class Student def initialize(name, cohort) @name = name @cohort = cohort end end'Kyle', 'Foxtrot')
- a way of storing data in organized way
- postgresql - relational database. Rows and columns
- talks to db
- it is open-source
- object-relational database managment system
- takes an OOP approach to programming
to enter console- \l to list dbs
SELECT name, continent FROM country
SELECT name, continent, population FROM country LIMIT 10
*** WHERE is a comparison operator *** SELECT name, continent, population FROM country WHERE continent = 'North America'
SELECT name, continent, population FROM country WHERE continent != 'North America'
SELECT name, continent, population FROM country WHERE population < 1e6
SELECT name, continent, population FROM country WHERE population < 1e6 AND continent = 'North America'
SELECT name, continent, population FROM country WHERE population < 1e6 OR continent = 'North America'
*** LIKE used in WHERE clause to search for specified pattern in a column *** *** Using % called wildcard will be used in conjunction with LIKE *** Using LIKE and wildcard to get back all the Americas: SELECT name, continent, population FROM country WHERE continent LIKE '%America'
10 most recently independent countries: SELECT name, region, indepyear FROM country WHERE indepyear IS NOT null ORDER BY indepyear DESC LIMIT 10