// deploy.php
require 'vendor/deployer/recipes/bugsnag.php';
- bugsnag (required): accepts an array with the api_key. Key is given by the Bugsnag website.
You can provide also other configuration options:
- api_key - The API Key associated with the project. Informs Bugsnag which project has been deployed. This is the only required field.
- release_stage - The release stage (eg, production, staging) currently being deployed. (Optional, defaults to {{stage}}.)
- repository - The URL of the repository containing the source code being deployed. (Optional, defaults to {{repository}}.)
- provider - The name of your source control provider. Required when repository is supplied and only for on-premise services.
- branch - The source control branch from which you are deploying the code. (Optional, defaults to {{branch}}.)
- revision - The source control revision id for the code you are deploying. (Optional defaults to
git log -n 1 --format="%h"
.) - app_version - The app version of the code you are currently deploying. Only set this if you tag your releases with semantic version numbers and deploy infrequently. (Optional.)
// deploy.php
set('bugsnag', [
'api_key' => "daf9a694....",
send message to Bugsnag
Since you should only notify Bugsnag of a successfull deployment, the deploy:bugsnag
task should be executed right at the end.
// deploy.php
after('deploy', 'deploy:bugsnag');