- rust web app example
https://github.com/saschagrunert/webapp.rs - 60% faster tests run than cargo test
Cargo nexttest run
https://nexte.st/ - share cache between workspaces
https://github.com/mozilla/sccache - .md file to html converter
use this inside /api/info
maybe write proc macro?
1 make http request to https://dillinger.io/
2 write markdown
3 convert to html
4 download styled html
5 open html
6 write contant as String
7 put some variables inside String
mayb use nodemon cargo doc (maybe some params like exclude) - another rust web dev book
https://www.manning.com/books/rust-web-development - find out how to restrict user(or something) in postgres
to not have foreign key creation possibility to the choosen by you table
queries to the choosen table too iter()
for vecs yields&i32
. let mut iter = vec1.iter();into_iter()
for vecs yieldsi32
. let mut into_iter = vec2.into_iter();iter()
for vecs yields&i32
, and we want to reference one of its items, so we have to destructure&&i32
println!("Find 2 in vec1: {:?}", iter .find(|&&x| x == 2));into_iter()
for vecs yieldsi32
, and we want to reference one of its items, so we have to destructure&i32
println!("Find 2 in vec2: {:?}", into_iter.find(| &x| x == 2));- parallel iteration example
extern crate rayon;
use rayon::prelude::*;
fn main() {
let mut arr = [0, 7, 9, 11];
arr.par_iter_mut().for_each(|p| *p -= 1);
println!("{:?}", arr);
- for loop into iterators?
- wasm server components
https://spin.fermyon.dev/ - benchmarks
https://youtu.be/eIB3Pd5LBkc - require constants inside trait and init them by default
trait HasNumbers {
const NUMBERS = [i32; 5];
const LAST_NUMBER: i32 = 5;
struct IHaveNumbers {}
impl HasNumbers for IHaveNumbers {
const NUMBERS: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, IHaveNumbers::LAST_NUMBER];
struct IHaveOtherNumbers {}
impl HasNumbers for IHaveOtherNumbers {
const LAST_NUMBER: i32 = 6;
const NUMBERS: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, IHaveNumbers::LAST_NUMBER];
- const destructors
struct WillSayGoodbye<'a>(&'a str);
impl<'a> Drop for WillSayGoodbye<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("{}", self.0);
const GOODBYE: WillSayGoodbye = WillSayGoodbye("bye");
fn main() {
let _goodbye = GOODBYE;
- compile time functions as constants
const _: () = {
//some logic in compile time
- another compile time functions as constants
const fn five_numbers() -> [i32; 5] {
let mut numbers = [0i32; 5];
// Note that for loops can not (yet) be used in constant functions.
// So we have to go for a while loop;
let mut i = 0;
while i < 5 {
numbers[i] = i as i32 + 1;
i += 1;
fn main() {
//compile time "execute message in console"
const FIVE_NUMBERS: [i32; 5] = five_numbers();
//run time "execute message in console"
let five_numbers: [i32; 5] = five_numbers();
- const generic functions
const fn numbers<const N: usize>() -> [i32; N] {
let mut numbers = [0i32; N];
let mut i = 0;
while i < N {
numbers[i] = i as i32 + 1;
i += 1;
fn main() {
const TWO_NUMBERS = five_numbers::<2>();
const TEN_NUMBERS: [i32; 10] = five_numbers();
- trait bounds on generic parameters for constant function
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Customer<'a> {
name: &'a str,
age: i32,
const CUSTOMER: Customer = Customer {
name: "John",
age: 42,
const fn nth<T: Copy, const N: usize>(items: [T; N], index: usize) -> T {
fn main() {
const CUSTOMERS: [Customer; 2] = [
Customer {
name: "John",
age: 30,
Customer {
name: "Jane",
age: 25,
const NTH_CUSTOMER: Customer = nth(CUSTOMERS, 1);
println!("{:?}", NTH_CUSTOMER);
- dynamic dispatching
trait Animal {
fn make_sound<'a>(&self) -> &'a str;
struct Cat {}
struct Dog {}
impl Animal for Cat {
fn make_sound<'a>(&self) -> &'a str {
impl Animal for Cat {
fn make_sound<'a>(&self) -> &'a str {
const fn favorite_animal() -> Animal {
Cat {}
const fn animal_by_sound<'a>(can_purr: bool) -> &'a dyn Animal {
match can_purr {
true => &Cat {},
false => &Dog {},
fn main() {
const FAVORITE_ANIMAL: &dyn Animal = &favorite_animal();
println!("My favorite animal makes {}", FAVORITE_ANIMAL.make_sound());
const PURRING_ANIMAL: &dyn Animal = animal_by_sound(true);
println!("Animal that can purr say {}", PURRING_ANIMAL.make_sound());
- Mutex now const(on nightly)
use std::sync::Mutex;
static ARRAY: Mutex<Vec<u8>> = Mutex::new(vec![]);
fn main() {
let mut arr = ARRAY.lock().unwrap();
for _ in 0..10 {
println!("Called push {} times", ARRAY.lock().unwrap().len());
Wrapper around component or do not use function component also there is a way to use html without html!{} Macro
- how to create struct fields from different struct fields (mixin) https://crates.io/crates/mixin
- cargo install cargo-show-asm tool to view asm files in readable format video 10minute
- in docs function/struct/macro description must be maximum words, phrases and symbols what descripe function otherwise user may not find it or know about what function doing and need to give users possibility to add additional words/phrases to describe it
- tracing throught few microservises with error handlers
- runtime tests with bot loggin in some messanger
- try_ prefix if function can return Err or None
- move traits into own repository to reuse them properly
- use https://crates.io/crates/serde_yaml to control deps versions and features in different repos
- script\program for recursive submodule and repo git syncronization
- add api route to return info about all api routes map/tree in current service
//start client
- remove contast yellow lines (,make them less then 1px and grey/white)
- make buttons less contrast
- make buttons filled with background color
- make stule struct with methods like in flutter
- make common padding/margin constants
- expander as wrapper component
- material design spiner
- proc macro to implement component around all the buttons inside
like make http, save icons, open them, rewrite and make component around it inside namespace - same drawer overlay closing function with expander component
- pack trunk + rust into dockerimage
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYhLWN86V48&t=142s - antd alert animation not done yet
- use web-sys = { version = "0.3.4", features = ["console"] }
let msg = format!("roots: {:?}\nroots colors: {:?}", roots_serialized, roots_colors_serialized);
instead of gloo console log - maybe should try https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web
- maybe write this first before ant design https://github.com/orgs/react-component/repositories?q=&type=public&language=typescript&sort=
- (yew)Did not understand how to cast type Element to HtmlSelectElement(in web_sys crate HtmlSelectElement has selected_index method, Element does not)(feature was activated in cargo toml).
<select id="select_id">
<option value="1">11</option>
<option value="2">22</option>
<button id="btn">Button</button>
const btn = document.querySelector('#btn');
const sb = document.querySelector('#select_id')
btn.onclick = (event) => {
let b = sb.selectedIndex);//working
let s: Option<i32> = match document.query_selector("select_id")) {
Err(error) => None
Ok(option_element) => match option_element {
None => None,
Some(element) => {//type Element
let b = element.selected_index();//does not work
yew events //end client
cargo audit command usage
//start server
write logs into db in different service Try two dbs: postgres and mongo. To write logs inside postgres need to add migrations And know exactly what fields to write And maybe fields can be null/empty
add write logs in db into dir if provider doesnt respond to request What to use? Postgres? Clickhouse? Mongo
write fetching result in file and check if there same posts or not
providers statistics in files. if 3 time provider is inactive then do not fetch him next time then next two times...
check every link's status code - maybe they rename it or something only status without body
do http reqwest again for some unsuccess http statuses in vec of unsuccess links reqwest::StatusCode::REQUEST_TIMEOUT let wrong_cases_thread = thread::spawn(move || { refetch logic
compute post's hash and send hashes from client app to server to check server already send them or not
rename some local variables in functions
service for date/time checking and executing arxiv for example one time per week and check of server restarted in this timestamp
problem - now code waiting for all http reqwests to complete. rewrite it into event loop Or message queue
there is a problem with main arxiv link to check if provider available or not. and not only with arxiv
do some work on better differences in colors in prints
function to write save path from string and change some symbols (Partially done)
if size of working dir > 100mb then remove all containg
write analog for twitter an use not only nitters 404 Not Found - CAUSE This account's tweets are protected. Only confirmed followers have access to @_KudoHiroyuki's tweets.
https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.i32.html#method.checked_add rewrite code in which there is a buffer overflow
futures in some cases instead of threads (like file open or write in file) Or tokio tasks
thread pool instead of for loop
let _ = join_all(vec_of_write_into_files_futures).await; //todo: add state of success/unsuccess
if let Ok(something) = something.lock() {} instead of something.lock().unwrap(); or match some none
generate_biorxiv_hashmap_links and others rename this - remove hashmap
thread pool with this let cpus = num_cpus::get();
write some logic and flag what choose between env and in code constants for more efficient production variant
pub const PROJECT_MODE: &str = "Development";//later as ENV variable only
todo: add medium
pull and run postgres docker container
sudo docker run -p 5432:5432/tcp --name postgres-tufa-wsl2 -v ~/db-volumes/postgresql-volumes/tufa-dev-volume -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d postgres:latest
how to change default volume folder for this command? and mongo and in dcoker-compose too
find this in code and fix "(todo change this print)"
limit for mongo "get data" functions get concrete number of provider links as function or command line or env
github parsing return in second parameter option<String, line! file!> to analize missing parse logic
implement get_providers_link_parts with all success completed and with not all
get_providers_link_parts whole and for each provider and maybe rewrite it as struct with methods
Resource::PostgreSql => {
rename this check_new_posts_threads_parts
5 => { println!("todo 5 elements github parsing") } github parsing
add provider_kind into inner related to providers functions as input parameter
twitter fetch Syntax: 2:97 Element atom:link prefix is unbound
ProviderKind::Medrxiv => { fetch_result_string.remove(0);
rewrite it without extra allocation. like let f = fetch_result_string[1..]
rewrite ProviderKind input params as function params in get_providers_link_parts_from_mongo
check config values on non negative, overflow, more than capacity, not zero
Add method to config struct what check integer value for correct value and use this method instead of use fields directly. Make fields private and use get/set. Check strings too
todo write into mongo collection and create flag where to write logs rss_write_error_logs_into_file_for_provider(file_name, json_object);
add bool or option return type to create_dir_if_dont_exists. maybe it would be runtime error if i dont
std::path::PathBuf instead if string in path to file logic
if cannot connect to db then program not ending. just waiting. find out why and fix it
add area of visibility / scope like this for all private functions/methonds pub(in crate::get_project_information::get_config::structures_implementations::config_struct_impl)
todo: find out why cannot write this path crate::get_project_information::get_config::structures_implementations::config_struct_impl::wrap_config_checks_impl
https://github.com/rust-cv rust image detection libs/crates
maybe add this to code #[serde(rename = "_id", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
make default value for all environment variables I DONT THINK ITS A GOOD IDEA
dockerfile with ARM support
rename MONGO_FOURTH_HANDLE_URL_PART and others into something more meaningfull
vec_of_values are not filtered in mongo_insert_docs_in_empty_collection( mongo_url, db_name_handle, db_collection_handle, //fix naming later db_collection_document_field_name_handle, vec_of_values, ) all 2200+ twitter subs inserted fix this by adding filter from env
early return refactoring with ok_or and ? example fn bar1(x: Option) -> Result<u64, MyErrors> { let x = x.ok_or(MyErrors::SomeError)?; // A lot of stuff going on. Ok(x * 2) }
optimize for loop for std::env::var to std::env::vars but will it be safe?
env vars names - make it private
seaORM instead of diesel? https://www.sea-ql.org/SeaORM/ Diesel SeaORM Sync Async Static Dynamic Native Driver Pure Rust Relational Schema first MySQL / Postgres / SQLite NOPE, NOT STABLE YET check it in the middle of 2022
restructure config with prints Structure fields (together some inner structs)
remove unwrap() into expect() to give more meaning except maybe loops or early return cases
Result instead of option in all code possible coz return Option loosing information about error
big enum of enums(recursive) of all errors in project
move providers link parts (specific urls) to project constants
if error size > then ok return type then allocate error on heap, otherwise actual return type would be more then needed maybe write some tests or linter or lib or rustanalyzer flag to check it
Rename all functions return type to mean something. type = ....
wrap blocking diesel function into spawn blocking under tokio runtime (rustacean station - tokio ecosystem with alice ryhl) 24:30
reuse files with functions and constants using #[path=""] instead of module system its maybe bad practice but must work
try SNAFU as error handling crate https://crates.io/crates/snafu
LINKS_LIMIT_PROVIDERS not working now. fix it
parameter db initialization provider link parts source must be different than PROVIDERS_LINK_PARTS_SOURCE
divide and move outside postgres and mongo methods from provider_kind_methods
rewrite prints like this let person = get_person(); // ... println!("Hello, {person}!"); // captures the local
fs::remove_dir_all(&path)?; //todo: its blocking, rewrite to async
inside get_all_local_providers_data get_enabled_providers_vec should be get_enabled_initialiation_providers_vec. add additional vars into env file
docker build image inside ci pipeline
use Rc instead of Arc in cases with one thread. Between threads still must use Arc
can implement this impl User {
} meaning implementation only for u32 type
use checked_sub() and checked_add() methods
in cases across await points use tokio::sync::Mutex instead of std Mutex use this lint https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/#await_holding_lock
links limits and other getters functions like before on config new initialization (before proc macro)
add connect_timeout to all mongo client_options usage
add time to errors like this ./server/utils/dependencies.ts:524:17 15:30:40 25.01.22 (partially done)
add params dependency function to config after new to check. like if is_mongo_initialization_enabled is true but is_dbs_initialization_enabled is false so is_mongo_initialization_enabled is also false
actix-web html + session-based-authentication https://www.lpalmieri.com/posts/session-based-authentication-in-rust/
there is a function to handle request error status inside reqwest crate .error_for_status()
add check on ports fields from env or config to be not equal 0-1000 range
routes /api/html/info /api/json/info /api/protobuf/info
cut enum extension into few different proc macroses
write match should trace inside init or new function of error initialization
env var json tracing on/off
different formatting for env var json tracing on/off
//end server
//start server tests
parsing providers posts tests
server what running web tests every hour like http requests and get valid data or not github parsing version to check different structs of posts as test in the loop
Add tests for new libraries versions and what version i use. Like http request to crates.io or something similar
write test what checks if something missing in .dockerignore and .gitignore - local or ci?
test to check what cargo run executes in the right folder
test what check commit name for only eng symbols
#[should_panic(expected = "99")] write some tests with with macro
Right test what parse repo code and check what each function returns some type or enum
create big json file to test parsing speed as test
test for all env var to working and usage
is there some test implementation that checks all your rust project functions (with result return type) on difference between return type in case of ok and error? i mean for cases where size of ok must be >= size of error. if otherwise im going to use Box(Error) in case of error. i think it can be done with big proc macro that expand test.
test or proc macro to name error function type like function but with CamelCase and ErrorStruct on the end
check all files names to not contain ":" symbol. its needed to correct parsing line
check all files name be equal to his inner struct/function
try to use nexttest instead of cargo test https://nexte.st/ https://github.com/nextest-rs/nextest //end server tests
//start server thoughts
add everywhere explicit types Except maybe functional way
instead of find(<item></item>)
error had .description method maybe rewrite error messages? But description is depreciated
hashmaps into vecs
&str instead of std::string::String everywhere if possible
'static remove if possible or maybe add if its better
ensure! macros
operation timed out print time elapsed
Rc::new(<RefCell::new(Data { value: 42}))
find out why constants which used in tests looks like unused
google some style guide variable naming for project(parsing espesially) and rename variables
[dependencies] and [dev-dependencies] read about it
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'twitter_provider_names is empty!!!', libs/providers_info_lib/src/get_project_information/generate_hashmap_links/generate_twitter_hashmap_links.rs:7:9
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.10s
Running `target/debug/server`
We are on a multicore system with 12 CPUs
ENV: Development
server can reach https://www.google.com/
20 elements in Twitter HashMap
i can reach https://www.google.com/
file: src/fetch/rss_check_available_providers.rs:32
UnhandledFetchStatusInfo::Failureerror sending request for url (https://nitter.fdn.fr/TheCherno/rss): error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Network is unreachable (os error 101)
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'twitter_provider_names is empty!!!', libs/providers_info_lib/src/get_project_information/generate_hashmap_links/generate_twitter_hashmap_links.rs:7:9
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Any', src/check_new_posts_threads_parts.rs:418:18ed
parts of config as feature flags?
is there some service whats run postgres and mongo in cloud for free like 100mb for free?
Dynamic library (dylib) Find out about it crate-type = ["dylib"]
difference between "".to_string() and std::string::String::new()
refactor project into rust workspaces to reuse dependencies
caret requirements tilde requirements wildcard requirements
different user_credentials files for project databases and providers Move all from user_credentials into .env file
config as dynamic library maybe?
Faster docker build Cargo chef https://github.com/LukeMathWalker/cargo-chef
Redis rust library https://github.com/mitsuhiko/redis-rs
AVIF imag format in some cases better than webp, png and jpeg
clippy rust flags (can use deny for them - code would be more safe) https://efanzh.org/2021/05/25/rust-lints.html
global .gitignore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D97rnxDqq1I
rewrite something with "from" and "into" traits
check rust-analyzer flags to enable
"Rust Doc Viewer" vscode extension
check if i have dependency with std::net in code. (vulnerability in std::net), after Rust 1.53.0 no problem with that
find out how to use ngnix
add to each function return bool if its not returning yet
how to solve problem with two different versions of tokio runtime? main 1.7.1, for mongo 0.2.25
find out dofference between diesel vs tokio-postgres vs sqlx
find out how tokio runtime works if there is no join all method and will it be actuall in parallel or not
add stackoverflow provider https://stackoverflow.com/feeds/question/23412033
difference between usage in global scope and local scope use lib_or_crate_or_something::something;
https://github.com/tangramdotdev/tangram train, deploy, and monitor machine learning models
Add different project in inner folder of tufa backend what parse few rust files, dockerfile, docker-compose and .env And add new env variable and logic around it in all that files Then run tests and cargo check
pull requests instead of commits (+ github actions) - do not add changes if test fail
move from ubuntu to alphine linux on wsl2
if i go into docker container and modify file, will changes be saved after container restart? if yes then maybe write some send logs logic around it? like check last logs send date and time then decide send or not send
add to dockerfile or before docker build test what check valid env data fields
pm2 instead of docker?
commit message and hash in file inside docker container for more information about code inside container
red hat / openshift / reg.ru postgres cloud cluster
rename ERROR_RED="255" # u8 into ERROR_PRINT_COLOR_RED and others
rust language detection library https://github.com/pemistahl/lingua-rs
find some "try to remove .clone() from rust code" exercises
This week in rust check
Hazard pointer https://youtu.be/2Iu2BnO9iHg
Type safe relationship between enums. We have two different enums Number and ErrorNumber And we can write some matching for them Like Number::One => ErrorNumber::One This can be realized safetly as tree Like implement get_error for Number or something It can be graph but we can mismatch something like Number::One => ErrorNumber::One Number::Two => ErrorNumber::One Its not a TYPE SAFE Graph, coz it's compiled successfully It must be many to many Graph-enum-type-system Ask someone about it
find out what happens in function can return some error but you use ? operator on result and await cases
Complete all exercises https://github.com/rust-lang/rustlings
learn more about iterator methods
fn count_iterator(map: &HashMap<String, Progress>, value: Progress) -> usize {
map.into_iter().filter(|pair| pair.1 == &value).count()
map.into_iter().filter(|(key, val)| val == &value).count()
fn count_collection_iterator(collection: &[HashMap<String, Progress>], value: Progress) -> usize {
collection.into_iter().fold(0, |result, map| {
result + map.into_iter().filter(|pair| pair.1 == &value).count()
- learn more about rust macro system
macro_rules! my_macro {
() => {
println!("Check out my macro!")
- AsRef trait find out more
fn byte_counter<T: AsRef<str>>(arg: T) -> usize {
- error conversion with ? example
use std::num::ParseIntError;
use std::str::FromStr;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
enum ParsePosNonzeroError {
impl From<CreationError> for ParsePosNonzeroError {
fn from(e: CreationError) -> Self {
impl From<ParseIntError> for ParsePosNonzeroError {
fn from(e: ParseIntError) -> Self {
impl FromStr for PositiveNonzeroInteger {
type Err = ParsePosNonzeroError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<PositiveNonzeroInteger, Self::Err> {
let x: i64 = s.parse()?;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
struct PositiveNonzeroInteger(u64);
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
enum CreationError {
impl PositiveNonzeroInteger {
fn new(value: i64) -> Result<PositiveNonzeroInteger, CreationError> {
match value {
x if x < 0 => Err(CreationError::Negative),
x if x == 0 => Err(CreationError::Zero),
x => Ok(PositiveNonzeroInteger(x as u64)),
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_parse_error() {
// We can't construct a ParseIntError, so we have to pattern match.
PositiveNonzeroInteger::from_str("not a number"),
fn test_negative() {
fn test_zero() {
fn test_positive() {
let x = PositiveNonzeroInteger::new(42);
assert_eq!(PositiveNonzeroInteger::from_str("42"), Ok(x.unwrap()));
find out more about downcast errors
.map_err() function in code examples
use Option ref to remove borrow error
struct Point {
x: i32,
y: i32,
fn main() {
let y: Option<Point> = Some(Point { x: 100, y: 200 });
match y {
Some(ref p) => println!("Co-ordinates are {},{} ", p.x, p.y),
_ => println!("no match"),
y; // Fix without deleting this line.
- rewrite error handling like this?
if let Err(merge_errors) = builder.merge_pipelines() {
how to clone custom error? which contains std error or lib errors
crate for git repos integration
git2 = "0.13"
impl serde::Serialize and deserialize for structs and enums
systemclt is-enabled docker
read about async cancelation https://blog.yoshuawuyts.com/async-cancellation-1/
read about debugging Rust application inside linux container https://blog.erebe.dev/blog/debug-rust-aplication-inside-container/index.html
read how to write async tests https://docs.rs/tokio/1.14.0/tokio/attr.test.html
Checking Unused Dependencies in a Rust Project with Github Actions https://erayerdin.com/checking-unused-dependencies-in-a-rust-project-with-github-actions-ckwm3yov901cwlvs1h48z54xi
write about dbs, tables in postgres and clusters dbs and collections in mongo should i create table for each provider? should i create collection for each provider?
rust cache github action https://github.com/marketplace/actions/rust-cache
rust macros book https://veykril.github.io/tlborm/syntax-extensions/source-analysis.html
how to do error handling:
pub struct Error(Box<ErrorImpl>);
enum ErrorImpl {
if size_of::() > size_of::() - its rare and it is assumed that errors are rare and it is assumed that with such an error T inside Result<T, Error> if this return true size_of::() > size_of::()... then do Box<>
example from serde_json https://github.com/serde-rs/json/blob/3f459308f5055e9a4b1b611a77dad07132011e8d/src/error.rs#L16-L19
https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#large_enum_variant linter for it big error enums
- while using Result<SomeType, SomeError> if size_of:: > size_of::<Box> (i think its == usize (32 or 64)) then using Box version will be allocation on runtime. so if errors will be inside loop or multiple parallel tasks program can allocate on runtime... the question IS: how many allocations program must do on runtime to slow down the program? what the difference between *1 a little less stack size on runtime with possible allocations( with what % of execution time) *2 a bigger stack size without possible allocations on runtime so we need to implement 2 versions inside program and switch between them watching error allocation statistics
...also write different error types for allocation trottling cases and unefficiency stack-based version. like big error version for lower allocation statistics small error (yeah with less info about error) version for high allocation statistics (in small version still allocate big error version from time to time - for more info)
rust zero to production book https://github.com/LukeMathWalker/zero-to-production
tokio::fs::metadata check path exists in file system
let a = async { 10 }.delay(Duration::from_secs(10)); let b = async { 11 }; try using race for different dbs or local files. for example get provider link parts from mongo postgres local using race assert_eq!(a.race(b).await, 11);
race - wait for first output, return early on error join - wait for all ouputs, continue on error try_join - wait for all outputs, return early on error try race - wait for first output, continue on error https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlPDI9IsSXU&list=WL&index=99
Overriding Rust Dependencies https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/overriding-dependencies.html
add tracing::error? https://crates.io/crates/tracing-error update dont know how to use it
find about rust type erasure. write some examples
rust error handling from zero to prod rust author https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLGLKKFFc3g
find out difference between sqlx and tokio-postgres https://crates.io/crates/tokio-postgres https://crates.io/crates/sqlx
show github link to code repo from error
add field how_to_fix error into error
async runtime error handling state for write/dont write/partially write into console error info for example in case then error repeats first time write all error then write partially. or maybe write only error increment or make more time between function exection that can return this error
do not use Mutex.lock() with match expression like match mutex.lock() {} explanation https://fasterthanli.me/articles/a-rust-match-made-in-hell
deadlock detection with parking_lot
parking_lot = { version = "0.12.0", features = ["deadlock_detection"] }
just find this inside page to see example https://fasterthanli.me/articles/a-rust-match-made-in-hell
Rust Macro Expand vscode extension https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Odiriuss.rust-macro-expand
Cargo now shows you warnings when a dependency will be rejected by a future version of Rust. After running cargo build or cargo check, you might see: warning: the following packages contain code that will be rejected by a future version of Rust: old_dep v0.1.0 note: to see what the problems were, use the option
, or runcargo report future-incompatibilities --id 1
You can run the cargo report command mentioned in the warning to see a full report of the code that will be rejected. This gives you time to upgrade your dependency before it breaks your build. -
On Linux, you can induce a system reboot by writing a b to /proc/sysrq-trigger (if you’re going to try this you probably want to use a VM): echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger We can sort of simulate an operating system level crash (or having the plug pulled on our server rack) by using this:
pub fn reboot_kernel() {
Rust exposes this system call via the File::sync_all method. If we call sync_all, when it returns successfully, the operating system promises that the data has been written to disk and will exist on disk even in the event of a hard crash like a power failure or OS crash. As I’ve tried to emphasize repeatedly, this is an oversimplification, and many things can go wrong depending on your filesystem configuration, but for today, let’s keep things simple and assume syncing is a reliable process.
show llvm ir command rustc simple1.rs --emit=llvm-ir
open api routes ?
rust template gitignore https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/Rust.gitignore
Sometimes you need to write methods that accept a string slice (&str) and conditionally return either a modified version of it or the original one. For these cases, you might use Cow, so that you only allocate new memory when necessary.
use std::borrow::Cow;
fn capitalize(name: &str) -> Cow<str> {
match name.chars().nth(0) {
Some(first_char) if first_char.is_uppercase() => {
// No allocation is necessary, as the string
// already starts with an uppercase char
Some(first_char) => {
// An allocation is necessary, as the old string
// does not start with an uppercase char
let new_string: std::string::String = first_char.to_uppercase()
None => Cow::Borrowed(name),
fn main() {
println!("{}", capitalize("bob")); // Allocation
println!("{}", capitalize("John")); // No allocation
If you’re using VSCode + Rust Analyzer, I highly suggest going into the settings > Rust Analyzer > Check On Save: Command and setting "clippy" as the new default instead of "check". Same UX, better warnings.
rust reverse ranges problem https://kaylynn.gay/blog/post/rust_ranges_and_suffering
inside cargo.toml use the “*” to pull the latest version of the dependency.
more readable tracing like a tree https://lib.rs/crates/tracing-tree examples https://fasterthanli.me/articles/request-coalescing-in-async-rust
usefull crates: https://crates.io/crates/base64 (encodes and decodes base64 as bytes or utf8) https://crates.io/crates/clap (command line parser) https://crates.io/crates/signal-hook (Unix signal handling)
If your function is propagating the error upstream (e.g. using the ? operator), it should not log the error. It can, if it makes sense, add more context to it.
algebraic data types inside postgres https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44431740/algebraic-data-types-in-postgres
This library provides implementations of Mutex, RwLock, Condvar and Once that are smaller, faster and more flexible than those in the Rust standard library, as well as a ReentrantMutex type which supports recursive locking. It also exposes a low-level API for creating your own efficient synchronization primitives. https://lib.rs/crates/parking_lot
let x = vec![(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)].into_iter();
let _: HashMap<u64, u64> = HashMap::from_iter(x);
writing cross-platform “bash” scripts in Rust https://docs.rs/xshell/latest/xshell/ maybe rewrite shell scripts for service init in xshell?
some useful methods let v = vec!["Hello", "World", "!"].into_iter(); let w: Vec = v.map(String::from).collect(); into_par_iter() inspect chain fold for_each_concurrent buffer_unordered
gen rust files https://matklad.github.io/2022/03/26/self-modifying-code.html
Building REST API's with Rust, Actix Web and MongoDB https://dev.to/feezyhendrix/building-rest-apis-with-rust-actix-web-and-mongodb-4lbf?utm_campaign=Rust%2BNigeria%2BNewsletter&utm_medium=web&utm_source=Rust_Nigeria_Newsletter_4
disable unsafe code #![forbid(unsafe_code)]
Tiny and Fast Docker image for Rust Application https://azzamsa.com/n/rust-docker/
Rust grpc tutorial https://youtu.be/JkSa-qA2jnY
using vector in tracing macro example https://github.com/tokio-rs/tracing/blob/v0.1.x/examples/examples/valuable_json.rs
parallel find in rust ?
maybe use std::any::type_name::<>() for printing type names
//end server thoughts
- use rust lints declarations in Cargo.toml https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/cargo/reference/manifest.html#the-lints-section https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/cargo/reference/workspaces.html#the-lints-table