Create a new rails application and database // rails new associations -d postgresql -T // cd associations // rails db:create
Create a model for owner An owner has a name and address, and can have multiple credit cards //rails g model Owner name:string address:string cards:string //rails db:migrate
Create a model for credit card A credit card has a number, an expiration date, and an owner //rails g model Card name:string exp:string owner:string
Create three owners and save them in the database //Owner.create(name:"Heath", address: "513 Lime Street", cards:"0") //Owner.create(name:"Zack", address:"327 Lemon street", cards:"0") //Owner.create(name:"Denny", address:"411 Salty Dog Street", cards:"0")
Create a credit card in the database for each owner Add two more credit cards to one of the owners
Stretch Challenge Add a credit limit to each card Find the total credit extended to the owner with multiple credit cards