This is a game GUI engine for Cannon board game developed using Python and pygame. Cannon is a two-player board game invented in 2003 by David E. Whitcher. Rules are available here.
The implemented GUI allows to play for two human players, for one human player and one AI player, and for two AI players. Visuals are shown below:
This game engine contains a various number of AI implementations to play against a human player. Following AI engines with enhancement were developed:
- Random player AI
- Vanilla MiniMax
- Vanilla NegaMax
- MiniMax with Alpha Beta pruning
- NegaMax with Alpha Beta pruning
- Transposition table for alpha beta algorithm using Zobrist hasing
- Variable depth search with time constraints
pip3 install pygame
If you want choose for human or AI to play for the red or black, assign according boolean in
on lines 29-33.
Choose desired AI algorithm, by uncommenting it on lines 109-115 in
You can change the maximum depth by changin maxDepth
You can also change maximum search time for the iterative deepering search by changing maxTime