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Character-based PCFG Induction for Modeling the Syntactic Acquisition of Morphologically Rich Languages


This is the code repository for the paper Character-based PCFG Induction for Modeling the Syntactic Acquisition of Morphologically Rich Languages, including unsupervised PCFG induction models as well as manually corrected syntactic annotations for Korean child-directed speech.

Major dependencies include:

  • Python 3.7+
  • PyTorch 1.7.0+
  • TensorBoard 2.3.0+
  • Bidict

Training is the main training script. Sample commands for training the induction model can be found under the exps directory:

python train --seed -1 \
                     --train_path data/Jong.010322.linetoks \
                     --train_gold_path data/Jong.010322.linetrees \
                     --model_type char --model char_jong_c90 \
                     --num_nonterminal 45 --num_preterminal 45 \
                     --state_dim 128 --rnn_hidden_dim 512 \
                     --max_epoch 45 --batch_size 2 \
                     --optimizer adam --device cuda \
                     --eval_device cuda --eval_steps 2 \
                     --eval_start_epoch 1 --eval_parsing

seed: Seed for the run, -1 can be used for a random seed.

train_path: Path to training sentences, which should be whitespace-tokenized like the following:

이리로 와 엄마랑 보자 .
이게 누구에요 ?
아우 이쁘다 우리 종현이네 .

train_gold_path: Path to gold trees for training sentences, which are used only for evaluation:

(S (S (ADVP (npd+jca 이리로)) (VP (pvg+ef 와))) (S (VP (NP (ncn+jcj 엄마랑)) (pvg+ef 보자))) (sf .))
(S (NP (npd+jcs 이게)) (VP (npp+jp+ef 누구에요)) (sf ?))
(S (S (IP (ii 아우)) (VP (paa+ef 이쁘다))) (S (ADJP (npp 우리)) (VP (nq+jp+ef 종현이네)) (sf .)))

model_type: Use char for the NeuralChar model and word for the NeuralWord model described in the paper.

model: The name of the directory in which the output will be saved saved. For example, if char_jong_c90 is used, then the run info will be saved under outputs/char_jong_c90_0 for the first run, outputs/char_jong_c90_1 for the second run, and so on.

num_nonterminal and num_preterminal: The NeuralChar and NeuralWord models do not make a distinction between preterminal categories and other nonterminal categories. Set these two values accordingly so that they add up total number of categories to be used (e.g. 45 and 45 for a total of 90 categories).

state_dim: Dimensionality of category embeddings.

rnn_hidden_dim: Dimensionality of the LSTM hidden state for the NeuralChar model's emission probabilities.

eval_steps: Number of training epochs between each evaluation.

eval_start_epoch: Number of training epochs before first evaluation.

eval_parsing: Whether or not to parse training sentences as part of evaluation. If set to False, only the likelihood will be reported.

Descriptions of other arguments can be found in

Syntactic Annotations of Korean Child-Directed Speech

The data directory contains manually corrected syntactic annotations of Korean child-directed speech from the Ryu corpus of the CHILDES database. The annotation scheme follows that of Choi (2013).


For questions or concerns, please contact Lifeng Jin ([email protected]) or Byung-Doh Oh ([email protected]).