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File metadata and controls

263 lines (191 loc) · 8.43 KB

Example application

The example application consumes file content line by line, either from a TCP endpoint or a from file endpoint, and prints the consumed lines prefixed with a formatted line number to stdout:

Streamz example

  • The TCP endpoint is implemented with the Netty4 component. It listens on localhost:5051 and is configured to use a text line codec (see tcpEndpointUri below) so that consumers receive a separate message for each line.
  • The file endpoint is implemented with the File component. It scans the input directory for new files and serves them as Strings to consumers. The consumed file content is split into lines in a separate Line Split step.
  • Lines consumed from both endpoints are merged into a single stream in a Merge step.
  • To generate line numbers for the consumed lines, a Line Number Source is configured to generate numbers 1, 2, ..., n. These numbers are then formatted to a line prefix using the [$lineNumber] template. The line number formatter is an object registered in the CamelContext under the name exampleService and accessed with a Bean endpoint configured to call the linePrefix method.
  • The line prefixes are then concatenated with the actual lines in a ZipWith step.
  • Finally, the concatenation results are sent to stream:out, a Stream endpoint that writes messages to stdout.

The following subsections show implementations of the example application with

The source code is available in the streamz-examples module. Section Example application usage shows how to run and use the example application.

Camel Java DSL for Akka Streams

import akka.NotUsed;
import org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext;
import org.apache.camel.impl.SimpleRegistry;
import streamz.camel.StreamContext;
import streamz.camel.akka.javadsl.JavaDsl;

import static java.util.Arrays.asList;

public class JExampleService {
    public String linePrefix(int lineNumber) {
        return String.format("[%d] ", lineNumber);

public class JExampleContext implements JavaDsl {
    public static String tcpEndpointUri =

    public static String fileEndpointUri =

    public static String serviceEndpointUri =

    public static String printerEndpointUri =

    private StreamContext streamContext;

    public JExampleContext() throws Exception {
        SimpleRegistry camelRegistry = new SimpleRegistry();
        DefaultCamelContext camelContext = new DefaultCamelContext();

        camelRegistry.put("exampleService", new JExampleService());

        streamContext = StreamContext.create(camelContext);

    public StreamContext streamContext() {
        return streamContext;

public class JExample extends JExampleContext {
    private ActorMaterializer actorMaterializer;

    public JExample() throws Exception {
        ActorSystem actorSystem = ActorSystem.create("example");
        actorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer.create(actorSystem);

    public Runnable setup() {
        Source<String, NotUsed> tcpLineSource =
                receiveBody(tcpEndpointUri, String.class);

        Source<String, NotUsed> fileLineSource =
                receiveBody(fileEndpointUri, String.class).mapConcat(s -> asList(s.split("\\r\\n|\\n|\\r")));

        Source<String, NotUsed> linePrefixSource =
                Source.range(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE).via(sendRequestBody(serviceEndpointUri, String.class));

        Source<String, NotUsed> stream =
                        .zipWith(linePrefixSource, (l, n) -> n.concat(l))

        return () -> { stream.runWith(Sink.ignore(), actorMaterializer); };

    public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
        new JExample().setup().run();

Camel Scala DSL for Akka Streams

import akka.NotUsed

import streamz.camel.StreamContext
import streamz.camel.akka.scaladsl._

import org.apache.camel.impl.{ DefaultCamelContext, SimpleRegistry }

import scala.collection.immutable.Iterable

class ExampleService {
  def linePrefix(lineNumber: Int): String = s"[$lineNumber] "

trait ExampleContext {
  private val camelRegistry = new SimpleRegistry
  private val camelContext = new DefaultCamelContext

  camelRegistry.put("exampleService", new ExampleService)

  implicit val context: StreamContext =

  val tcpEndpointUri: String =

  val fileEndpointUri: String =

  val serviceEndpointUri: String =

  val printerEndpointUri: String =

object Example extends ExampleContext with App {
  implicit val system = ActorSystem("example")
  implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()

  val tcpLineSource: Source[String, NotUsed] =

  val fileLineSource: Source[String, NotUsed] =

  val linePrefixSource: Source[String, NotUsed] =
    Source.fromIterator(() => Iterator.from(1)).sendRequest[String](serviceEndpointUri)

  val stream: Source[String, NotUsed] =
      .zipWith(linePrefixSource)((l, n) => n concat l)


Camel DSL for FS2

Here, we re-use ExampleService and ExampleContext from the previous section.

import cats.effect.IO
import fs2.{ Stream, text }

import streamz.camel.fs2.dsl._
import streamz.examples.camel.ExampleContext

object Example extends ExampleContext with App {
  import // needed for merge

  val tcpLineStream: Stream[IO, String] =
    receiveBody[IO, String](tcpEndpointUri)

  val fileLineStream: Stream[IO, String] =
    receiveBody[IO, String](fileEndpointUri).through(text.lines)

  val linePrefixStream: Stream[IO, String] =
    Stream.iterate(1)(_ + 1).sendRequest[String](serviceEndpointUri)

  val stream: Stream[IO, String] =
      .zipWith(linePrefixStream)((l, n) => n concat l)


Example application usage

For running the example application you first need to checkout the project:

$ git clone

From the project’s root directory, the example application can be started with one of the following commands (depending on the implementation):

$ sbt 'examples/runMain streamz.examples.camel.akka.JExample'
$ sbt 'examples/runMain streamz.examples.camel.akka.Example'
$ sbt 'examples/runMain streamz.examples.camel.fs2.Example'

Before submitting data to the application, create an input file with two lines:

$ cat >> example.txt

Copy the generated file to the input directory so that it can be consumed by the file endpoint:

$ cp example.txt input/

You should see the following stream output:

[1] hello
[2] streamz

Then send the file content to the TCP endpoint (with nc on Mac OS X or netcat on Linux):

$ cat example.txt | nc localhost 5150

You should see the following stream output:

[3] hello
[4] streamz