This project requires Python and the following Python libraries installed:
You must also install software to run and execute a Google Colab.
Template code is provided in the Resume_Screening.ipynb
notebook file. You will also be required to use the included
Python file for the streamlit app and the resume-dataset.csv
dataset file to complete your work.
In a terminal or command window, navigate to the top-level project directory resume-screening/
(that contains this README) and run one of the following commands:
ipython notebook Resume_Screening.ipynb
jupyter notebook Resume_Screening.ipynb
or open with Juoyter Lab
jupyter lab
This will open the Jupyter Notebook software and project file in your browser.
Dataset used:
- Good Predictor: After Screening the Resume, the app predicts the category to be placed according to the skills mentioned in the resume.
- Simple UI: A simple UI provides a good experience.