- Install flight plan to you machine
npm -g install flightplan
- Clone the the medic servers repo
git clone https://github.com/medic/medic-servers.git
- Navigate to scripts/automated_deployment in the medic servers repo
cd ~ medic-servers/scripts/automated_deployment
- Install fly
flightplan install fly
- Comment out line 15 in flighplan.js
- Set the url of your vm in /etc/hosts with .dev or .app urls using the vm ip address
sudo nano /etc/hosts local.dev.medicmobile.org
- Pull the the ssl certificate and key from demo.dev.medicmobile.org or demo.app.medicmobile.org based on your url. NB Do this in the /scripts/automated_deployment folder.
MEDIC_URL='[your vm url e.g. local.dev.medicmobile.org]' MEDIC_PW='[your local vm password e.g. medicmobile]' fly medic-production
Enter the demo vm pass words at the prompts . You can get these from 1password
Copying valid certs to medic-servers top level directory... localhost Copying default.key... localhost $ ssh [email protected] -p 33696 "sudo cat /srv/settings/medic-core/nginx/private/default.key" > default.key [email protected]'s password:
NB. Remember to insert your vm password at respective prompt