Challenges Routes, Views, Controllers
---- STEP ONE - Setting up the application:
> rails new routes_controllers_views_params -d postgresql -T
> cd routes_controllers_views_params
> rails db:create
> rails s
---- STEP TWO - Creating the MVC inside of our app:
1.) As a user, I can visit a custom landing page at localhost:3000. 2.) As a user, I can see the names of my team members as hyperlinks on the landing page. 3.) As a user, I can click on each team member's name and be taken to a page that displays a list of that team member's top three things. (Could be top three restaurants, activities, books, video games, hiking locations, beaches, doughnut shoppes, movies, etc.)
> rails g controller Team
# FILE: app/controllers/team_controller.rb
class TeamController < ApplicationController
def team_list
def olena
def ari
def hazel
def grant
def jeremy
# ---- ROUTE
# FILE: config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
get '/team_list' => 'team#team_list'
get '/olena' => 'team#olena'
get '/ari' => 'team#ari'
get '/hazel' => 'team#hazel'
get '/grant' => 'team#grant'
get '/jeremy' => 'team#jeremy'
root to: 'team#team_list'
# ---- VIEW
# FILE: app/views/team/team_list.html.erb
<h1>Team Members:</h1>
<%= link_to 'Olena', '/olena'%>
<%= link_to 'Ari', '/ari'%>
<%= link_to 'Hazel', '/hazel'%>
<%= link_to 'Grant', '/grant'%>
<%= link_to 'Jeremy', '/jeremy'%>
# FILE: app/views/team/olena.html.erb
<h1>Hi! My name is Olena.</h1>
<p>I like dogs and plants. (:</p>
<%= link_to 'Return to Home', '/team_list'%>
# FILE: app/views/team/ari.html.erb
<h1>Hi! My name is Ari.</h1>
<p>I like cats and snakes. (:</p>
<%= link_to 'Return to Home', '/team_list'%>
# FILE: app/views/team/hazel.html.erb
<h1>Hi! My name is Hazel.</h1>
<p>I'm a cat who loves bread. (:</p>
<%= link_to 'Return to Home', '/team_list'%>
# FILE: app/views/team/grant.html.erb
<h1>Hi! My name is Grant.</h1>
<h2>I am a Dog</h2>
<p>I like bones</p>
<%= link_to 'Return to Home', '/team_list'%>
# FILE: app/views/team/jeremy.html.erb
<h1>Hi! My name is Jeremy.</h1>
<p>I am a really good coder (:</p>
<%= link_to 'Return to Home', '/team_list'%>
As a user, I can visit a page called cubed that takes a number as a param and displays that number cubed.
# FILE: app/controllers/team_controller.rb
def cubed
@num1 = params[:num1]
@output = Math.sqrt(@num1.to_i)
# ---- ROUTE
# FILE: config/routes.rb
get '/cubed/:num1' => 'team#cubed'
# ---- VIEW
# FILE: app/views/team/cubed.html.erb
<h1>The square root of <%= @num1 %> is:</h1>
<h2><%= @output %></h2>
# URL: http://localhost:3000/cubed/24
As a user, I can visit a page called evenly that takes two numbers as params and displays whether or not the first number is evenly divisible by the second.
# FILE: app/controllers/team_controller.rb
def evenly
@num1 = params[:num1]
@num2 = params[:num2]
if @num1.to_i % @num2.to_i == 0
@output = "#{@num1} is divisible by #{@num2}"
@output = "#{@num1} is not divisible by #{@num2}"
# ---- ROUTE
# FILE: config/routes.rb
get '/evenly/:num1/:num2' => 'team#evenly'
# ---- VIEW
# FILE: app/views/team/evenly.html.erb
<h1> The result:</h1>
<h2><%= @output %></h2>
# URL: http://localhost:3000/evenly/10/2
As a user, I can visit a page called palindrome that takes a string as a param and displays whether it is a palindrome (the same word forward and backward).
# FILE: app/controllers/team_controller.rb
def palindrome
@string = params[:string]
if @string.downcase == @string.downcase.reverse
@output = "#{@string} is a palindrome!"
@output = "#{@string} is NOT a palindrome."
# ---- ROUTE
# FILE: config/routes.rb
get '/palindrome/:string' => 'team#palindrome'
# ---- VIEW
# FILE: app/views/team/palindrome.html.erb
<h1>Palindrome Checker:</h1>
<h2><%= @output %></h2>
# URL: http://localhost:3000/palindrome/kayak
As a user, I can visit a page called madlib that takes params of a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and displays a short silly story.
# FILE: app/controllers/team_controller.rb
def madlib
@noun = params[:noun]
@verb = params[:verb]
@adjective = params[:adjective]
@adverb = params[:adverb]
@output = "Once upon a time a #{@noun} lived in a #{@adjective} kingdom. He always #{@verb} his dinner #{@adverb}."
# ---- ROUTE
# FILE: config/routes.rb
get '/madlib/:noun/:verb/:adjective/:adverb' => 'team#madlib'
# ---- VIEW
# FILE: app/views/team/madlib.html.erb
<h1> Here is our story</h1>
<h2><%= @output %></h2>
# URL: http://localhost:3000/madlib/prince/ate/beautiful/quickly