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This workshop introduces the Git source control tool to new users at Los Angeles County. Because there are many excellent freely available Git references, there is little point attempting another one from scratch. Rather, this is intended as a guide through the available references along with descriptions of how we apply these concepts for certain Git repositories managed by ISAB.

It's important to become comfortable with the references. You should bookmark the ones you find useful and refer to them first when you have questions. Then, if necessary, seek help from others for clarity on the documentation rather than as a substitute for the documentation.

For Git, a great place to start for information is

In particular, the book Pro Git is freely available to download or browse on the web. Updated command references are also available there.

This document is an outline used to guide a pair of workshops.

Week 1

Week 2


Most county employees will be running Git on a Windows workstation. The Git installer for Windows is available for free download from

After installation, check that the C:\Program Files\Git\cmd directory is in your PATH variable. You can add it manually through the following steps:

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Choose the System section.
  3. Choose Advanced system settings.
  4. Choose the Advanced tab.
  5. Click the Environment Variables button.
  6. Under User variables select PATH and click Edit.
  7. Add the path to the entry. The separator is a ;.
  8. Click OK to dismiss the windows and close Control Panel.
  9. Exit and restart the command window.

You can check your work with

echo %PATH%

to see that your PATH variable was changed.

Another fun directory to add to your PATH is Git\usr\bin. That gives you some Unix utilities and an ssh client.

First Time Setup

First time setup is described well in the Pro Git book under the section Getting Started - First-Time Git Setup The most important section is setting your and properties.

git config --global "John Doe"
git config --global [email protected]

The --global flag sets the property in your global user configuration file. You can override this setting on a per-repository basis. The choices are

  • --local - (default) applies property to a particular repository.
  • --global - applies property to all repositories for a user.
  • --system - applies across all users.

This is useful when you use a home computer for work projects. Your --global setting would be your personal email. But you would override a work repository email setting.

By default, Git on Windows uses its own version of vi to edit commit comments. If this doesn't sit well with you, then you might want to change it to something else. Note that your choice needs to work with Git, like vi, emacs, or Notepad++. Editors that do not work with Git are notepad and write. It's also possible to provide a one-line commit message on the command line.

Exercise 1 - Setup

  1. Create a new directory on your file system in which to perform the activities for the workshop. This directory will be called GitWorkshop for the rest of this workshop.

  2. Open a command line terminal to GitWorkshop.

  3. Verify your Git version with git --version. If this fails, you need to fix problems with your PATH or the installation.

  4. Set your name and email in the global scope using the commands above.

  5. Clone the ISAB repository for this workshop to your workstation.

    git clone isabrepo

This will clone the Git repository hosted on GitHub to your local file system into a new directory named isabrepo. If you omit the isabrepo parameter on the end, the new directory will default to the base name of the repository, in this case workshops.

Keep this directory handy. Later exercises will be pulling from parts of it.


There are a number of Git GUI programs available. Some of them are standalone; others are part of IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) like Eclipse (Java), Visual Studio (.Net), RStudio (R), and others. The GUIs are mostly good. But you are strongly encouraged to understand the Git command line. There are seveal benefits to learning the Git command line.

  1. Most actions of any GUI tool can be understood in terms of the command line.
  2. The definitive Git documentation expresses Git operation in terms of Git commands and command line options.
  3. You may have to change between various GUI tools; but the command line stays the same.
  4. When searching for help in public forums (such as, questions and answers are most easily expressed in terms of the command line.
  5. Git commands are easily scripted.

Once you are well grounded in the command line, most GUI Git tools are easy to learn.

Distributed vs Centralized

Git differs fundamentally from version control tools popular 15 years ago in that it is a distributed version control tool as opposed to traditional centralized version control tool. Traditional centralized tools include CVS, SVN and ClearCase. They define a repository a server. Clients download a certain version to their workspace and work with it. The other versions remain on the server only. Operations such as creating new project, checking out a different version, comparing versions, committing new versions or viewing change history of a file require communication with the server. Without the server, none of these operations are possible.

The distributed model stores the entire repository on every workstation. This reduces the distinction between "client" and "server" to one of convention. One always commits changes to a local copy, never to a remote copy. Those local changes may latter be synchronized to another remote copy (an operation Git calls push). But all the interesting work occurs locally.

Remote operations merely synchronize what was already accomplished locally.

This notion is somewhat abstract at first. But the concept, as well as the benefits, will become clearer as we work through the exercises.


There are two ways to add a local Git repository to your workstation:

  1. Init a new repository to track files on your workstation that are not currently under source control.

  2. Clone an existing repository from somewhere else to your workstation.


The Git init command creates a new repository. It's normally used to create a new local repository for files you wish to place under source control. This is much simpler than with CVS and SVN, where you must first create a repository on a server (even if you're hosting the server on your own machine), upload the files to the server, then create a new directory in which to work with the files you just uploaded.

With Git, you simply run the init command in the directory that holds the working copy.

git init

That creates an empty local repostory. The left side of the figure below shows the repository in red. The entire repository resides in a folder named .git that is a child of the project root directory. It's important to understand that the files in black are not part of the repository. They are called the working copy. At times they may be consistent with a version in the repository. But they are expected to drift out of sync with the repository as we make changes. When we commit these changes, they are written to the repository.


Let's examine some differences between a local Git repository on your workstation and that of a checked-out SVN project. A corresponding workspace for SVN is shown on the right side of the above diagram. The SVN metadata is is kept in .svn directories in every folder of the project. (The same is true for CVS and ClearCase). These folders contain metadata about how the folder relates to the corresponding folder on the server.

The next exercise demonstrates how the Git directory model is more pragmatic.

Exercise 2 - Init

  1. From the clone of the workshops repository, copy the isabrepo/git/samples directory to GitWorkshop. After this, you should have a copy named GitWorkshop/samples.

  2. Change to the GitWorkshop/samples directory in your command line. This represents a directory of files from which we want to create a new Git repository.

  3. Run git status. This is probably the most common Git command you'll ever execute. In this context, it returns an ominous message that simply means we are not in the context of a Git repository.

    GitWorkshop/samples$ git status
    fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
  4. Run git init. This will create an empty local repository. None of the files in this directory have been placed in this repository. That will come later. On Windows, the new .git folder is harder to verify. On Linux and macOS, it's apparent with ls -a.

    GitWorkshop/samples$ git init
    Initialized empty Git repository in GitWorkshop/samples/.git/
  5. Run git status. Now that you actually have a repository to work with, abeit an empty one, Git has more to say. In particular, it's telling us that we have four files that are not yet tracked.

    GitWorkshop/samples$ git status
    On branch master
    No commits yet
    Untracked files:
      (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
    nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

    The remark "nothing added to commit" is alluding to the staging area. In Git there are three states in which a version of a file can occupy: the working copy, the staging area, and a commit.
    These are shown in the illustration below.


    The working copy of a file is the one in your directory that you can see and edit. The staging area is a version of file that is to be committed in the next commit action. Committed versions of files are in the commit state. These are preserved in the commit history.

    The three logical boxes above were created with the git init command. At the beginning, all files only exist as part of the working copy.

  6. For this scenario, let's say we want to commit all the *.txt files, but delay the *.py file.

    GitWorkshop/samples$ git add *.txt
    GitWorkshop/samples$ git status
    On branch master
    No commits yet
    Changes to be committed:
      (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
        new file:   file1.txt
        new file:   hg17.txt
        new file:   hg21.txt
    Untracked files:
      (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

    Note the change in the status message. The status of the files went from "untracked" to "to be committed". These are the files that will be added to the repository


    We say these versions of the files are "added to the staging area."

  7. Now the *.txt files are in the staging area and ready to commit. We have excluded the Python script by not staging it. We are ready to run the git commit.

    GitWorkshop/samples$ git commit -m "Initial version."
    [master (root-commit) d5ec68e] Initial version.
     3 files changed, 102 insertions(+)
     create mode 100644 file1.txt
     create mode 100644 hg17.txt
     create mode 100644 hg21.txt

    Note the commit command does not refernce any files. It simply commits whatever changes are in the staging area.


    This command will commit the changes using the message Initial version. This avoids a vi session for those of you not familiar withe the vi editor. But it limits you to commit messages that are a single line.

At the end of this exercise we still have as an untracked file. There is no harm in having files in the directory that are not part of the repository. We can commit them later or never commit them.

GitWorkshop/samples$ git status
On branch master
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)


The clone command copies a repository from one location to another location. We used it in the first exercise to clone the workshop repository to our local workstation. We can also clone locally.

Exercise 3 - Local Clone

  1. In your command line, change to the GitWorkshop directory. There should be two subdirectories: isabrepo and samples. Each of these directories holds a Git repository.

  2. Clone the samples repository locally.

    GitWorkshop$ git clone samples samples2


    a. creates a clone of the repository and b. checked out a working copy from the repository.

    Note: There is no Python script because we did not commit that to the original repostory. This reinforces the point that the repository is copied, not the working copy.

  3. Change to the samples2 folder and list the directory.

    GitWorkshop$ cd samples2
    GitWorkshop/samples2$ ls -a
    ./         ../        .git/      file1.txt  hg17.txt   hg21.txt
  4. Delete the .git folder. It is no longer a Git repository. But you still keep your working copy.

    GitWorkshop/samples2$ rm -rf .git
    GitWorkshop/samples2$ git log
    fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
    GitWorkshop/samples2$ ls
    file1.txt  hg17.txt   hg21.txt
  5. Change back to the GitWorkshop directory and clone the ISAB repository locally.

    GitWorkshop$ git clone isabrepo repo1
    Cloning into 'repo1'...
    GitWorkshop$ ls repo1
    crypto/          ds/              octotrooper.png  regex/
    distributions/   git/    

    Notice how fast the local clone happened when there are no network calls involved.

  6. Make a bare clone of the ISAB repository. A bare repository is one with no working copy.

    GitWorkshop$ git clone --bare isabrepo repo2
    Cloning into bare repository 'repo2'...
    GitWorkshop$ ls repo2
    HEAD         config       hooks/       objects/     refs/
    branches/    description  info/        packed-refs 

    When we list the contens of repo2, it is what we would normally see inside the .git folder. Hosting services use bare repositories on remote servers where there is no reason to have a working copy.

Cloning a repository locally is a good resoure for teaching yourself new commands and operations. You can test the operation on a local clone first, and then apply it to other resositories later.

Basic Lifecycle

Many of us have worked with some sort of centralized version control system in the past. Tools such as CVS, SVN, and ClearCase have a basic lifecycle of

  1. checkout - copy a version to local workspace
  2. edit - edit working copy
  3. commit - write changes back to server
  4. repeat

The server contains the history of every file. Our workstation contains a working copy that we can edit. But anything related to other versions of files in terms of

  • comparing them
  • reading their commit comments
  • creating branches
  • conflict resolution

requires a connection to the server. This is inefficient even when we do have good network connectivity. Git is an example of a distributed version control system (DVCS). Every copy of the repository is the full version history. There may be an instance that a team calls "the server." But that's purely by convention.

There is no such thing as a "Git client" that is distinct from a Git server. All checkout and commit commands work on local repositories. There are commands that push and pull changes between two repositories. But these changes have to have been committed locally first. There is no notion of using a Git client to browse a server. Rather, you clone the server repository to a local repository on your workstation and browse it using your workstation file manager. This makes repository version browsing far more efficient.

Once you have a local copy of the repository the basic lifecycle goes like this.

  1. checkout - change to a branch; often create a new one.
  2. edit - edit working copy.
  3. stage - add the changes to a staging area.
  4. commit - commit changes.
  5. repeat steps 2 - 4.
  6. push commits to a server copy of the repository.

Note that in the case of a local-only repository, step 6 never happens. The commands used in the basic lifecycle are discussed in more detail below.

Reference is often made to HEAD. This is a pointer that refers to the place in the commit tree where the next commit will be applied.

Git commit

Because so much preparatory work goes into populating the staging area with exactly what we want to commit, the git commit command is very simple. But there are a few things to keep in mind.

Commit Comments

Each commit should have a comment describing the commit. It may be as brief as "Initial commit." Or it might go on for several paragraphs. The following conventions apply to Git comments.

  1. The first line should be a brief summary with fewer than 50 characters and end with a period. That's because many reporting tools summarize Git commit comments using the first line only. These reports look nicer if the summary is short.
  2. If there are more details to provide, start the details on the third line. The second line should be blank.
  3. Comment lines starting with line 3 have no convention for length. But generally it's good to keep them under 100 characters.

Generally you do not need to provide

  • the date - this is provided automatically
  • the author - this defaults to the committer; but there is a commit option to specify a different author than the committer. (See below)
  • the changed files - this is obtainable through other Git commands; it does not need to be part of the commit message. But this is only a convention; you may add a file list if you feel so inclined.

To add a commit on behalf of another author, use the --author option.

git commit --author "Mai Kaleegh <[email protected]>"

The commit record will still register you as the committer. But the author field will be Mai Kaleegh.

Comment Editor

The first response of the git commit command will be to start an editor in which you add the commit comment. By default, this is a vi editor. On Windows, this editor is installed with Git. You can change this editor as mentioned in First Time Setup. But it has to be an editor that can communicate with Git (e.g. not Windows Notepad or Write).

If your comment is a single line, you can do this on the command line with the -m flag.

git commit -m "My one line commit comment."

When invoked this way, no editor is started since the commit comment is already provided.

Exercise 4 - Second Commit

In this exercise we're going to reinforce the basic lifecycle with another commit. We'll continue using the GitWorkspace/samples directory. At this point, we should have the following configuration.


This is the same as the end of Exercise 2, with the addition of two pointers.

  • master - represents a branch. There is nothing special about this branch or its name, other than Git creates one for us with each new repository. It is, however, commonly retained and used. It's a pointer to a commit object, usually the last one in a sequence of commit objects representing a branch.

  • HEAD - is a bookmark of sorts. It helps Git determine where to apply its commands. Since we intend for our commands to apply to a particular branch, HEAD usually refernces a branch pointer rather than directly to a commit. Hence it's usually a pointer to a pointer.

We're going to make two edits in the exercise:

  • Change a file that has already been committed.
  • Add the Python file that was excluded before.

But first we're going to simulate an accident.

  1. Let's say we wish to edit hg17.txt. But somehow it accidently got deleted. Simulate this condition by deleting hg17.txt yourself.


  2. Verify with

    GitWorkshop/samples$ git status

    The status command will be one of your most commonly used commands.

  3. Of course hg17.txt still exists, both as a commit and within the staging area. The following command will restore hl17.txt from the staging area to the working copy.

    GitWorkshop/samples$ git checkout hg17.txt

    and verify the status.

  4. Open hg17.txt inside a text editor.

    From: <>
    Chapter 17
    The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy notes that
    **Disaster Area**, a plutonium rock band from the
  5. Delete the first two lines so that the first line is Chapter 17. Then change "Hitch Hiker's" to "Hitchhiker's". Save the file and close the editor.

  6. Run the diff command to verify your changes.

    GitWorkshop/samples$ git diff
    diff --git a/hg17.txt b/hg17.txt
    index d330bb2..1e9969d 100644
    --- a/hg17.txt
    +++ b/hg17.txt
    @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
    -From: <>
     Chapter 17
    -The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy notes that
    +The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy notes that
     **Disaster Area**, a plutonium rock band from the
     Gagrakacka Mind Zones, are generally held to be not
     only the loudest rock band in the Galaxy, but in

    This will list the changes between the files in the staging area and their corresponding files in the working copy.


  7. Now that we've verfied our change to this file, let's add it.

    GitWorkshop/samples$ git add hg17.txt
  8. Try the diff command again. It should show no changes. That's because it only compares the staging area to the working copy. If your change has already been added to the staging area, it is consistent with the working copy.


    To check differences between the staging area and the latest commit, add the --cached flag.

    GitWorkshop/samples$ git diff --cached

    This is not as commonly done.

  9. Now let's turn our attention to the Python program that was omitted the first time around. We'll use a short cut to add the Python program.

    GitWorkshop/samples$ git add .

    This says add everything (recursively) starting with the current directory (the . means current directory). In our case this is what we want. But sometimes this can add more than you want. It's always good to check the status before committing.

  10. Run the commit.

    GitWorkshop/samples$ git commit -m "Added Python and fixed typos."

The result is a new commit. (There is only one staging area and working copy.)


A few things to note:

  • The master pointer automatically advances.
  • Since HEAD references master, it is implicitly advanced.
  • The new commit points backward in time to the old commit. This is another subtle but important difference between Git and tools like CVS and SVN.

Short Circuit

If the whole staging area idea doesn't sit well with you, it is possible to commit changes to files straight from the working copy without manually staging them. Just provide the -a flag.

git commit -a -m "A commit without explicit staging."

This command will commit all changes in the working copy. It is not recommended since it easily leads to versions of files being committed that were not intended.


The git log command displays information about commits. As simple as this sounds, there is a bewildering number of options to customize what you see and what you hide. Here is a basic form of the git log command.

GitWorkshop/samples$ git log
commit 10f629df8aab162c65f80112d2c2406095d8dfc6 (HEAD -> master)
Author: Paul Glezen <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon Mar 30 21:02:13 2020 -0700

    Added Python and fixed typos.

commit b83eb9bed3deb85a32b12e7679a18d28765bb0de
Author: Paul Glezen <[email protected]>
Date:   Sun Mar 29 13:15:14 2020 -0700

    Initial version.

Note the entries are in reverse chronological order.

Our training repository is still very small. In practice there are usually far more commits than you want to see. The following exercise provides practice in filtering log output.

Exercise 5 - Log Filtering

  1. In your command line change to the GitWorkshop/isabrepo directory. This repository has too many commits to see on a single screen.

  2. List the last four commits.

    GitWorkshop/isabrepo$ git log -4

    This is the most common way to limit the output. Forgetting this option usually floods your screen as a lesson to remember it next time.

  3. It's common to abbreviate the output to an entry per line. The --oneline option does this.

    GitWorkshop/isabrepo$ git log -5 --oneline
  4. Most modern installations of git have several log commands aliased out-of-the-box.

    GitWorkshop/isabrepo$ git config --list | grep alias --pretty=format:"%h %s" --graph
    alias.l=log --graph --all --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%C(cyan)%d%Creset %s %C(white)- %an, %ar%Creset'

    Note: If you don't have the grep utility installed, just list all the aliases.

  5. Try one of these aliased commands.

    GitWorkshop/isabrepo$ git l -4
    *   3307dd6 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Merged remote-tracking branch origin/master. - Paul Glezen, 4 weeks ago
    | * 79e14d9 Distribution supplement from last year; forgot to commit. - Paul Glezen, 6 months ago
    * | f2429ae Minor updates to GPG1. - Paul Glezen, 4 weeks ago
    * c551df5 Added workshop PDF for GPG 1. - Paul Glezen, 6 months ago
  6. (Optional) If you don't have the l alias defined, define it for yourself.

    git config --global alias.l "log --graph --all --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%C(cyan)%d%Creset %s %C(white)- %an, %as%Creset'"

    Note the mix of double and single quotes.

    Recall that adding --global to the config command makes it available to all your repositories. You can run this alias as

    GitWorkshop/isabrepo$ git logdate -2
  7. Another way to restrict the number commits is through a relative time.

    GitWorkshop/isabrepo$ git l --since 1.month
    * 3307dd6 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Merged remote-tracking branch origin/master. - Paul Glezen, 4 weeks ago
    * f2429ae Minor updates to GPG1. - Paul Glezen, 4 weeks ago
  8. So far, we've restricted the commit range by time only. We can also restrict by files. We can specify a file or a directory so that we only see Git commits affecting those components. The following command lists commits that affect files in the git directory for the last two months.

    GitWorkshop/isabrepo$ git log -- git

    The -- is a safety mechanism so that git is interpreted as a file or directory and not the name of a branch. It's not always required; but when you see it, that's what it does. It just separates the command options from the file or directory name.


Branches are a very common phenomenon with Git, much more so than with other source control tools. This is pragmatic with Git because a branch is nothing more than a pointer to the commit tree. The key to understanding branches is to understand commit trees.


A commit tree is a directed acyclic graph (DAG). An example of a DAG is shown below.

Directed Acyclic Graph

  • It's a graph in that it has vertices and edges (or points and lines if you prefer).
  • It's directed in that each edge has a direction (indicated by an arrow).
  • It's acyclic in that you can't traverse a cycle (or loop) by following the edges in their prescribed direction.

A Git tree is a DAG where the vertices are commits and the lines represent changes from one commit to the next. The direction of the Git arrows are reverse of what one typically sees in a source control tree: Git arrows point to the past, not the future. In the figure above, A is the initial commit. B is a commit from which two branches emanate. D is a merge commit.

It's good to draw the DAGs on paper as you initially work through branch and merge scenarios. After a while you start to see them in your head and there is less need to write them down. Since a branch is simply a pointer into our DAG commit tree, it's helpful to work through a branch/merge scenario and observe how the structure of the DAG and branch pointers change. But first, a quick note on branch names.

Branch Names

There is no "special branch" in Git from a technical standpoint. But there is a very popular convention of using a branch named master for the main branch. When a repository is initialized, a master branch is created by default.

HEAD is technically a branch pointer (whereas branches are commit pointers). So HEAD is a pointer to a pointer. In practical terms, HEAD determines "which branch you're on". We can also see this in implementation terms by peeking directly into the Git repository (inside the .git folder).

$ cat .git/HEAD
ref: refs/heads/master
$ cat .git/refs/heads/master

The file HEAD contains a reference to a branch, in this case master. The file .git/refs/heads/master points to a commit.

Basic Scenario

If you've been following the exercise, the samples folder should be a repository with two commits. The green circles represent commits. I've used capital letters instead of commit hashes to label them.


Branches are represented by blue boxes. In the present case, there is only the master branch which is represented by M. master is the active branch because HEAD is pointing to it.

Exercise 6

  1. To prepare for this exercise, which demonstrates the first two branch types described above, remove the samples2 directory created during Exercise 3.

  2. Create a clone of the samples repository and change to its directory.

    GitWorkshop$ git clone samples samples1
    Cloning into 'samples1'...
    GitWorkshop$ ls
    isabrepo/ repo1/    repo2/    samples/  samples1/
    GitWorkshop$ cd samples1
  3. Create a new branch named B1 and make it the current branch. Use the git branch command to verify the branch status before and after each step.

    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git branch
    * master
    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git branch B1
    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git branch
    * master

    At this point we have defined a new branch B1. But it is not the current branch (HEAD does not point to it).

    Create new branch

    To make B1 the current branch, use the checkout command.

    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git checkout B1
    Switched to branch 'B1'
    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git branch
    * B1

    Checkout new branch

    The branch and the checkout command is often combined into a single shortcut command

    git checkout -b B1

    This will create the branch B1 if it doesn't already exist, and then make it the current branch. Whichever method you use, the output from git branch should be consistent with the figure above.

    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git branch
    * B1
  4. Edit hg21.txt. Remove the first two lines that contain a dead URL and a blank line. After editing this file, the first line should say "Chapter 21." Save the change.

  5. Commit this change to the B1 branch.

    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git status
    On branch B1
    Changes not staged for commit:
      (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
      (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    	modified:   hg21.txt
    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git add .
    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git commit -m "Pruned dead URL from Ch 21."
    [B1 c2e8b4e] Pruned dead URL from Ch 21.

    First branch commit

    I drew the X commit at an angle to express my intention that this commit is a branch separate from master. But there is nothing in the graph that makes this so. I just drew it this way. Let's reconcile the logs and the branch pointers.

    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git log --oneline
    c2e8b4e (HEAD -> B1) Pruned dead URL from Ch 21.
    10f629d (origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) Added Python and fixed typos.
    b83eb9b Initial version.
    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git branch -v
    * B1     c2e8b4e Pruned dead URL from Ch 21.
      master 10f629d Added Python and fixed typos.

    The asterisk next to B1 in the git branch -v output shows that B1 is still our current branch. master is still pointing to commit B; but B1 has advanced to commit X.

  6. Edit hg17.txt. Change songs to compositions on line 17. Save the file.

  7. Commit this second change to the B1 branch.

    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git diff
    diff --git a/hg17.txt b/hg17.txt
    --- a/hg17.txt
    +++ b/hg17.txt
    -Their songs are on the whole very simple and mostly
    +Their compositions are on the whole very simple and mostly
    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git add .
    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git commit -m "Songs to compositions."
    [B1 81d60de] Songs to compositions.

    In the example above we ran the diff command. For brevity I cut out much of its output. Then we commit to the B1 branch. This configuration is depicted below.

    Second branch commit

    It is consistent with the output from the log. B1 is two commits ahead of master.

    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git log --oneline
    81d60de (HEAD -> B1) Songs to compositions.
    c2e8b4e Pruned dead URL from Ch 21.
    10f629d (origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) Added Python and fixed typos.
    b83eb9b Initial version.
  8. At this point we've reached a fork in the road where I wish to demonstrate two different scenarios. To this end let's clone the current sample1 repository to sample2.

    Change to the parent directory and run the clone command. Then change to the samples2 directory and fetch the state of the master branch to samples2.

    GitWorkshop/samples1$ cd ..
    GitWorkshop$ ls
    isabrepo/ repo1/    repo2/    samples/  samples1/
    GitWorkshop$ git clone samples1 samples2
    Cloning into 'samples2'...
    GitWorkshop$ cd samples2
    GitWorkshop/samples2$ git log --oneline
    81d60de (HEAD -> B1, origin/HEAD, origin/B1) Songs to compositions.
    c2e8b4e Pruned dead URL from Ch 21.
    10f629d (origin/master) Added Python and fixed typos.
    b83eb9b Initial version.

    Notice that the master branch is missing from the clone. That's because HEAD points B1 instead of master. However, the remote tracking branches were copied (more on those in Part 2). We can use the branch command to create a local master branch in samples2.

    GitWorkshop/samples2$ git branch master origin/master
    Branch 'master' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.
    GitWorkshop/samples2$ git branch -v
    * B1     81d60de Songs to compositions.
      master 10f629d Added Python and fixed typos.
    GitWorkshop/samples2$ cd ../samples1

    After getting samples2 ready, we switched back to samples1 to continue this exercise with Step 9. We'll return to samples2 in the next exercise.

    Now we're ready to merge our changes to the master branch. The target for a Git merge operation is always the current branch. If we want to merge B1 into master, we first have to make master the current branch. The source of the merge will be referenced in the merge command.

  9. Change the current branch from B1 to master.

    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git branch
    * B1
    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git checkout master
    Switched to branch 'master'
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git branch
    * master

    When we changed to the master branch, all the files in the working copy changed, too. If we peek into our files, all the changes we added on the B1 branch are no longer visible.

    Switch to back to master

  10. Run the merge command referencing the B1 branch.

    GitWorkshop/samples1$ git merge B1
    Updating 10f629d..81d60de
     hg17.txt | 2 +-
     hg21.txt | 2 --
     2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)

    Notice the phrase Fast-forward. This means it was a "trivial" merge. Instead of merging one set of changes into another set of changes, we only had one set of changes to begin with. This amounts to simply advancing the master pointer.


The X and Y commits constitute the work done on the B1 branch. Since no other commits had been made to the master branch, the merge was a fast-forward merge. This happens when the merge is logically equivalent to having applied the commits directly to master without branching. In this case there is no additional commit. The Y commit becomes the head of the branch for both master and B1.

Note that immediately after the merge, master is still the current branch. If there is no more work to be done on the B1 branch, we may delete it.

GitWorkshop/samples1$ git branch
* master
GitWorkshop/samples1$ git branch -d B1
Deleted branch B1 (was 81d60de).
GitWorkshop/samples1$ git branch
* master


When a merge turns into a fast-forward merge, life is good. It means that we "merged" into a branch before anyone else did. Effectly it wasn't much of a merge, just an extra series of commits.

Next we'll simulate a case where a commit was added to the master branch before our merge operation. To this end, let's go "back in time" by changing to our GitWorkshop/samples2 directory. We created this directory in Step 8 of the last exercise.

GitWorkshop/samples1$ cd ../samples2
GitWorkshop/samples2$ git log --oneline
81d60de (HEAD -> B1) Songs to compositions.
c2e8b4e Pruned dead URL from Ch 21.
10f629d (origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) Added Python and fixed typos.
b83eb9b Initial version.
GitWorkshop/samples2$ git branch
* B1
GitWorkshop/samples2$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
GitWorkshop/samples2$ git branch
* master

We saw that HEAD still pointed to B1. So we changed to master using the checkout command.

Starting point

We further confirm our status with the log command. Since we are on the master branch, we only see the first two commits.

GitWorkshop/samples2$ git log --oneline
10f629d (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Added Python and fixed typos.
b83eb9b Initial version.

After all this, we're back-in-time before the B1 merge. Edit hg17.txt. Note the conversion of songs to compositions on line 17 is no longer there. Edit line 10 to change thirty-seven to forty-two and save the file. Run the diff command to confirm your change.

GitWorkshop/samples2$ git diff
diff --git a/hg17.txt b/hg17.txt
-bunkers some thirty-seven miles from the stage,
+bunkers some forty-two miles from the stage,

Add this change as a commit.

GitWorkshop/samples2$ git add .
GitWorkshop/samples2$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
	modified:   hg17.txt

GitWorkshop/samples2$ git commit -m "Forty-two miles."
[master 4878aee] Forty-two miles.
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

This latest change is represented as commit C in the updated diagram. When we list the log, we only see entries reachable from commit C.

New commit C

GitWorkshop/samples2$ git log --oneline
4878aee (HEAD -> master) Forty-two miles.
10f629d (origin/master, origin/HEAD) Added Python and fixed typos.
b83eb9b Initial version.

This concept of reachable is important for understanding many Git operations. A node in a directed acyclic graph is reachable from node C if it may reached from node C by traversing edges of the graph in the direction of the arrows.

In the graph above, commits A, B and C are reachable from C. Commits X and Y are not reachable from C.

By default, the git log command only displays commits reachable from HEAD.

Displaying Branch Commits

By providing a branch name to the log command, we can see all log entries for commits reachable from that branch. To see the commits reachable from B1:

GitWorkshop/samples2$ git log --oneline B1
81d60de (B1) Songs to compositions.
c2e8b4e Pruned dead URL from Ch 21.
10f629d (origin/master, origin/HEAD) Added Python and fixed typos.
b83eb9b Initial version.

The commits reachable from B1 are, following the arrows: Y, X, B and A.

B1 Log

This is the order in which they are listed by the log command.
This also happens to be reverse chronological order. In this way, we can view all logs from the commits on any particular branch. We are not restricted to viewing the log history of HEAD. HEAD is simply the default.

But all the commits reachable by any particular node is usually much more than we want. Our sample repository is small. Real life repositories have hundreds of commits. We saw earlier a common way of restricting the output is with -N where N is a number.

GitWorkshop/samples2$ git log --oneline -2 B1
81d60de (B1) Songs to compositions.
c2e8b4e Pruned dead URL from Ch 21.

In the example above, we used -2 to restrict the history to two entries.

Another common inquiry is:

List the commits on a branch since the branch was created.

For this kind of inquiry, Git support set subtraction, denoted by the .. operator (two periods), for the log command.

In our current example, the branch point is node B. Node C has been added to the master branch and nodes X and Y have been added to the B1 branch. But how do we readily see this without the pretty picture above drawn for us each time?

The answer is set subtraction. The nodes unique to B1 are all the nodes reachable from Y minus all the nodes reachable from C.

Set Subtraction

GitWorkshop/samples2$ git log --oneline master..B1
81d60de (B1) Songs to compositions.
c2e8b4e Pruned dead URL from Ch 21.

We can ask the question for the master branch:

Which commits have been made to master since the B1 branch?

We just flip the order of the arguments in the subtraction operator.

Set Subtraction

GitWorkshop/samples2$ git log --oneline B1..master
4878aee (HEAD -> master) Forty-two miles.

The subtraction operator assumes HEAD when the commit is omitted. Since HEAD is currently pointing to master, the last two commands above may be abbreviated as follows.

GitWorkshop/samples2$ git log --oneline ..B1
81d60de (B1) Songs to compositions.
c2e8b4e Pruned dead URL from Ch 21.
GitWorkshop/samples2$ git log --oneline B1..
4878aee (HEAD -> master) Forty-two miles.

Display Code Differences

Another Git command that uses the set subtraction operator is the diff command. In a strange case of inconsistency, the set subtraction for the diff command is three dots instead of two. (Two dots means something else, as we'll see shortly).

diff three dots

GitWorkshop/samples2$ git diff --compact-summary master...B1
 hg17.txt | 2 +-
 hg21.txt | 2 --
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)

This shows the difference between the branch-point of master and B1 (node B) and the latest commit on B1.

Once again, we can see the difference along the master branch by flipping the arguments.

GitWorkshop/samples2$ git diff --compact-summary B1...master
 hg17.txt | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Another notion of set difference is the symmetric difference. This is defined as the union of two sets minus their intersection. It's all the elements that are in one set or the other, but not in both.

Unlike displaying log messages, code changes have a "sign" or "direction" associated with them. If you make a change by adding two lines to a file, you undo the change by removing those two lines from the file.

Despite the set theory term symmetric difference, the display of the change is actually antisymmetric. It has a distinct direction which is reversed when the order of the parameters is reversed.

diff two dots

In the diagram above, the difference (with double dots) show us how to go from master to B1. That means

  1. undo commit C,
  2. apply commit X,
  3. apply commit Y.
GitWorkshop/samples2$ git diff --compact-summary master..B1
 hg17.txt | 4 ++--
 hg21.txt | 2 --
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
GitWorkshop/samples2$ git diff --compact-summary B1..master
 hg17.txt | 4 ++--
 hg21.txt | 2 ++
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

The opposite order means start at Y

  1. undo Y,
  2. undo X,
  3. apply C.

Without the --compact--summary option, all the details of the changes are listed.

Merge - Without Conflicts

It's time to merge the B1 branch to master.

Excercise 7 - Merge

It's time to merge the B1 branch to master. It's hard to remember what's happened on either of these two branches since the split occurred; and that's fairly realistic. So we'll start with using the git log command technique to check what has occurred on each branch before starting the merge.

  1. Summarize commits on master since B1 split from master.

    GitWorkshop/samples2$ git log --oneline B1..master
    4878aee (HEAD -> master) Forty-two miles.

    We can see the change from thirty-seven to forty-two miles.

  2. Summarize the commits on B1 since B1 split from master.

    GitWorkshop/samples2$ git log --oneline master..B1
    81d60de (B1) Songs to compositions.
    c2e8b4e Pruned dead URL from Ch 21.
  3. With or memory refreshed, we proceed with the merge task. The merge command takes a single branch nme for the source of the merge. The target is always the current branch. Since we want to merge into master, we must make master the current branch.

    GitWorkshop/samples2$ git checkout master
    Already on 'master'
    Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.

    As it happened, we were already on master. But it didn't hurt to check. We've confirmed our status depicted in the diagram below.

    B1 Log

  4. The merge command itself is easy. Run

    GitWorkshop/samples2$ git merge B1
    Auto-merging hg17.txt
    Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
     hg17.txt | 2 +-
     hg21.txt | 2 --
     2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)

    Git displays an editor window with the contents pre-populated as shown below.

    Merge branch 'B1'
    # Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,
    # especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.
    # Lines starting with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts
    # the commit.
  5. Replace the comment or accept it. Then save and quit the editor. This creates the merge commit.

The merge commit is node D in the diagram below. Notice that commit D has two children: C and Y.

Merge Commit

However, this is not apparent with the Git log command we've been using.

GitWorkshop/samples2$ git log --oneline
6513089 (HEAD -> master) Merge branch 'B1'
4878aee Forty-two miles.
81d60de (B1) Songs to compositions.
c2e8b4e Pruned dead URL from Ch 21.
10f629d (origin/master, origin/HEAD) Added Python and fixed typos.
b83eb9b Initial version.

However, by adding the --graph option to the command, we can see the relationship of both children to the last commit.

GitWorkshop/samples2$ git log --graph --oneline
*   6513089 (HEAD -> master) Merge branch 'B1'
| * 81d60de (B1) Songs to compositions.
| * c2e8b4e Pruned dead URL from Ch 21.
* | 4878aee Forty-two miles.
* 10f629d (origin/master, origin/HEAD) Added Python and fixed typos.
* b83eb9b Initial version.

Without the --graph option, the branches are flattened out. Of course, GUI tools take this visualization to another level.

GUI History

Displaying histories is one of the better advantages to using a GUI tool. Most IDEs have this capability built in or available as a free plugin.

Delete a Branch (Pointer)

We're done with the B1 branch; but the pointer is still hanging around. If we wanted to continue working on the B1 branch past this point, we probably want to pick contributions from the merge to master. To this end, we wish to remove the B1 pointer.

Delete branch

GitWorkshop/samples2$ git branch
* master
GitWorkshop/samples2$ git branch -d B1
Deleted branch B1 (was 81d60de).
GitWorkshop/samples2$ git branch
* master

Git makes the deletion of the B1 branch point easy. It was pointing to node Y and there was already another element pointing to Y (namely node D). So we can always reach node Y through D if we have to; we're not losing access to it by deleting the B1 branch pointer.

Pointer Gone

Deleting branches makes people nervous. But we're not really deleting the branch; we're deleting the pointer that created the branch. We can still reach either branch from commit D. And we do have a pointer to commit D; namely master. If we removed the master pointer, we'd be in trouble. According to the diagram, there would be no way to find the end of the branch. It would sure be unfortunate if that happened by accident because a Git presentation told you that it's OK to delete branches on a whim. Let's see what happens.

git branch -d master
error: Cannot delete branch 'master' checked out.

So it won't let me delete a branch that I've got checked out. That's good.

What if we had continued with another commit on branch B1 and then tried to delete B1?

Extra Commit

Then there would be no easy way to reach node Z through available pointers. Git will recognize this and refuse the deletion with a warning that the branch is not fully merged. Sometimes you still want to delete such a branch (for example, you want to discard any changes you amde on the branch without a merge). Then you use the same command with a capital -D option

git branch -D B1

This will delete the branch pointer regardless of whether it had been merged. After this, node Z is essentially unreachable since there is no path to it through available pointers. Git will eventually delete it.

Commit Gone

Cautionary Note on Hierarchical Branch Names

Some times forward slashes are used to organize branches hierarchically (e.g. da/issue23 or pubdef/issue45). Using hierachical branch names works fine so long as you observe the following cautionary note. Under the covers (i.e. in the .git/refs/heads folder), each branch pointer name is also a file name. This file simply contains the SHA1 hash of the commit it references. If your branch name contains a slash, then the file name is really a path name containing directories relative to .git/refs/heads.

$ git branch --list lasd/*
$ cat .git/refs/heads/lasd/gards

In the example above, I listed only branches related to lasd. We can see that under the covers, it's a very small file containing the SHA1 hash of the commit (i.e. its commit pointer).

The problem that can happen is if someone later decides to create a branch named probation to do all probation work. That becomes a file named .git/refs/heads/probation. Then later, they try to create a probation/issue28. This attempts to create a directory named probation with a file named issue28 inside it. This results in an error because there is already a file named probation.

As long as you keep this restriction in mind, hierarchical branch names work fine.

End of Workshop 1

Merge Conflicts

Workshop 1 ended with the topic of branches. We saw how easy it was to create a branch. A good analogy would be the difficulty associated with jumping out the window of a building. The "jumping out" part would be analogous to "creating a branch." Most people can achieve that without much pain. Landing is a different thing altogether. Without a certain amount of planning, landing can go very badly. In fact, most people avoid jumping out building windows solely based on the complications involved with landing, even though the jumping and falling part is easy, and maybe even fun.

A merge is to a branch as landing is to a jump. Without some amount of planning, it can be messy and go badly. Many people wish to avoid merges altogether and thus avoid branches altogether. It doesn't have to be this way. Git encourages simple short-lived branches that are usually easy to merge (like jumping out a first floor window). We saw the simplest case in Workshop 1 with the fast-forward merge. In that case, a branch was created, completed, and merged before any other commits were made to the master branch.

The next level of complexity is when two branches edit

  • different files, or
  • the same file, but in different places.

In this case, the Git merge command will handle this automatically. It will create a merge commit vertex in the DAG that points back to two source vertices. We saw this at the end of Workshop 1. In this section, we're going to examine the case where the same line of the same file is changed by both branches. This is a merge conflict. It can't be resolved automatically (except by specifically indicating to the command that one side or the other is always right). Rather, we must edit the conflicted files and manually determine how to resolve each conflict. This seems nasty. But it's not so bad once you dig in to understand what's going on.

Enough chit-chat. Let's prepare a conflict.

  1. Create a new working directory GitWorkshop/samples3.

  2. Copy the following two files from

    • file1.txt - a set of mapping entries
    • - a simple Python script

    into the GitWorkshop/samples3 directory.

  3. Initialize a new Git repository.

  4. Add both files with git add ..

  5. Commit with git commit -m 'Initial version.'

Exercise 8

This exercise should start with the following two files (line numbers added for reference).


   1 # This file contains mappings.
   2 #
   3 a1 - 20
   4 a2 - 43
   6 b1 - 39
   7 b2 - 34
   8 b3 - 44
  10 c1 - 45
  11 c2 - 19

   2 def print_usage():
   3    usage = """"Usage: [-f] [-v] <filename ...>"
   4     -f - overwrite when duplicate key encountered
   5     -v - verbose
   6     <filename ..> the name of at least one audit file."""
   8    print(usage)
  10 print_usage()

Create a new branch B2 and edit the two files.

  1. Create a new branch B2.

    GitWorkshop/samples3$ git checkout -b B2
    Switched to a new branch 'B2'
  2. Edit file1.txt in the following way. a. Line 6: Add ,41 to the end of the line b. Line 7: Change 34 to 36 c. Line 8: Add a blank space after 44 d. Line 10: Change 45 to 55 e. Line 11: Change 19 to 29

    file1.txt changes

  3. Edit by adding a blank space to each line of the print_usage function. That is, add a space to the beginning of lines 3 - 6 and line 8. changes

  4. Check your work with git diff. Note that some changes are not as easy to see as others.

  5. Add the changes the staging area.

  6. Commit with message "B2 changes".

    We have the scenario in the diagram below.

    b2 branch

  7. Now we're going to switch to a new branch B3 starting from commit A just like B2 did.

    GitWorkshop/samples3$ git checkout master
    Switched to branch 'master'
    GitWorkshop/samples3$ git checkout -b B3
    Switched to a new branch 'B3'

    These two commands changed the Git branch configuration as shown below.

    b3 branch

    Now we're ready to make B3 changes.

  8. Edit file1.txt. a. Line 3: change 20 to 30. b. Line 4: change 43 to 53. c. Line 6: add ,40. d. Line 7: change 34 to 35.


  9. Edit Replace the triple-quoted string to a series of print statements. It should look like this.

  10. Check your work with git diff.

  11. Add the changes to the staging area.

  12. Commit with the message "B3 changes."

    After the B3 commit, we have the branch configuration shown below.

    After B3

    We're going to perform the merge in the master branch. First we'll merge B2 (which should be fast-forward) and then merge B3 in which we expect a conflict.

  13. The target branch is always the current branch HEAD. To merge B2 into master we first change to the master branch.

    git checkout master

    Change to master

  14. Merge branch B2 into master.

    git merge B2

    This should be a fast-forward merge like we did in Part 1. The Git DAG should now look like this.

    After B2 merge

  15. Finally, issue the command to merge B3. This is where the fireworks start.

    GitWorkshop/samples3$ git merge B3
    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in
    Auto-merging file1.txt
    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in file1.txt
    Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

What just happened in Step 15?

Git auto-merges on a line-by-line basis. When the same line is changed in different ways, Git places merge markers around those lines to indicate two incompatible changes were made. They must be manually resolved.

The merge markers are on lines 6, 10 and 14 in the figure below.

Merge markers

We have to decide ourselves, based on a larger perspective, how to resolve the conflicts. We could

  • pick the left side (master branch version), or
  • pick the right side (B3 banch version), or
  • choose something completely different from either side based on some knowledge about the bigger picture.

These decisons are carried out in the following three steps:

a. Edit the lines within the merge markers based on your decisons. b. Delete the merge marker lines and save the file. c. Add the file to the Git staging area.

This last step is how Git know when we've complete the merge activity for the file. We repeat steps a, b and c for each file in which a merge conflict occurred.

Looking at file1.txt above, things aren't that bad. The top (only changed on B2) and the bottom (only changed on B3) were auto-merged. Only the middle third, where both B2 and B3 changed lines, requires resolution.

  1. Edit the lines of file1.txt.

    a. For entry b1, branch B2 added 41 while branch B3 added 40 to the value. Let's make the decision to add both so that line 7 has b1 - 39,40,41. Notice how we're implicitly making lines 7 - 9 our "definitive copy."

    b. For entry b2, branch B2 changed the value to 36 which brnach B3 changed to 35. Let's decide to keep 36 so that line 8 remains unchanged.

    c. Entry b3 is tricky. It looks the same in both lines 9 and 13. Recall that branch B2 eroneously added a space at the end of the line. In this case, we wish to accept the B3 line 13 which left the line unchanged. Remove the last space on line 9.

    file1.txt merge

  2. Delete the merge markers. Lines 7 - 9 are now in the form we want to keep. We can delete lines 11 - 13 as well as the merge markers on lines 6, 10 and 14. Then save the file.

    Remove merge markers

  3. Add file1.txt to the Git staging area.

    git add file1.txt
  4. Perform the same merge steps a, b and c for This is a simpler case where we wish to only accept the B3 version. The B2 version had simply added an extra space on each line, which is not uncommon for some editors. Simply delete lines 3 - 10 and line 15. Then save the file and add it to the staging area.

    2 def print_usage():
    3    print("Usage: [-f] [-v] <filename ...>")
    4    print("  -f - overwrite when duplicate key encountered")
    5    print("  -v - verbose")
    6    print("  <filename ..> the name of at least one audit file.")
    8 print_usage()
  5. With both file conflicts resolved and added to the Git staging area, we can now creawte the merge commit. It should be like any other commit; the hard work is over.

    git commit -m "Merge branch B3"
  6. Verify the branch activity using git log.

    GitWorkshop/samples3$ git log --oneline --graph
    *   a8a9c39 (HEAD -> master) Merge branch 'B3'
    | * c76d480 (origin/HEAD, origin/B3, B3) B3 changes.
    * | eaf393f (origin/B2, B2) B2 changes.
    * 4fff5a8 (origin/master) Initial version.

    This shows the initial version with the source of the branch and they come together at at commit a8a9c39.

When we run git commit, the default commit comment is shown below. Remember that lines beginning with # are comments (not added to the comment; just provided by Git as information).

Merge branch 'B3'

# Conflicts:
#       file1.txt
# It looks like you may be committing a merge.
# If this is not correct, please remove the file
#       .git/MERGE_HEAD
# and try again.

This might be a sensible default. But if the merge required picking one side over another, this would be a good place to explain those decisions.


You've been learning a lot about how to work with Git and you still haven't seen how you share your work with a server. This is because you generally do more harm than good unless you understand commits, branches, and the commit graphs that we have been discussing.

A Git remote is an alias for the location of another Git repository. The other repository can be

  • in another folder on your workstation,
  • on an external drive, or
  • a network location.

When Git, on your workstation, communicates over a network to another Git instance on another workstation, it uses a standard transport such as SSH or HTTPS (HTTP/SSL). This is a huge benefit over other source control tools that usually communicate via proprietary network protocols that raise the eyebrows of firewall admins. Git uses the same secure transport that one uses for browsing secure web sites or securely connecting to administrate server infrastructure - making it very firewall friendly.


If you clone a repository from another location, Git automatically defines a remote named origin that points to the source of the clone. It does so under the premise that if you cloned from somewhere, it's likely you'll want to communicate with the source again later, either to push back your changes or fetch updates from the source.

$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

There are several things worth observing here.

  • A single remote can have two entries: one for push (output) and one for fetch (inbound). Usually these are the same.
  • The protocol is https.
  • The repository URL ends with .git. This is another Git-specific convention to denote a bare repository.

A bare repository is a repository with no associated working copy. Recall at the beginning of Workshop I that on our workstations, the repository files we see and edit are part of the working copy. The repository itself is inside the .git folder. A bare repository is just that: a .git folder and nothing else. That's typical for a server copy of the repository since no one should be editing files on a server.

Exercise: Clone one of your local repositories to a bare repository using the following syntax.

   git clone --bare  <source> <target>

Peek into the directory. You should see the guts of a Git repository rather than your familiar working copy files.

Now you may remember that we didn't furnish the .git suffix when we originally cloned the repository from GitHub. I believe it works because GitHub is configured to append the .git when it's missing (i.e. their web server hooks that broker the HTTPS requests to Git will add this if it's missing).

Remote DAG

In Git Workshop 1 we covered how the Git commit set is a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) and branches were just pointers into this graph. When working with a remote repository, we have to be mindful of two DAGs, one for the local and one for the remote. Ideally they are the same set of commits. But as commits are made to one repository, it becomes out of sync with the other. To track this disparity, Git maintains a set of remote pointers for a repository. A remote pointer attempts to track corresponding pointers on a remote repository. Because most pointers are branches, such remote pointers are called remote tracking branches, or simply tracking branches. Tracking branches are designated as such through a special naming convention: their names always begin with the name of the remote to which they are associated. So if we have a remote named origin and the remote repository has a branch named master, then the remote tracking branch is named origin/master.

Of course, a tracking branch can't always be accurate. There is no notification that a commit occurs on a remote repository. When a commit is made to a remote repository, the tracking branch is necessarily out of date until it is explicitly refreshed. It's important to understand conceptually that origin/master is not a pointer to master in the remote repository. It's a pointer into our local repository recording the last known position of master in the remote. But it could have been changed.

So far, this explanation has been abstract. Let's review the concepts with pictures.

The following figure shows the initial scenario with three copies of a repository.

  • R represents a "server copy" that would be shared among participants. It is bare (no working copy).
  • L17 represents a local copy used by a developer to work on chapter 17 of a book.
  • L21 represents a local copy used by a developer to work on chapter 21 of a book.

Start Work

As before in previous sections, the green circles represent commits and the blue rectangles represent branches (which are just pointers to commits). The concept introduced in this diagram is the tracking branches in orange. They've been there all along, but by default, the git branch command does not list them. You need to use the -a option for "all branches".

dal17$ git branch -av
* master                6c835a4 Initial version.
  remotes/origin/HEAD   -> origin/master
  remotes/origin/master 6c835a4 Initial version.

We see from the output above that it shows

  • the master branch with an asterisk indicating it is the current branch
  • the origin/HEAD pointer provides a default branch to use for remote operations.
  • the origin/master tracking branch that tracks the master branch on the origin repository. The commit hashes show that the remote and local master currently point to the same place.

A few notes about these. You can safely ignore the second entry. It's used by Git to provide a default branch for when remote operations are performed without specifying a branch. I believe this is foolhardy; we'll be explicitly specifying a branch for all remote operations.

The list prefixes all remote branches with remote. Git doesn't require this except in some esoteric circumstances; so we usually leave it off.

The next figure shows two developers working in their respective workspaces. Each one has added a commit to their local master branch. We can already see trouble brewing. Note how the master pointers have moved while origin/master pointers have not.

Trouble brewing

Now L17 executes the git push command to push the C commit to the shared repository.

L17 is first

Commands like git push impact two repositories. It successfully added commit C to the shared repository and updated the master pointer on the shared repository. Meanwhile, L17's local repository tracking branch origin/master was updated to reflect the update.

Now L21's origin/master is out of date. This is not usually a problem, except that the diagram above shows L21 is about to attempt to add D on to the end of the shared repository master. This git push (by L21) will fail because D cannot be added to the end of the shared master consistently. The L21's only option is to

  1. Curse L17 for being first.
  2. Fetch the C commit into local repository.
  3. Merge C with D in local repository, producing a new merged commit representing a consistent combination of both.
  4. Attempt another git push.

But what if during that time L17 has pushed another change? L21's push will again fail and possible result in an act of workplace violence.

Let's back-up, impose some discipline and the use of branches. This time an agreement is reached that only L17 is allowed to commit to master. Anyone else must create a new branch to contribute commits. With this agreement in place, both L17 and L21 developers do their work. L21 has created branch i42 to represent her changes.

Before anyone attempts remote operations, the repositories look like this.

Before push

Now each developer pushes their change to the shared repository. L17 pushes master; L21 pushes i42.

After push

Note the following impacts.

  • the shared repository has all changes.
  • the L21 repository has a new tracking branch origin/i42 to track i42 on the shared repository.
  • both parties can continue in this manner without affecting the other.
  • there are three different sets of contents for the same repository.

At some point, the L17 developer decides to merge the L21 changes into the master branch. L17 and L21 developers have communicated about this. The first step is for L17 to fetch the i42 branch from the shared repository. This is the result of L17 running

git fetch origin i42

After fetch

We see that L17 now has a tracking branch origin/i42. L17 could also create a local branch for i42.

git branch i42 origin/i42

But this is unnecessary and not shown here. What is far more important about the figure above is what did not happen. Namely

  • The HEAD pointer did not change. L17's current branch is still master.
  • L17's working copy was not affected.

There was absolutely no impact of this fetch on L17's workflow. The only evidence to L17 that anything occurred is the presence of the tracking branch. This is a great benefit!. Fetching commits from others does not disrupt anything you're currently doing.

The L17 developer prepares for the merge of L21's work by completing and committing current work. This is commit E.

Before merge

L17 merges L21's changes and resoles any conflicts that might have occurred. This creates a merge commit F. No pushing or fetching has been done; so none of the tracking branches have changed.

After merge

L17 pushes its master branch to the shared server.

git push origin master

Since L17's master points to F, this pushes F to the shared repository along with every commit traceable from F that isn't already in the shared repository. In this case this amounts to pushing F and E. This push updates L17's tracking branch origin/master. It also updates the shared repository master.

After push

The L17 developer notifies the L21 developer that the merge is complete and available. L21 updates her repository with the last commit from the shared master.

git fetch origin master

After fetch

As explained before, a git fetch does not disrupt anything for L21. Her local master pointer still points to the B as before. Her current branch is still i42 and her working copy is in the same state as when she pushed her i42 updates. The updates that are so obvious on this diagram are hidden in the .git folder and only referenced by the tracking branch origin/master.

In order to update her working copy with the latest merged copy, L21 changes to her master branch and updates it from the tracking branch.

git checkout master
git merge origin/master

The first command points HEAD to master and replaces her working copy with repository at commit B (because that's where master points). If L21 views her working copy after the first command but before the second command, she'll see none of the work committed in D, E, and F.

The second command "merges" the tracking branch into the local branch. But this should always be a "fast-forward" merge (basically just advances the pointer).

After merge

At the point L17 and L21 have the same working copy. The i42 branch pointers are no longer required. To clean things up, they are deleted.

This was a concurrent development scenario examined in excruciating detail. The most common mistakes Git newcomers make when working across multiple repositories are

  • to confuse the position branches (pointers) with the same name across multiple repositories.
  • to think only in terms of their own commit tree instead of how it relates to other repositories trees.
  • to forget that local branch pointers only move during a commit; tracking branch pointers only move during a push or fetch.

It's a good idea to draw your Git DAG on scratch paper as you branch and merge to establish an intuition for the impact of Git commands. After enough practice you begin to dream in terms of DAGs; writing them down is no longer necessary.


The git fetch command fetches updates from a remote repository to your local repository. We saw it in action in the previous section. It fetched the commits tree associated with the given branch in the remote repository. This is rarely amounts to sending the entire tree across the network in practice because in most cases we have all but the last few commits locally already. Git will recognize this and only send the missing commits.

The format of the command is

 git fetch <remote> <branch>

As we saw, this command does not discrupt anything present working directory or any of your local branches. It stores the commits in your repository and references the lastest one with a tracking branch. The example we saw in the scenario was

 git fetch origin master

This moved the tracking branch origin/master to point to the latest fetched commit. It did nothing to the local master branch. But eventually we probably do want to see the goodies we downloaded. To do this, merge from the tracking branch; it should be a fast-forward merge unless you've had a communication breakdown among your colleagues.

git checkout master
git merge origin/master

Now your working copy is up to date.


The git pull command is a short-cut for running git fetch and then git merge. I don't like it because it can attempt a merge before you're ready. But many people like this command; so it's good to be aware of what it does.


The git push command pushes commits from your local repository to a remote repository. We saw this used in the scenario as

git push origin master

This pushes the entire tree from master to the remote aliased by origin. As with the fetch command, this usually only pushes a few commits in practice since most commits probably exist in the remote already.

People are often a bit too eager to use push. This is certainly a requirement if people are waiting on the changes you've committed locally. If not, it's often good to hold off. That's because Git allows us to modify commits on our local repository that have not yet been pushed. Once the commits have been pushed and then fetched by others, altering commits causes an inconsistency in the commit hashes that will corrupt the remote repository for others. This gets really ugly really fast.

The upshot of all this to only push when you have something that needs to be shared. Pushing to a remote everytime you commit locally is usually too much.


We've been discussing branch points quite a bit. Usually branch pointers move with each commit. A tag is pointer much like a branch. The difference is that tags don't often move. They serve as bookmarks into the repository. A common use is to reference commits that were deployed to production.

Because tags are not part of the commit hash calculations, they can be created, moved, and deleted without impacting other parts of the repository.

Tag list

To list all the tags in the current repository:

git tag -l -n

The -l tells Git to list the tags. The -n tells Git to display a line from the tag's annotation.

You can use wildcards to restrict to certain tags if you follow a certain naming convention.

git tag -l deploy/*

will list all tags that begin with deploy/.

Tag Creation

To create a new tag at the current location of the master branch:

git tag -a MyTag master -m "My first tag."

The -a flag tells Git that we wish to annotate the tag (i.e. add a comment). This is usually a good idea and it's what we do in the sample with the -m option. Without -m, an editor is summoned in which we may craft an annotation (often multiple lines). Once again, unless you have customized your Git settings, this editor will be vi.

Tag Pushing

Tags are not pushed to other remote repositories by default. If you wish to push tags, there are several options.

  1. Include the --tags option in your git push command. This will push all the tags.
  2. Push individual tags with a separate push command: git push origin MyTag.
  3. Push a collection of tags: git push origin refs/tags/deploy/*

The last option is a bit more advanced.

Tag Deletion

A tag is deleted with the -d option.

$ git tag -l -n
MyTag           Our first tag.
$ git tag -d MyTag
Deleted tag 'MyTag' (was 8cb5b89)
$ git tag -l -n

Just remember that his only deletes the tag in your local repository. If you want to delete a tag in a remote repository, you have to dig deeper into the dark side.

git push origin :tags/MyTag

This a more advanced form of the git push command. It says, "push to origin everything from the left of the colon to the right of the colon."" Notice how there is nothing to the left of the colon. That means overwrite tags/MyTag with "nothing", which effectively deletes tags/MyTag on the remote.


The section on remotes describes how we interact with a repository other than our local repository. The "other repository" can be local to our machine (but in a separate location) or on a remote location reachable by others, i.e. shared. A shared repository is usually hosted on a server and accessed through some network protocol. While Git does possess a proprietary network protocol, this is not commonly used. One aspect of Git's appeal is that it can be configured to use ubiquitous secure protocols such as SSH and HTTPS.
These are both secure and firewall friendly.

It's not difficult to configure a Git server. But in this age of the cloud where provisioning a server is more troublesome than configuring one, it is common to use a Git hosting service. GitHub is the most popular service by far - so much so that many people confuse GitHub with Git itself. GitHub's popularity stems from several factors.

  • It's been around since the early days of Git.
  • Hosting public repositories is free.
  • GitHub provides many add-ons to Git such as issue tracking, wiki pages, enhanced file rendering (especially with respect to markdown), forks and pull requests, and many other miscellaneous goodies.
  • GitHub is passionate about spreading Git training; checkout their YouTube channel.

GitHub became the standard place to host open source projects both large and small. Commercial/private use of GitHub is the basis for GitHub's revenue model.

Each GitHub repository is associated with a GitHub account. These can be viewed through a web browser. URLs have the form<account name>/<repository name>

An account name can belong to an individual or to an organization. lacounty-isab is an example of an organization account. workshops is an example of a repository.

Issue Tracking

Each GitHub repository comes with a simple issue tracking tool. This does not require an understanding of Git to use. Anyone with access to the repository can add issues and comment on them.


Each repository can associate a Wiki page for documentation. This is actually a separate repository associated with the main repository used for providing external documentation about the project.


A gist is a unique feature of GitHub. It allows you to share a small snippet of code that doesn't warrant its own project. They are useful as a reminder to yourself and to others. The following items are example of GitHub gists:

Gists are useful for

  • reminding you of how to do something
  • sharing with others
  • updating (you can version a Gist)


The term fork has a negative connotation in the software community. Technically, it denotes a split in the commit history of a product or project. It often occurs as a result of discord between team members. The source of the discord may be legal, commercial, or intellectual. Fork in the software community is like a divorce.

Within the GitHub community, a fork is not negative at all. It's simply someone else "copying" from one account to their own account to that they can make their own modifications without requiring permissions from the original owner. There is nothing negative about this. In fact, it's often a source of flattery - someone is interested enough in your repository that they wish to tinker with it. One measure of popularity for a GitHub repository is the number of forks (which is displayed prominently at the top).

Sometimes a "tinkerer" develops an improvement worthy of being merged back into the original repository. The tinkerer issues a pull request to the original repository owner. This request is visible on the repository for others to review and comment upon. If the proposal is deemed worthy, it may be merged back to the original repository. It is in this way that the general public may contribute to repositories for which they do not have write permission.

New Repository

A common task is to make a local repository available as a shared repository on GitHub. When we think of a "local repository", we're initially inclined to think of some body of source code for a software project or product. But it need not be this ambitious. It could be a single file, perhaps with a few images throw in. The following steps allow you to share a local repository.

  1. Create your repository locally. We've done this several times.
  2. Create an empty GitHub repository. Note the URL (provided by GitHub when you create the repository).
  3. Push your local repository to the empty one created on GitHub using the command that GitHub furnishes you.

Cloverleaf Lifecycle

The Cloverleaf programming model differs from most application servers where developers edit and compile the source code on their workstations, then move it to the server after completion. For Cloverleaf, the development tool connects to a "TEST" server. Changes to a file in the editor are changed on the server, not the local workstation. This presents obvious issues should two programmers attempt to change the same file at the same time. But it also presents problems for developers that change the same file in overlapping lifecycles. For example, you change a file and begin testing it. Meanwhile someone else changes it before you finish testing and attempt to deploy it. They are unwittingly deploying your changes before you finish testing.

The only way to keep order is for a single person to coordinate development activity among multiple teams. When a developer of team of developers wish to start a change, the follow this processes.

  1. Open an issue on the GitHub repository listing the files they intend to change.
  2. The coordinator checks that the target files in TEST are consistent with the file in PROD. This is necessary since some files have been modified and then abandoned, sometimes several years ago. Without this consistency check, a developer would start from a version different from the one in production.
  3. If the consistency check shows disparities, these are reviewed with the developer to determine which version should be placed in TEST as the starting part.
  4. The developer makes changes and tests.
  5. After successful testing, a production promotion is planned.
  6. The coordinator downloads the code changes to a local Git workspace and commits them to a branch named after the issue. For example, if the issue number is 30, then the branch will be named i30.
  7. Prior to the promotion date, the branch is merged to master. This will determine whether any changes to the TEST file occurred because of a non-trivial merge. If this happens, the merged code must be retested.
  8. The merged code is place on the PROD machine in a staging area. This makes it easy to effect the changes at the scheduled promotion time.
  9. The changes are promoted at the scheduled time.
  10. If the change is stable after a few days in PROD, the change on the master branch of the coordinators local repository is pushed to GitHub (the shared repository).
  11. The commit corresponding to the promoted code is tagged. Release notes are added to GitHub.

There are certain "special" files which have their own lifecycle.


The NetConfig file is not promoted since it contains a great deal of environment specific information. Rather, any required changes are made manually to the PROD copy. This copy is then copied to source control for the release.

Shared Libraries

Some PIX components are implemented as C shared libraries. The C code is under source control, but the compiled libraries are not. They are simply copied from TEST to PROD.