Template for building REST Web Services in Golang with:
- go-swagger for representation of RESTful API
- gorilla/mux for routing
- codegangsta/negroni as a middleware handler
- strechr/testify for writing easier test assertions
- unrolled/render for HTTP response rendering
- palantir/stacktrace to provide more context to error messages
- unrolled/secure to improve API security
- oxeque/realize to watch for changes in files during development
Route{"Healthcheck", "GET", "/healthcheck", HealthcheckHandler},
//=== USERS ===
Route{"ListUsers", "GET", "/users", ListUsersHandler},
Route{"GetUser", "GET", "/users/{uid:[0-9]+}", GetUserHandler},
Route{"CreateUser", "POST", "/users", CreateUserHandler},
Route{"UpdateUser", "PUT", "/users/{uid:[0-9]+}", UpdateUserHandler},
Route{"DeleteUser", "DELETE", "/users/{uid:[0-9]+}", DeleteUserHandler},
Execute the following in the directory with the main.go and it will parse all the files that are reachable by that main package to produce a swagger specification and serve it with SwaggerUI:
swagger generate spec -o ../../swagger.json --scan-models
swagger serve -F=swagger ../../swagger.json
Retrieve a list of users:
curl -X GET http://localhost:3009/users | jq
Get a specific user:
curl -X GET http://localhost:3009/users/0 | jq
This is how you could run your app on a server:
First, you copy the binary and the fixtures.json
files into a directory, e.g. /opt/go-rest-api-template
Then start the app as a service. Store the app's PID in a text file so we can kill it later.
export ENV=DEV
export PORT=8080
export VERSION=/opt/go-rest-api-template/VERSION
export FIXTURES=/opt/go-rest-api-template/fixtures.json
sudo nohup /opt/go-rest-api-template/go-rest-api-template >> /var/log/go-rest-api-template.log 2>&1&
echo $! > /opt/go-rest-api-template/go-rest-api-template-pid.txt
When you want to kill your app later during a redeployment or a server shutdown, then you can kill the app by looking up the previously stored PID:
if [ -f /opt/go-rest-api-template/go-rest-api-template-pid.txt ]; then
kill -9 `cat /opt/go-rest-api-template/go-rest-api-template-pid.txt`
rm -f /opt/go-rest-api-template/go-rest-api-template-pid.txt