- Introduce yourself.
- Do you own a personal computer?
- Describe your development environment. (Your OS, IDE, Editor and Config manager if any)
- Your StackOverflow Profile url.
- Personal website, blog or something you want us to see.
- Which all programming languages are installed on your system.
- Write a function that takes a number and returns a list of its digits in an array.
- Remove duplicates of an array and returning an array of only unique elements
- Write function that translates a text to Pig Latin and back. English is translated to Pig Latin by taking the first letter of every word, moving it to the end of the word and adding ‘ay’. “The quick brown fox” becomes “Hetay uickqay rownbay oxfay”.
- Write a function that rotates a list by
elements. For example [1,2,3,4,5,6] rotated by2
becomes [3,4,5,6,1,2]. Try solving this without creating a copy of the list. How many swap or move operations do you need?
Note: It is not mandatory that you answer all the questions. You may leave some behind and create a PR. However maximum questions will earn you maximum points. It is advised that you answer all the puzzles in a language that you are applying for.