
Import Graph class and instantiate it and create an object of adjacency list implementation of Graph. To create a directed graph pass the string argument 'directed'. If the Graph class is called without a parameter then by default its undirected graph.
import { Graph } from "@js-labs/data-structures/lib/ds";
const graph = new Graph(); // this will create an undirected Graph
const graph = new Graph("directed"); // this will create a directed graph or diGraph
const adjList = graph.createGraph("adjList"); // create Adjacency List implementation of graph
Add and remove a node to the graph
// add a node
// remove a node
Add and remove an edge between two nodes to the graph. iF a node is not added, then it first adds the node and then create an edge.
// add an edge
adjList.addEdge("A", "B", 200); // it will add an edge between A and B of weight 200
adjList.addEdge("B", "C"); // it will first add node C and then create an edge b/w B and C
// remove an edge
adjList.removeEdge("A", "B");
adjList.removeEdge("B", "C");
Find size of the graph.
adjList.size; // 3
Find weight of the edge in weighted graph
adjList.getEdgeWeight("A", "B");
Import Queue class and create a queue object.
import { Queue } from "@js-labs/data-structures/lib/ds";
const queue = new Queue();
Add and remove elements to and from the created queue respectively
// add elements to the queue
// remove elements from the queue
Get size and top element in the queue
queue.size(); // 2; // A
Clear the entire queue at once
queue.clear(); // this will empty the queue
Import LinkedList data structure and create a list object.
import { LinkedList } from "@js-labs/data-structures/lib/ds";
const list = new LinkedList();
Insert and Remove Items from the list
// inserts item at the end of the list
list.insertAfter("Mid", "firstVal"); // insert Mid after firstVal
list.insertBefore("xyz", "secondVal"); // insert xyz before secondVal
list.remove("firstVal"); // removes firstVal from the list.
Get size and search for an item and check if the list is empty
list.size(); // 3"xyz"); // true"abc"); // false
list.isEmpty(); // false
Iterate over list using for...of loop
for (const item of list) {
console.log(item); // 'firstVal', 'Mid', 'xyz', 'secondVal'
Usage as spread operator
const items = [...list]; // ['firstVal', 'Mid', 'xyz', 'secondVal']
Import Stack data structure and create a list object.
import { Stack } from "@js-labs/data-structures/lib/ds";
// const { Stack } = require('@js-labs/data-structures/lib/ds')
const stack = new Stack();
Get size of the stack and check if the stack is empty
stack.size(); //0
stack.isEmpty(); //true
Push items in the stack
stack.size(); //1
stack.size(); //2
Pop items from the stack
stack.pop(); //item2
stack.pop(); //item1