Estimate reading time 13-14hs
The Linux Command Line, 10 Hours, Interesting chapters: 6, 9, 16, 17.
Linux Basics for Hackers, 3 Hours.
Estimate reading time 1-2.5hs
Intro to GDB, 20-25 mins.
Ptrace syscall example, 1+ hour, without previous knowledge of concurrency in C, around 30min with it.
Using Dtrace on MacOS, 20-30 min.
Tracing in Linux and MacOs, 15-25min.
Estimate readint time 3-4hs
Unix Timeline, 0-20 mins.
Basics of the Unix Philosophy, 1 - 1,5 hours.
Modularity, 1 hour.
Transparency, 1 hour.
Estimated reading time: 4-5hs, upto 12hrs without previous knowledge
Datacamp Python Fundamentals
- Introduction To Python, 1-2 hours with previous knowledge. 2-3 Without it.
- Intermediate Python, 1-2 hours with previous knowledge, 2-3 without it.
- Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 1), 1-2 hours with previous knowledge, 2-3 without it.
- Python Data Science Toolbox (Parte 2), 1-2 hours with previous knowldge, 2-3 without it.
HTTP server in Python with Flask, 0 - 30mins hour with previous pnowledge, 30 - 1 hours without it .
Automate the boring stuff with Python, 30 - 1 hour with previous knowledge, 1 - 1.5 hours without it.
Estimated reading time: 9-11hs
- How the Internet Really Works, 4hs. I also readed Chapter 1 for a better understanding, but with previous knowledge it's not neccesary.
- Chapters[2-5]
- Practical Packet Analysis with Wireshark
- Chapters 1, [3-4], [6-8] 6hs, practice included.
- Burp, 1hr
Estimated reading time: 10-11hs
- Introduction to GitHub, 35 mins
- Learning Git Branching], 3hr. It would be better doing it after you read Pro Git.
- Pro Git ( 4hr
- Pages [10-106]
- Git Exercises, 30min.
- The Git Parable, 30 min
- How to write a Git Commit message, 30 min
- Merging vs Rebasing, 30 min
Estimated reading time: 3hs
- Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder, 2:30hs.
- Chapters 1, 15
- Data science in Julia for hackers
- Capter 1 20mins.
- How to Make Your Code Reviewer Fall in Love with You, 30mins
Estimate reading time: 9-11hs
*SQL: Practical Guide for Developers * Chapters[10-11], 2Hs *SQL Bolt, 2HS *Mystery solver with SQL, 40mins. *Seven Databases in Seven Weeks
- PostgreSQL, 3hrs.
- Redis, 2hrs *An introduction to Redis data types and abstractions, 1hs *Redis Transactions, 30min
Estimate reading time: 2-3hs
- Getting Started, 30mins.
- Docker Talk, 2hs
Estimate reading time: 1 hour
- The Manager's Path
- Chapter 1.
*Estimate reading time: *
- Moore's Law, Microprocessors, and First Principles 2hs.
- Estimate reading time: 15 minutes
- Big O Notation. It could be set as a optional.
Estimate reading time: 1:30hs
- Lambda Calculus vs. Turing Machines*
Estimate reading time: 3hs
- Where Erlang Blooms, 40mins
- The Zen of Erlang, 1:30 hs
- How erlang does Scheduling, 25mins
- Stacking theory for systems design, 30mins,
Estimate reading time: 18-19hs
- Elixir getting started, 8hs
- Learning Functional Programming with Elixir, 10hrs
- Inmutable Data, 5mins
- StreamData: Property-based testing and data generation, 30mins
Estimate reading time:
- Phoenix in Action, currently: 20hs
- Phoenix Chat Example